NationStates Jolt Archive

Kelonia Appoints new Vice-Premier! (Opinions wanted)

Kelonian States
23-03-2004, 17:51
Today, The Federation of Kelonian States' esteemed leader Premier Maksim Romaninko has, under pressure from groups opposed to his party's dominance of political process, appointed a leaing representative of the Kelonian Socialist Party as vice-Premier.

The new second most powerful person in Kelonia is Zamantha Flakkov, a woman with a political vision much more turned towards active foreign policy, increasing political freedoms and civil rights, and the increasing of independance from international support.

This has come as no real surprise, after Premier Romaninko has been stepping up Kelonia's participation in international events in recent times - both Romaninko and Flakkov both hailing the move towards more freedoms as "breaking free from the shackles" that have held the country to a near-military regime in order to preserve security - Flakkov said these shackles had become 'obsolete', as Kelonia has stabilised massively in the years following the uprising that brought Romaninko's (a leading general in the Kelonian Resistance Movement during the civil war in Kelonia) party to power years ago - the Premier himself was more reluctant to make such sweeping decrees, but agreed that this was a big step forward for the development of Kelonia as a country worthy of competing in all fields on the world stage.

We ask the international community their opinions on this shift in political stance in Kelonia...