The Austarians issue official ultimatum to Huzen Hagen
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 07:38
In response to the Huzen Hagen plans to develop the AIDS virus into a useable weapon, President Richard Hoffman of the Republic of Austar Union delivered the following message;
"Most, or all of you are familiar with the destructive powers of the AIDS Virus. People around the globe suffer heavily already, and yet, it appears as if that is no longer enough for governments such as that in Huzen Hagen to respect the international race to solve such a world epidemic.
Huzen Hagen officially announced plans to develop AIDS into a weapon, a day or two ago. As a responsible member of the international community, my nation will not stand by while their evil government plans to murder hundreds of thousands, if not millions of citizens around the globe.
Therefore, I am issuing a full, and official ultimatum to the government of Huzen Hagen.
You will cease all plans to develop the AIDS virus within 24hrs from the issuing of this statement. If you do not comply, Austarian Forces will implement a full blockaid of your nation.
OOC: Huzen Hagen, in case this escalates, could you please post a map of your nation?
The Volga
25-03-2004, 07:40
The Most Serene Republic of the Volga forwards it support for the Republic of Austar Union on this issue.
The Atheists Reality
25-03-2004, 07:42
only a blockade?!? this needs to be dealt with harshly
25-03-2004, 07:47
If we were to deal with this situation using extreme measures, to declare war, we would eventually be no better than who we are fighting. War does not care for principles or morality, it kills innocent people. Let us first give diplomacy a chance, before this escalates into a conflict.
Premier Alexey Zvarinsky
United Communist States of Zvarinograd
25-03-2004, 07:47
The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire gives its full support to the Austarian government in this matter. We are willing to contribute to the blockade if so asked.
OCC: Hey Austar, this time we'll be on the same side of a blockade.
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 07:50
The Fleet is currently leaving the Port of Aumursk on.
It will take approx 2R/L Days to reach Huzen Hagen, at which point, if they haven't surrended all of the research marterial and stop the creation of the super virus, we will stage an annexing of the nation.
If any of the virus is used againist our troops, we will be forced to do a full-scale attack on your nation to make sure any souce of the virus is gone. This means we will shall level entire cities to ashes no matter what the civilian loss.
25-03-2004, 07:51
Anarresa is in full support of this action. We are mobilizing some of our reserve forces in case this conflict escalates
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 07:52
If we were to deal with this situation using extreme measures, to declare war, we would eventually be no better than who we are fighting. War does not care for principles or morality, it kills innocent people. Let us first give diplomacy a chance, before this escalates into a conflict.
This madman is creating a doomsday device here, diplomacy is not an option.
Zvarinograd, friend, what happened to your ambitions of having the biggest airforce in the world?
The Atheists Reality
25-03-2004, 07:54
The Government of T.A.R fully supports I.F on this action, and will send a token amount of troops to aid I.F.
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 08:02
We would like to urge our friends to refrain from an annexation of Huzen Hagen territory, for we would be no better than HH himslef. We would much rather using peaceful, yet forceful methods, such as a blockaid...
In the meantime, our fleet has left port, and is now en-route to Huzen Hagen. It will arrive in approximatly 38RL hours...
The People's Republic of Spyr advises the nation of Huzen Hagen that the AIDS virus is a potent and uncontrollable thing, which has caused much suffering in the world. As can be seen, the international community will respond to the possibility of such a horrible weapon in manners ranging from diplomacy to military operations. Thus, the security of your nation, and the safety and prosperity of your people, would likely be best served by making a moral choice to cease pursuit of this potentially devastating form of armament.
Monte Ozarka
25-03-2004, 08:08
The Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka shows its support for those nations actively trying to halt the AIDS weaponisation in Huzen Hagen. If armed conflict arises, the GDMO will throw its support against Huzen Hagen. Due to the inherent danger of the weapons being developed, the Archduke will not authorize any GDMO Defense Corps land forces to be deployed. However, if the locations at which this research is being conducted can be determined, we are willing to forward the services of MOAF Strategic Bomber Command (non-nuclear-capable) with accompanying fighter support.
--GEN. PETER EARLEY, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
25-03-2004, 08:13
Carrier Group Delta, 4th Fleet and Escort Group 3, 4th Fleet are readying in port to move to assist the Austarian Forces upon formal request. If deployed they shall meet up with the 2nd Defense Squadron to form Task Force 42- The final answer to this problem.
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 08:31
We would like to urge our friends to refrain from an annexation of Huzen Hagen territory, for we would be no better than HH himslef. We would much rather using peaceful, yet forceful methods, such as a blockaid...
In the meantime, our fleet has left port, and is now en-route to Huzen Hagen. It will arrive in approximatly 38RL hours...
A blockade leaves him too much time to ready the doomsday virus, hide it or trade it off to another nation. If we have to act againist him, it has to be done at the greatest of speed to stop it.
If the people of a nation have to suffure for the world to continue; the Continental Empire will do it.
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 08:34
Hamptonshire Military Corp, you have been given the green light to meet up with our forces, and participate in the blockaid. We will send the co-ordinates immediatly.
########ACCESSING SATCOM-V###########
DOWNLOAD COMPLETE[/code:1:1e5e5fa941]
25-03-2004, 08:35
Sense you've started a new thread, have you contacted Huzen Hagen with the thread's url so he can respond?
The Dominion of Kanuckistan is prepared to offer limited financial and logistical aid to the allied forces; he aware, however, that should this weapon be released into the biosphere, Huzen Hagen will be summarily carpet-nuked, regaurdless of friendly forces, to insure this insidious agent has no chance to spread. It is, regrettibly, the only way to be sure.
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 08:36
We would like to urge our friends to refrain from an annexation of Huzen Hagen territory, for we would be no better than HH himslef. We would much rather using peaceful, yet forceful methods, such as a blockaid...
In the meantime, our fleet has left port, and is now en-route to Huzen Hagen. It will arrive in approximatly 38RL hours...
A blockade leaves him too much time to ready the doomsday virus, hide it or trade it off to another nation. If we have to act againist him, it has to be done at the greatest of speed to stop it.
If the people of a nation have to suffure for the world to continue; the Continental Empire will do it.
To stage an invasion, it would give them even greater time to send the virus out. I believe that if a full blockaid is established, it will be possible to quarentine Huzen Hagen, and limit the virus from leaving its borders...
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 08:41
To stage an invasion, it would give them even greater time to send the virus out. I believe that if a full blockaid is established, it will be possible to quarentine Huzen Hagen, and limit the virus from leaving its borders...
I think your implying a slow advance through the nation.
By Invasion. I'm talking about an extremly quick and powerful air and missile raid on all major government and military installations to make the nation callapse in a very short time.
By invasion, we're talking about ass-kicking^10
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 08:45
It could be done, however, if the invasion was to slow...the results could be dangerous. At least we know that we can hold a blockaid. Anyway, if he does not comply once a blockaid is established, I will be enforcing very strict sanctions against him. And by strict, I mean very, very strict.
OOC: Much more fun to RP...
We the people of Sicily sign with the Austar Union and condemn the terrorists
25-03-2004, 08:47
The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire gladly stands with our Austarian brothers.
[code:1:a2d29e8ee8]To Austarian Forces en-route to stationing points:
The Following Hamptonian vessles will be joining you:
Carrier Group Delta, 4th Fleet
HNS Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire, Enyan-A class Trimarine Carrier
HNS Duke of Seaburg, Odin Class CVL
HNS House of Representatives, Mahan Class CGN
HNS Royal Senate, Ticonderoga Class CGN
HNS Market Garden, Wraith Class SSN
HNS DDG 808, 809, 810, 811; Porter Class DDG
HNS Persian Gulf, Replenisher Class Oiler
HNS Gulf of Mexico, Replenisher Class Oiler
HNS Harpers Ferry, Johnston Class Ammunition Ship
HNS Springfield, Johnston Class Ammunition Ship
Escort Group 3, 4th Fleet
HNS Portland, Mahan Class CGN
HNS DDG 902, 906; Nightstalker DDG
HNS Grudge, Los Angeles Class SSN
HNS DDS-203, 204, 205, 206, 207; Xeraph Class ASW Destroyers
HNS FFG-603, 608; Cronus Class FFG
HNS FFG-101, 102, 103, 104, 119, 131; Crusader Class FFG
2nd Defense Squadron
HNS DDG 822, Porter Class DDG
HNS FFG- 120, 121, 144, 172; Crusader Class FFG
25 Avenger Class Patrol Boats
Task Force 42 will join meet up with your fleet and will sail to the blockade points.
