Annexation of The Nation of Zulgin. (Open RP)
The Dictator of Lower Kroz has announced that he has annexed the Nation of Zulgin and has sent 500,000 troops to suppress the local population. He has ordered that if the small nation rebels they will quickly be stomped out.
30-03-2004, 01:55
1 hour after the announcement: This is an outrage!!!! Although we do not like this we can not do anything about it. We can only ask for help from the international community. We can not defend ourselves with such a underequiped and outgunned military. We can only hope that the people's of the world will stretch out their arms and save us from these tyrants."
*Shots are heard in the street as the LWA advances through the capitals streets. The government officials run for their lives, many are gunned down. Some people rise up with hunting rifles and some with shotguns. All are swiftly mowed down and are reduced to carrion. As the LWA soldeirs advance they run into the Zully army. They tie down the LWA long enough for the Zully former leader to make his escape.*
The Atheists Reality
30-03-2004, 02:40
the government of TAR is outraged at this blatant imperialism, explain yourself!
30-03-2004, 02:52
Kihameria will watch this conflict, troops will be on alert if Kihameria decieds to enter this conflict.
i am going to alert the nations of this .
30-03-2004, 04:22
"The nation of Hobbeebia will send you 3 million troops and 30000 Hobbeebian Reaper gatling tanks. The tanks are a little trick to use be careful. oh we are also sending Your former nations troops my exo-skeleton suits that will help them out. plus my new minigun rifle. if this wont help give me a call and i will get the rest of the A.D.N. to help."
" this is Larry McCallin reporting to you live from Hobbeebian Imperial Army base Ft. Going the forward deployment base. Here over 3 million troops and 30000 Tanks have been called to action to help defend a helpless nation from unlawful annexation. The Emperor Has called the troops to defend them but some nations believe this is another chance for this nation to score points with the people of the nation for trade purposes, not for humanitarian reasons"
"He is."-screams Adron Emperor of Adronia
30-03-2004, 09:50
The Government of Falastur is also outraged at this attack on Zulgin. It has been decided that Falastur will contribute troops to Zulgin's war of independence if they are asked for. Falastur is currently preparing its military to move in for the defence of Zulgin, as we speak.
Easy green
30-03-2004, 09:56
Easy green will not stand for this attack. my forces are redy for you command as of now. If you have a port of some sort tell me now and ill send my fleet to help out.
Neo-Soviet Russia
30-03-2004, 10:00
The National Intelligence Services of the USSNSR will be monitoring this conflict. Forces are already on alert as Premier Estridge debates the sending of troops.
The Continental Dominion is watching these events very closely,this 26 nation alliance has also plans of expansion and we think what Lower Kroz is doing could be followed by us.Good move
"A people should know when they are conquered"
Liom the Great
Overseer of the Continental Dominion
The Imperial Navy
30-03-2004, 10:52
*Smells a n00bish* attack and capture one of your own puppet nations ploys.
*Smells a n00bish* attack and capture one of your own puppet nations ploys.
If your talking about me-i just thought that it would bemore interesting if every one wasnt on the same side ie against him
The Imperial Navy
30-03-2004, 10:59
*Smells a n00bish* attack and capture one of your own puppet nations ploys.
If your talking about me-i just thought that it would bemore interesting if every one wasnt on the same side ie against him
I was talking about Lower Kroz and Zulgin. they were founded around the same time, and Zulgin strangely has a post count of 0. :?
30-03-2004, 16:46
Edit: <snip>
OOC: If you look at the nations, Zulgin has less than 10 million people, and Lower Kroz has 700 million. I'm in the same region as him so it wouldn't be hard to pick on me.
IC: All help will be appreciated. There is one major port city still under our control at the moment. The city is Zanny. We have about 50,000 troops stationed there and about 100 tanks. It's not much but I think we can hold till your help arrives.
31-03-2004, 16:34
This is truly an ourage to the international community! Zulgin we will stand by in your efforts to bring hte facists down out of your nation. Your occupants imperialism will be his end!
31-03-2004, 16:39
Falastur is preparing to transport 250,000 troops out to Zulgin to support its people, and are preparing to send a further 500,000. We are also sending two fleets out to the waters off Zulgin for much the same reason.
