Modern Exo-atmospheric Claims
Recently planner on Scellia have noticed a complete lack of record to claims of nations pertaining to place outside of the atmosphere of Earth. Surely by this point a few research labs have been placed on the moon, or a manned mission to Mars. If not I expect that some will tell us very quickly, but we wish to know who claim what where in space. The conventions are the same for the other claiming thread, if you want someplace in paticular then you must have posted a thread about it.
I don't think exo-atmospheric is the right word... the opposite of exo-atmospheric would be endo-atmospheric, which would mean an atmosphere under the crust of the earth, like what they thought was in the mantle before they knew it was rock.
Just bugged me :P
Hmm, I've always heard the word exo-atmospheric used to mean anything outside our atmosphere. Plus BUMP, but it may be that no one has claim anwhere yet.
New Empire
25-03-2004, 00:56
We have a military and scientific installation at the Copernicus Crater.
25-03-2004, 00:59
a lot of nations have space claims, or even other universe claims. you would need to look at them.
25-03-2004, 01:00
I belive the term most used is Extra-atmospheric but that might just be based on my experience.
Crookfur doesn't have anything beyond the limits of near earth orbit (which is full of absolutly bucket loads of sats...).
Our space industry never relaly got into planetary expeditions.
IIRC: there have beena couple of fairly large joint missions to mars...
Crookfur: Thanks, that was what I was wondering. Do you know about the Moon, it seems that by now a modern nation must have put someone up their. With the funding America could put a colony on the Moon, and America is about the same size as I am and there are a lot of bigger nations
BLARGistania: :roll: I guess I didn't make this clear enough. MODERN!!!! MODERN MODERN MODERN. No warp. no hyperdrive, no phasers, turbolasers, jumpgates, Stargates, TIE Fighters, X-Wings or Star Destroyers. Modern, thank you for letting me clarify that.
New Empire: Where is the Copernicus Crater, I'm too lazy to look it up.
New Empire
25-03-2004, 01:27
Copernicus is on the moon. The base isn't that large, but there are outposts all along the rim.
OOC-It's semi-futuristic, we have a number of railguns and laser systems there. But it's much closer to now than it is to the stuff you were mentioning to Blarg.
25-03-2004, 01:31
About 4-6months or so ago there quite a few threads about the moon (inclduing one country that was a semi modern tech moon colony).
There are undoubtably some of the bigger nations with moon bases but it wasn't my thing, Credonia might know a bit more as he is seriously into rockets and "proper" sapce flight