Jihad called! Muslims flock to Al Anbar for holy war!
The situation had amazingly turned against Whittier and their allied forces ever since the bombardment of Mecca, one of Islam's holiest of holiest cities.
The Supreme Council for Islamic Studies (SCIS), the largest Muslim organization worldwide, with a large list of prominent Muslim scholars, called for a "jihad against the infidels. As Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him, said 'There can be no two religions in the Hijaz'. We do not agree with the occupation by Saddam Hussein of Saudi Arabia, but they are Muslims, these invaders are not. They disecrate our lands, do not follow our customs, and show no regard for the holy cities of Medina and Mecca. It is now the duty of all Muslims worldwide to wage jihad against these infidels. They must be pushed off our lands. The jihad will not end until the infidels have been forced to retreat in disgrace, just like the Russians were forced to."
By the time of this announcement, over 50,000 Muslims had already flocked to Al Anbar. They included Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Saudis, Kuwaitis living abroad and Muslims from Asia and Africa. A day after the announcement of the SCIS, another 44,000 "martyr visas" were issued by the Iraqi government to other Muslims wishing to perform jihad against Whittier. The government of Al Anbar had announced from day one of the war, that they "would fund anyone wishing to make the trip to Al Anbar for jihad against the infidels." Thousands upon thousands of dollars had already been paid out to get people to come.
The largest group of Muslim scholars in Al Anbar, the Studies of Islamic Sunnah, called for "jihad against the infidels who wish to destroy Muslims worlwide as shown by their wanton attack on Mecca."
The war was rapidly turning into something much larger than the operation to rid Afghanistan of the Russians in the 1980's. Tens of thousands of people were now flocking to Al Anbar. Even the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), the anti-Al Anbar government organization supported by the Iranians, had even released a statement ordering jihad against the Whitterians.
"It is now the duty for all Muslims to come to Al Anbar, whether you support the government or not, to wage honourable jihad against the infidels who are attempting to destroy our honour, our holy cities, and steal our resources. Fight, my brothers, fight! We must destroy them before they destroy us!" - Muqtada al-Sadr, prominent Shia Iraqi cleric.
29-03-2004, 01:50
Whittier dismisses this as typical propaganda by the Saddam govt.
Whittier did not bomb any holy sites. We are attacking only military sites and government buildings.
The nation that bombed Mecca is being dealt with as we have demanded that they hand over the pilots so they can be tried by an international court for crimes against humanity.
Whittier is sorry for the unnecessary loss of life in the event and the loss of some of mankind's most prestigious legacy treasures.
However, Saddam will not stop attacking his neighbors until we drive him back to Al Anbar. Once we have accomplished that. We will leave your lands.
Al Khals
29-03-2004, 02:00
Republican Palace of Democracy, Tkrat
An exceptional scene unfolded at the ancient palace at the foot of Mt.Omar. President Omar Qottar and PM Habib Kilany were joined in the ornately decorated government building -where even the AAA tubes were etched with gold and draped in other elaborate decotation- by opposition leaders such as Amal Abeid of the Islamic Progress Party and Afef Al Haddam of Arabic Unity.
Qottar-loyal Al Khals Kadira Republic had several times attempted to discredit both men, but today the ruling secular party required their council. Thousands of Al Khalis -especially amongst the several hundred thousand strong nomad community- were appealing for involvement in the latest Middle Eastern conflict. Massive demonstrations had brought In'Salah to a stand-still following unsubstantiated reports of Mecca's bombing, and the KSU suspected that dozens if not hundreds of Al Khalis had already left the country, swearing to fight the western invaders either for Al Anbari forces or other more traditionally Muslim groups in the area.
The President was clearly not deeply moved by Abeid's half-ignored speech on just exactly how clearly great was the Al Khali spirit. Qottar's concern was for Al Khals' reputation, and more importantly for civil order. He wouldn't go so far as to say infront of Abeid that he feared Islamic revolution, but he did make it clear that AKKR would not stand for unrest.
"You must do something, where people will listen to you, you have a responsibility to them... and for their actions!" Came Qottar's ominous warning.
And the KSU was right, of course, small numbers of Al Khalis were already seeping out of the Democratic Republic, informed more by hearsay and scaremongering than real news- Al Haqiqa Al Khals was reluctant to pick up the religiously sensitive story.
We will join the fight againest the infidels.
The fifteen thousand or so citizens and students from Lebanon to Kuwait that currently are in al-Khals has launched into peaceful rallies in the streets and campuses in al-Khals.
"Death to the infidels!" "Al Anbar is the saviour of Muslims!" and "With Blood and Soul for Saddam" was frequently chanted by the protesters who took up burning Whittier flags and also chanted for al-Khals and the people to join the jihad in Al Anbar.
29-03-2004, 04:47
The Federation of Brandoniats wishes to re-iterate its neutrality in this conflict. We have not fired a single shell against your people.
The Federation of Brandoniats wishes to re-iterate its neutrality in this conflict. We have not fired a single shell against your people.
Our qualm is only with those that are attempting to destroy al-Anbar. No one else.
29-03-2004, 05:11
The Federation of Brandoniats wishes to re-iterate its neutrality in this conflict. We have not fired a single shell against your people.
Our qualm is only with those that are attempting to destroy al-Anbar. No one else.
Al Anbar has repeatedly attacked and raped its neighbors.
The Federation of Brandoniats wishes to re-iterate its neutrality in this conflict. We have not fired a single shell against your people.
Our qualm is only with those that are attempting to destroy al-Anbar. No one else.
Al Anbar has repeatedly attacked and raped its neighbors.
We have only ensured the security of the Middle East. It is Whittier and their infidels that are attacking and raping the Middle East, or atleast, attempting too.
29-03-2004, 05:15
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
Of course, peaceloving! The al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia, the majority of which have already been captured, have admitted under interrogation of their support for fundamentalists. The Kuwaitis have too admitted the same. They admit that they supported several groups that have committed terrorist acts in Al Anbar.
29-03-2004, 05:19
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
Of course, peaceloving! The al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia, the majority of which have already been captured, have admitted under interrogation of their support for fundamentalists. The Kuwaitis have too admitted the same. They admit that they supported several groups that have committed terrorist acts in Al Anbar.
This is not about terrorism against Al Anbar, Israel, Whittier, or any one else. This is about your plot to achieve total conquest of the mideast and destroy Israel.
You will leave the nations you attacked or you will be forced out and your leader placed on trial for war crimes.