Monte Ozarka
25-03-2004, 08:50
To stage an invasion, it would give them even greater time to send the virus out. I believe that if a full blockaid is established, it will be possible to quarentine Huzen Hagen, and limit the virus from leaving its borders...
I must agree with Austar Union. To send land forces in would only invite Huzen Hagen to use this weapon upon any and all invading forces. A combined naval/aerial quarantine and (if necessary) attack is by far the safest and most effective method. I believe the coalition against Huzen Hagen is enough so as to have an international naval and air force large enough to carry out this task.
In the meantime, the MOAF has commenced around-the-clock aerial reconnaisance around the borders of Huzen Hagen. Fighter patrols have taken up a pattern, circling its borders so as to ensure that no aircraft enters or leaves. All incoming and outgoing, non-coalition aircraft to Huzen Hagen will be shot down. The GDMO Defense Corps hereby requests other nations who are willing to donate their air forces to this cause to do so. Also, any information regarding the anti-aircraft defenses in Huzen Hagen would be greatly appreciated.
--GEN. TRAVIS PERNIER, Air Force Chief of Staff
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 08:51
It could be done, however, if the invasion was to slow...the results could be dangerous. At least we know that we can hold a blockaid. Anyway, if he does not comply once a blockaid is established, I will be enforcing very strict sanctions against him. And by strict, I mean very, very strict.
OOC: Much more fun to RP...
Slow is not option, I'll use my military might to crush him ASAP.
We are ready to send two other fleets (Portist and Koopa Fleets) of equal stregenth to the nation.
OOC: Blockades usally flatter out with little conflict or solution, plus you can't blockade a virus.
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 08:57
I'm have the firepower needed to bring him to his knees in a very short time. When my forces are in the area, our SBBMPs (Sea Base Ballistic Missile Platform), Aircraft Carriers and Subs are full loaded with ICBMs and SLBMs. And we have enough aircraft to stage a full attack for hours.
The Two other fleets have have their respected ports and are following Aurion.
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 09:23
You may do as you wish, however, remember that diplomacy must come first, otherwise others may view you as a bit too aggressive...
25-03-2004, 09:27
Yes, Austar Union is right, before we should even consider war we should apply maximum diplomatic pressure.
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 09:32
Yes, Austar Union is right, before we should even consider war we should apply maximum diplomatic pressure.
The Continental Government will point that 2 Days to meet our demands before we balst you to hell sounds like maximum diplomatic pressure.
25-03-2004, 09:36
The Continental Government will point that 2 Days to meet our demands before we balst you to hell sounds like maximum diplomatic pressure.
I would have to agree with this statement. This is a very soild example of maximum diplomatic pressure.
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 09:39
Agreed. We will implement a blockaid in 24 hrs if HH does not comply. If he does not comly again, he will be liberated 24 hrs after that.
25-03-2004, 09:41
The Hamptonian Task Force 42 will deploy with the Austarian Navy to blockade HH. Our carrier air wings will patrol the skies as well as prepare themselves for possible attack runs.
HH has 24 hours.
The Glorious Empire of Xariad wishes to announce its full support of a blockade on Huzen Hagen in an effort to stop this madman from unleashing a vile weapon upon our world. The Imperial Navy Battle groups Marauder, Scimitar and Minion are being ordered to make for the blockade zone. We have decided that we will withhold the Empire's newest and largest battleships, the XIS Leviathan and XIS Goliath, until it is deemed necessary to send such powerful ships into battle.
We hope it will not come to this.
Roger T. Smith
The Atheists Reality
25-03-2004, 10:32
I pledge the "broken arrow", the Vengence, the Scimitar and two cygnus class carriers to the blockade on HH
Imperial Forces
25-03-2004, 11:13
The three Fleets are heading towards Huzen Hagen at speed, Admiral Flaar Dew of the Aurion Fleet has been order in charge of the combined Imperial Naval Fleet.
OOC: Stop R/P and wait for Huzen to reply before we R/P any further. Austar, did you T-gram him?
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 12:23
OOC: Yep. Its a good idea to wait for HH now...
No I didnt TG him, but I posted the link in the thread which this circles around. He visits that thread often...
25-03-2004, 13:04
Official statement from the Credonian Government, Issued by the Emperor
In response to the shocking news of the weaponization of the AIDS virus, Credonia will uphold its moral duties to the world and to our allies and we will give assistance. We will be sending the following forces to contribute to the blockade of Huzen Hagen:
422nd Carrier Division
5 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
2 SSN Los Angeles Class Submarines
2 Freedom Class Aircraft Carrier
1 Manstein Class Destroyer
1 Rommel Class Battleship
1 Seydlitz Class Cruiser
24th Carrier Division
7 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers
2 EM-150 Dolphin/Piotr Hotamel Class Amphibious Assult Carrier
5 Clauswitz Class Frigates
5 Manstein Class Destroyers
5 Seydlitz Class Cruisers
7 Los Angeles Class Attack Submarines
25th Carrier Division
2 Crimmond Class Super Carrier
5 Los Angeles Class SSN
5 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Submarines
5 Clauswitz Class Frigates
2 Rommel Class Battleships
1 Hospital Ship
1 AOE-6 Combat Logistics Ship
ETA 2 RL Hours
Ozymandias IV
25-03-2004, 15:31
Official Republic of Ozymandias IV Ministry of State Communique
This is a war warning from the Ministry of State.
All citizens and business currently within Huzen Hagen are advised that hostilities can erupt at any time given the current climate of international instability.
The Ministry of State officially warns all Republic citizens to leave the nation of Huzen Hagen as soon as possible.
Repeating, this is a war warning for all Republican citizens and businesses within Huzen Hagen. All Republican citizens and interests are strongly urged to take the first available flight to safety.
Message Ends (
Republic of Ozymandias IV
25-03-2004, 15:35
HOLD YOUR FIRE. If you do invade they will use their aids weapons on you, allow me to send in my army of Gentically Enhanced sloths which are immune to the disease.All we require is a lift to get there
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 16:14
HOLD YOUR FIRE. If you do invade they will use their aids weapons on you, allow me to send in my army of Gentically Enhanced sloths which are immune to the disease.All we require is a lift to get there
Hmmm, sorry, but I want to keep this RP realistic...
25-03-2004, 16:59
You do know that he probably wont respond to this thread...
25-03-2004, 17:17
You do know that he probably wont respond to this thread...
He may, i spoke with him on MSN yesterday and he was a little "uneasy" and mentioned that he may be invaded, so theres a chance that he is preparing for an invasion from AU.
25-03-2004, 17:38
I normally wouldn't get involved with things like this but one of our Closest Allies Imperial Forces has gotten involved and as the Defense Minister for the RBA if any one attacks him there will be all out war on that nation from the RBA. We also morally back Imperial Forces on this Issue.
OCC: sorry i didn't notice i was in 1 of my Embassys at the time 8)
Holy panooly
25-03-2004, 17:40
HP strongly advises all HP citizens in HH to leave his nation as soon as possible. We will remain neutral in this conflict.
25-03-2004, 17:45
HP strongly advises all HP citizens in HH to leave his nation as soon as possible. We will remain neutral in this conflict.
check your TG's
25-03-2004, 18:08
After the end of the Whittier crisis, it was determined safe to send out vessels for other purposes.
The Visigoth BB-X4 battleship will join in with the blockading forces. Since Imperial Forces appears more likely to invade, it will form up with them to assist in a naval bombardment of bunkers, missle sites, and troop positions. It is also quite capable of defending against air and sea attacks.
Decryption Complete
To: Commander of the Continental Empire's Fleet
From: Admiral Ulansk of the [i]Visigoth[/i]
One of the Empire's greatest vessels, the [i]Visigoth[/i] is preparing to join up with your fleet for amphibious support and anti-fleet actions. It will be placed under your command, but we ask you do not board with anything more than a helicopter and a commander with his body gaurds.