We demand that Lower Kroz will immediately withdraw it's troops from territory of Zulgin. We are preparing to send in a naval battle group and marines.
I thank all of you for your help. It will be needed badly. Send your troops to Zanny as that is where my men will be rallying to fight the evil oppessors of the Nation of Lower Kroz.
Hearing about the support of the international community towards Zulgin, the dictator has decided to send in his his reserve 1 million troops bringing his force to 1,500,000 troops in Zulgin. He has also sent 300 F-15's, and 5,000 tanks. He will also take any help he can from the international community.
Mean while in Zulgin...
"Sir, we've spotted a small group of enemy troops surrounding their largest port city of Zanny. Our forward troops have engaged them. Are there any new orders sir?"
"Yes. My orders were to take any major city that they still control that holds their juicy weapons factories. This one will be riddled with them if my intuition is right. I want a full assult on the city. Leave no stone unturned. I don't want those factories destroyed though."
"Yes sir! Right away!"
As the troops advanced the sound of their supporting artillery could be heard. The sound of battle sounded all around them. They pushed onward although with heavy casualties. They soon found what was left of their small recon group. Smoldering ashes and bodies lay all over the ground. They couldn't believe the carnage that had ensued.
100 dead
5 MAV's
Stupid slow forums. This happens a lot to me. Multi post #1
The True Directorate is in full support of Zulgin. We have prepared three divisions and two naval groups to help fight this imperialism. Thye should arrive within the week.
The True Directorate is in full support of Zulgin. We have prepared three divisions and two naval groups to help fight this imperialism. Thye should arrive within the week.
Our forces are on their way with two air craft carriers, one battleship, two cruisers, eight destroyers and eight submarines. 5000 marines are also on their way, and more ground troops and transports are being prepared.
ETA is about 10-11 hours real time.
01-04-2004, 22:29
Edit: Double Post
01-04-2004, 22:30
The 250,000 Falasturian troops arrive around 20 miles from Zanny, and before they even disembark, the artillery fire can be heard already. The army moves inland, organising itself as it goes, shifting its tank division to its head and its infantry up in support behind. The 500,000 troops readying to leave from Falastur to join their fellow Falasturians in Zulgin start to board converted liners, and start the journey themselves...
Meanwhile, the Falasturian 1st Fleet, having accompanied the first Falasturian Army, is now moving around the coast of Zulgin, seeking any Lower Kroz Fleets. It consists:
- 2 Elessar Class Super Carriers
Aircraft Per Carrier:
3 E2-C Hawkeyes
30 F-14 Tomcats
20 F/A-18 Super Hornets
20 Archangels
15 ASW Sea King Helicopters
10 F-117 Nighthawks
- 2 Nimitz Class Carriers
Aircraft Per Carrier:
20 Archangels
20 F/A-18 Hornets
20 F-14 Tomcats
5 E2-C Hawkeye
5 AC-150 Tankers
10 F-117 Nighthawks
- 1 Command Ship
- 4 Hellfire Heavy Cruisers
- 2 Hospital Ships
- 4 Los Angeles Class Attack Subs
- 4 Seawolf Class Subs
- 4 Ohio Class SSBN's
- 4 Virginia Class NSSN's
- 25 Hover Patrol Boats
- 25 Pegasus Patrol Craft
- 2 Avenger Class Minesweepers
- 4 Ticonderoga Class Guided Missile Cruisers
- 2 Zumwalt Destroyers
- 4 Fleet Defense Catamarans
- 6 Arleigh Burke AEGIS Destroyers
- 2 Iowa Class Battleships
- 6 Oliver Hazard Perry Class ASW Frigates
- 4 Weathered Class Torpedo Boats
- 2 Sea Shadow Assault Ships
- 2 Arsenal Ships
- 8 Visby Class Corvettes
- 4 AOE-6 Combat Logistic Ships
Thank goodness for naval stores
Official Statement from the Ministry of Diplomacy
Hattia is outraged at this act of blatant imperialism on the part of Lower Kroz. We demand that they withdraw at once or we will be forced to take action...