29-03-2004, 05:20
I submit to the world, that the Kuwaities made no such admissions.
29-03-2004, 05:21
The fact is, we all know that Al Anbar invaded Kuwait and Saudi Arabia cause he wants the oil.
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
Of course, peaceloving! The al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia, the majority of which have already been captured, have admitted under interrogation of their support for fundamentalists. The Kuwaitis have too admitted the same. They admit that they supported several groups that have committed terrorist acts in Al Anbar.
This is not about terrorism against Al Anbar, Israel, Whittier, or any one else. This is about your plot to achieve total conquest of the mideast and destroy Israel.
You will leave the nations you attacked or you will be forced out and your leader placed on trial for war crimes.
Both of the previous governments supported terrorism against us. It is our right to defend ourselves. They have now been incorporated into the greater Arab nation.
The people are fully behind the actions of their leader. They have grown tired of Whittier's excuses for imperialism and continue to call for jihad. Over 160,000 people have come to Al Anbar to seek jihad so far.
Al Khals
29-03-2004, 05:38
This was shaping up to be a serious problem for the Al Khals Kadira Republic Party and for President Omar Qottar.
The President was interrupted at Via'di'arl's Republican Central Command whilest gleefully overseeing the redeployment of Al Khals' refurbished MiG-25 Foxbats -four combat squadrons plus three reconnaissance. The news did not find him well, as such.
"This is because we let those damnable _Taiwanese sponsor those new Mosques and schools!" He bellowed. He was right, in a fashion. It would have taken years for the funds from Al Khals' recent economic up-turn to filter down to the education system, and longer for the religious community to see much of its benefit directly. The new foreign-backed facilities had attracted foreign students, and businessmen connected to the oil trade sent their generally bored offspring to Al Khali colleges while working long-term contracts in the country.
There was only so many times that the Al Khali Republican Police could tear-gas the rich kids before investment was threatened. Qottar found himself almost powerless, and in fact glad to see the protestors off to the fight. AKKR spokesmen appeared at rallys to encourage demonstrators to go back to the Middle East to fight for themselves.
Hopefully they'll either leave and cause trouble abroad, or shut-up for fear of being called a reactionary coward.
Qottar returned to his defence planning.
"Why is 120 Squadron six planes light of Squadron 421? They're both Phantoms, aren't they?" He demanded.
"F-4K, yes sir, six were stripped for spares when y.. when funds were diverted to the M1A2-AK plant.."
29-03-2004, 05:40
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
Of course, peaceloving! The al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia, the majority of which have already been captured, have admitted under interrogation of their support for fundamentalists. The Kuwaitis have too admitted the same. They admit that they supported several groups that have committed terrorist acts in Al Anbar.
This is not about terrorism against Al Anbar, Israel, Whittier, or any one else. This is about your plot to achieve total conquest of the mideast and destroy Israel.
You will leave the nations you attacked or you will be forced out and your leader placed on trial for war crimes.
Both of the previous governments supported terrorism against us. It is our right to defend ourselves. They have now been incorporated into the greater Arab nation.
The people are fully behind the actions of their leader. They have grown tired of Whittier's excuses for imperialism and continue to call for jihad. Over 160,000 people have come to Al Anbar to seek jihad so far.
whittier submits the international law, widely respected in the NS world, that self defense against terrorism is not an excuse for depriving nations of their soverignty and indeed, often results in greater terrorism against those deprive other nations of their soverignty.
Saddam's actions will result in more terrorism, not less.
29-03-2004, 05:41
It is interesting that you bring peace and stability by launching countless attacks on your peaceloving neighbors.
Of course, peaceloving! The al-Saud family of Saudi Arabia, the majority of which have already been captured, have admitted under interrogation of their support for fundamentalists. The Kuwaitis have too admitted the same. They admit that they supported several groups that have committed terrorist acts in Al Anbar.
This is not about terrorism against Al Anbar, Israel, Whittier, or any one else. This is about your plot to achieve total conquest of the mideast and destroy Israel.
You will leave the nations you attacked or you will be forced out and your leader placed on trial for war crimes.
Both of the previous governments supported terrorism against us. It is our right to defend ourselves. They have now been incorporated into the greater Arab nation.
The people are fully behind the actions of their leader. They have grown tired of Whittier's excuses for imperialism and continue to call for jihad. Over 160,000 people have come to Al Anbar to seek jihad so far.
whittier submits the international law, widely respected in the NS world, that self defense against terrorism is not an excuse for depriving nations of their soverignty and indeed, often results in greater terrorism against those deprive other nations of their soverignty.
Saddam's actions will result in more terrorism, not less.
29-03-2004, 05:46
This was shaping up to be a serious problem for the Al Khals Kadira Republic Party and for President Omar Qottar.
The President was interrupted at Via'di'arl's Republican Central Command whilest gleefully overseeing the redeployment of Al Khals' refurbished MiG-25 Foxbats -four combat squadrons plus three reconnaissance. The news did not find him well, as such.
"This is because we let those damnable _Taiwanese sponsor those new Mosques and schools!" He bellowed. He was right, in a fashion. It would have taken years for the funds from Al Khals' recent economic up-turn to filter down to the education system, and longer for the religious community to see much of its benefit directly. The new foreign-backed facilities had attracted foreign students, and businessmen connected to the oil trade sent their generally bored offspring to Al Khali colleges while working long-term contracts in the country.
There was only so many times that the Al Khali Republican Police could tear-gas the rich kids before investment was threatened. Qottar found himself almost powerless, and in fact glad to see the protestors off to the fight. AKKR spokesmen appeared at rallys to encourage demonstrators to go back to the Middle East to fight for themselves.
Hopefully they'll either leave and cause trouble abroad, or shut-up for fear of being called a reactionary coward.
Qottar returned to his defence planning.
"Why is 120 Squadron six planes light of Squadron 421? They're both Phantoms, aren't they?" He demanded.
"F-4K, yes sir, six were stripped for spares when y.. when funds were diverted to the M1A2-AK plant.."
Private message to Al Khals, no one else knows about this.
The Government of Whittier sympathizes greatly with your govts. internal predicament. We offer you an aid package of 5 billion dollars to use as you need to maintain internal order.
All Whittierite students in your nation have been advised, before leaving Whittier, that once they were in your nation they were subject to your laws. You are free to do what you want with Whittierite nations in your country. (Not that you, as a soverign state, need anyone's permission.)
Whittier pledges to support Al Khals' right to use all means necessary to maintain internal order.