-Admiral Ulansk
Imperial Message Encryptian Code: ********
-----END MESSAGE------
The Glorious Empire of Xariad is ordering all Xarian citizens to leave Huzen Hagen immediately due to increased political stress. The Empire also wishes to announce it has severed all diplomatic ties with Huzen Hagen and all members of the Hagen embassy will be flown back immediately.
Roger T. Smith
Holy panooly
25-03-2004, 18:29
We will send High Altitude Observation Balloons (HA-OB) to monitore the situation.
25-03-2004, 18:42
The Talameese people are shocked at the actions of Huzen Hagen. We are sending 10 Type-23 Frigates, 10 Type-42 Destroyers, and 10 Type-45 Destroyers to help the coalitions blocade.
Public Press Conference, copies sent to every world-wide news agency
"The Government of Doujin cannot stand idly by while a nation creates a virus that could throw off world stability, and have the possibility of causing millions / billions of deaths worldwide. Doujin urges citizens of Huzen Hagen to leave the nation, as if this virus is released on Doujin forces that will invade if Huzen Hagen does not stop all research in this virus, then we will reply with a large attack using tactical nuclear warheads. Huzen Hagen refugees will be taken in by Doujin, if they choose. Doujin is moving a battlegroup, consisting of 2 Thunder Child Battleships, 1 Leviathon Battleship, 3 Ingenuity Class Aircraft Carriers, and various other frigates, destroyers, and cruisers to Huzen Hagen to begin pre-invasion operations."
Huzen Hagen
25-03-2004, 18:57
sorry people i have a coursework deadline to meet so this is my last post for the day, saturday morning you will have a proper reply
Austar Union
25-03-2004, 19:07
sorry people i have a coursework deadline to meet so this is my last post for the day, saturday morning you will have a proper reply
In respone to this statement, the deadline has been shifted 24 hours forward, allowing the Huzen Hagen government to properly respond...
The Fedral Union
25-03-2004, 23:31
(loll sorry a bit late)
The Fed Union has hare buy issued the order for the 3 and 4 fleets of the Fed union navy to move off internatinol waters off the coast of Huzen Hagen.
4th fleet :
5 New york class super battle ships
10 agusta class Guided missle destoryers
10 Sea Wolf subs
5 hammer head subs
3 boston class Guided missle battle ships
3 nexus class carriers
5 Odussys class destoryers
5 defnder classes
3'rd fleet :
5 New york class super battle ships
8 agusta class Guided missle destoryers
5 Sea Wolf subs
3 hammer head subs
3 boston class Guided missle battle ships
5 nexus class carriers
2 Odussys class destoryers
5 defnder classes
THis fleet will be there only incase hagen dose not respond to the ultmaituim, or the dead line if he refusses the fed union will awite its allies to luanch an attack.. only if given the confermation from its allies .
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 00:51
The Fed union fleet will re enforce the blockaed around hagen
26-03-2004, 01:40
26-03-2004, 01:42
Task Force 42 will actively participate in the blockade of HH. Our ships and planes will sail with the Austarian Naval Forces participating in the blockade.
As for War or the possibility of War. Hamptonian vessles will only fire if fired upon or if they are being expressly targeted. If there is to be an attack, Hamptonian forces will not participate in the opening but they will be there for the long haul.
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 01:49
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 01:51
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 01:52
The Fed union fleet has arrived and is beginging to form a blockaed around hagens waters ...
the fed union will dispach another fleet
To re enforce allied postions
the 6 th fleet :
3 New york class super battle ships
8 agusta class Guided missle destoryers
3 Sea Wolf subs
5 hammer head subs
3 boston class Guided missle battle ships
10 nexus class carriers
4 Odussys class destoryers
5 defnder classes
And 5 Ohio Trident Subs (armed with convetinol wepondry and nukes but i wont use nukes here unless some thing gose terribly wrong)
[code:1:c1b483a933] To all freindly ships we have arrived to help your blockaed we are just letting ya know[/code:1:c1b483a933]
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 04:02
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 04:03
The Atheists Reality
26-03-2004, 04:59
in light of the recent naval deployments, we are sending in a third strike carrier
26-03-2004, 05:07
This Morning the Dr_Twist Government Ordered the Mobilization of the Atlantic Fleet to International Waters outside of Huzen Hage.
OCC: The Fleet Contains 25 Carrier task Forces and is being sent to enforce RBA and Dr_Twist Interests.
Imperial Forces
26-03-2004, 06:01
A Cyclone that has shifted path has forced the fleet to change routs, this means we will be approx 24 hours behind.
Minister for Defence and the head of the IDoD and IDoMR has warned the world that any lay back appoarch on Huzen Hagen will result in the possible end of human life if this virus is released of used and we are unable to destroy it.
We has also stated that if the virus was used when/if we attacked, the heat of our missiles will destroy the virus; and that any attack againist our troops and indeed the world will result in your nation's entire destruction
The Atheists Reality
26-03-2004, 06:15
OOC: you're taking this damn seriously aren't you?
The humble nationstate of Zwaza views this blockade as crippling to its regional politics and intercoastal trade. I speak for the people of Zwaza as I hearby plea that the forces involved with the blockade do not enter Zwazan waters. If this blockade chokes the complete region, then economic collapse is eminent in the developing countries of the Fallen System. I request that the blockade excludes the sovereign waters of the rest of the region.
Paul Seufret
Council Leader
Zwazan Interim Government
Paragraph Two(2) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Henceforth the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has agreed firmly to the Alliance Suggested, Acknowledged, and Agreed upon on this day of this Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance of NRD-2024 AD.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance hereby gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav cause to bring forth Colonial Forces into this coming conflict.
Paragraph Five(5) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to keep watch and Protect the Sovereignty of the Nation formed by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, but not to create therein anything without the True Permission of the Reigning Authority set forth by The People of the Imperial Power of the Imperial Navy. Permission henceforth for the landing and deployment of any Colonial Armed Forces must be first Acknowledged and given Granted Permission by the Reigning Authority of the True Leadership within The Imperial Navy.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav the cause to send Protective Forces in the Territorial Boundries of the Imperial Power of the Imperial Navy in the form of XSF-04 Star Phantom fighter crafts with the Permission of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy.
Paragraph Four(4) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to Patrol for the soul purpose of Protection and Safety throughout the Territories and Boundaries and all therein that have been Constructed, Built, Formed, Declared with the following action of the Declarations Acceptance by those Declared upon, Created, and all that applies therein to and by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy and all that it Reigns upon in Known Space.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav cause to intitiate Protective Patrols of Space Ships in territories belonging to the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy in known Space.
Paragraph Three(3) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to the Protection and Preserved Existence of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, to the Protection of the continued reign of the Freedom and Independence to The People of The Imperial Navy, to the continued Sovereignty and Existence of The Imperial Navy, and to all Rights therein that apply to The Imperial Navy, its People, and its Existence upon the face of the Earth are henceforth protected, preserved, kept known, assured, and henceforth kept safe from all means of harm to The People of The Imperial Navy and the Right of Existence to The Imperial Navy.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav the UPMOST cause to act as back-up for the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy and send forth squadrons of XSF-04 Star Phantoms to begin Hostile Actions if and/or when the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy attacks.
Thus, a Colonial Space Heavy Cruiser will be in orbit to deploy the following craft(s) to aid the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy:
XSF-04 Experimental Supremecy Fighter
Star Phantom Class Supremecy Fighter
-Universal Supremecy Hybrid Fighter-
::Primary Function::
-Star Fighter-
-RG Aerospace-
-62 feet, 11 inches-
-16 feet, 5 inches-
-38 feet, 11 inches-
::Power Plant::
-Two RG Aerospace hybrid superjet engines w/afterburners-
-28,228 Pounds-
-4,200 mph (Mach 2.9), Max 8,920 mph (Mach 4.8)-
Air - Normal Aircraft Controls
Space - Small Jet-Ports in wings, tail wings, many other critical areas.
