Neo-Soviet Russia
26-03-2004, 01:24
Please do your own math when it comes to purchases.
If it is found anyone is producing these units without my explicit permission, action will be taken
Land Vehicles
LSIF05 Mongoose MkII
Through purchase of production rights of this vehicle from Wetland's weapons industry, USSNSR's Lightning Stryke Industries' workers have been able to produce and upgrade this basic yet versatile APC. Among other modifications, armor has been increased through use of light composites, the engine itself has been updated,and the steering is now six wheel drive.
Crew: 3
Troop Capacity: 8
Max speed: On-road 105 km/h; off-road 65 km/h; Fording 15 km/h
25mm automatic cannon
12.7mm MG (Co-axial)
7.62mm MG (Anti-aircraft/infantry)
NBC Protection
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 900,000
Virath MkII Recon Vehicle
A slightly modified version of the Phoenixius Virath, the speed has raised a little, and a top hatch has been added.
Crew: 1
Troop capacity: 4
Length: 3 m
Height: 2 m
Width: 1.8 m
Weight: 4 tons
Max Speed: 80 mph governed
Range: 350 miles petrol, 20 miles eletric
Armament: Roof mounted 7.62mm machine gun
Price: 550,000
LSUFV-02 Bulldog A/B
The Bulldog is a light weight fighting vehicle developed for use within the urban enviroment. There are of course two varients of this weapon. The first varient is more geared towards anti-infantry and acts also as an APC. Capable of carrying 11 troops, it has a ports able to be opened from the inside for troops to make use of. Atop this vehicle is a 30 mm autocannon paired with a coaxial 7.62mm MG. The second holds a smaller capacity of troops, six to be exact. What it lacks in men though is made up in fire power. The turret houses an 85 mm autocannon paired with a 7.62 mm coaxial mg. Atop the turret sits anonther 7.62 mm mg. Both have powerful engines. Defense wise either varient has better defense compared to their relative, the FVR5 Mongoose, through the use of layers shifting between metal alloys and composites. For aditional defense, the Bulldog can be upgraded with add-on armor.
Bulldog A
Type: Light Urban Fighting Vehicle
Crew: 3 + 11
Weight: Empty 11500 kg; Max 14200 kg
Length: 5.8 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 2.04
Speed: Road 60 mph; Off road 30 mph
Engine: Watercooled, Turbocharged Diesel rated at 542 hp
30 mm autocannon
7.62 mm coaxial mg
7.62 mm top mounted mg
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 1,000,000
Bulldog B
Type: Medium Urban Fighting Vehicle
Crew: 3 + 6
Weight: Empty 11550 kg; Max 14500 kg
Length: 5.8 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 2.04
Speed: Road 53 mph; Off road 24 mph
Engine: Watercooled, Turbocharged Diesel rated at 550 hp
85mm autocannon
7.62 mm coaxial mg
7.62 mm top mounted mg
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 1,200,000
LSHA-01 Tenoth Tank
Crew: 4
Length: 32.25 ft
Height: 7.80 ft
Width: 12 ft
Weight: 68 tons
Max Speed: 47 mph governed
Range: 350 miles
120mm Smooth-bore gun
7.62mm co-axial MG
7.62mm AA MG
NBC Protection
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 3,500,000
LSSH-01 Crow
The first helicopter to be designed and built solely by Neo-Soviet Russians, the LSSH-01 Crow, despite the name, is a somewhat asthetically pleasing, as well as manuverable. Meant to be a utility and troop transport, this helo also has the ability to mount weaponry and take on a role of light support. Defense wise this helicopter is above average. With an radar and infrared absorbant coating and low infrared exhaust, it is somewhat more stealthy then the usual fielded chopper.
