Attack on British Communists!
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 12:06
I've RPed how I entered BC earlier. Use the search function.
Ali from Cairo was in the capital of BC and he was going to a shop to buy some styrofoam and a few other components to make a bomb. He was in his small room building the thing. Finally his device was done. He went to a small warehouse where he loaded the bomb in a small van and drove to the city. He saw lots of people walking in a busy mall and drove to the mall at full speed. He has hit a few pedestrians but he didn't care. He crashed into the mall driving through the halls and detonated the bomb.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:23
BCNN (British Communists News Network)
News Flash
News just in, an explosion has rocked one of the government malls in New London. Witnesses say they saw a van drive at full speed into the mall, then explode. It is thought its a suicide attack, the premier issued this statement
We will not stand for this cowardly attack. We will find who co-ordinated this attack, and bring them to justice. We will follow them to the ends of the earth, through deserts, cities, jungles, mountains and tundra. We will not stop until the cowards have been bought to justice!
Huzen Hagen
28-03-2004, 12:25
whats the estimate on casulties?
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:26
We know of 56 dead, 112 injured. The tally is rising.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 12:27
Abdul heard about his brothers dead and knew he was in heaven now. He followed the laws of the islam and he had already finished a major dirty bomb. He loaded it in a truck with a few of his brothers in arms and drove it to a government building. There he and his brothers started to fire with AK-47's at the crowd. Many died instantly and after most of the bystanders were dead they drove to the entrance and blew themselves up.
MBC news slogan and theme tune
" A Bomb has rocked the Capital city, New london of our Great ally and freind British Communists. Whether there will be a war out of this or not we don't know, but what the GEM does know is that it'll stand by it's freinds, and will help British Communists accordingly... in other news a man was found hanged today and another three terrorists... were tortured and exceuted...
Abdul heard about his brothers dead and knew he was in heaven now. He followed the laws of the islam and he had already finished a major dirty bomb. He loaded it in a truck with a few of his brothers in arms and drove it to a government building. There he and his brothers started to fire with AK-47's at the crowd. Many died instantly and after most of the bystanders were dead they drove to the entrance and blew themselves up.
OOC: slightly god-moddy there and wouldn't BC have some from of Armed police force in the vicinity?
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:33
The premier issued this statment before being rushed to an army base in the northern mountain region.
In the chaos, it appears some sort of radioactive dirty bomb has been detonated within our great city. We urge every citizen to get out of the capital as soon as possible. Hazmat teams are arriving on the scene, looking for any evidence. My people, trust me, these people will be bought to justice. This may be the biggest threat ever levelled at our country, but we can get through this, these bastards will pay!
He was then pulled into a chopper, a tear dropping from his eye as he knew man thousands of innocent people would die.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:35
OOC: MBC News, its very god-moddy, as a dirty bomb would never get into the country, but I don't want to ruin a good RP or war.
Austar Union
28-03-2004, 12:35
The republic of Austar Union officially condemns the Sirens of Titan for their cowardly attacks on Britsh Communists.
Why we ask, is death nessasary to achieve your goals?
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 12:43
OOC: MBC News, its very god-moddy, as a dirty bomb would never get into the country, but I don't want to ruin a good RP or war.
You can buy uranium at ebay and you can't make a dirty bomb? Anyway thanks for not ignoring it. It wasn't a godmod, I rped how the people got in.
IC: they deserve death and destruction because they have supported the war against us.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:43
The Hazmat team has found some burnt scriptures, which have been taken to a lab for analysis. This is a huge breakthrough, and we believe we can find out who was behind this.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 12:45
In a small city in the south of BC a small band of men are riding into town on a motorbike packed with TNT. They drove to the city hall where they detonated themselves. All these people from SoT lived in BC without hating them untill the BC government supported the war against them. They will pay for their foolish decision.
The Empire of Camewot sends 100 soldiers to help gaurding any buildings that are vulnerable to attack.