::Speed Control::
Air - Air Brakes/Retro-Jets/Acceleration Controls
Space - Retro-Jets/Jet-Ports/Some Acceleration Controls
-Unlimited w/Space Capability-
-42,820 Miles w/RG Aerospace Fuel-
x2 24-mm Cannons
x4 Missle/Bomb Hardpoints
x2 Fuel-Pod Slots
One - Pilot
26-03-2004, 06:30
The Visigoth has rendezvoused with the Imperial Forces's navy and is preparing to accept orders.
The President today has announced that a fleet of 6 battle cruisers and 12 destroyers has left today to help with the blockade of Huzen Hagen and if an invasion takes place will help with fire support and anti-submarine warfare. He further states that he hopes that Huzen Hagen will heed the ultimatum as if it is not heeded he agrees that invasion not blockade is necessary. He has ordered the navy to assist anyone who is carrying on such an invasion if it comes.
Carol Channing
PaxRepublia News Updates
Public Press Conference, copies sent to every world-wide news agency
"The Government of Doujin cannot stand idly by while a nation creates a virus that could throw off world stability, and have the possibility of causing millions / billions of deaths worldwide. Doujin urges citizens of Huzen Hagen to leave the nation, as if this virus is released on Doujin forces that will invade if Huzen Hagen does not stop all research in this virus, then we will reply with a large attack using tactical nuclear warheads. Huzen Hagen refugees will be taken in by Doujin, if they choose. Doujin is moving a battlegroup, consisting of 2 Thunder Child Battleships, 1 Leviathon Battleship, 3 Ingenuity Class Aircraft Carriers, and various other frigates, destroyers, and cruisers to Huzen Hagen to begin pre-invasion operations."
Official Press Release
PaxRepublica sadly agrees with Doujin, if any virus is used on any invading troops nuclear weapons may be in order. PaxRepublica really doesn't want that to happen so it is warning Huzen Hagen not to use any virus on anyone's troops. PaxRepublica hopes that any officer given such an order will consider the fact that their whole country will be wiped out if they obey such an order.
Imperial Forces
26-03-2004, 09:11
::Admiral Flaar watches over control deck on the Flag Ship, INWS SBBMP Darkskye:::
"Sir, Visigoth has meet with the fleet and is adwaiting orders from us."
"Very well, lets establish connection to the craft, find it's radio feq and tell them to follow us, we sail N-NE."
"Ok, we also need to deal with our battle plan."
"IDoD has already sent us topohtography scans of the nation, I have planned our strikes on these key installations in the pictures in front of you. We strike these first if they do not responed with the virus..."
"....What if they do?"
"Burn everything."
26-03-2004, 09:14
Paragraph Two(2) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Henceforth the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has agreed firmly to the Alliance Suggested, Acknowledged, and Agreed upon on this day of this Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance of NRD-2024 AD.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance hereby gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav cause to bring forth Colonial Forces into this coming conflict.
Paragraph Five(5) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to keep watch and Protect the Sovereignty of the Nation formed by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, but not to create therein anything without the True Permission of the Reigning Authority set forth by The People of the Imperial Power of the Imperial Navy. Permission henceforth for the landing and deployment of any Colonial Armed Forces must be first Acknowledged and given Granted Permission by the Reigning Authority of the True Leadership within The Imperial Navy.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav the cause to send Protective Forces in the Territorial Boundries of the Imperial Power of the Imperial Navy in the form of XSF-04 Star Phantom fighter crafts with the Permission of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy.
Paragraph Four(4) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to Patrol for the soul purpose of Protection and Safety throughout the Territories and Boundaries and all therein that have been Constructed, Built, Formed, Declared with the following action of the Declarations Acceptance by those Declared upon, Created, and all that applies therein to and by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy and all that it Reigns upon in Known Space.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav cause to intitiate Protective Patrols of Space Ships in territories belonging to the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy in known Space.
Paragraph Three(3) of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance states:
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to the Protection and Preserved Existence of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, to the Protection of the continued reign of the Freedom and Independence to The People of The Imperial Navy, to the continued Sovereignty and Existence of The Imperial Navy, and to all Rights therein that apply to The Imperial Navy, its People, and its Existence upon the face of the Earth are henceforth protected, preserved, kept known, assured, and henceforth kept safe from all means of harm to The People of The Imperial Navy and the Right of Existence to The Imperial Navy.
Therefore the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance gives the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav the UPMOST cause to act as back-up for the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy and send forth squadrons of XSF-04 Star Phantoms to begin Hostile Actions if and/or when the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy attacks.
Thus, a Colonial Space Heavy Cruiser will be in orbit to deploy the following craft(s) to aid the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy:
XSF-04 Experimental Supremecy Fighter
Star Phantom Class Supremecy Fighter
-Universal Supremecy Hybrid Fighter-
::Primary Function::
-Star Fighter-
-RG Aerospace-
-62 feet, 11 inches-
-16 feet, 5 inches-
-38 feet, 11 inches-
::Power Plant::
-Two RG Aerospace hybrid superjet engines w/afterburners-
-28,228 Pounds-
-4,200 mph (Mach 2.9), Max 8,920 mph (Mach 4.8)-
Air - Normal Aircraft Controls
Space - Small Jet-Ports in wings, tail wings, many other critical areas.
::Speed Control::
Air - Air Brakes/Retro-Jets/Acceleration Controls
Space - Retro-Jets/Jet-Ports/Some Acceleration Controls
-Unlimited w/Space Capability-
-42,820 Miles w/RG Aerospace Fuel-
x2 24-mm Cannons
x4 Missle/Bomb Hardpoints
x2 Fuel-Pod Slots
One - Pilot
How about in Future start posting posts that start to make sense because a lot of them lately have made little or no sense.
Also those things you have quoted from what looks like something you had to sign to join some alliance or something? Are stated NRD-2024 AD, this Role Play is Modern which means its TODAYS technology in TODAYS date.
Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance of NRD-2024 AD
On this month of March and the day of the 24th and on the year of Nodea Rudav Date - 2024, After Death of our Lord Jesus Christ of Mother World Earth, came forth into existence the suggestion, meeting of, acknowledgement, and agreement of an Alliance between the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav and the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy.
Henceforth the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has agreed firmly to the Alliance Suggested, Acknowledged, and Agreed upon on this day of this Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance of NRD-2024 AD.
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to the Protection and Preserved Existence of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, to the Protection of the continued reign of the Freedom and Independence to The People of The Imperial Navy, to the continued Sovereignty and Existence of The Imperial Navy, and to all Rights therein that apply to The Imperial Navy, its People, and its Existence upon the face of the Earth are henceforth protected, preserved, kept known, assured, and henceforth kept safe from all means of harm to The People of The Imperial Navy and the Right of Existence to The Imperial Navy.
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to Patrol for the soul purpose of Protection and Safety throughout the Territories and Boundaries and all therein that have been Constructed, Built, Formed, Declared with the following action of the Declarations Acceptance by those Declared upon, Created, and all that applies therein to and by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy and all that it Reigns upon in Known Space.
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly vowed to keep watch and Protect the Sovereignty of the Nation formed by the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, but not to create therein anything without the True Permission of the Reigning Authority set forth by The People of the Imperial Power of the Imperial Navy. Permission henceforth for the landing and deployment of any Colonial Armed Forces must be first Acknowledged and given Granted Permission by the Reigning Authority of the True Leadership within The Imperial Navy.
Hereby the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav has firmly agreed to allow any and all Imperial Forces of The Imperial Navy to freely use its Territorial Boundaries in the Solar System of Nova Kretani for and as a Waypoint, Temporary Shelter, and all therein that applies to any Imperial Forces of The Imperial Navy moving into or appearing in the Territorial Boundaries of the Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav within and possibly outward of the Solar System of Nova Kretani. Henceforth the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy must ask and be given Permission if any Imperial Forces from the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy wish to, want to, or are ordered to create, construct, built, declare, set forth, set foot, and any such therein that applies to Outpost and/or Base of any kind within the Solar System of Nova Kretani.
Hereby if the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy is overrun by impossible odds which could/can/can't be beaten and/or defeated by any means the Home System of Nova Kretani shall and will be the new Home System of the Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy, if they so choose. All that applies to this situation of possibility, therein, are subject to approval from and by both Colonial and Imperial Powers.