Crew: 2 plus 2 optional door gunners
Length: 15.6 m (including rotor)
Height: 4.2 m
Rotor Diameter: 13.5 m
Weight: 12412 lbs
Max Speed: 324 mph/ 200.9 kmh
Range: 390 miles/630 km
Armament: None permanent. 2 external mounts for form fitting rocket pods or 3 barreled 7.62mm MG pods along with 2 mounts for hanging MGs in the hatchways
Passengers: 16 fully equipped troops/8 stretchers and 4 medics
Base Price: 24,000,000
Millimeter Bandwidth Radar Imaging: + 5,000
Archangel 3rd gen. stealth: + 1,500,000
Fixed Wing Aircraft
LSAM-21 Fishbed MkII
Using the airframe of the aging MiG-21, LSI has upgraded the Soviet-era aircraft into a cheap yet versatile ground attack tool. Meant to be sold to the nation looking for the best bang for the buck, the Fishbed MkII has had a number of external and internal modifications. Externally the body has been extended, giving this aircraft the nickname of Long Neck by those who have worked on it, and increased wing surface to give an increase in range and weapons held. Internally, among simple updates in avionics, the engine has been replaced with a more fuel-efficient, powerful engine. The cockpit's been redone, giving a backseat for a weapons officer. The pilot's section is now lined with a number of pannels connected to cameras and sensors to help with observability around him. Retaining a number of gauges, a trio of LCD screens have also been added. The back seater, unlike the foward counterpart, has a number of LCDs, touch-screen input capable. Systems and software in general have also been updated, allowing the aircraft to make use of modern day weaponry. Overall, this aircraft is meant for the nation with a small budget, or one looking for a cheap, yet efficient ground attack aircraft.
Crew: 2
Length: 17.45 m
Height: 4.14 m
Wing Span: 8.95 m
Weight: Empty 5682.5 kg; Max Take Off 11125 kg
Max Speed: 1.9 Mach
Range: 2205 km/1367 mi
20mm LSAG312 MG w/ 550 rounds
7 Hardpoints for AA/AG missiles, bombs, pods
Phase 1 Virtual Enviroment Cockpit
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging
3d Thrust Vectoring
Base Price: 12,000,000
Aditional Options:
LSI Deployable Decoy System: 200,000
Phoenixius Defensive Counter-Measures: 200,000
Full Frontal HUD: 350,000
Helmet Mounted Display: 300,000
LSAI-12 Rain
When the call for a scramble fighter came, Lightning Stryke Industries heard. What came about though was something more. Built firstly as an interceptor, the Rain has great handling characteristics due to an incredible engine output, 3d thrust vectoring, and moveable canards. What was later learned though was that the aircraft, with it's overall count of 11 hardpoints and decent weapons load, made for a decent attack aircraft. The systems of this war machine are highly adaptable, making it upgradable for future weapons. One feature not seen on most aircraft is the ability to attach a pair of rocket boosters to the tail of this aircraft. The thrust of these rockets can be controlled from the cockpit, letting the pilot decide if he needs a simple burst or a quick increase. These rockets are also, if need be, detachable.
Function: Multirole Attack/Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 13.44 m
Height: 5.11 m
Wing Span: 9.28 m
Weight: Empty 8940 kg; Max take Off 18,800 kg
Max Speed: 2.00 Mach
Super Cruise: 1.54 Mach
Range: 1680 mi
One LSAG 20mm multibarrel w/ 760 rounds
9 underside hardpoints for weapons ranging from dumb bombs to fire and forget air to air
2 wing tip hardpoints for AAMs.