End private message. Only Al Khals sees this message.
OOC: Does Whittier have an embassy in al Khals? If not, civilians?
29-03-2004, 05:54
OOC: Does Whittier have an embassy in al Khals? If not, civilians?
An embassy. And all nondiplomatic civilians who are in Al Khals are subject to all Al Khals laws. If they break them, Whittier will not bail them out.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 05:57
Whittier, we offer you our support. We cannot offer much, as our nation is not very large, but we do have an army, nonetheless. This "nation" of Al Anbar obviously is a terrorist regime, subscribing to the war-like teachings of the Quran. They will do anything to spread their beliefs, even if it requires merciless killing and terrorism. This must be stopped. They cannot be allowed to continue on with such a course of action. We can gather a coalition and an army to aid you. That is all.
Sincerely, the Federation of Germanic Lands
29-03-2004, 06:01
Whittier, we offer you our support. We cannot offer much, as our nation is not very large, but we do have an army, nonetheless. This "nation" of Al Anbar obviously is a terrorist regime, subscribing to the war-like teachings of the Quran. They will do anything to spread their beliefs, even if it requires merciless killing and terrorism. This must be stopped. They cannot be allowed to continue on with such a course of action. We can gather a coalition and an army to aid you. That is all.
Sincerely, the Federation of Germanic Lands
The Coalition appreciates and welcomes any support you can provide.
In al-Khals
The protesters had merged by mid-day into one large rally. They quickly marched on the Whittier embassy, throwing rocks, stones, and chanted pro-Al Anbar slogans. At one point, several tried to break the entrance doors down and get in.
29-03-2004, 06:09
In al-Khals
The protesters had merged by mid-day into one large rally. They quickly marched on the Whittier embassy, throwing rocks, stones, and chanted pro-Al Anbar slogans. At one point, several tried to break the entrance doors down and get in.
I believe they would call that godmodding. You can't rp what his people do. Only he can do that.
29-03-2004, 06:10
Unless Al Khal's is really a puppet of Al Anbar.
In al-Khals
The protesters had merged by mid-day into one large rally. They quickly marched on the Whittier embassy, throwing rocks, stones, and chanted pro-Al Anbar slogans. At one point, several tried to break the entrance doors down and get in.
I believe they would call that godmodding. You can't rp what his people do. Only he can do that.
Umm, no. They are my people inside of al-Khals. Read the first post where I talked about protests on the first page.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 06:14
Outside of a major military base in the desert:
The colonel brought his visor up to block the sand that kept invading his eyes. An order had been recieved that all forces not engaging the Dominion of Juumanistra were to pack up and head to Earth, the place the Ancestors originated from. None of his people had ever seen it, and they would be the first. Great. THe second war in history, and he had seen both. At the same time. This was something to tell his children about.
29-03-2004, 06:14
In al-Khals
The protesters had merged by mid-day into one large rally. They quickly marched on the Whittier embassy, throwing rocks, stones, and chanted pro-Al Anbar slogans. At one point, several tried to break the entrance doors down and get in.
I believe they would call that godmodding. You can't rp what his people do. Only he can do that.
Umm, no. They are my people inside of al-Khals. Read the first post where I talked about protests on the first page.
You did not say that in the post. But now you want to change it to such?
29-03-2004, 06:14
Squornshelous offers support to Whittier. We wish to make a public statement against the entire idea of Jihad. A "Holy War" to force your beliefs and culture on other nations is unjustified in every way. It violates the sovreignty of every nation of the world.
Outside of a major military base in the desert:
The colonel brought his visor up to block the sand that kept invading his eyes. An order had been recieved that all forces not engaging the Dominion of Juumanistra were to pack up and head to Earth, the place the Ancestors originated from. None of his people had ever seen it, and they would be the first. Great. THe second war in history, and he had seen both. At the same time. This was something to tell his children about.
OOC: Um, space nations and future tech nations are not allowed in this conflict.
29-03-2004, 06:16
Outside of a major military base in the desert:
The colonel brought his visor up to block the sand that kept invading his eyes. An order had been recieved that all forces not engaging the Dominion of Juumanistra were to pack up and head to Earth, the place the Ancestors originated from. None of his people had ever seen it, and they would be the first. Great. THe second war in history, and he had seen both. At the same time. This was something to tell his children about.
OOC: Um, space nations and future tech nations are not allowed in this conflict.
I second that. Modern tech only.
29-03-2004, 06:16
Outside of a major military base in the desert:
The colonel brought his visor up to block the sand that kept invading his eyes. An order had been recieved that all forces not engaging the Dominion of Juumanistra were to pack up and head to Earth, the place the Ancestors originated from. None of his people had ever seen it, and they would be the first. Great. THe second war in history, and he had seen both. At the same time. This was something to tell his children about.
OOC: Um, space nations and future tech nations are not allowed in this conflict.
You can't exclude nations from a war, that is Godmodding.
Squornshelous offers support to Whittier. We wish to make a public statement against the entire idea of Jihad. A "Holy War" to force your beliefs and culture on other nations is unjustified in every way. It violates the sovreignty of every nation of the world.
Jihad, we would like to point out, is a defensive war. Those who use to to murder innocence are the ones using in it a "bad" way. It is a holy war to defend the lands of Al Anbar.
We would also like to point out, that is is not we who called for a jihad, but instead clerics of Muslims in the world.
In al-Khals
The protesters had merged by mid-day into one large rally. They quickly marched on the Whittier embassy, throwing rocks, stones, and chanted pro-Al Anbar slogans. At one point, several tried to break the entrance doors down and get in.
I believe they would call that godmodding. You can't rp what his people do. Only he can do that.
Umm, no. They are my people inside of al-Khals. Read the first post where I talked about protests on the first page.
You did not say that in the post. But now you want to change it to such?
OOC: I clearly stated they were my citizens:
The fifteen thousand or so citizens and students from Lebanon to Kuwait that currently are in al-Khals has launched into peaceful rallies in the streets and campuses in al-Khals.
"Death to the infidels!" "Al Anbar is the saviour of Muslims!" and "With Blood and Soul for Saddam" was frequently chanted by the protesters who took up burning Whittier flags and also chanted for al-Khals and the people to join the jihad in Al Anbar.
'Lebanon to Kuwait' = Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. All which I control.
29-03-2004, 06:17
Squornshelous offers support to Whittier. We wish to make a public statement against the entire idea of Jihad. A "Holy War" to force your beliefs and culture on other nations is unjustified in every way. It violates the sovreignty of every nation of the world.