The Britisch Communists are now officially under command of 100 of my soldiers.
We will fight with you, brother!
British Communists
28-03-2004, 12:48
The lab tests are back. We now are 100% sure that the country behind this was The Series of Titans, a rouge terrorist state.
We now ask for any support in a full scale war against this country. We ask to forget the divide between our nations, especially between communists and capitalists. We have a common enemy, it is not each other, it is terrorists like these. Please pledge as much as you can to the destruction of these cowardly terrorists!
The lab tests are back. We now are 100% sure that the country behind this was The Series of Titans, a rouge terrorist state.
We now ask for any support in a full scale war against this country. We ask to forget the divide between our nations, especially between communists and capitalists. We have a common enemy, it is not each other, it is terrorists like these. Please pledge as much as you can to the destruction of these cowardly terrorists!
I hear you brother, Camewot sends another 900 soldiers, all trained in eliminating with one shot.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:02
Thank you for your support. We will be launching devastating air attacks, then leading a full ground assult against the country. Any more support?
28-03-2004, 13:18
The Socialist Resistance Politic condemns the attacks and lends economic and medical support.
Happy BC?
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:22
Thank you for your support ally.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 13:22
Camewot, you can expect a full terrorist attack in the next 24 hours.
Meanwhile in BC a few SoT citizens were watching the news bulletin and knew they had to fulfill their holy mission. They made from kitchen chemical a strong lightweight bomb and drove to the nearest police station were they detonated the bomb. This all happened in a small town outside the BC capital.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:24
There are now military and police EVERYWHERE in all the major towns and cities. The terrorist attacks stop here. Anyone acting suspiciously will be shot with lethal force.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 13:26
What's the total bodycount?
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:27
50 high-explosive ICBMs have been launched at the Sirens of Titan capital. Bombing raids will start soon. Please post damages and casualties.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:28
So far, from all the attacks, 1516 are dead, 9012 injured, countless infected with radiation. The tally is constantly rising.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 13:29
Several schools and hospitals were hit. 10,000 innocent citizens have been killed during the attacks. We will notify other nations to take action against you.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:32
Another 50 have been launched, after that over 300 planes did sorties all over your country, dropping thousands of bombs. Please post damages and casualties.
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 13:33
Splendid shooting there BC! You just killed a lot of innocent people. I suggest to stop attacking SoT with those missiles.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:33
More security within my country has been set up. Soldiers patrol every street in every large town and city, snipers are on all buildings over 50 metres high. Citizens are being encouraged to take the offer of free handguns and use them to protect their country.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 13:34
The whole capital lay in ruin now and everyone is dead. You just eradicated a whole 9 million city. Luckily most of our holy warriors live in the mountains and were not harmed by your bombs.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 13:40
I'll give you a chance to surrender and stop the attacks. Take it and all this will go away, refuse and more people will die.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 14:32
We won't surrender. If we do then we would be cowards and enemies of the islam. If we die because of your bombs then we will reach heaven.
The 1000 soldiers in BC are being reinforced with another 500, while 2000 soldiers are landing in the mountains.
They have killed about 100 holly warriors yet, 50 taken captured.
They are on a transport to BC.
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 15:13
First, we condemn the bombings in BC but we also condemn the destruction of a city in which I invested money and lots of effort to rebuild it. BC stop with your missile attacks now you're only making enemies this way.
First, we condemn the bombings in BC but we also condemn the destruction of a city in which I invested money and lots of effort to rebuild it. BC stop with your missile attacks now you're only making enemies this way.
The President:"Stop bombing and let those terrorists rebuild their citys so that they can bomb us and BC in a few weeks again? Never!"
Meanwhile in Camewot, Socialists HQ:
"This is our change, we should go protest now and take over control!"
Presidents House: Advisor:"Sir, Sir, the Socialists are protesting against the war with BC!" President:"We wont stop unless the terrorists are dead, never!"
