NationStates Jolt Archive

Tactical Nuclear Testing

28-03-2004, 09:47
Today the nation of Nycton has tested it's first tactical nuclear blast approx. 12.6 kilotons, launched out of a 300mm Artillery Cannon. The army, airforce, and navy commenced with a simulation of a invasion, consisting of ground troops in radiation suits, cavalry with anti-radiation suits, FGA/bombers hitting specific targets, and ships launching Sea to Ground cruise missiles on targets. Some speculations say that this is Nycton's way of "flexing it's military muscle" in the result of recent terrorist attack on Cicera. Science testing will be followed through on enviremental effects and will have a full report within two months of overall success; leading to the decision of production of tactical nuclear shells.
28-03-2004, 10:17
What use does a tactical nuke have against terrorists? None, I say. We suggest you think long and hard before using such a weapon.

President Janus Hollander
Federation of Wetland.