Easy green
02-04-2004, 10:29
At 1:40 am easy green standard time the battle fleet hot rocks set sail . The following forces have been mobilized. And will arrive in 2rl day
5 Swiftsure-class submarines
7 Typhoon class subs
2 invincible class carriers with full complement of Harrier MK 9s and Merlin helicopters
1 cvf carriers with 50 Harrier Mk9s each and 7 Merlin’s
15 23s (multi role)
10 Type 47 (Guided Missile Cruisers)
10 22s (surface combat + 1 lynx)
12 42s (anti aircraft)
8 45s (anti aircraft)
5 assault ships foresight and Sussex Huntington Albion (8 soc craft)
10 heavy transport ships 50 tanks and 800 men
1000 assault personnel
2000 commandos
6000 troopers- m16 m203. 9mm side arm, mk 2 frag grenades
90 LVTP7 Landing Vehicle, Tracked
100 M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
10 M 270 MLRS Self-Propelled Loader/Launcher (SPLL)
120 Chieftan. 3
80 Merava Mk 3(longbow)
80 Leopard 2
40 AH64 Apaches
20 Chinooks
20 lynx transport
10 lynx anti tank
Admiral Robertson looks from the deck of intrepid at the fleet around him this was the largest deployment of easy greens forces so far this was the big one.
He turned to his 2IC
"What a sight! this will go down in the books you know they will make stories of this one day, get a message out to the whole fleet,. We fight for easy green and for the hell of it. DOOB UP!"
(OOC: 24 hours late, wohoo!)
IC: Our fleet has arrived at Zanny and our troop transports are heading for harbor to embark. They will be defending the city until further orders. Our fleet will also search for Lower Kroz's ships to sink.
Our fleet consists of:
2 Nimitz-class air craft carriers
Both carry 80 F/A 2000 Millenium Fighters
1 Soyuz IV-class battleship
2 Ticonderoga-class cruisers
8 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers
8 Los Angeles-class submarines
As the Falasturian army approaches 15 F-15's pass over attacking the army's tank formations. Soon another 15 pass over and again attack the tank formations.
Mean while the main army presses into the center of the city. Fierce fighting rages across the area and many buildings are destroyed. Constant air attacks keep the enemy off guard. The army advances 1/2 mile away from the arms factories that produce Zulgin's superior weaponry.
02-04-2004, 17:21
As the F-15s pass over the tank formations, AA tank companies open fire upon them. However, they were unprepared for action coming so soon, and before they can fire, 10 tanks have been destroyed. However, the army is now prepared for further attack. To keep up protection, the Brigadier in command of the Falasturian Army force calls in for support from the Falasturian Aircraft Carriers a few miles away, and within minutes, 30 F-14 Tomcats and 20 F/A-18 Super Hornets are flying towards the head of the army.
(OOC: lol, maybe I should use word 'land' instead of 'embark'. Bääd önglish.)
First marines had landed when they spotted Lower Kroz's fighters. They immediately started to secure harbor area with AA-missile launchers. Transports still at sea were informed of air threat with radio and pilots aboard carriers were on alert for further air attacks. Still some transports were in danger at sea and they increased their speed in fear of air attacks.
Meanwhile back at Kraytia, 10000 infantrymen, 5000 jaegers and a tank company consisting of 50 Black Eagle 2 MBTs and 80 MT-1 medium tanks were prepared for transporting.
As the planes rush over head the Zully army positions some of their newly made AA guns around the factories. Artillery pieces are being pumped out of the factories as fast as possible while they are being manned with people who have had no training. People with training command them. Men are rushed to protect the factories but to no avail. As more and more LWA surge forward the Zully army surrounds the factories and prepares to fight for their lives.
5,000 Troops
5 tanks
10 artillery pieces.
Missile Command: Southern Hattia
"Major, I've just recieved word from the Ministry of War, we are to launch cruise missiles on major government and military installations in Lower Kroz." The missileers nodded, after a few minutes of searching, they selected their targets, what looked like a major government building in the capitol, and a large military base outside of the capitol. "Ready?" They both inserted keys and turned them simultaneously, launching the missiles.
Message from the Ministry of War to Lower Kroz
We will continue these attacks until you withdraw all of your forces from Zulgin
The F-15's engaging the Falastur army disengage and fly off.