Jihad, we would like to point out, is a defensive war. Those who use to to murder innocence are the ones using in it a "bad" way. It is a holy war to defend the lands of Al Anbar.
We would also like to point out, that is is not we who called for a jihad, but instead clerics of Muslims in the world.
Then you denounce the ideas of these clerics?
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 06:19
ooc: we are not much more advanced than modern-day America. except we have space travel and energy weapons. Both are feasible in this day and age, If enough money and people were devoted to the project.
29-03-2004, 06:20
Outside of a major military base in the desert:
The colonel brought his visor up to block the sand that kept invading his eyes. An order had been recieved that all forces not engaging the Dominion of Juumanistra were to pack up and head to Earth, the place the Ancestors originated from. None of his people had ever seen it, and they would be the first. Great. THe second war in history, and he had seen both. At the same time. This was something to tell his children about.
OOC: Um, space nations and future tech nations are not allowed in this conflict.
You can't exclude nations from a war, that is Godmodding.
His thread. He can exclude who ever he wants.
Squornshelous offers support to Whittier. We wish to make a public statement against the entire idea of Jihad. A "Holy War" to force your beliefs and culture on other nations is unjustified in every way. It violates the sovreignty of every nation of the world.
Jihad, we would like to point out, is a defensive war. Those who use to to murder innocence are the ones using in it a "bad" way. It is a holy war to defend the lands of Al Anbar.
We would also like to point out, that is is not we who called for a jihad, but instead clerics of Muslims in the world.
Then you denounce the ideas of these clerics?
It is not the place of Al Anbar to denounce the clerics who have not called for anything other than what is prescribed in the Holy Qur'an.
29-03-2004, 06:22
ooc: we are not much more advanced than modern-day America. except we have space travel and energy weapons. Both are feasible in this day and age, If enough money and people were devoted to the project.
Make yourself an earth based nation for the purpose of this rp.
29-03-2004, 06:23
Squornshelous offers support to Whittier. We wish to make a public statement against the entire idea of Jihad. A "Holy War" to force your beliefs and culture on other nations is unjustified in every way. It violates the sovreignty of every nation of the world.
Jihad, we would like to point out, is a defensive war. Those who use to to murder innocence are the ones using in it a "bad" way. It is a holy war to defend the lands of Al Anbar.
We would also like to point out, that is is not we who called for a jihad, but instead clerics of Muslims in the world.
Then you denounce the ideas of these clerics?
It is not the place of Al Anbar to denounce the clerics who have not called for anything other than what is prescribed in the Holy Qur'an.
Render unto Ceasar that which Ceasar's and unto God that which is God's.
ooc: we are not much more advanced than modern-day America. except we have space travel and energy weapons. Both are feasible in this day and age, If enough money and people were devoted to the project.
OOC: I do not care if they are 'feasible' in this day and age. It is not modern tech. There are no plans (unless they are ultra-secret) to develop such things. So, no. Only modern day nations with modern day tech or older.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 06:26
ooc: can i make my nation earth-based for the purpose of this RP?
29-03-2004, 06:28
ooc: can i make my nation earth-based for the purpose of this RP?yes
29-03-2004, 06:28
Make sure you go back and read all the posts too.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 06:35
i have. Please disregard the military post. here is revised version.
The colonel raised his viser over his face. THe heavy sand storm was beginning to irritate his eyes. Only a few hours ago the order had come down for all forces to mobilize. All of his troops were going to be sent to help a coalition of nations quell a Holy War that was declared unjustly on a fellow free nation. They would fight for any noble cause, and this certainly was a noble cause.
i have. Please disregard the military post. here is revised version.
The colonel raised his viser over his face. THe heavy sand storm was beginning to irritate his eyes. Only a few hours ago the order had come down for all forces to mobilize. All of his troops were going to be sent to help a coalition of nations quell a Holy War that was declared unjustly on a fellow free nation. They would fight for any noble cause, and this certainly was a noble cause.
OOC: Military deployments to the Middle East?
Al Khals
29-03-2004, 06:39
Having received promise of significant aid from Whitter, Via'di'arl was not best pleased to see a march against that nation's embassy.
For a time nothing obvious was done. Whitter wasn't a major trading partner, they seemed tollerant of Al Khali internal affairs, and it was hoped things would work themselves out, free of international incident.
When an attempt was made to breech the gates of the embassy however authorities became rather worried. The KSU -Khals Security Unit, Omar Qottar's secret police- had suggested that the crowd was by a huge majority Al Anbari. Some Al Khalis were joining them, but only just catching on. Action would have to be taken before more joined, and action was indeed taken.
Police armed with none-lethal precussion, smoke, and tear-gas grenades and batons engaged crowds in the embassy district, and shots were fired into the air by officers weilding 9x19mm Tokhals 58 automatic pistols and AKSU-74 sub-machineguns. Rather surprisingly, regular army M48K and M48A6K tanks* and BMP-1 IFVs soon rolled into town, blocking off roads so as to contain protestors and shield common Al Khalis from the disturbances.
Still, from In'Salah especially, Al Khalis flowed out of the country and towards the extended Al Anbar, some taking the VZ58 assault rifles and hand grenades issued to militias and paramilitaries along with them.
*Yes, they are ancient US M48s, the M48K mounting 100mm guns, the A6K 105mm guns (we do have better tanks- _Taiwan-designed Abrams designated M1A2-AK, but they're in Republican Guard service only)
29-03-2004, 06:42
Having received promise of significant aid from Whitter, Via'di'arl was not best pleased to see a march against that nation's embassy.
For a time nothing obvious was done. Whitter wasn't a major trading partner, they seemed tollerant of Al Khali internal affairs, and it was hoped things would work themselves out, free of international incident.
When an attempt was made to breech the gates of the embassy however authorities became rather worried. The KSU -Khals Security Unit, Omar Qottar's secret police- had suggested that the crowd was by a huge majority Al Anbari. Some Al Khalis were joining them, but only just catching on. Action would have to be taken before more joined, and action was indeed taken.
Police armed with none-lethal precussion, smoke, and tear-gas grenades and batons engaged crowds in the embassy district, and shots were fired into the air by officers weilding 9x19mm Tokhals 58 automatic pistols and AKSU-74 sub-machineguns. Rather surprisingly, regular army M48K and M48A6K tanks* and BMP-1 IFVs soon rolled into town, blocking off roads so as to contain protestors and shield common Al Khalis from the disturbances.