Henceforth this Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance of NRD-2024 AD, on the Month of March and day of the 24th, is made Known, is made to be Acknowledged, is made to be Understood, is made to be Official, and all therein, by the signing of the two current Leading People therein chosen by The People of that Power and Nation to Represent, Lead, Guide, and all therein that applies to a Leader using and/or applying his and/or her Given Power of his and/or her Nation/State/Empire/Colony, and all that apply therein, by the final signing of this Declaration.
The Colonial Power of the Colony of Nodea Rudav Acceptance of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance
Colonial Leadership Signing:
The Imperial Power of The Imperial Navy Acceptance of the Declaration of the Imperial Colonial Alliance
Imperial Leadership/Represenitive of Leadership Signing:
Lt. Commander Berrick.
Thats a Copy & Paste of the Alliance between Nodea Rudav and The Imperial Forces. Official. Nodea Rudav has dated itself in the Year 2024, so, intern, the tech is of a F-4 Phantom II equiped and slightly modified for both Aerospace and Space combat, thus enabling a Supremecy role.
I was 2040-45 tech...but its up to The Imperial Forces to change the dunno.....
I forget linkage.....but this is an Official Meeting and Signing of an Alliance between the Colony of Nodea Rudav and The Imperial Navy, thus if The Imperial Navy is involved in this, we must aid our Ally in his quest. Huzen Hagen has done nothing wrong in our eyes, but we must act with our first and only Ally to have been made OFFICIAL through a Signed Decleration of an Alliance, but that doesn't mean all my other allies arn't, cause they still are. Just means that this has been written, agreed, and thus set forth into permanent action in which I must obide by agreement, and if so chooses The Imperial Navy too, again if he/she so chooses.
Anywho, I am acting in Defense until The Imperial Navy attacks, and when The Imperial Navy attacks I shall have to too, ensuring that I did my best in both Helping, Defending, Protecting, and Aiding The Imperial Navy.
26-03-2004, 12:44
Credonian Naval Operation's Update- Regional Command, International Waters off the Coast of Huzen Hagen
The Credonian carrier divisions have arrived at the blockade and are now awaiting orders. All naval vessels have assumed offensive positions and will fire upon any ship not part of the blockade that tries to pass through.
Pure Evil formally announced is Neutrality in this situation.
26-03-2004, 13:27
*Your inteligence agencys may be reporting that Kanuckistan is repositioning several dozen rather large satalites, possibly belived to be VSTT(Very Short Time to Target) nuclear missile platforms, to new geostationary positions that would give them an excellent striking position relative to Huzen Hagen. Or not; depends on how good they are and what they watch for.*
PaxRepublica sadly agrees with Doujin, if any virus is used on any invading troops nuclear weapons may be in order.
In a recent press conference, a Kanuckistani offical replying to a reporter's question stated that, should it even be suspected that this virus was released, that the nation of Huzen Hagen would, regrettibly, be immediatly "carpet nuked thrice over", regaurdless of any allied forces within that nation's boarders.
26-03-2004, 13:43
Credonian Response to Kanukistani Statement
Credonia condemns the use of nuclear weapons in thos conflict, and we condemn actions taken by coalition members to carpet nuke Huzen Hagen whilst allied forces are within the nation. Should you destroy any of Credonia's forces while performing such an action, we will consider that as an act of war and will take full strategic retalitory steps. You are digging yourself a hole, watch out or you will have your own coalition members ganging up against you for a stupid action taken on your part.
Lauren .R. Smith
Credonian Secretary of State
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 14:27
). The Adavced destoryer UFS La Gurdia .
Has been dispached to hagens waters to help in the blockaed and will give the colotion a signifcant advantge.
26-03-2004, 14:47
Credonian Response to Kanukistani Statement
Credonia condemns the use of nuclear weapons in thos conflict, and we condemn actions taken by coalition members to carpet nuke Huzen Hagen whilst allied forces are within the nation. Should you destroy any of Credonia's forces while performing such an action, we will consider that as an act of war and will take full strategic retalitory steps. You are digging yourself a hole, watch out or you will have your own coalition members ganging up against you for a stupid action taken on your part.
Lauren .R. Smith
Credonian Secretary of State
--Private Message to Lauren .R. Smith, Credonian Secretary of State, Credonia.--
Mr. Secretary, without solid data regaurding the enchanced virus' potental transmission vectors, it is impossible to conduct a proper threat assessment, and thus we must prepare for the worst; that would most likly be extreamly contagous with airborne and animal transmission vectors. With this in mind, given the grave nature of the illness in it's natural, unenhanced state, the only responsible response can be the most extream; swift and absoloute steralisation via the mass utalization of ultra-clean nuclear ordinance.
It is extreamly unfortunate that this would likly result in coalition casualties, and indeed, any landed invasion force would most likly be annilated wholsale unless areas of release and infection could be immediatly pinpointed for annilation; reaction would have to be extreamly quick, however, to preclude spread, within minutes or, at most, hours; no time to exacuate under quarentine. But there is simply no margine in error, when such an error could result in the deaths of hundreds of billions; the medical infastructure simply does not exist to cope with the potential fallout, even if a cure was readily avalible.
Bob McBob,
Kanuckistani Minister of the Exterior
26-03-2004, 17:07
OOC: lauren is a girl
--Private Message To Bob McBob, Kanuckistani Minister of the Exterior, Kanuckistan--
Very well, but SHOULD you use nuclear weapons, try your absolute best not to hit coaltion forces as it would cause a rather nasty incident that im sure none of us want to happen.
Lauren .R. Smith
Credonian Secretary of State
Austar Union
26-03-2004, 17:18
Agreed. Any use of WMD's in this war, if a war is to break out will be higly frowned on by the coalition...
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 17:20
((ooc any one Notice im here lol )
Austar Union
26-03-2004, 17:22
The humble nationstate of Zwaza views this blockade as crippling to its regional politics and intercoastal trade. I speak for the people of Zwaza as I hearby plea that the forces involved with the blockade do not enter Zwazan waters. If this blockade chokes the complete region, then economic collapse is eminent in the developing countries of the Fallen System. I request that the blockade excludes the sovereign waters of the rest of the region.
Paul Seufret
Council Leader
Zwazan Interim Government
We assure you that Huzen Hagen will be the only target of this blockaid, unless support to his virus development program is given...
26-03-2004, 17:25
OOC: yes TFU, juss chill
26-03-2004, 17:25
OOC: yes TFU, juss chill
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 17:36
((OOC all right thanks i just wanted to make shure lol ...))
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 17:38
((OOC all right thanks i just wanted to make shure lol ...))
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 17:45
((OOC all right thanks i just wanted to make shure lol ...))
::Message to Commander, Austar Union Fleet from Commander, Xariad Imperial Fleet::
The fleet from the Glorious Empire of Xariad has arrived in sector. Orders from Imperial Naval Command are to hand over command to you for the duration of the blockade. These vessel contain standard armament of weapons sans nuclear. The roster is as follows:
Glorious-class carrier
Marauder - Marauder group
Scimitar - Scimitar group
Minion - Minion group
Imperious-class cruiser
Defiant - Marauder group
Praetor - Scimitar group
Mayhem - Minion group
Annihilator-class destroyer
Stormcloud - Marauder group
Hurricane - Scimitar group
Typhoon - Minion group
Judicator-class destroyer
Malevolent - Marauder group
Rage - Scimitar group
Immortal - Minion group
Warlord-class frigate
Adamant - Marauder group
Vindicator - Scimitar group
Conqueror - Minion group
Venerable-class submarine
Phalanx - Marauder group
Spectre - Scimitar group
Wrath - Minion group
Standing by for your orders, commander.
Admiral David D. Corso
COMMANDER, Xariad Imperial Fleet
Huzen Hagen
26-03-2004, 18:31
Secret IC:Costal batteries were brought online, extra powerstations were fired up as power was diverted to guns inbeded into cliffs. Throught Huzen Hagen the poulation armed themselves and retreated to bunkers. Missile subs were put on full alert aswell as land based silos. Men started trying to pin point the location os subs through numerous sonar stations.