As the fleet approaches the port and starts to unload it's troops 50 A-10 bombers fly towards them from the rear just bearly over the sea. As they draw close they rise up and drop their load opon the ships and fly off. As they fly off they draw the fleets attention away. More A-10 bombers fly in from every direction. F-15's fly in and provide air support for the A-10's.
The LWA had sustained heavy losses of up to 12,000 troops. As more troops surged into the city a reinforcement group of 900,000 troops, 3,000 tanks, 5,000 pieces of artillery and their 2 b-2 bombers.
LK, please state your losses...
02-04-2004, 23:03
LK, please state your losses...
OOC Give him a chance, he's probably afk or something.....
LK....are you attacking my fleet (which isn't at the port, but still.....) or Kraytia's (which is at port), or even someone else's?
02-04-2004, 23:12
The Celtic Empire applauds you in your annexation of this nation and hopes that Zulgin will be beneficial to you in the future.
(OOC: I presume that he attacked my ships approaching port)
Two carriers had spotted the bombers and they both launched 20 F/A 2000 fighters to engage enemy bombers. Two of destroyers opened fire with their light 23mm AA-guns when A-10s rose up. Marines at port failed to launch any missiles at bombers. 14 transport ships took damage, 5 of them sunk. Human casualties were 700-900 marines. Also one cruiser and two destroyers were damaged.
(OOC: I'm not very good in this, so somebody shall tell me if that was unrealistic :roll: )
At the same time back at Kraytia, new troop transports left port of Vaasa with 3 cruisers, 4 destroyers and 4 submarines. Each cruiser also towed two Hamina-class fast attack/missile boats.
Sorry bout that. Yes I am attacking you Kraytia. Losses from the falastur army would be 3 F-15's
Losses to the fleet
10 A-10's
5 F-15's
The F-15's start to attack the aircraft lifting off while the A-10's turn back for more.
Meanwhile in LK, their special ninja army of 1 million are being sent to zulgin along with another 1 million troops.
3000 marines are now digging in harbor and they are ready to fire at any incoming air or land unit.
7 Millenium fighters were destroyed. Others are now engaging Lower Kroz air craft.
Second taskforce's ETA is 8-12 hours real time.
(OOC: Where's Zulgin located on Earth, btw? Atlantic, Pacific...?)
(OOC: My internet connection has been broken, sorry.)
The second task force is now coming closer the port. Missile boats are now manouvering themselves and they have armed their AA-missiles.
Sorry. Been having bad time with the internet. Disconnects evertime I try to post here.
IC: The A-10's have been ordered to keep at the Aircraft carriers and 10 new A-10's are directed toward the missleboats and have been given orders to stay away from the land units.
3 A-10's
5 F-15's
Meanwhile on land the LK troops surround the Zulgin troops and keep them under check as the main force within the city turn and drive towards the Kratian Marines. 500 Heavy tanks have been diverted towards the marines also.
3 B-2's
It's back up again. This forum I mean. I though it was dead.
IC: The Zully forces see their chance as the LKA army halts their advance. They push with all their might towards the Kratian held ground. They reach halfway there when they run into the LK strong tank formation. Artillery is directed towards the tanks.
50,000 ZI
100 Tanks
10 Art.
OOC: Lost track of this
With unexpected delays Halladi Troops Arrived.
Fifth Naval Group
-1 Odin Class CVL Aircraft Carrier
-2 littoral Combat ships
-1 Wraith Class SSN Nuclear Submarine
-3 Xeraph Class ASW Destroyers
-1 Hospitol Ship
-1 Christius-Class Battleship
-1 Kaiser Class Oiler Ship
-2 Sirius Class Combat Stores Ship
-1 Cimarron Class Fleet Oiler
First Naval Group
-2 Odin Class CVL Aircraft Carriers
-2 littoral Combat ships
-1 Wraith Class SSN Nuclear Submarine
-3 Xeraph Class ASW Destroyers
-1 Hospitol Ship
-2 Christius-Class Battleships
-1 Kaiser Class Oiler Ship
-2 Sirius Class Combat Stores Ship
-1 Cimarron Class Fleet Oiler
First Infantry Division
-10,000 Men
-9,000 Infantry
-1000 Support Crews (engineers, medics, ect.)