Still, from In'Salah especially, Al Khalis flowed out of the country and towards the extended Al Anbar, some taking the VZ58 assault rifles and hand grenades issued to militias and paramilitaries along with them.
*Yes, they are ancient US M48s, the M48K mounting 100mm guns, the A6K 105mm guns (we do have better tanks- _Taiwan-designed Abrams designated M1A2-AK, but they're in Republican Guard service only)
The economic aid was wired. Did you get it?
The protesters, seeing the al-Khals military react in such a way, got angry. They are angry that the al-Khals government has decided to turn against their fellow Muslim brothers.
"It is now or never." thought Mohammed Akbar al-Khafji.
He turned to his friends on his right and left, in all about twelve, and told them: "We must take the embassy now."
And so they did. They charged toward the embassy building. Behind them, the crowds seeing that those that came were heavily armed, decided to join these twelve men. The majority of the crowd charged forward, pushing into the gates/doors of the embassy, trying to break in.
"Death to Whittier!" cried the crowds as they did.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 06:51
THis is the Supreme Military Comander of the Federation to WHittier: We can provide 10,000 troops with support craft. Tell us where to send them.
29-03-2004, 06:57
The protesters, seeing the al-Khals military react in such a way, got angry. They are angry that the al-Khals government has decided to turn against their fellow Muslim brothers.
"It is now or never." thought Mohammed Akbar al-Khafji.
He turned to his friends on his right and left, in all about twelve, and told them: "We must take the embassy now."
And so they did. They charged toward the embassy building. Behind them, the crowds seeing that those that came were heavily armed, decided to join these twelve men. The majority of the crowd charged forward, pushing into the gates/doors of the embassy, trying to break in.
"Death to Whittier!" cried the crowds as they did.whittier marines guarding the embassy had no choice but to open fire on all demonstrators setting foot on embassy property.
29-03-2004, 06:58
THis is the Supreme Military Comander of the Federation to WHittier: We can provide 10,000 troops with support craft. Tell us where to send them.
We need them in Basra.
Al Khals
29-03-2004, 07:03
(OOC:Damn it all! My browser just got re-directed and I lost a post just moments away from posting it.)
While PM Kilany was enthusiastically, even fawningly thanking the Whitter government for its generous gift, the situation on the streets in Via'di'arl's embassy district was becoming serious.
The police, seeing the surge, had fired a few more tear-gas grenades into the crowd but, after an aborted attempt to take the dozen individuals who first rushed the gate, realised that they hadn't the manpower to take on the whole crowd. Communications were sent back to stations, and replies received to no avail. Across Al Khals smaller demonstrations were doing enough to divide police resources, and no one seemed to know the local military channels. Runners were sent to nearby army roadblocks, but this took several minutes, while the Whitter embassy was assaulted, and even when the roadblocks were reached soldiers insisted that they were under specific orders and could not possibly leave their posts and roll tanks into the heart of the embassy district in any hostile manner without the highest clearance.
Germanische Zustande
29-03-2004, 07:03
They are being dispatched now. We are preparing another 30,000 reservists as we speak.
New Auburnland
29-03-2004, 07:04
New Auburnland has chosen to send 3 of our Airborne Infantry Divisions, and the 155th Seperate Armor Brigade (Heavy) to the area to protect our intrests.
William Wallace
New Auburnland Sec. of War
The civilians, seeing that they could not go back, kept charging and pushing. Their ranks were falling, but it did not matter. At last, they broke through the doors and entered the embassy itself. The people overwhelmed the Whittierians, taking their weapons and then dragging them off out of the area of windows and such. They rushed throughout the embassy, seizing everyone and everything.
As the fighting continued, a man came out of the front door with a blow horn:
"This property now belongs to the Muslim nation. We will defend it to the last."
"The citizens of Whittier have been locked up and will be kept safe until we decide what to do with them. In the mean time, in order to keep up our policy of good, we require food and drinks to be sent."
He then listed food and drinks and gave the order that it must be delivered within thirty minutes or they would start executing the hostages. He then went back inside.
Al Khals
30-03-2004, 03:59
Via'di'arl International- Al Khali Air Force base
120 Squadron had just received the order to scramble. This was rare, especially for the under-strength fighter-bomber squadron held in reserve at the capital, some way from any borders.
A fairly impressive six F-4K Khali Phantom were soon thundering into the skies of the Republic's sunny capital, tearing thousands of pounds of ground attack ordinance away from earth with them. Moments later the squadron leader was in touch with control.
"..repeat co-ordinates, please." He requested. "Can you confirm, control, target showing Whitter embassy?"
"Affirmative, 120 Lead, go ahead."
The squadron leader shrugged. He'd fired on controversial targets before, but they'd been Al Khali, not foreigners.
His younger wingmen waited until they'd all seen their leader's Kh-29L missiles zip forwards before their own weapons systems operators dared let fly. From more than three miles away the dozen warheads swept in without warning, nearly 4,000kg of high explosive munitions slamming into the Whitter embassy just moments after the now called terrorists had taken control.
Al Haqiqa Al Khals- terrorists storm Whitter embassy, detonate suicide bombs
The Al Khali media quickly picked up the story- such a tragedy as fanatical terrorism reached the Republic's shores and so utterly destroyed a foreign embassy. Casualties were known to have been suffered by Whitter, Al Khals, and amongst Al Anbari students near by. Reports were as yet, "sketchy".
The KSU affected a rapid crack-down on potential leaks, and the army maintained its blockade on the embassy district.
(OOC: For the record -as it has been unsettled for some time- Al Khals' location is now agreed to be the east coast of Southern Africa, just south of Zanzibar: http://groups.msn.com/NSRalishohan/maps.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=60 Technically we shouldn't have so much oil as we do, but all that became part of the nation's character before the location was settled, so we're just going with it.)
Central Facehuggeria
30-03-2004, 04:15
Mohammed had heard the call of Jihad. He and his cell began making preperations for the holy war to protect his fellow muslims. Even though his organization did not approve of Saddam's governemnt, Infidels had still slaughtered believers. They defiled the holy city, and for that there must be retribution... The seas will run red with infidel blood. The day of reckoning is coming.
OOC: Mohammed is the leader of a terrorist organization that I sometimes RP with. They are in no way associated with the mainstream CF government, nor are they supported by it. His group was believed to be destroyed several years (days) ago, but this isn't the case. They merely went into hiding, taking their WMDs and other equipment with them.