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 15:57
You know how young you are? Even without terrorism SoT can wipe your ass... Just saying
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 16:00
Camewot you just signed your own death warrant. Making a new thread now...
28-03-2004, 16:07
I would help BS out here.
But I'm going to have someone do it for me. :)
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 16:09
Can't handle it by himself so he calls another one. Be a man and fight me.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:09
Come on Panooly, we both now this whole thread has been god modding. He thinks terrorist attacks can be done at the click of a finger. They can't. Also do you really think that what I threw at him would have destroyed a city big enough to hold 9 million people, and kill them all? No.
28-03-2004, 16:10
CommunismRevisited would be more then willing to provide the Brittish Communists with econmic aid (Frightening econmy), and if need call for it, millitary action.
28-03-2004, 16:11
Can't handle it by himself so he calls another one. Be a man and fight me. You really want me to? To bad, I'm trying to be peaceful for a while.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:11
We will help our comrade of BC.
*Wiring 10 billion dollars to BC*
OCC: Don't even start with me Sirens of Titan, you wouldnt get into any of my major cities for the fact that weapons arent allowed their and in the biggest cities and every way into the city is searched from train to plane. We have had a no fly zone and air patrols around New Orleans since January.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:12
Its easier to nuke the whole mountain region. I don't have any WMD though, so yeh, anyone else can do it, what could have been a good RP turned into a farce.
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:12
I don't know about godmodding but if those were nuclear ICBM's then it's highly possible. By the way, they can do it. No one expected it so it's possible. Just keep on rp'ing, this is fun to read.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:14
They weren't nuclear, they were just explosive.
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:14
Its easier to nuke the whole mountain region. I don't have any WMD though, so yeh, anyone else can do it, what could have been a good RP turned into a farce.
No not nukes they ruin good rp's
28-03-2004, 16:14
Good CL is here, SoT if you do start with him, he is way bigger than you. Look lots of commies CL,BC, and I.
28-03-2004, 16:15
(I figure this got lost on the other page. Im a wee bigger then CL)
CommunismRevisited would be more then willing to provide the British Communists with econmic aid (Frightening econmy).
If you accept, we can begin talks over the current situation.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:16
Plus I have more than 23 delegates in New Orleans from 2 to 7 month old nations and I am hosting Ithuia in baton rouge so you would be majorly screewed if you tried.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 16:16
We will help our comrade of BC.
*Wiring 10 billion dollars to BC*
OCC: Don't even start with me Sirens of Titan, you wouldnt get into any of my major cities for the fact that weapons arent allowed their and in the biggest cities and every way into the city is searched from train to plane. We have had a no fly zone and air patrols around New Orleans since January.
Why would I want to attack you? We have no quarrel. Yet.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:16
We gratefully accept. We'll probably pour it into daisy-cutting the mountain regions.
28-03-2004, 16:19
(I figure my econmys got some cash to burn, why not)
What are your plans for any millitary action? We want to know just how deep were getting into this.
BC, the 50 holly warriors we captured have arived at youre capital.
Weve put them in our embassy till you come pick them up.
28-03-2004, 16:19
We will help our comrade of BC.
*Wiring 10 billion dollars to BC*
OCC: Don't even start with me Sirens of Titan, you wouldnt get into any of my major cities for the fact that weapons arent allowed their and in the biggest cities and every way into the city is searched from train to plane. We have had a no fly zone and air patrols around New Orleans since January.
Why would I want to attack you? We have no quarrel. Yet.
You attack his friend, he attacks you,but he hasn't.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:20
yet.... :twisted:
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:20
My major plans are to bomb the mountain region to flush out the "holy warriors". Then launch a ground invasion, capture or kill as many "holy warriors" as possible and probably install a puppet government.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 16:21
Strange, I morally supported a jihad against some other nations and then I'm pinned as the terrorist. You guys started it with your western agression against us.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:21
Camewot, thank you. The "holy warriors" have been executed.