Base price: 25,000,000
Aditional options:
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LSAF-05 Duelist
Built to compete against current day advanced fighters, the Duelist is Lightning Stryke's step towards high manuverability/high power aircraft. The design itself is remiscent in ways to older, prop driven aircraft, with an engine on each wing. This plane though, is unique in more then simply that. Unlike normal fighters which tend to have a single or dual thrust nozzles, the Duelist incorporates a primary set, capable of vectoring thrust, as well as a secondary smaller set just above the first. Pilots of this aircraft are also issued special flightsuits. Though serving to provide oxygen, the helmets of these suits offer a large glass front in which critical data can be projected apon.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 49.2 ft/ 14.92 m
Height: 12.3 ft/ 3.72 m
Wingspan: 47.2 ft/ 14.29 m
Empty Weight: 18,250 lb
Armament Weight: 15,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,000
Ceiling: 55,000 ft
Max Speed: 2.33 Mach
Super Cruise: 1.84 Mach
Range: 1,800 mi
Two LSAG 20mm multibarrel w/ 620 rounds each
6 hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/pods
Helmet Mounted Display
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Base Price: 32,000,000
Optional Systems:
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth: + 1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSAF-07 Horror
The second of Lightning Stryke Industries aircraft, the Horror is taking a step back towards the conventional. This elegant beast is incorporating a number of technologies from the Duelist as well as introducing a few of its own systems. Structurally, the Horror is a rugged, simple plane. Numerous hatches cover this aircraft's body, making repairs easy on the ground crews. The engineers of LSI have also orchastrated a dual air intake system. Working with underside air intakes, the engines have two small intakes atop. These can either direct to the main engines, or to two tiny thrust ports a few feet down. A section of the wings also have the ability to sweep foward or back, like that of the old Su-20 Fitter, to help with speed and manuverability. Inside the cockpit things have been simplified. Gauges and dials have been cut to a minimum, LCDs now dotting the dash. Another feature new to this fighter is the lack of the small HUD screen. Instead of the simple clear slab, images are applied to the foward part of the canopy via lasers built into top of the dash. Defense wise, other then the already known systems, a new system is being introduced. Labled the DDS, the Deployable Decoy System incorporates two shallow bays on the sides of the aircraft near the engine. Inside each bay there is a aerodynamic yet incredibly radar reflective decoy, as well as a cable about one hundred feet long. These decoys have the ability to jam incoming weapons or instead simply making themselves targets instead of the host aircraft. Another defensive measure, though one being incorporated by more adn more aircraft, is the stealth characteristics of ths aircraft. The simple, smooth edges and lines, mixed with composite materials lend their help to this aircraft as well. The Horror is expected to be the frontline fighter for the USSNSR Air Corps for years to come.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 49.62 ft/ 15.51 m
Height: 15.39 ft/ 4.81 m
Wingspan: 35.84 ft/ 11.20 m
Empty Weight: 17,600
Armament Weight: 16,000
Internal Fuel: 15,560
Ceiling: 55,000 ft
Max Speed: Mach 2.54
Super Cruise: Mach 2.13
Range: 1,954
Two LSAG 20mm multibarrel mgs w/ 700 rounds each
7 external hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/pods
Helmet Mounted Display
Full Frontal HUD
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
3d Thrust Vectoring
base price: 40,000,000
Optional Systems:
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth: + 1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSAF-11 Abaddon
A streamlined craft, the Abaddon is the third in a series of aircraft that Lightning Stryke Industries is producing dedicated towards the air superiority role. Straying back across the line of conventional and unconventional this fighter takes technology from both of it's previous siblings and builds apon them. Unlike the first two this aircraft is of the foward swept type, making use of a compound wing similar to that of a delta before going into a shallow foward sweep. Like the Horror, the Abaddon also retains the easy access panels and dual air intake systems. Unlike the Horror though these air intakes are simply to help the main engines. Inside the cockpit digitization seen in the Horror has been taken a step further. In addition to simplified LCD screens and a full frontal canopy HUD, key areas on the sides of the pilot hold screens which, via help of cameras on the outside, giving the pilot more of a view. This aircraft is expected to deployment under Neo-Soviet Russian Air Corps in a number of elite squadrons, holding off mass production unless orders come in or the USSNSR sees fit.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 18.93 m
Height: 4.21 m
Wingspan: 14.85 m
Empty Weight: 18,400 lb
Armament Weight: 17,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,225 lb
Ceiling: 58,500 ft
Max Speed: Mach 2.68
Super Cruise: Mach 2.3
Range: 2,100 mi
1 LSSG21 Semi-Guided 20mm Haiulstorm CIWS w/ 800 rounds
2 Internal hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/bombs
8 external hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/bombs/pods
Full Frontal HUD
Helmet Mounted Display
Phase 1 Virtual Enviroment Cockpit
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
3d Thrust Vectoring
Base Price: 50,000,000
Optional Systems:
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSF101 'Gencor' Fighter
This aircraft was made to fit into the modern world. Its VTOL capabilities allow it to be deployed anywhere in the world with little adverse affect on its landing and taking off capabilities. When more stealth is required, its an easy job to fit a stealth system into the aircraft.
