A peaceful boycott of goods from car-supporting countries
26-03-2004, 23:29
As a country that loves our environment, Megaroona is now pending on a law that bans cars from our nation. This has been brought to my attention by a 2 Wheels Good, 4 Wheels Bad protests in the streets of my own queendom. We think it is environmentally harming every country,and phsyically hurting each person. We've grown so used to cars, we hardly walk or bike anymore. Therefore Megaroona would like to start a peaceful boycott of goods from countries that are supporting cars ande car industry.
OOC: hmm...i find it odd that your post count is still 0...
The Aliedelian people support this peaceful boycott and though we dont neccessarily believe cars are evil changes must be made before we accept car as a resonable form of transportation.
26-03-2004, 23:53
The Republic of Nimzonia contends that the bike is not an adequate replacement for the car any more than the hot air balloon is an adequate replacement for the jet airliner. While we have gone as far as charging motorists to enter city centres at peak hours, an outright banning of cars would seem ridiculous until there is a reasonable alternative.
26-03-2004, 23:53
:D Megaroona would like to graciously welcome you with a kiss of love and peace. The aliedelian people are loved by ours and are welcome to call us an ally in a time of need. Please aware your people of this boycott, for we shall struggle to survive w ithout the goods, but we shall struggle for what is right.
Nimzonia, our ways of transportation will not be as efficient and quick as yours, but it will enrich our lives in many ways. We will be able to slow down and enjoy the world around us. We also believe that on long travels boat is acceptable. We have many boats in Megaroona and many rivers for someone to take. Your country probably has the same resources?
Up until recently Muktar had a Black Market in car manufacturing, but the Revolution killed off the rich and corrupt, so now automobiles are commonly in use, although motorcycles are prefered in Dauth.
The Zoogie People
26-03-2004, 23:57
You are now boycotting goods from Zoogiedom then? Our primary industry is Automobile Manufacturing - or so they tell me - but we assure you, our environmental policy is far more than most nations...
For instance, we firmly believe that for factories and production industries to work effectively and efficiently, they Must be environmental. Black smog coming out of the huge chimneys...no, that's far from effective. Solar power, wind power...all this comes cheaply. We use massive recycyling programs, mandatory in schools and public buildings, and reuse everything in energy...newspapers and plant-waste for instance...we use those to generate fuel via fuel cells (hydrogen fuel) which burns cleanly...and yes, all our cars are hydrogen fuel cell, solar, or electric hybirds.
26-03-2004, 23:59
Please read my telegram.
Commander Rift.
It will be a struggle to stop the production of cars in our land as it is a lucrative black market business and we do not like to impose harsh restrictions upon our people but we aer a fairly small island and convincing the average person to get rid of their car hasnt been too much of a struggle as of yet. We would also like to thank the Megaroona people for their vow of friendship and we open our borders to you if would like to move into our region.
Central Facehuggeria
27-03-2004, 00:04
Intresting. At least your government is rational enough to realize that militant action won't achieve your goals.
Fournately, all automobiles sold in the USSCF are powered by clean, efficient hydrogen fuel cells. (Although Future tech fusion cells are coming into use in civilian vehicles.) This keeps our nation excessively free of air pollution.
Citizen fitness is maintained by exercise codes. Every citizen who exercises exercises on a home treadmill (which is hooked up to a flywheel power generation system) gets X megawatts of free power (in addition to what they create from walking on the treadmill. X is directly proportional to the number of hours they use the treadmill.) Otherwise, they have to pay the excessive government rates to get power from one of the many fusion generators scattered throughout the nation. You see, all power in CF that isn't acquired through the exercise codes or through the military is highly expensive. And as our nation is one of computer users, obease people are almost completely absent in our nation.
27-03-2004, 00:04
We are not talking about solar power, wind power, etc. cars. We are talking about gas powered cars. We put cars in general, because only few advanced countries, like yourself, has a majority of these cars. We fully support your environmental policies.
27-03-2004, 00:12
The automobile is the main form of transportation in the Grand Duchy of Graustarker. Bicycles ridden by children in local neighborhoods is still acceptable but adults are kept to special trails and roadways specifically for non-motorized use. As with automobiles, other forms of transportation are regulated, registered and operators must be tested before a permit is issued. Revenues from this are directed to upkeep and improvement of the infrastructures.
The Armed Republic of Sino uses mainly hybrid vehicle fuels technology. The biggest fossil fuels user of Sino is the ARSA (Armed Republic of Sino Army), the main consumer of diesel (for its tanks and IFVs).
The Sinoese Military Junta is not environmentalist but believes that tyhe reliance on fossil feuls can become a transportational logistics burden in a case of warfare as sanctions and the sinking of tankers are likely to be of the norm.
To hell with the ignorant stone aged environmentalists that have nothing better to do than to smoke pot and ban cars.
The automobile is the main form of transportation in the Grand Duchy of Graustarker. Bicycles ridden by children in local neighborhoods is still acceptable but adults are kept to special trails and roadways specifically for non-motorized use.
Seems to be a lot like Sino.
The Aliedelian Parliment has just diverted 12 billion rubies over the next 4 years to the production of clean fuel efficent cars and urges all other countries that currently do not possess this technology to do the same.
27-03-2004, 00:29
The automobile is the main form of transportation in the Grand Duchy of Graustarker. Bicycles ridden by children in local neighborhoods is still acceptable but adults are kept to special trails and roadways specifically for non-motorized use.