Now. If I'm going to RP a terror attack in your nation, Whittier, I will need to know (OOCly) what kind of anti-terrorist systems you have in place. Essientially, I want to know how far my freedom fighters would be able to penetrate into your nation. What kind of border guards/customs officials/other stuff do you have at major entries into your nation?
Communist Louisiana
30-03-2004, 04:22
We are now backing any nations who are going into and destroying your empire. We will back them money wise.
The reason why we are doing this is because we believe you are one of the worlds biggest hypocritical nation. The fact that you can be imperialistic and take over the muslim world. But, when a non-muslim nation tries to stop you, you call a jihad. Or when any non-muslim nation tries to be imperialistic, you call it wrong. Now what makes you think you can be imperialistic in the name is Islam. Maybe since my nation is 90% Roman Catholic, I should try to take the westbank back in the name of Chirst. But, I am not. B/c I would give catholisim(sp?) a bad name. Just as you and other islamic extremist are doing.
Communist Louisiana
30-03-2004, 04:45
While we support the destruction of your imperialistic ways, we do not comdome the attack and bombing of Mecca. We will not fund this war against you but do will support any attacks aimed at your military forces. We will not fall to your terroristic ways unless last resort calls for it.
30-03-2004, 04:49
Via'di'arl International- Al Khali Air Force base
120 Squadron had just received the order to scramble. This was rare, especially for the under-strength fighter-bomber squadron held in reserve at the capital, some way from any borders.
A fairly impressive six F-4K Khali Phantom were soon thundering into the skies of the Republic's sunny capital, tearing thousands of pounds of ground attack ordinance away from earth with them. Moments later the squadron leader was in touch with control.
"..repeat co-ordinates, please." He requested. "Can you confirm, control, target showing Whitter embassy?"
"Affirmative, 120 Lead, go ahead."
The squadron leader shrugged. He'd fired on controversial targets before, but they'd been Al Khali, not foreigners.
His younger wingmen waited until they'd all seen their leader's Kh-29L missiles zip forwards before their own weapons systems operators dared let fly. From more than three miles away the dozen warheads swept in without warning, nearly 4,000kg of high explosive munitions slamming into the Whitter embassy just moments after the now called terrorists had taken control.
Al Haqiqa Al Khals- terrorists storm Whitter embassy, detonate suicide bombs
The Al Khali media quickly picked up the story- such a tragedy as fanatical terrorism reached the Republic's shores and so utterly destroyed a foreign embassy. Casualties were known to have been suffered by Whitter, Al Khals, and amongst Al Anbari students near by. Reports were as yet, "sketchy".
The KSU affected a rapid crack-down on potential leaks, and the army maintained its blockade on the embassy district.
(OOC: For the record -as it has been unsettled for some time- Al Khals' location is now agreed to be the east coast of Southern Africa, just south of Zanzibar: http://groups.msn.com/NSRalishohan/maps.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=60 Technically we shouldn't have so much oil as we do, but all that became part of the nation's character before the location was settled, so we're just going with it.)
Whittier's embassy staff died bravely, knowing their nation stood for values of good and justice and fairness which the Al Anbari terrorists despised.
Whittier fully condones the destruction of its embassy in Al Khals and the terrorists who took it over.
30-03-2004, 04:53
Via'di'arl International- Al Khali Air Force base
120 Squadron had just received the order to scramble. This was rare, especially for the under-strength fighter-bomber squadron held in reserve at the capital, some way from any borders.
A fairly impressive six F-4K Khali Phantom were soon thundering into the skies of the Republic's sunny capital, tearing thousands of pounds of ground attack ordinance away from earth with them. Moments later the squadron leader was in touch with control.
"..repeat co-ordinates, please." He requested. "Can you confirm, control, target showing Whitter embassy?"
"Affirmative, 120 Lead, go ahead."
The squadron leader shrugged. He'd fired on controversial targets before, but they'd been Al Khali, not foreigners.
His younger wingmen waited until they'd all seen their leader's Kh-29L missiles zip forwards before their own weapons systems operators dared let fly. From more than three miles away the dozen warheads swept in without warning, nearly 4,000kg of high explosive munitions slamming into the Whitter embassy just moments after the now called terrorists had taken control.
Al Haqiqa Al Khals- terrorists storm Whitter embassy, detonate suicide bombs
The Al Khali media quickly picked up the story- such a tragedy as fanatical terrorism reached the Republic's shores and so utterly destroyed a foreign embassy. Casualties were known to have been suffered by Whitter, Al Khals, and amongst Al Anbari students near by. Reports were as yet, "sketchy".
The KSU affected a rapid crack-down on potential leaks, and the army maintained its blockade on the embassy district.
(OOC: For the record -as it has been unsettled for some time- Al Khals' location is now agreed to be the east coast of Southern Africa, just south of Zanzibar: http://groups.msn.com/NSRalishohan/maps.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=60 Technically we shouldn't have so much oil as we do, but all that became part of the nation's character before the location was settled, so we're just going with it.)
Whittier's embassy staff died bravely, knowing their nation stood for values of good and justice and fairness which the Al Anbari terrorists despised.
Whittier fully condones the destruction of its embassy in Al Khals and the terrorists who took it over.
30-03-2004, 05:16
As the nation of Hobbeebia watches in horror and disgust the Emperor
orders his Hypersonic Royal Fighters to take flight and intecept the fighter responsible for the Embassy's destruction." this is not how a war is to be done. the staff didn't have a chance. "-screams Hobbeeb The Emperor
"this is Royal Red leader we have confirmed target sighting. do you wish us to continue."
"this is Commander Zoin you are a go!"
"as the fighters closed in on the targets. A.A. guns ring through the sky. when suddenly hangers, fighter jets and fuel storage facilities Explode in a brilliante Wave after wave attack of mini Mo Abb Bombs. After the attack reporters hit the streets taking pics of the airfield
30-03-2004, 05:19
As the nation of Hobbeebia watches in horror and disgust the Emperor
orders his Hypersonic Royal Fighters to take flight and intecept the fighter responsible for the Embassy's destruction." this is not how a war is to be done. the staff didn't have a chance. "-screams Hobbeeb The Emperor
"this is Royal Red leader we have confirmed target sighting. do you wish us to continue."
"this is Commander Zoin you are a go!"
"as the fighters closed in on the targets. A.A. guns ring through the sky. when suddenly hangers, fighter jets and fuel storage facilities Explode in a brilliante Wave after wave attack of mini Mo Abb Bombs. After the attack reporters hit the streets taking pics of massive craters that once used to be an airfield"
GODMODE you can't post his casualties or his damage.