OOC: has anyone read my last post on the thread i announce this project? you all seem convinced im going to release an enhanced version of AIDS into the atmosphere. Im not, can you please also make yourselves aware of the fact i am researching this tech, i could make something much more deadly. If newly create organisms (with a fith letter added to the DNA code) were allowed to breed uncontrollably they would outweigh the world in 2 days. read the post and then we'll talk
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 18:48
5 nexuses luanched air craft to patroll freindly skys around the blockadeing coltion .
Planes luanched
Carrier 1 :
25 F-22's ,25 F-35's, 25 F-18 hornets
25 F-17's ,25 YF-23's
Carrier 2 :
25 F-22's ,25 F-35's, 25 F-18 hornets
25 F-17's ,25 YF-23's
Carrier 3 :
50 F-22's ,50 F-35's, 25 F-18 hornets
Carrier 4 :
50 F-22's ,50 F-35's, 25 F-18 hornets
Carrier 5 :
10 Osprey's (with jamming equipment )
Carrier 2 :
25 F-22's ,25 F-35's, 25 F-18 hornets
And 15 UAV swarm fighter sytem's
These have all be luanched to begin patrolls over freindly ships in case of enmmy attack.
Huzen Hagen
26-03-2004, 18:58
OOC: my aim- admiral maichek
my msn-
for those of you that have one of those (preferably aim) we can have a large debate and negotiate properly
26-03-2004, 20:13
If newly create organisms (with a fith letter added to the DNA code) were allowed to breed uncontrollably they would outweigh the world in 2 days. read the post and then we'll talk
You're creating a virus; they're classifyed non-living organisms because they can't 'breed'. I've already replyed to the '5th DNA letter' bit in the other thread.
Unified Sith
26-03-2004, 20:25
hmm "looks like this guy is not going to back down"
"oh well so be it our armed forces need some training"
"commander" the emperor booms
"order our silo's to stand by"
10 minutes pass
"target the capital city of huzez hagen"
"the cordinates have been uploaded" says the commander
"dam why did it have to come to this, oh well. launch 25 icbm's at the capital i want every major government building obliterated."
"order recieved"
"missiles are firing"
on the screen telescreen on the wall the emperor looks on with disapointment what a waste of missiles on this pathetic nation he thinks to himself.
Unified Sith
26-03-2004, 20:26
hmm "looks like this guy is not going to back down"
"oh well so be it our armed forces need some training"
"commander" the emperor booms
"order our silo's to stand by"
10 minutes pass
"target the capital city of huzez hagen"
"the cordinates have been uploaded" says the commander
"dam why did it have to come to this, oh well. launch 25 icbm's at the capital i want every major government building obliterated."
"order recieved"
"missiles are firing"
the emperor looks at the screen on the wall with disapointment what a waste of missiles on this pathetic nation he thinks to himself.
Austar Union
26-03-2004, 20:28
OOC: Huzen Hagen, your threads all indicate that you plan to develop a very powerful hostile bio-weapon, through the development of AIDS. I think that is enough reason to stop you, and risk a war...
The Austarian Fleet has reportedly arrived, and is stationed in international waters, near Huzen Hagen waters. Stats will be release later...
The Fedral Union
26-03-2004, 20:33
SDI And ABM defnsces acviated .
The SDI and ABM sattlites targeted the shiths nuclar missles and started fireing powerfull and large laser beams at 10 of the missles the ABM's targted the rest and started to luach mini missles and small lasrers. at the icbm's
Austar Union
26-03-2004, 20:40
Unified Sith: You are now officially banned from joing the coalition.
We do not tolerate the use of WMD's a a primary source of combat...
Huzen Hagen
26-03-2004, 21:04
a simple map of my nation that i whiped up. Feel free to add the position of your fleets
Huzen Hagen
26-03-2004, 21:34
extreme bumpage
Unified Sith
26-03-2004, 21:36
those icbm's were just standard warheads we were not going to nuke his capital
Imperial Forces
27-03-2004, 00:01
OOC: Unified Sith is ignored for Party poopping the topic.
IC: The Fleet is now 30 Hours outside of striking the South-Eastern portion of Huzen Hagen.
We DEMAND a response from the Huzen Hagen Government, any failure to do so when we arrive will be seen as your failure to destroy the research.
27-03-2004, 00:14
Task Force 42 has arrived alongside the Austarian Fleet in international waters. It's ready to accept orders from the Austarian Fleet pending approval of the Acting Regent Louis Cessar.
In light of recent activities and statements made in HH, the 5th Fleet's Heavy Coastal Bombardment Group has been diverted to HH. They will arrive off shore in 36 hours, but will be in missile range much sooner than that.
Cousin Eddie
27-03-2004, 00:35
TAG [Sorry, I would've liked to have been involved in this]
Telegram to Aust and Credonia:
[code:1:86ecc0daf9] We have just received intelligence concerning the current situation. It appears that the situation is well in hand, and that plenty of military is in the area. However, all armed forces within Cousin Eddie have been put on alert, and are preparing for deployment. Men will be sent at your word. Please keep us informed if you would appreciate the extra support.
Colonial Forces Update
Currently a Colonial Space Ship of a Space Battleship class is in-orbit, deploying twlve XSF-04 Star Phantom Supremecy Fighters that are now enroute to Huzen Hagen via atmospheric reentry.
Colonial Forces Update
Currently a Colonial Space Ship of a Space Battleship class is in-orbit, deploying twlve XSF-04 Star Phantom Supremecy Fighters that are now enroute to Huzen Hagen via atmospheric reentry.
If newly create organisms (with a fith letter added to the DNA code) were allowed to breed uncontrollably they would outweigh the world in 2 days. read the post and then we'll talk
You're creating a virus; they're classifyed non-living organisms because they can't 'breed'. I've already replyed to the '5th DNA letter' bit in the other thread.
Besides NOTHING can breed uncontrollably because it will run out of something first such as food, water and minerals and/or start being eaten up by microbes or animals that have just found a new food source. That is why the Earth has never been overrun by a species that has turned the entire planet into one mass of organisms.
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 04:43
Humm i think bump becuse i dont know what to say ... :arrow:
those icbm's were just standard warheads we were not going to nuke his capital
The world breathed a sigh of relief today as the ICBMs from United Sith turned out to be non-nuclear. All nuclear powers went on alert when they saw the weapons being launched. There was mass rioting today in half the countries in the World as panic set in. The PaxRepublic stock exchange went down 150 at close up from the 300 point dip when news broke out about the launchings.
Alison Abrahms
News in Review
Paxrepublica Network News
OOC: I don't think there are any non-nuclear ICBMs because you might as well use the real thing because if you do use them everybody is going to think they are nukes and respond accordingly.
The nationstate of Zwaza has official control over the Wetlands and other Disputed Territories of the Fallen System. Through these lands a route connection is made to Huzen Hagen. We open our border to Huzen Hagen to move civilians and other important resources into the protection of Zwaza.
Paul Seufret
Council Leader
Zwazan Interim Government
27-03-2004, 07:32
No, it can not be; the nation I stand posed to glass is geographicly identical to my native land! :shock:
Psycological warefare against the player is cheating!!! :evil:
:wink: :D :D :D
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 10:29
OOC: so your canadian? and NR your are ignored, this is not space tech. Replying to secret IC is cheating so dont so it whoever did
IC: After recent events we have decided to suspend the research of our new virus. I think that discussions an now begin.
Uber secret IC: "we gave them what they wanted now we just need to gauge their reaction. As for the satellites in geosync orbit, i want them targeted and the first to go down if this kicks off"
The Lands of Alex
27-03-2004, 10:49
The Commonwealth of the Lands of Alex will send troops if so asked along with an experimental AIDS cure known to at least help teh symptoms of AIDS. Our people also believe thsi suspension isn't enough, and that only full scale end to this research is acceptable.
-Prime Minister John Galapagos
-Minister of Health Peter Melana
-Minister of War James Bellum
27-03-2004, 10:54
While we see this as a promising sign, Task Force 42 and the 5th Fleet's Heavy Coastal Bombardment Group will remain off of HH's territoral waters. Only with serious disscussion and genuine progess could we invision an end to the blockade.