-10000 AK-74’s
-3000 H&K Expert
-1000 Vektor SS-77 Machine Guns
-1000 Panzerfaust 3 Anti-Tank Gun
-200 M224 mortars
-500 Medevac Humvee’s
-1000 Humvee’s with Machine gun
-500 Dingo APC’s
-400 Deserter MBT’s
Second Infantry Division
-10,000 Men
-9,000 Infantry
-1,000 Support Crews (engineers, medics, ect.)
-10,000 AK-47’s
-3,000 H&K Expert
-1,000 Vektor SS-77 Machine Guns
-1,000 Panzerfaust 3 Anti-Tank Gun
-200 M224 mortars
-500 Medevac Humvee’s
-1,000 Humvee’s with Machine gun
-500 Dingo APC’s
-400 Deserter MBT’s
Third Infantry Division
-10,000 Men
-9,000 Infantry
-1000 Support Crews (engineers, medics, ect.)
-10000 AK-74’s
-3000 H&K Expert
-1000 Vektor SS-77 Machine Guns
-1000 Panzerfaust 3 Anti-Tank Gun
-200 M224 mortars
-500 Medevac Humvee’s
-1000 Humvee’s with Machine gun
-500 Dingo APC’s
-400 Deserter MBT’s
11-04-2004, 23:00
The Falasturian army on land pushes on forward, heading for the factories and the Industrial Disctrict of Zully which is being so eagerly contested by Lower Kroz.
Meanwhile, the Falasturian Navy continues its journey around the coast, towards the back of the Krozian Beachhead. With reports of aerial activity, fighter crews are prepped and briefed in advance, and AA missile launchers are readied all over the fleet.
Finally, with the announcement that 2 million more Lower Krozian troops are being sent to Zulgin, Falastur has announced that it is calling up its entire Auxiliary Armed Services, numbering 7 million. 2 million of these troops will be prepped, and sent through final exercises to prepare them, ready to be deployed. If they are sent to Zulgin, another 2 million will be prepped, and put through the same exercises. If they are used, then the final 3 million will go through the same proceedures.
OOC I won't have my next half a million troops (as mentioned earlier in this thread) land yet, because of the unfortunate week-long freeze in this RP. I'll wait another day before they do land.
Two Millenium Fighters have been shot down. Their primary objective is to protect carriers. Cruisers and destroyers are opening fire with heavy AA-guns against air craft heading towards missile boats. Marines at port are marching towards front line.
Imperial Brits
16-04-2004, 17:48
Lower Krox if you need some help i can give it to you (This is only a little fun) i can wipe them all out from orbit if you want. Iam sure my mothership will be able to handle them. Go on say the word.
Well. Lucky day for me. Anyway. No Imerial Brits...this is a modern RP but we'd gladly like your help in this modern rp not a future one.
The LK army was soon surrounded in the city and found they were fighting for their lives. They fight towards freedom of their main lines and back out of the city.
10,000 LK infantry
Mean while the army prepares to pull out towards their more fortified lines seeing as the attack will fail. The fighters and bombers turn and fly back to the nearest base but as they do they fire a few more shots at the ships and the aircraft.
10 A-10's
5 F-15's
24-04-2004, 23:22
Seeing the Lower Kroz army suddenly turn and begin to push back towards their power base, heading straight through Falasturian lines, the Falasturians steel themselves for a vicious battle, and stage a full counter-attack. However, after a few minutes of concentrated gunfire, it is obvious that the Lower Kroz army is winning this skirmish, and the Falasturian army makes a parting by which the Lower Kroz army can escape. Knowing that the Lower Krozians have to pass through this tunnel, the Falasturians turn and concentrate almost all of their fire on those passing down the passage, catching the Lower Kroz army in a flanking movement which it is putting itself into. There are a number of casualties, but they are light compared to projected losses.
Seeing the LK planes turn about, the Falasturian supercarriers launch all of their jets, which join the others currently in the air to hound their enemy.
Meanwhile, the Falasturian Navy, having picked up the survivors from sunken ships, the result of the Lower Kroz aerial torpedoes and bombs, moves to the coastline to which the Lower Kroz army is heading towards, and sits in waiting for the perfect chance to inflict further casualties in a missile attack....