Al Khals
30-03-2004, 05:31
OOC: Ah, you detected Al Khali aircraft over the Al Khali capital, near the east coast of Africa, eh?
News of the embassy's destruction has been reported as being the work of Islamic extremist terrorists related to the Al Anbari war, and its unlikely that anyone who wasn't there or in top levels of Al Khali government or military is aware of what really happened. Of course witnesses are as yet largely contained by the Al Khali Republican Army and the Khals Security Unit. Probably some will later refute Via'di'arl's insistance that suicide bombers were behind the explosions, but it's up to people to decide for themselves once that happens.
(And we do have several interceptor squadrons and two or three rings of SAMs defending the capital, by the way)
30-03-2004, 05:35
off note-who was that for.
If thats for Hobbeebia your Sam's are not going to work. and your squadren is not going to work either.they will fly circles around you.-sorry just reading and had to interject
Al Khals
30-03-2004, 05:47
OOC: People seem to be missing the point; Hobbeebia doesn't know that Al Khals had anything to do with the embassy's destruction. The fighters never left Al Khali airspace, never came within visual range of the embassy, and were not reported by the tightly controlled Al Khals media as having been involved.
The Hobbeebian emperor's comment to the effect that this is not how wars are conducted hints at the player's misunderstanding of the situation- Al Khals isn't at war. The Whitter embassy in Al Khals was stormed by foreign nationals, and Al Khals now claims that these foreign nationals (mainly Al Anbari) bombed the embassy once they broke inside the compound.
I don't think you're monitoring Al Khals' busy airspace closely enough to know otherwise...
OOC: People seem to be missing the point; Hobbeebia doesn't know that Al Khals had anything to do with the embassy's destruction. The fighters never left Al Khali airspace, never came within visual range of the embassy, and were not reported by the tightly controlled Al Khals media as having been involved.
The Hobbeebian emperor's comment to the effect that this is not how wars are conducted hints at the player's misunderstanding of the situation- Al Khals isn't at war. The Whitter embassy in Al Khals was stormed by foreign nationals, and Al Khals now claims that these foreign nationals (mainly Al Anbari) bombed the embassy once they broke inside the compound.
I don't think you're monitoring Al Khals' busy airspace closely enough to know otherwise...
to be honest i read the entire thread, and i would think that your fighter had played a part in the destruction of the embassy.
30-03-2004, 06:00
Meanwhile the people of Mawkistan gather to pray for a peaceful end to this conflict and that the leaders on both sides settle this diplomatically.End the bloodshed!
Al Khals
30-03-2004, 06:00
OOC: Heh, our fighter. We do have four hundred odd fighters. I have to wonder, why would you think that? Even if you did, why would you commit an act of war over your suspicion as to the involvement of one foreign government in the destruction of another foreign government's embassy?
This is all academic, because I am not recognising the Hobbeebian attack, as it adds nothing relevant to the RP, and is too deeply infused with ignorance of the nation and the circumstances. I don't know where all these reporters came from, suddenly unafraid of the pervasive KSU...
Meanwhile the people of Mawkistan gather to pray for a peaceful end to this conflict and that the leaders on both sides settle this diplomatically.End the bloodshed!
The Arab Socialist Republic of Al Anbar does not condone the "suicide bombings" in al-Khals.
We would like to see a peaceful end to this war, but it is not Al Anbar who have kept this war going, it is Whittier and their allies. We have time and time again offered peace to them, but they refuse and demand unreasonable demands.
30-03-2004, 06:03
" I am Truly sorry if the attack on the airfeild was in some peoples minds. but i have to agree with Region police i read the thread and it was very convicting that your fighters attacked the embassy after the terrorist take over. I will help rebuild the damage. "-Hobbeebian Emperor
Al Khals
30-03-2004, 06:06
OOC: Really now, the player reads the thread, the emperor does not. The attack on the Al Khali airfield never took place, now let us never again speak of this.
Oh did you attack another nation by jumping the gun again. you idiot. you never could use you military right. you have all this military power and no good military advisers. bad boy. :twisted:
30-03-2004, 06:10
Humans, all we ever do is kill each other, even in RPing. Oh well, I guess this isn't my war anyway. Continue the bloodshed by all means.
dont be to harsh on Hobbeebia. They are a good nation and like to jump into things. But i will watch bloodshed and i hope you will not wait to ask for my help or Hobbeebia's help.
Germanische Zustande
30-03-2004, 06:42
The colonel jumped from the helicopter, along with his men. They hit the ground running, the crowd that had destroyed the Embassy. WHittier was attacked for no reason, and the Muslims were intent on killing all non-muslims. Well, he liked a good bloodbath now and then in his enemies' corpses. May Allah help them if they pull another stunt like that again.
Airman Bergen flew his fighter over the deploying ground troops. Wave after wave of Helicopter hovered over the streets while the army jumped out. Oh how they had the good assignments. <BEEP BEEP BEEP> Something had locked on to him. He rolled and broke to face his attacker. He smiled to himself as he saw another fighter pull up behind his foe. "YEE HAW!"
While the Holy Empire of Eshli would like to acknowledge that it is officially neutral in this conflict, it would like to applaud the restraint and perserverance in the face of Muslim fanatisicm and terrorism of Whittier and Al Khals. Also, Eshli would also like it to be known that Eshli stance is in 100% agreement with Communist Louisiana. We think that Al Anbar is a hypocritical, fanatic, terrorist bastard who thinks he is the next Nasser. Of course, my oppinion could of course be skewed because it is 90% Jewish, and does not condone any form of violence in the name of G-d, the Most High. It is also the oppinion of Eshli that it is hypocritical and oxymoronic to claimthat your religion preaches "peace" yet can declare a Jihad, or "Holy War" how can anything be holy if G-d's creations are slain? Does our Lord rejoice in slaughter? It is further offensive to the people and government of Eshli that using the name of our Lord and killing in the name of the Most High to further political means/meausures/beleifs is sacreligious and hypocritical. Also, how can Al Anbar make such claims as having a "grater arab nation" being controlled by him, and yet be anti-imperialist? or is that just if you are non-muslim and not from Al Anbar? Also, how can you claim to conrol Israel, when it is widely known that Israel is a soverign, DEMOCRATIC nation, the only one in the Middle East. Also, just so you know, the fact that your 12 fanatics single-handedly stormed the Whittier embassy and took hostages is 1. Terrorism, and 2. Not feasable, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that 12 crazed religious fanatics out for blood can overcome 2 professional armies (Al Khals and the Whittier Embassy defense force-im guessing of course-and a profesional police force, the KSU) I realize that they are fanatics, but they are not supermen. This is called GODMODDING. Go Away Al Anbar, you hypocritical Zonah, nobody likes you.