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 10:55
we are self sufficient so you can blockade us all you like
27-03-2004, 10:57
It is not just us, there are many others. While you may be self sufficient, blockades are still major matters.
Austar Union
27-03-2004, 10:59
The Republic of Austar Union congratulates Huzen Hagen for their move to conceed to our demands. They did it just in time, and our forces are now withdrawing...
However, we will state that if the HH government does take this project up again, we will enforce an automatic blockaid, without a warning...
The Atheists Reality
27-03-2004, 11:00
TAR is extremly suspicious of HH's 'giving in'
27-03-2004, 11:01
As is Hamptonshire. They seemed to have caved with little force.
Austar Union
27-03-2004, 11:06
The Republic wishes to state that we have little choice but to believe HH.
However, we have left that little warning as a precautionary measure...
27-03-2004, 11:07
Perhaps you can also leave a destroyer or two as a precautionary measure...
27-03-2004, 11:07
Perhaps you can also leave a destroyer or two as a precautionary measure...
The Atheists Reality
27-03-2004, 11:07
my small force shall remain to keep an eye on HH
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 11:07
We give into your demands and you do not want us to, we now see the true meaning of your involvment in this coalition
27-03-2004, 11:08
But how does this coalition know that you have really given into the demands?
Austar Union
27-03-2004, 11:11
We urge all members of the coalition to withdraw, as we do not want to be seen as infringing on HH's national soverignty...
27-03-2004, 11:12
At the urging of the Austarian government, Hamptonian forces will withdraw.
Secret IC:
Our fleets will withdraw to home waters, just at a very slow speed.
The Atheists Reality
27-03-2004, 11:12
i shall do my best to keep an eye on HH, as i do not know for sure that it has given in to all our demands
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 11:13
Secret IC: Men carrired away computers and papers from Simon's lab "to give in is one thing but to take our research"
"i cant belive he caved in" replied his colleague
at that moment the director ran in with waving a letter and said 'i dont think he has"
IC:we will now allow inspectors to verify that computers and papers we are destroyng were indeed those used for research. After the inspectors have confirmed they will be destroyed
Austar Union
27-03-2004, 11:21
We will be sending a team of inspectors, comprising of 20 diplomats...
27-03-2004, 11:23
We will send a team of inspectors, comprising of 8 Medical Doctors and 2 Computer Specialists from the Ministry of Health and Domestic Security.
The Atheists Reality
27-03-2004, 12:04
we will be sending a team of 8 biologists
Imperial Forces
27-03-2004, 12:18
After recent events we have decided to suspend the research of our new virus. I think that discussions an now begin.
"Suspend?! What fools do you take the Continental Empire for? We want for a full-scale surrender of all research and our inspectors to search your entire nation till we are pleased with your statements.
If we don't get a full surrender of arms, we will continue with our plans."
-Grand Master Roac, The Continental Empire of Imperial Forces
27-03-2004, 12:50
Credonia will be sending in a team of 12 inspectors composing of 6 biologists, 3 military weapons inspectors, and 3 political analists. We must however protest that just a hault of research is not enough. There is nothing that could stop you from producing sunch weapons again when no one is watching, therefore, the Credonian government DEMANDS that ALL research and materials be handed over and promptly destroyed. Failure to do so will result in necessary military actions being taken by the coalition.
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 14:30
The fedralk unions forces will withdaw back home but the 3 flee will be stationed at a near buy naval bace 350 miles off the cost of hagen
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 15:08
The fedralk unions forces will withdaw back home but the 3 flee will be stationed at a near buy naval bace 350 miles off the cost of hagen
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 17:08
at the moment i am not aware of any Fallen system nation allowing you to use their ports TFU. We will hand over all petri dishes and equipment aswell.
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 17:58
The Fed union will build this bace no matter what and it is not with in your region so you may not do any agressive acations .
5 heavy utlity hellcoptors 3 ships and 10 farries arrive on the shores of the now designted fortress ilse ... the people come ashore fro mthe farriers equipment and bulding matiols are draged asore and lifed in buy utilitty cranes and helloptors .
Wile the fedral 3 fleet. was off shore anbcored looking were the 30 mile line maker was.
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 17:58
The Fed union will build this bace no matter what and it is not with in your region so you may not do any agressive acations .
5 heavy utlity hellcoptors 3 ships and 10 farries arrive on the shores of the now designted fortress ilse ... the people come ashore fro mthe farriers equipment and bulding matiols are draged asore and lifed in buy utilitty cranes and helloptors .
Wile the fedral 3 fleet. was off shore anbcored looking were the 30 mile line maker was.
The Fedral Union's forces will withdaw back home but the 3 fleet will be stationed at a near by naval base 350 miles off the coast of Hagen
OOC: Hm... what naval base? I mean you can't just build a naval base in the middle of the ocean without future tech (which isn't allowed) or spending ten plus years building one, which you haven't done.
So how are you building a naval base near him? Explain in detail or it will just be ignored...
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 21:11
we will meet your inspectors on the island in the middle of the channel that leads to our main ports. there you will recieve all that you wanted
Upward Thinking
27-03-2004, 21:15
We will send our elite troops to hold and subdue the labs that are attempting to develop this ubholy weapon. They should be on the ground right about. Now? *Scattered gunshots* That would be them. *cheering* That would be the victory celebration. Brought to you thanks to the Army SEALS.
"Huzen, the Doujin Government isn't run by fools. If you really wish to hide things, it would be next to impossible for us to find them. Doujin will be setting up a military outpost in Huzen Hagen. At one point you wished to forge an alliance with Doujin, well.. consider this the first step."
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 21:21
Very well, we will need to discuss the terms of this base. I will not tolerate a large force stationed there, it is too risky in the present climate
Imperial Forces
27-03-2004, 21:28
We have yet to get a assurence of the conplete surrender of all research.
27-03-2004, 21:30
Yes, we must have substantial proof of a complete halt of research and the destruction of all materials involved with this program.
The Imperial Naval Command of The Glorious Empire of Xariad has recalled the fleet back to its normal maneuvers off the coasts of the Imperial Union of Zial. The Empire will send delegates from the scientific community to assist with the inspection of Huzen Hagen's materiel. Should anything happen to the Xarian delegates, the Empire will not hesitate to react.
Angel Rosewater
The Imperial Naval Command of The Glorious Empire of Xariad has recalled the fleet back to its normal maneuvers off the coasts of the Imperial Union of Zial. The Empire will send delegates from the scientific community to assist with the inspection of Huzen Hagen's materiel. Should anything happen to the Xarian delegates, the Empire will not hesitate to react.
Angel Rosewater
27-03-2004, 21:35
We will send our elite troops to hold and subdue the labs that are attempting to develop this ubholy weapon. They should be on the ground right about. Now? *Scattered gunshots* That would be them. *cheering* That would be the victory celebration. Brought to you thanks to the Army SEALS.
Miitary forces wont be needed just for an inspection....... BTW, where did u come from?
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 21:38
gentlemen as promised you will get all the research, including lab equipment in a few hours. i am currently in negoitiation with doujin for a base on HH
Huzen Hagen
27-03-2004, 21:39
We will send our elite troops to hold and subdue the labs that are attempting to develop this ubholy weapon. They should be on the ground right about. Now? *Scattered gunshots* That would be them. *cheering* That would be the victory celebration. Brought to you thanks to the Army SEALS.
Miitary forces wont be needed just for an inspection....... BTW, where did u come from?
ignoreville, no need for that in this rp
To assure the coalition that all research documents have been relinquished, Doujin will have a military base consisting of at least 200 aircraft, 2 large runways, a port, and 5,000 military personnel. Armed Aircraft will not be in the air unless an emergency is declared, however, unarmed spy planes will be flying round the clock gathering information to assure that Huzen has completely stopped research.
The Fedral Union
27-03-2004, 22:40
The Fedral Union's forces will withdaw back home but the 3 fleet will be stationed at a near by naval base 350 miles off the coast of Hagen
OOC: Hm... what naval base? I mean you can't just build a naval base in the middle of the ocean without future tech (which isn't allowed) or spending ten plus years building one, which you haven't done.