5,300 infantry
250 Tanks
4 F/14s
2 F/15s
1 Zumwalt Destroyer
1 Visby Class Corvette
The rear of the LK army trying to escape out of the city forms a small force to protect it's rear while the rest break free. The Fighter planes in the sky do a 180 and fire missles into the approaching aircraft. They form up so that they can keep any enemy fighters away from the A-10's
7,800 LK troops
100 tanks
7 F-15's
3 A-10
25-04-2004, 01:17
The Falasturian Army concentrates all its fire on this small force in the rear, knowing that if it is decimated, the Lower Kroz morale will be hammered, and that more of the enemy army can be killed through this for less losses.
Meanwhile, the Falasturian Air Force, seeing the Lower Kroz planes turn, fire off a salvo of missiles, and then frantically try to avoid the inbound missiles. However, this is a trick not easily performed in massed numbers, and casualties are taken.
3,200 infantry
50 tanks
8 F/14s
Many of the planes are destroyed but they turn and mesh with the enemy fighters causing havok in both sides but knowingly. 10 of them Stay back though and continue to escort the bombers.
Meanwhile the small force was being pummeled but they didn't care. The main army was about to break out. They soon surrendered as they heard word about the army breaking out and rejoining the main force. Soon the army whole army was on the retreat with a few Infantry brigades staying back to defend the rear.
30,000 LK troops (15,00 captured)
1,000 Tanks
300 APC's
25-04-2004, 01:33
In the skies, all but 20 of the Falasturian jets engage the enemy fighters. The 20 unengaged fly on past the melee to chase down the bombers and their diminshed escort.
On the ground, the captured prisoners are unarmed, and placed into a temporary POW camp on the outskirts of the city. The Falasturian army starts to move, following the retreating Lower Kroz force, and preparing to engage the infantry divisions. It is just as they are about to engage that a hail of sea-to-ground missiles fly over their heads from the Falasturian Navy, impacting the infantry divisions and a few divisions of the retreating force.
2,900 infantry
300 tanks
6 F/15s
The Zully army seeing the retreating LK army quickly pulls out of their defensive positions and charge at the enemy full strength. They fight for their country and they don't take prisoners. Their prized industrial sector starts to prepare for full production.
3,000 Zully infantry
5,000 civilians with shotguns and hunting rifles (one even has an M-16)
25 artillery
As the enemy fighters turn to intercept the bombers another 10 fighters disengage and fire missles at the fighters while the 10 defending the bombers quickly turn around and fire a full bombardment of missles at the enemy. The bombers turn on the afterburners and start to fly low to the ground as they start to approach LK airspace with AA guns around the area.
13 F-15's
2 A-10's
The ground forces left back to cover the retreat are decimated and decide to charge the enemy. Stupid on their part. The main army though soon reaches some reinforcements. They turn around and dig in and wait. AA guns are set up, artillery is put in place and fortifications are built.
30,000 LK troops
500 tanks
400 APC's
25-04-2004, 02:01
The 20 fighter sustain casualties, but most survive long enough to engage in a dogfight with their counterparts. They forget the bombers, seeing as they are now safe.
On the ground, a second and final (for now) salvo of sea-to-ground missiles strikes the Lower Kroz forces digging in, as well as numerous artillery shells aimed at the artillery emplacements and AA sites. The Falasturian army moves up, firing at any Lower Kroz troop seen with his/her head showing as they form their positions within firing range and prepare to storm the hastily built fortifications.
5,000 infantry
6 F/15s
The Zulgin army marches up behind the Falasturian army...not knowing their language they are not able to warn them of the LK's great close in combat training.
The Zulgin army marches up behind the Falasturian army...not knowing their language they are not able to warn them of the LK's great close in combat training.
The Zulgin army marches up behind the Falasturian army...not knowing their language they are not able to warn them of the LK's great close in combat training.
Newly arrived transports are sailing towards port with heavy air and naval cover. Three brigades and company start to leave transports and march towards front lines.