Function: V/STOVL aircraft
Crew: 1
Length: 51.25 ft
Height: 15.50 ft
Wingspan: 43.50ft
Empty Weight: 24,000 lb
Armament Weight: 17,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,000 lb
Ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Max Speed: 1,140 mph
Range: 1,620 miles
Podded BK-27; internally has two weapons bays and six external hardpoints for AIM-120, AIM-9, AIM-132, and a variety of air to ground weapons
Base Price: 40,000,000
Aditional options:
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LS301 'Sileria' Spy Plane
The PX-301 was designed for high-altitude recon. With a radar deflecting fuselage, it could get away with not having a stealth system onboard, though they can be added on at a later date.
Function: Supersonic Spy Plane
Crew: 1
Length: 47ft
Wingspan: 23ft
Empty Weight: 7,400 lb
Internal fuel: 15,000 lb
Ceiling: 100,000 ft
Max Speed: 4,000 mph
Range: 11,240 miles
Armament: None
Base Price: 45,000,000
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system: + 1,500,000
LSS301B 'Sileria 2'
A reworking of the original Phoenixis Sileria, the Sileria 2 pulls away from the original, peaceful design. The body retains the basic shape, the only external change being a bit more of a 'belly'. Internally, a trio of weapons bays have been added, the frame has been strengthened, and with that the fuel tanks have been reduced. Though lacking the heavy load of other bombers, this relies heavily on accuracy, with that, a number of sensors including FLIR, DLIR, Laserrange finders, and other such systems. These planes are to serve a role like that of the F117 in other air corps.
Function: Stealth Bomber
Crew: 1
Length: 52ft
Wingspan: 23ft
Empty Weight: 9,000 lb
Internal fuel: 7,500 lb
Weapons Load: 10,000
Ceiling: 100,000 ft
Max Speed: 4,000 mph
Range: 5,620 miles
Guided and Unguided bombs/missles.
Base price: 60,000,000
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LSAB-22 Blinder MkII
Another modification project from the engineers of Lightning Stryke Industries, the Blinder MkII is a revamping and renewel of the late 50's Soviet bomber. External changes are seen mainly in the extension of the wings. Other less noticable changes are up to date engines, a slight lengthining of the fuselage, removal of the rear mounted 23mm cannon, and external hardpoints. Changes too have been made internally. Ripping out all possible and leaving a shell, LSI workers took to the job of installing everything from simple seats to advanced communication and sensor equipment. Among obvious updates in avionics and senors this bomber also holds both Pheonixius and LSI defense systems. Also is the addition of MBRI for low level map of the Earth flights. This plane too has had a number of gauge and dial readouts transferred to LCD screens. Overall the Blinder has been transformed into an aircraft similiar in ways to the B-52, an ageless bomber that holds numerous possibilities if only due to technological advances.
Crew: 4
Length: 40.60 m
Height: 10.7 m
Wing Span: 23.83 m
Weight: Empty ; Max Take Off
Max Speed: Mach 1.52
Range: 3500 km/ 2170 mi
Interal Bay for up to 10,000 lb of an array of bombs/missiles
6 External hardpoints for an array of bombs/missiles/pods
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
Base Price: 30,000,000
F/A63 Killer Wasp
Function: Multirole Attack/Fighter
Powerplant: F404-GE-402 enhanced performance turbofan (17700 lbs/8027 kg static thrust)
Length: 56 ft/16.8 m
Wingspan: 40 ft 5 in/13.5 m
Height: 15 ft/ 4.6 m
Weight: Empty 23050 ln/10455 kg; Max. Takeoff 51900 lbs/23537 kg
Speed: Mach 1.9+
Ceiling: 65000+ ft
Range: Combat 1252.4 mi/2003 km, clean plus two AIM9s; Ferry 1777.9 mi/2844 km, two AIM9s plus three 330 gallon tanks
One m61A1/A2 Vulcan 20mm cannon, AIM9 Sidewinder, AIM7 Sparrow, AIM120 AMRAAM, Harpoon, HARM, SLAM, SLAM-ER, Maveric, Joint Stand Off Weapon (JSOW), Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), various general purpose bombs,mines, and rockets.
Base Price: 30,000,000
Aditional options:
Archanangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); *5,000
If it is found anyone is producing these units without my explicit permission, action will be taken
Land Vehicles
LSIF05 Mongoose MkII
Through purchase of production rights of this vehicle from Wetland's weapons industry, USSNSR's Lightning Stryke Industries' workers have been able to produce and upgrade this basic yet versatile APC. Among other modifications, armor has been increased through use of light composites, the engine itself has been updated,and the steering is now six wheel drive.