Seems to be a lot like Sino.
Thank you, we take that as a compliment of the highest order. However, those that wish to smoke pot here. (and perhaps a bit more!)
27-03-2004, 00:31
Our country is also putting 17 million megaroona moons out for this pro-environment activity. 10 million will be used in making new environment friendly cars. 5 million will be used to create new fitness programs all across our country. And 2 million will be used to buy cheap supplies from non-car-supporting countries, in replacement of stuff we'd buy from countries we are boycotting.
I donot know the currency conversion rate from the rubie to the megaroona but do you think 10 million is sufficent for the production of enviromentally friendlt cars i thought that perhaps 12 billion over a 4 year period meaning 3 billion a year would be a bit excessive but do you really think you can do it for so little? If you succed the Aliedelian Government is prepared to offer 40 million rubies for this knowledge
The Coxian States
27-03-2004, 00:39
While intrests in ecological friendly fuels are respectable, the outright banning of automobiles is insensible. Economical progress rides on wheels and tracks, not just tracks alone.
27-03-2004, 00:40
OOC: perhaps i should point out that there was a UN resolution that forced all the members to convert to hydrogen power cars....
Of course i think thatr while hydrogen has its uses it can a bit too complex and hi tech hence why the large majority of Crookfur military vehicles run on our tried and proven alcohol engines, now private cars are a mix, from cheap budget models using the old alchol engines to mid range cars that are begining to see hydrogen feul cells and electric power sources to the far out extreme hydrogen turbine powered race cars...
Our export cars (well automobile manufacturing is our no1 industry) are generally all offered with the purchaser's choice of engine and feul, be it alcohol, hydrogen, methane or traidtional fossil fuels.
Oh and we could try and make people walk but it rains/snows ALOT in Crookfur so it would liekly cuase an uprising if we did so...
27-03-2004, 00:44
Groups of Megaroonian scientists and mechanics have volunteered to work for a very cheap price, for they are fond of the cause. This is why only 10 million will be spent. Untill then our country is banning cars.
But i think too many nations are focusing on economy. What about environment? What about fitness? These things should be taken into consideration also.
Central Facehuggeria
27-03-2004, 00:48
IC: Central Facehuggeria will donate 1 billion USD to further the developement of cleaner cars.
Also, regarding the fitness, you can exercise even though you have cars. Heck, you can even force citizens to exercise! Cars are the most efficient way to travel long distances over land effectively.
I think it is more effective to stop fast food from going rampant this isnt a problem in my country becuase of the delicious indigenous fruits but may be a problem elsewhere
27-03-2004, 01:30
I also agree, though fitness work would help the increasing obesity rate. Maybe you should start a ruling against fast food restaurants or bring this up to the UN.
I am not a member of the U.N. but i support at least a limitation of fast food restraunts the free and open nature of my nation means that all out bans are very rare but if you limit the amount of fast food places and open up places where people can get delicious healthy food then that could be a solution.
The Irish Isle
27-03-2004, 01:42
The government of the newly formed Allied States of The Irish Isle does not find the boycott of the automobile to be a feasible way to decrease the damage inflicted on the environment. To-do-away with the car as a means of transportation in any nation is not only economic suicide, it is just plain stupid. Until the supporters of the boycott of cars in Megaroona proposes another means of transportation as affective as the car the Allied States of The Irish Isle can not and Will Not support a boycott on cars!
27-03-2004, 02:06
Everyone squandering their hard earned cash on developing new forms of horseless carriage that do not pollute the environment may cease their search, for we have already done the research and have developed cars that run on bio-diesel - brewed from Rape grown on farms the traditional way*
For a mere £250 Shildonian Pounds, we can provide you with a DIY kit capable of converting any conventionally powered horseless carriage into a bio-diesel powered horseless carriage. (one kit fits one car)
If your nation's farmers are not currently involved in Rape production, then the Shildonian Farmers Union will be able to meet a limited export market, export prices will depend upon demand.
*If by "traditional" you mean mass produced GM Rape
27-03-2004, 03:30
After thought, i have moved out of the boycott. Why? Loss of valuable allys because of it and economic problems. If anyone agrees and would like to continue, please move forth.
The Zoogie People
27-03-2004, 03:37
Thank you for clarifying Megaroona...may we proceed to trade agreements then?
The Aliedelian People wish to purchase 10,000 of this kits when can they be ready?
The Far-Eastern States
27-03-2004, 04:21
From: Dr. Xin Chan, Trade Secretary, Commonwealth of Far-Eastern States
To: Representatives of all nations concerned.
We at the CFES government have been made aware at this economic boycott to make a statement regarding environmental concerns. Though we find it somewhat too much, we do admire the effort of these countries supporting said boycott.
That said, we would like to inform you that our automoblie industry has recently developed low cost fuel-cell technology and has adopted it on many automobile models. Already we are taking steps in the senate to outlaw all fossil fuel run non-industrial engines that will take effect in two years' time. As for industrial use, the development of massive-scale energy production using fuel-cell technology is near completion and will replace all sources of electricity in the CFES in an estimated time of one decade.
Our automobile manufacturers are willing to export fuel-cell cars at a reduced price to any country willing. Contracts from our manufacturers are already up for grabs since production is already 100% of our automobile output.
Please contact us if you wish to open up trade and we will discuss the details.
Good fortunes to all.
Dr. Xin Chan, Secretary of Trade, CFES