NationStates Jolt Archive

FEF National Press Service 3/22/04 - Terror Attack

Eternal FIame
23-03-2004, 05:40
Protests Continue In Front of FEF Police Head Quarters

11:00 PM - The scene outside of the FEF Police Head Quarters is a mass of people this evening. Protest leaders are fighting for the ban of excessive force on law offenders. The newly formed Special Traffic Enforcement Group, STEG, has in it’s short existence, 1 month, killed 28 people. While some in the general public are taking this as excessive, FEF President Reiko Hidama stands behind the new policy.

The protest has been peaceful thus far with only the occasional troublemaker who was taken from the crowd in quick time. With FEF military presence all around the Police Head Quarters everyone is doing their best to not get thrown into jail.

That’s all from the Police Head Quarters, back to you Sarah.

12:00 AM – The scene of peaceful protest has become that of bloody carnage. Approximately 3 minutes ago a massive explosion ripped through the center of the protest. From the early figures of FEF military advisors there are at least 200 dead and innumerable more wounded. Our cameraman Bryan Ziam is among the dead, from his camera we recovered.

The video from the camera shows people holding up signs, mostly young people below the age of 18 even some as young as 12 are seen. A huge explosion rips across the screen sending out metallic objects taking peoples limbs off as the camera fall to the ground on an odd angle, it’s lens cracked.

It is unclear at this time what exactly happened or who is responsible but Hidama is expected to make a statement early tommorow.
Austar Union
23-03-2004, 06:34
Official Message from the Austarian Government

Dear Sirs,

I grief with you at the loss of innocent lives at todays bombings, and I support your people 100%. These terrorist campaigns must be prevented, and they must realise that bloodshed is not the way.

Therefore, I am making available 5 National Intelligence Agency agents to help in your investigation. They will be sent to your nation immediatly upon, and if you would accept our contribution.
27-03-2004, 03:29
::::Presidential Mansion, Sarion, Kelanthia::::

*The door to the presidential office slams open, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephen Kaufmann comes bursting through the dooway, closely followed by Minister of Defense Jacob Darman. President Gordon Grath is sitting at his desk doing paperwork; with the unexpected intrusion, he jumps slightly and looks up with a vastly annoyed expression.*

Grath: “Just what the hell do you think you're doing bursting in here like that? Can't you see I'm working??”

Kaufmann: “Mr. President, there is a situation developing in Eternal Flame. We need you in the Operations Room.”

Grath: “What kind of situation??”

Darman: “The kind that may require a regionwide military response, sir.”

*Grath gives Darman and Kaufmann a hard look before standing up and moving around his desk toward the door.*

Grath: “This better be good...”


*After descending down to the secure Operations Room, over 250 feet below the surface and sealed against any hostile threat, Grath moves to a television screen and watches the bloody scene that is on continuous replay on KNN.*

Grath: “Damn.”

Kaufmann: “Yeah; Hidama is scheduled to make a statement any moment now, but I’m surprised that FEF Internal Security hasn’t contacted us yet.”

*Grath looks around nervously*

Grath: “Yes, it is a little odd that they haven’t told us anything.”

*Just then, Grath pulls a small device out of his pocket that is beeping softly and has a red light that is blinking on and off.*

Grath: “If you gentlemen will just excuse me for a second…”

*Grath slips away into a private office and flips the device open to reveal a small screen and keypad. He then pulls a long satellite antenna out of his pocket and screws it into a slot on the side. He lifts the device to his ear and begins talking in a loud voice.*

Grath: “Reiko, good to hear from you. What’s the situation?”

*A jumbled murmer can be faintly heard from the opposite end of the connection, with the unmistakable inflections identifying Reiko Hidama, leader of Eternal Flame.*

Grath, still in a loud voice: “Of course, I understand. Continue.”

*The murmer continues for a few moments. Grath starts to reply, but turns and drops his voice into a hoarse whisper so that no one outside of the office can hear him.*

Grath: “What the hell??”

*More murmering from the other line.*

Grath, still whispering quietly: “Dammit Reiko, why do you always drag me into these things? I could get into a LOT of trouble for this!”

*More murmering.*

Grath: “Fine… but you will disavow anything that suggests I knew, OK? I don’t want to get busted for your schemes.”

*More murmering.*

Grath, returning to his loud voice: “Please accept my utmost regret for this event, and relay to your people that Kelanthia is behind them one hundred percent.”

*More murmering.*

Grath: “I’ll talk to you soon, Reiko.”

*Grath closes the device and unscrews the antenna. He starts to go back to his advisors, but sits on the desk for a second and just shakes his head, obviously trying to make a hard decision. After a short moment, he stands back up with a glint in his eye and strides imperiously back to his chair in the main Operations Room, sits down, and turns to his Minister of Defense.*

Grath: “Mr. Darman, have the marshals here in half an hour.”

Darman: “But sir, they’re all…”

Grath, angrily: “Does it look like I give a damn where they are and what they’re doing? They work for me, and if they want to continue doing so, they will be here in half an hour, or they can find another job! And while you’re calling them, call the Arawn Installation and tell them to start prepping the fast-response divisions for embarkation on the deployment fleet in New Athens - I want them ready to go tomorrow at the latest!”

*Darman is cowed by this unexpected outburst and obsequiously goes to do Grath’s bidding.*

Darman: “Or course, sir.”

*Darman heads off to a secure telephone and begins making calls. Grath turns to Kaufmann, who has watched the scene in dumbfounded amazement at Grath’s newfound fury.*

Grath: “Stephen, I want you to contact the rest of the regional allies and set up a time in the very near future for Hidama and I to have a meeting with them. We have important things to talk about.”

Kaufmann: “Yes sir. Would you like me to notify the NDA High Council?”

*Grath turns his head slowly and shoots him a poisonous glare.*

Grath: “Did I say anything about the NDA?”

Kaufmann, gulping and stuttering: “N-No, s-sir, but--”

Grath, cutting him off: “Exactly; I didn’t. I will get to them in due time, but in case you hadn’t noticed, one of our closest allies has been brutally attacked. I can’t afford that Nathicana woman’s meddling at this point. They will demand a full investigation, and by the time that is done, the terrorists will have gotten away. We need to move now, and I will notify them after we get the ball rolling on this one. Now go.”

Kaufmann: “Right away, Mr. President.”

*Eager to avoid getting yelled at, Kaufmann scurries off to another secure telephone and also begins to make calls. All of the junior staff go about their tasks nervously, trying to remain as unnoticeable as possible for fear of attracting Grath’s unpredictable wrath. Grath continues to sit and stare broodingly at the scene of carnage on the television screens. No one can tell what is going through his mind… but then again, most of them don’t want to know anyway.*