Am Yisrael Chai,
Dan Sanders
Eshli foreign Minister
Holy Empire of Eshli
please note: I am not trying to be/sound/act/whatever anti-Arab or Anti-Muslim, but you make it too damn easy!
While the Holy Empire of Eshli would like to acknowledge that it is officially neutral in this conflict, it would like to applaud the restraint and perserverance in the face of Muslim fanatisicm and terrorism of Whittier and Al Khals. Also, Eshli would also like it to be known that Eshli stance is in 100% agreement with Communist Louisiana. We think that Al Anbar is a hypocritical, fanatic, terrorist bastard who thinks he is the next Nasser. Of course, my oppinion could of course be skewed because it is 90% Jewish, and does not condone any form of violence in the name of G-d, the Most High. It is also the oppinion of Eshli that it is hypocritical and oxymoronic to claimthat your religion preaches "peace" yet can declare a Jihad, or "Holy War" how can anything be holy if G-d's creations are slain? Does our Lord rejoice in slaughter? It is further offensive to the people and government of Eshli that using the name of our Lord and killing in the name of the Most High to further political means/meausures/beleifs is sacreligious and hypocritical. Also, how can Al Anbar make such claims as having a "grater arab nation" being controlled by him, and yet be anti-imperialist? or is that just if you are non-muslim and not from Al Anbar? Also, how can you claim to conrol Israel, when it is widely known that Israel is a soverign, DEMOCRATIC nation, the only one in the Middle East. Also, just so you know, the fact that your 12 fanatics single-handedly stormed the Whittier embassy and took hostages is 1. Terrorism, and 2. Not feasable, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that 12 crazed religious fanatics out for blood can overcome 2 professional armies (Al Khals and the Whittier Embassy defense force-im guessing of course-and a profesional police force, the KSU) I realize that they are fanatics, but they are not supermen. This is called GODMODDING. Go Away Al Anbar, you hypocritical Zonah, nobody likes you.
Am Yisrael Chai,
Dan Sanders
Eshli foreign Minister
Holy Empire of Eshli
OOC: Since you are obviously not smart enough to actually read the posts rather than skim through them:
1. I don't control Israel. Never claimed to.
2. Read about who tried to take over the embassy. It wasn't just 12 guys.
3. Yes, I like Nasser. Nasser did great things. I would have liked to follow in his footsteps if I was an Arab.
4. You obviously have no idea what jihad means. Here, I'll explain it: jihad means a defensive 'holy' war. There are different interpretations, but that is the one I'm using here.
5. Numerous other things.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
I will back up all Christians as we battle the horrible sub-human Islamic culture!
:lol: :roll:
The Holy Emperor Yonatan ben-Ami, walked in to his throne room after his morning ride and plopped down on his favorite chair, an American-made Lay-Z-Boy recliner. As he grabbed his favorite book and began to read, his friend and trusted adviser, Yaakov Ben-Tikvah, entered the room, flushed.
"Your Majesty, ... Its Al Khals...the Whittier Embassy...was stormed by a group of Muslim Fanatics...mostly Students from Al Anbar... Clerics are...Declaring...Jihad!!! Sire, what dou you desire to do?"
"First thing, Yaakov, is I want you to take five deep braeaths and calm down. Then I want us to put our heads together. Summon Rivka Ben Shoshana and Yossi Nitzim. I want to hold an emergency council. "
"Yes, Milord," replied Yaakov.
Twenty minutes later, the council was adjourned.
"Well, ladies and Gentlemen, what do you make of this situation in Al Khals?" he asked.
"Your Highness, If I may", piped up Yossi Nitzim, a young, promising officer and first born sonof the Emperors friend, Abraham Nitzim.
"I believe this situation is, well, hostile and loaded. Begging your pardon sir, but were damned if we do, and were damned if we dont. Either we openly support Whittier, and we further sever what 'frosty' diplomatic relations we have with Muslim nations, or we stay COMPLETELY neutral, and i mean COMPLETELY neutral, and risk our credibility as a supporter of free nations fight against terror. Not to mention the fact that these so-called clerics are bieng sacreligious in using the name of the Most High in firthering and perpetrating a politial terrorist goal(s) by declaring a Holy War. There can be no in between."
"What is our readiness status?" The Emperor prodded.
"First Fleet is ready to sortie in ten minutes notice, and 8th fleet is already in the area. 155 Mobile Infantry and the 63rd Airborne are on Alert and reserves can be called up. Within 72 hours, we could have 35,000 troops, and materiel in the area." Replied Yossi.
"Good. Step up Alert to code Zulu, call up reseve of the 422nd Armored, 368th Mobile, anjd 10th Airborne, and put them on high alert." the Emperor replied. "Does anybody have any ideas of what we could do?" he pleaded.
Rivka Ben Shoshana, the self-promoted "master of useless information" replied with
"Lend lease act, 1939."
the Emperor replied asking, "Excuse me, Rivka, do you have an Idea?"
she answered,"Yes Milord. The Lend lease of of the United States of America in 1939, provided England and France with much needed finacial support and "volunteer" troops with which to fight off the Nazis, while yet technically ramaining neuteral...We could do some similar type of action. Could We not?"
"I believe we could...Yes that is What we will do. Ricka and Yossi, I want you two to draw up the exact provisions of this act and bring them to me for approval. Then send them to Whittier and Al Khals. Stress that we, the Holy Empire of Eshli will remain militarily neutral (under our own flag, anyway) until attacked or until an attack is deemed eminent. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an address to deliver to the People of Eshli. Baruch HaShem."
Al ANbar said:
Yes, I like Nasser. Nasser did great things. I would have liked to follow in his footsteps if I was an Arab.
To which my reply is that I dont believe endorsing/sponsoring(? i dunno if he sponsored it, so i wont claim he did...) the murder of 350,000 Egyptian Jews from 1957-1960. Thats REAL great. Also, if you are going to define Jihad, define it correctly. Jihad is simply a "Holy War". how it is interpreted is another story. If you are going to say something has many interpretations, make sure you clearly define whixh one you are using so that people do not become confused.
Thank you.
The Freethinkers
30-03-2004, 08:30
Actually, defined correctly, its "Holy war in defence of the faith"