Sirens of Titan
28-03-2004, 16:22
Another thing, he captures them without saying how and when. Suddenly they're executed. What a load of bull...
Im sorry to say our 2000 soldiers have been recalled, massive bombardements in Camewot.
Need support.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:24
Actually he did say how he got them. I count a lot of bull as pretending you can get a dirty bomb into a country as safety concious as mine.
28-03-2004, 16:24
CommunismRevisted is hessiatant to provide funds to a nation for use in creating a nuclear arsenal.
We suggest you ask SoT to provide you with the people you are looking for, before you begin a launching missles at the nation.
25 Billion USD has been wired (I belive thats reasonable for a nation with a frightening econmy, correct me if thats too much for a nation to send)
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:26
BC might I suggest not to install a puppet government? I've put a lot of money in SoT especially the oil and gas industry and I don't want people to ruin a 9 billion dollar project. We have lots of people there in the mining industry so don't do it unless you want to have trouble with me.
28-03-2004, 16:27
CommunismRevisited's goverment has increased the number of conscripts it is taking by 6%.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:28
I'm not creating a nuclear weapons programme. I pledge not to have the things. Thanks for the money. Holy Panooly, I just want a government in there I can trust and that won't attack innocents. You could have the country if you really want it.
28-03-2004, 16:28
yet.... :twisted: LMAO, I would attack but 1/8 of my army is over seas already....cant spare more.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:30
I am about to invade Mongus though. But I still have a majority of my army in CL. I would say 1/12 is around Mongus.
28-03-2004, 16:32
Ohh, you dont want to strech to far.
28-03-2004, 16:32
(Am I the largest and most econmically strong nation involved right now?)
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:34
I'm not creating a nuclear weapons programme. I pledge not to have the things. Thanks for the money. Holy Panooly, I just want a government in there I can trust and that won't attack innocents. You could have the country if you really want it.
It's very wise not to start up a WMD programme. We do urge you to put more effort into security since he's really planning something big. Our security agencies have picked up several poorly encoded messages containing more information about this "Holy Blast".
28-03-2004, 16:35
CommunisRevisted: Yes, you are.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:35
oldest yes, economically strong, I dont think so b/c my friend control Communist Mississippi and gives me money to keep my forces strong b/c I guard his nation to.. I have a very strong economy and he has a powerhouse.
British Communists
28-03-2004, 16:35
We are currently carrying out bombings of the mountains, and troops are on the way to the country.
OOC: In the other thread :wink:
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:36
CommunisRevisted: Yes, you are.
I'm the biggest. HA!
28-03-2004, 16:38
CL: Powerhouse is 2 steps below my econmy setting, Frightening, the best you can get.
Communist Louisiana
28-03-2004, 16:39
i always thought frightning was a bad thing.
28-03-2004, 16:40
Its the best. It means that other nations are frightened by the amount of productivity you have. Let me find the link giving you the entire list.
Holy panooly
28-03-2004, 16:42
Wish I was a frightening economy... SIGH
28-03-2004, 16:43
I'll be gone for about 1 hour. Try not to forget Im involved :wink:
28-03-2004, 16:46
I wish I had a better economy it sorta crashed from Very Strong to good.
28-03-2004, 16:48
Yeah, my nation is kinda perfect for a large army. Perfect setting for conscripts and lots of weaponry.
Having recently heard about this attack, USSR comes to aid of BC as it is in the same region and one of the closest allys.
They also condemn this attack, using Islams and Gods name, for your needs. Note that the soldiers would only go to Heaven if they have been killed in battle defending their country or if Jihad is applied.
Right from the Muslim President
Aytac Yaraneri
USSR sends 5000 of its finest soldiers to repel these Muslim acts which are not so Muslim
28-03-2004, 16:54
CommunismRevisted: Need guns? I made my own designs and they are made in a communist state, they work fine and are reliable, you can find them here
Sorry for the ad
I would like to get 10,000 of those ZAR-1A
costs4,500,000, money wired upon confirmation