Crew: 3
Troop Capacity: 8
Max speed: On-road 105 km/h; off-road 65 km/h; Fording 15 km/h
25mm automatic cannon
12.7mm MG (Co-axial)
7.62mm MG (Anti-aircraft/infantry)
NBC Protection
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 900,000
Virath MkII Recon Vehicle
A slightly modified version of the Phoenixius Virath, the speed has raised a little, and a top hatch has been added.
Crew: 1
Troop capacity: 4
Length: 3 m
Height: 2 m
Width: 1.8 m
Weight: 4 tons
Max Speed: 80 mph governed
Range: 350 miles petrol, 20 miles eletric
Armament: Roof mounted 7.62mm machine gun
Price: 550,000
LSUFV-02 Bulldog A/B
The Bulldog is a light weight fighting vehicle developed for use within the urban enviroment. There are of course two varients of this weapon. The first varient is more geared towards anti-infantry and acts also as an APC. Capable of carrying 11 troops, it has a ports able to be opened from the inside for troops to make use of. Atop this vehicle is a 30 mm autocannon paired with a coaxial 7.62mm MG. The second holds a smaller capacity of troops, six to be exact. What it lacks in men though is made up in fire power. The turret houses an 85 mm autocannon paired with a 7.62 mm coaxial mg. Atop the turret sits anonther 7.62 mm mg. Both have powerful engines. Defense wise either varient has better defense compared to their relative, the FVR5 Mongoose, through the use of layers shifting between metal alloys and composites. For aditional defense, the Bulldog can be upgraded with add-on armor.
Bulldog A
Type: Light Urban Fighting Vehicle
Crew: 3 + 11
Weight: Empty 11500 kg; Max 14200 kg
Length: 5.8 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 2.04
Speed: Road 60 mph; Off road 30 mph
Engine: Watercooled, Turbocharged Diesel rated at 542 hp
30 mm autocannon
7.62 mm coaxial mg
7.62 mm top mounted mg
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 1,000,000
Bulldog B
Type: Medium Urban Fighting Vehicle
Crew: 3 + 6
Weight: Empty 11550 kg; Max 14500 kg
Length: 5.8 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 2.04
Speed: Road 53 mph; Off road 24 mph
Engine: Watercooled, Turbocharged Diesel rated at 550 hp
85mm autocannon
7.62 mm coaxial mg
7.62 mm top mounted mg
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 1,200,000
LSHA-01 Tenoth Tank
Crew: 4
Length: 32.25 ft
Height: 7.80 ft
Width: 12 ft
Weight: 68 tons
Max Speed: 47 mph governed
Range: 350 miles
120mm Smooth-bore gun
7.62mm co-axial MG
7.62mm AA MG
NBC Protection
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, and Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (commander)
Gyrostabalised fully panoramic site w/ Laser Range Finder, Thermal Imager, Millimeter Band Radar Imaging, and coaxially mounted auxiliary sight (gunner)
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (driver)
Price: 3,500,000
LSSH-01 Crow
The first helicopter to be designed and built solely by Neo-Soviet Russians, the LSSH-01 Crow, despite the name, is a somewhat asthetically pleasing, as well as manuverable. Meant to be a utility and troop transport, this helo also has the ability to mount weaponry and take on a role of light support. Defense wise this helicopter is above average. With an radar and infrared absorbant coating and low infrared exhaust, it is somewhat more stealthy then the usual fielded chopper.