So how are you building a naval base near him? Explain in detail or it will just be ignored...
(ooc im bulding it in internatinol waters out side his region we cleared it up on msn .. we are in the middle of bulding the bace .. they are just out side hagens region. and im brigning in the constuction matiralsn and stuff via righters and cargo planes. )
OOC: If you have check it with Huzen Hagen then thats fair enough...
PaxRepublica's small bombardment fleet is remaining in international waters just off HH's coast. It is sending an inspection team of 7 men to verify complance.
28-03-2004, 06:40
OOC: so your canadian? and NR your are ignored, this is not space tech. Replying to secret IC is cheating so dont so it whoever did
Kanuckistan -> Kanuck -> Canuck -> Canadian
Canuckistan was already taken :wink:
IC: After recent events we have decided to suspend the research of our new virus. I think that discussions an now begin.
OOC: Would you mind if I sent telepaths along? There's often a large amount of overlap between future/modern/fantasy, so I'm asking what you're willing to put up with.
Uber secret IC: "we gave them what they wanted now we just need to gauge their reaction. As for the satellites in geosync orbit, i want them targeted and the first to go down if this kicks off"
What are you targeting my satalites with?
Austar Union
28-03-2004, 07:50
The inspection team from the Austar Union has arrived at the Huzen Hagen international airport. They are now en-route to your military headquarters, to meet with your head commander.
28-03-2004, 10:05
The inspectors from Hamptonshire have arrived by helocopter at Huzen Hagen's main international airport. They are headed to your central military headquarters to begin inspections.
Huzen Hagen
28-03-2004, 11:49
The minister of defence greeted the inspectors at the door "gentlemen i hope what we are showing you will put your minds at rest. After you have verified it is genuine then it will be destroyed. I will now take you to the basement were all we have collected is being set up for inspection"
Austar Union
28-03-2004, 12:32
Thankyou sir," replied Billy Etherton, "I am the head of this inspection team, and I truly hope your government has not kept any secrets from us. For we will find them out if there are any."
28-03-2004, 13:26
Fashionably late, in the best tradition of Credonian representatives, the team of Credonian inspectors arrive in HH aboard a Learjet 45 and promptly head towards the rendezvous point (where the AU inspectors are meeting). Upon their arrival, they meet up.
"Sorry we're late. Had a rough time with the weather in the air. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Nicolas Crossman, lead inspector and chief biologist of the Credonian team and these are my colleagues, as well as a team of military analysts that work for the Credonian Defense Department"
Imperial Forces
28-03-2004, 21:44
The Fleet has arrived at the blockade and are adwaiting orders. All warcraft are being armed just in case.
Flaar has sent a team of 10 inspectors on two transport craft to Huzen Hagen.
Huzen Hagen
30-03-2004, 15:47
Gentlemen are we done, we are most keen to destroy this equipment and get this over with. I am sure you are satisfied, you could look for an eternatiy but i assure you we have given up this program
Austar Union
30-03-2004, 17:16
The Austarian is first to speak up, "I have orders from my government to sieze all equipment. The equipment will be under study by my government, in order to make sure you have properly ceased this project entirely."
Huzen Hagen
30-03-2004, 17:22
I think that this is the best solution, to give the equipment to one nation gives them the ability to create the virus within weeks. You can study it here and then it will be destroyed
Austar Union
30-03-2004, 17:25
The Austarian squints, "Do you not think that my government is responsible enough to hold the virus information. Do you expect us to be as hypocritical as to blockaid your nation for developing such a virus, then to develop the virus ourselves? I am offended sir."
30-03-2004, 17:26
"We too would like to study the work done by your nation, and we will monitor the destruction of all of the research following our studies." Says the lead Credonian inspector.
Huzen Hagen
30-03-2004, 17:30
our facilities are state of the art, there is no need for yu to take the research si why should you want to? the object of this inspection is to verify that this equipment was used in the reasearch and then be destroyed. i think it is apparent that this is a complete laboratory and as such we feel no need for this to be taken away
Austar Union
30-03-2004, 17:35
"We are willing to comprimise a deal," replies Billy, "We will study the equipment here, but we must have unrestricted access to your lab facilities"
Huzen Hagen
30-03-2004, 17:44
like i said before, you could search for the entire country but we have given up our program. Surely this is evidens enough, already we have accepted a Doujinish base on our territory with no restrictions on flight, would we do that if we had something to hide?
Austar Union
30-03-2004, 17:51
"We request that you cease stalling time, and allow the inspections to begin unrestricted. We dont have to answer questions at your doorstep. As inspectors, it will be us who will be asking the questions." replied Billy, starting to become irritated.
Huzen Hagen
30-03-2004, 17:54
be my guest, all this equipment is set up for use. there are several more rooms in this basement with equipment in them for you to check. Once they have been confimed as part of the program each piece will be destroyed
These weapon inspections are in violation of Regional regulations. As the Regional UN Delegate, Zwaza should be in charge of the inspections of biological research and weaponery within Huzen Hagen. I hearby call upon all nations involved in the inspections to yield to Zwazan teams of inspectors in order for Regional sovereignty to remain intact.
Paul Seufret
Council Leader
Zwazan Interim Government
Austar Union
31-03-2004, 08:58
Dear Paul Seufret;
We do understand your standpoint in these issues, however we must disagree with them. Whilst your government is highly respectable, we do acknowlage that you are most likely a regional ally of Huzen Hagen.
Whilst it is most likely that your intentions are fully legitiment, it cannot be ignored that perhaps you would have some kind of motive to somewhat cover the actions of Huzen Hagen. Therefore, it is deemed that it is in the best interests of the world that an exterior, non-alligned force be the inspectors of the Huzen Hagen labratorys.
We do not view inspections as a move to intervene in national, or regional soverignty, but rather to protect the world from dangers that exist in the world. Inspections are needed in Huzen Hagen to prevent the spread of further disease throughout the world, and especially, your region in question.
In Huzen Hagen, the Austarian inspection teams move forward into the labratory, led by Billy Etherton. They immediatly begin work, each moving to their specialist area of the labaratory.
31-03-2004, 09:05
These weapon inspections are in violation of Regional regulations. As the Regional UN Delegate, Zwaza should be in charge of the inspections of biological research and weaponery within Huzen Hagen. I hearby call upon all nations involved in the inspections to yield to Zwazan teams of inspectors in order for Regional sovereignty to remain intact.
Paul Seufret
Council Leader
Zwazan Interim Government
Just because you are a UN delegate, doesnt give you special powers, especially over nations not in the UN. This is our problem, therefore we will deal with it in our way, unmolested, and without the permission of outside parties.
01-04-2004, 04:25
The Dominion of Kanuckistan is currently debating on the necessity of sending their own deligation of inspectors, and recomends coalition members insist on interviewing, at the very least, and in private, primary researchers and scientists, main lab techs, and other key personel; particularly those involved in the collection and desposal of research and exparimental material. Lie detection equipment is strongly recomended.
Also, Huzen Hagen, what garuntee do we have that research material hasn't been secretly copied or otherwise reproduced?
Additionally, Zwaza's position as regional UN deligate would only be relivent were this a UN-sponsored initiative; it is, instead, one based on the mutual concerns of individual nations, of whom, Kanuckistan included, atleast several have never in their histories, be they long or short, been part of the UN.
I need to know if you'll allow me to use telepaths befor I can design my deligation's composition, methods, hardware, and objectives.
Also, what are you targeting my satalites with? I doubt it'll come down to exchanging fire, unless you suddenly reverse your position, but I'm courious.
Austar Union, Credonia.. while studying Huzen's research is good in terms of finding a possible cure... currently Huzen is the only one in possesion of this research to our knowledge, and we would rather it be limited to less than that. We do not want anyone with the research of this project, allies or otherwise.. as it produces a significant threat to world stability.
IC: Huzen Hagen has gathered intelligence of Guerilla movement within their territory. Size of the guerilla force can not be determined at the moment.
OOC: Good news, a military presence is within Huzen Hagen. Bad news, only Huzen Hagen will "know" of the movement unless he is willing to share that information. Shall he share it now, or after the guerillas do what they came to do?