Allanea condemns Edolia!
CNN, Ali'staan
Official Presidential Announcement
As it is known, our Edolian neigbours were holding hostage 14 of our citizens who they promised to release if we let their embassy staff out of the country. When we did that, those ruthless jackbooted thugs did not make true on the promise.
We condemn the gangster diplomacy of the Edolians. One need to reminds them that we are ready to go to any length to release our citizens - and we will, if we have to.
Edolia will release the prisoners or face suicide bombings.
26-03-2004, 01:23
Great RPing comming from Hamas....
Great RPing comming from Hamas....
OOC: My supply of suicide bombers is limited though. I have only enough to do up to ten more. Then I won't be able to do anything for awhile.
The real HAMAS keeps its sb numbers high by forcing people to blow themselves up by threatening to kill them or their families. The case of the 14 year old boy who gave himself up to Israelis is a case in point.
I can't rp that cause of what Fatah Al Qaeda did in Al Anbar.)
26-03-2004, 01:27
---EDIT: Ignore temporarily redacted---
Edolia will release the prisoners or face suicide bombings.
[ooc: I believe I speak for the entire UnAPS when I say this: ]
Goobergunch City, Goobergunchia
The large IGNORE cannon swung into position.
The IGNORE blast flew from the Goobergunchia capital across the sea to HAMAS2.
Goobergunchian Foreign Ministry
The file marked "HAMAS2" mysteriously disappears....
Oh, and #tag#
Flips Goobergunchia the bird.
Fighting gangsterism with terrorism. Niiiiiice....
(OOC: Thread? I'm doubting that this is as simple as you make it.)
"We condemn Allanea's blatant not-reading-of-the thread. We released the prisoners just like we promised. Next time, instead of whining to the world, perhaps you should just ask us."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister for Foreign Affairs