Crew: 2 plus 2 optional door gunners
Length: 15.6 m (including rotor)
Height: 4.2 m
Rotor Diameter: 13.5 m
Weight: 12412 lbs
Max Speed: 324 mph/ 200.9 kmh
Range: 390 miles/630 km
Armament: None permanent. 2 external mounts for form fitting rocket pods or 3 barreled 7.62mm MG pods along with 2 mounts for hanging MGs in the hatchways
Passengers: 16 fully equipped troops/8 stretchers and 4 medics
Base Price: 24,000,000
Millimeter Bandwidth Radar Imaging: + 5,000
Archangel 3rd gen. stealth: + 1,500,000
Fixed Wing Aircraft
LSAM-21 Fishbed MkII
Using the airframe of the aging MiG-21, LSI has upgraded the Soviet-era aircraft into a cheap yet versatile ground attack tool. Meant to be sold to the nation looking for the best bang for the buck, the Fishbed MkII has had a number of external and internal modifications. Externally the body has been extended, giving this aircraft the nickname of Long Neck by those who have worked on it, and increased wing surface to give an increase in range and weapons held. Internally, among simple updates in avionics, the engine has been replaced with a more fuel-efficient, powerful engine. The cockpit's been redone, giving a backseat for a weapons officer. The pilot's section is now lined with a number of pannels connected to cameras and sensors to help with observability around him. Retaining a number of gauges, a trio of LCD screens have also been added. The back seater, unlike the foward counterpart, has a number of LCDs, touch-screen input capable. Systems and software in general have also been updated, allowing the aircraft to make use of modern day weaponry. Overall, this aircraft is meant for the nation with a small budget, or one looking for a cheap, yet efficient ground attack aircraft.
Crew: 2
Length: 17.45 m
Height: 4.14 m
Wing Span: 8.95 m
Weight: Empty 5682.5 kg; Max Take Off 11125 kg
Max Speed: 1.9 Mach
Range: 2205 km/1367 mi
20mm LSAG312 MG w/ 550 rounds
7 Hardpoints for AA/AG missiles, bombs, pods
Phase 1 Virtual Enviroment Cockpit
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging
3d Thrust Vectoring
Base Price: 12,000,000
Aditional Options:
LSI Deployable Decoy System: 200,000
Phoenixius Defensive Counter-Measures: 200,000
Full Frontal HUD: 350,000
Helmet Mounted Display: 300,000
LSAI-12 Rain
When the call for a scramble fighter came, Lightning Stryke Industries heard. What came about though was something more. Built firstly as an interceptor, the Rain has great handling characteristics due to an incredible engine output, 3d thrust vectoring, and moveable canards. What was later learned though was that the aircraft, with it's overall count of 11 hardpoints and decent weapons load, made for a decent attack aircraft. The systems of this war machine are highly adaptable, making it upgradable for future weapons. One feature not seen on most aircraft is the ability to attach a pair of rocket boosters to the tail of this aircraft. The thrust of these rockets can be controlled from the cockpit, letting the pilot decide if he needs a simple burst or a quick increase. These rockets are also, if need be, detachable.
Function: Multirole Attack/Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 13.44 m
Height: 5.11 m
Wing Span: 9.28 m
Weight: Empty 8940 kg; Max take Off 18,800 kg
Max Speed: 2.00 Mach
Super Cruise: 1.54 Mach
Range: 1680 mi
One LSAG 20mm multibarrel w/ 760 rounds
9 underside hardpoints for weapons ranging from dumb bombs to fire and forget air to air
2 wing tip hardpoints for AAMs.
Base price: 25,000,000
Aditional options:
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LSAF-05 Duelist
Built to compete against current day advanced fighters, the Duelist is Lightning Stryke's step towards high manuverability/high power aircraft. The design itself is remiscent in ways to older, prop driven aircraft, with an engine on each wing. This plane though, is unique in more then simply that. Unlike normal fighters which tend to have a single or dual thrust nozzles, the Duelist incorporates a primary set, capable of vectoring thrust, as well as a secondary smaller set just above the first. Pilots of this aircraft are also issued special flightsuits. Though serving to provide oxygen, the helmets of these suits offer a large glass front in which critical data can be projected apon.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 49.2 ft/ 14.92 m
Height: 12.3 ft/ 3.72 m
Wingspan: 47.2 ft/ 14.29 m
Empty Weight: 18,250 lb
Armament Weight: 15,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,000
Ceiling: 55,000 ft
Max Speed: 2.33 Mach
Super Cruise: 1.84 Mach
Range: 1,800 mi
Two LSAG 20mm multibarrel w/ 620 rounds each
6 hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/pods
Helmet Mounted Display
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Base Price: 32,000,000
Optional Systems:
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth: + 1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSAF-07 Horror