As the Falasturian army approaches the ditch they see dead bodies strewn all over the ground...some people poke the bodies to make sure they are dead. All of a sudden the "dead bodies" jump up and mow down the falasturian men taking a few of their own on accident. Out of spider holes behind the falstur army pops out the crack group of the ninja fighting brigade as they open fire on the Falasturian army with ATGM's on any tanks and machine gun fire on the surrounding people. Soon the whole LKA is in full assult of the enemy who was looking for a bad defence...artillery is heard as LK shells fire into the surprised army. Tanks roll into the fight destroying everything in their wake.
Meanwhile in the air the A-10's return to base to refit and refuel...any damaged stay for repairs. Another 20 F-15's lift off to join the dog fight.
18,000 LK troops
4 F-15's
04-05-2004, 21:54
OOC Falasturians speak English, Zulgin, what language does your country use?
IC The Falasturian Army is taken completely off guard for several minutes as unit commanders struggle to cope with the situation presented them. Calling in air strikes from the carrier fleet to silence the artillery and shoot down the Lower Kroz fighters, the Command staff try to take control of the situation, but with parts of their army isolated, it is not easy. To help press back the new Lower Kroz advance, a 3rd cruise missile strike is called in, but as the ships of the Falasturian Fleet begin to run out of ammunition, and the Fleet Supplies ships rush around the fleet, replenishing stocks, it is obvious that no more than 1 or 2 more srikes can be called before only a small number of ships have the resources left to continue firing.
Out in the thick of the action, the soldiers slowly manage to form hastily into their companies, from where they create make-shift rings of troops, firing in all directions at the ninja army from whatever cover can be found. The rear of the army is sent forward, to overwhelm the surprise ninja troops, however the Falasturians are now greatly outnumbered. The ninjas are caught in a cross-fire from troops behind and in front of them, but it is mere minutes before the troops at the front are forced to turn their attention to the advancing regular Lower Kroz troops, and the fire on the ninjas cuts down dramatically.
Meanwhile, a number of miles away, in the port where Falasturians first landed, a second Falasturian army of 500,000 has finished unloading, and is preparing to strike the flank of the advancing Lower Kroz army.
Losses (within around 10 minutes of surprise ninja attack):
27,000 soldiers
3 F/15s
1,700 tanks
04-05-2004, 21:58
Edit: Quadruple Post
04-05-2004, 22:03
Edit: Quadruple Post
04-05-2004, 22:09
Edit: Quadruple Post
OOC: We speak a certain Dialect of Norweigan.
IC: The Zulgin forces move in and try to help out the Falasturian Forces being attacked by the LKA ninja squad. They rush in with some civilian reinforcements armed with their new AK-47's.
100 Zulgin Nation Army Troops
The ninja army is surrounded as they slowly get destroyed but a lot of them find cover and form circles firing into the enemy lines. Meanwhile the LKA is still pushing forward full power. Their A-10's are now done refiting and refueling and are back in the air heading for the falasturian army as another 10 F-15's come to escort them to the battle. Artillery strikes ravage the enemy lines. The LKA army now on the advance and more spread out is not as effected by the enemy bombardment.
4,000 LKA troops
200 Heavy Tanks.
Kraytian tanks are driving at maximum speed along with APCs towards battle between Falastur and Lower Kroz. At sea Kraytian fleet is sailing along the coast and the ships are arming their cruise missiles to fire at any Lower Kroz targets they may find.
The Coowames
07-05-2004, 18:26
The people of the Coowames watch in dismay as the combat unfolds.
OOC: how are people determining military manpower? I figure if you base it on the US figues in the CIA Factbook you get say (National Population)*.007. So for me it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 49,000 troops.
08-05-2004, 08:23
The people of the Coowames watch in dismay as the combat unfolds.
OOC: how are people determining military manpower? I figure if you base it on the US figues in the CIA Factbook you get say (National Population)*.007. So for me it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 49,000 troops.
About 2% of your population is the most you can have in active service at once, without your economy being destroyed. However, you can have an extra 3% or so in reserve, leading to the total of 5% that most people say.....
The Coowames
13-05-2004, 02:10
The Coowames
13-05-2004, 02:10
OOC: so now that I'm at 14 million people, I'm looking at a standing army of 280,000 + 420,000 (in reserve)? Sounds awfully large.
We now give command of our troops to Falastur, but our navy will retreat back to Kraytia because of crisis in our homeland.