The second of Lightning Stryke Industries aircraft, the Horror is taking a step back towards the conventional. This elegant beast is incorporating a number of technologies from the Duelist as well as introducing a few of its own systems. Structurally, the Horror is a rugged, simple plane. Numerous hatches cover this aircraft's body, making repairs easy on the ground crews. The engineers of LSI have also orchastrated a dual air intake system. Working with underside air intakes, the engines have two small intakes atop. These can either direct to the main engines, or to two tiny thrust ports a few feet down. A section of the wings also have the ability to sweep foward or back, like that of the old Su-20 Fitter, to help with speed and manuverability. Inside the cockpit things have been simplified. Gauges and dials have been cut to a minimum, LCDs now dotting the dash. Another feature new to this fighter is the lack of the small HUD screen. Instead of the simple clear slab, images are applied to the foward part of the canopy via lasers built into top of the dash. Defense wise, other then the already known systems, a new system is being introduced. Labled the DDS, the Deployable Decoy System incorporates two shallow bays on the sides of the aircraft near the engine. Inside each bay there is a aerodynamic yet incredibly radar reflective decoy, as well as a cable about one hundred feet long. These decoys have the ability to jam incoming weapons or instead simply making themselves targets instead of the host aircraft. Another defensive measure, though one being incorporated by more adn more aircraft, is the stealth characteristics of ths aircraft. The simple, smooth edges and lines, mixed with composite materials lend their help to this aircraft as well. The Horror is expected to be the frontline fighter for the USSNSR Air Corps for years to come.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 49.62 ft/ 15.51 m
Height: 15.39 ft/ 4.81 m
Wingspan: 35.84 ft/ 11.20 m
Empty Weight: 17,600
Armament Weight: 16,000
Internal Fuel: 15,560
Ceiling: 55,000 ft
Max Speed: Mach 2.54
Super Cruise: Mach 2.13
Range: 1,954
Two LSAG 20mm multibarrel mgs w/ 700 rounds each
7 external hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/pods
Helmet Mounted Display
Full Frontal HUD
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
3d Thrust Vectoring
base price: 40,000,000
Optional Systems:
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth: + 1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSAF-11 Abaddon
A streamlined craft, the Abaddon is the third in a series of aircraft that Lightning Stryke Industries is producing dedicated towards the air superiority role. Straying back across the line of conventional and unconventional this fighter takes technology from both of it's previous siblings and builds apon them. Unlike the first two this aircraft is of the foward swept type, making use of a compound wing similar to that of a delta before going into a shallow foward sweep. Like the Horror, the Abaddon also retains the easy access panels and dual air intake systems. Unlike the Horror though these air intakes are simply to help the main engines. Inside the cockpit digitization seen in the Horror has been taken a step further. In addition to simplified LCD screens and a full frontal canopy HUD, key areas on the sides of the pilot hold screens which, via help of cameras on the outside, giving the pilot more of a view. This aircraft is expected to deployment under Neo-Soviet Russian Air Corps in a number of elite squadrons, holding off mass production unless orders come in or the USSNSR sees fit.
Function: Air Superiority Fighter
Crew: 1
Length: 18.93 m
Height: 4.21 m
Wingspan: 14.85 m
Empty Weight: 18,400 lb
Armament Weight: 17,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,225 lb
Ceiling: 58,500 ft
Max Speed: Mach 2.68
Super Cruise: Mach 2.3
Range: 2,100 mi
1 LSSG21 Semi-Guided 20mm Haiulstorm CIWS w/ 800 rounds
2 Internal hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/bombs
8 external hardpoints for an array of missiles/rockets/bombs/pods
Full Frontal HUD
Helmet Mounted Display
Phase 1 Virtual Enviroment Cockpit
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Archangel 3rd Generation Stealth
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
3d Thrust Vectoring
Base Price: 50,000,000
Optional Systems:
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging: + 5,000
LSF101 'Gencor' Fighter
This aircraft was made to fit into the modern world. Its VTOL capabilities allow it to be deployed anywhere in the world with little adverse affect on its landing and taking off capabilities. When more stealth is required, its an easy job to fit a stealth system into the aircraft.
Function: V/STOVL aircraft
Crew: 1
Length: 51.25 ft
Height: 15.50 ft
Wingspan: 43.50ft
Empty Weight: 24,000 lb
Armament Weight: 17,000 lb
Internal Fuel: 16,000 lb
Ceiling: 50,000 ft.
Max Speed: 1,140 mph
Range: 1,620 miles
Podded BK-27; internally has two weapons bays and six external hardpoints for AIM-120, AIM-9, AIM-132, and a variety of air to ground weapons
Base Price: 40,000,000
Aditional options:
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LS301 'Sileria' Spy Plane
The PX-301 was designed for high-altitude recon. With a radar deflecting fuselage, it could get away with not having a stealth system onboard, though they can be added on at a later date.
Function: Supersonic Spy Plane
Crew: 1
Length: 47ft
Wingspan: 23ft
Empty Weight: 7,400 lb
Internal fuel: 15,000 lb
Ceiling: 100,000 ft
Max Speed: 4,000 mph
Range: 11,240 miles
Armament: None
Base Price: 45,000,000
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system: + 1,500,000
LSS301B 'Sileria 2'
A reworking of the original Phoenixis Sileria, the Sileria 2 pulls away from the original, peaceful design. The body retains the basic shape, the only external change being a bit more of a 'belly'. Internally, a trio of weapons bays have been added, the frame has been strengthened, and with that the fuel tanks have been reduced. Though lacking the heavy load of other bombers, this relies heavily on accuracy, with that, a number of sensors including FLIR, DLIR, Laserrange finders, and other such systems. These planes are to serve a role like that of the F117 in other air corps.
Function: Stealth Bomber
Crew: 1
Length: 52ft
Wingspan: 23ft
Empty Weight: 9,000 lb
Internal fuel: 7,500 lb
Weapons Load: 10,000
Ceiling: 100,000 ft
Max Speed: 4,000 mph
Range: 5,620 miles
Guided and Unguided bombs/missles.
Base price: 60,000,000
Archangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); +5,000
LSAB-22 Blinder MkII
Another modification project from the engineers of Lightning Stryke Industries, the Blinder MkII is a revamping and renewel of the late 50's Soviet bomber. External changes are seen mainly in the extension of the wings. Other less noticable changes are up to date engines, a slight lengthining of the fuselage, removal of the rear mounted 23mm cannon, and external hardpoints. Changes too have been made internally. Ripping out all possible and leaving a shell, LSI workers took to the job of installing everything from simple seats to advanced communication and sensor equipment. Among obvious updates in avionics and senors this bomber also holds both Pheonixius and LSI defense systems. Also is the addition of MBRI for low level map of the Earth flights. This plane too has had a number of gauge and dial readouts transferred to LCD screens. Overall the Blinder has been transformed into an aircraft similiar in ways to the B-52, an ageless bomber that holds numerous possibilities if only due to technological advances.
Crew: 4
Length: 40.60 m
Height: 10.7 m
Wing Span: 23.83 m
Weight: Empty ; Max Take Off
Max Speed: Mach 1.52
Range: 3500 km/ 2170 mi
Interal Bay for up to 10,000 lb of an array of bombs/missiles
6 External hardpoints for an array of bombs/missiles/pods
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging
Pheonixius Defense Measures
Pheonixius Advanced All Points Radar
LSI Deployable Decoy System
Base Price: 30,000,000
F/A63 Killer Wasp
Function: Multirole Attack/Fighter
Powerplant: F404-GE-402 enhanced performance turbofan (17700 lbs/8027 kg static thrust)
Length: 56 ft/16.8 m
Wingspan: 40 ft 5 in/13.5 m
Height: 15 ft/ 4.6 m
Weight: Empty 23050 ln/10455 kg; Max. Takeoff 51900 lbs/23537 kg
Speed: Mach 1.9+
Ceiling: 65000+ ft
Range: Combat 1252.4 mi/2003 km, clean plus two AIM9s; Ferry 1777.9 mi/2844 km, two AIM9s plus three 330 gallon tanks
One m61A1/A2 Vulcan 20mm cannon, AIM9 Sidewinder, AIM7 Sparrow, AIM120 AMRAAM, Harpoon, HARM, SLAM, SLAM-ER, Maveric, Joint Stand Off Weapon (JSOW), Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), various general purpose bombs,mines, and rockets.
Base Price: 30,000,000
Aditional options:
Archanangel 3rd gen stealth system; +1,500,000
Millimeter Band Radar Imaging (Good for MOE flying); *5,000