NationStates Jolt Archive

F-109D-The next generation of fighter

New Empire
20-03-2004, 22:25
Please tell us what you think! Depending on your responses, a export variant may be designed for sale!
(go to and scroll down for pic)

The F-109D is the next generation in combat aircraft technology. With an array of advanced systems, the F-109D is a deadly combatant at both dogfighting and BVR engagement.
Situational Awareness
The F-109D features highly advanced sensor systems to ensure that it always can see it's enemy. LIDAR pods are mounted in the nose, wingtips, back, and under and over the fuselage to ensure full coverage of the airspace around the aircraft in a 200 mile radius. It also has forward, down, and rear looking 450-CPS Frequency Cycling radar, good for 250 miles. An advanced 190 Mile range EMS* sensor is also present on the aircraft, along with thermal, IR, X-Ray pulse systems. A laser satellite uplink is also provided.
True Supermanuverability
Instead of conventional flaps and airelons, the microhydraulic processors in the canards, forward swept wings, and tail fins can actually twist around, allowing the aircraft to have full control over it's lift, turn direction, and more in conjunction with it's 3D thrust vectoring. The F-109D can fly sideways, while still keeping it's nose on target. At lower speeds, the F-109 can spin around 360 degrees on it's axis, or even somersault forward and down to meet a pursuing enemy and engage it. The F-109D uses a 5-Layered system of high performance fly-by wire computers to give the pilot this grade of control. It can use it's mission adaptable wings and thrusters to take off at a 10 degree angle.
Advanced Combat Systems
The F-109D can be fitted with any following stealth system-
Athena Mk I (Common Export Version)
Athena- The earliest and one of the biggest technologies ever developed by the USNE.
The F-117, the B-2, the F-22. All stealth. All able to outwit radar systems.
But these aircraft were not agile, not as heavy hitting. Not as cheap as the average aircraft. Then there came Athena, in the F-98. An agile fighter, well armed, fast, affordable, and stealth. But how could it reach that performance? Athena. The radar waves are detected by Athena, and its raw data is put through a super conductive, liquid cooled computer. Then, the computer supervises and orders the release of out of sinc waves from tiny antennas under the planes surface. This effctively eliminates the radar signal, as in no return.
What about the scatter effects? Radar A transmits it, radar B receives it?
The computer knows the characteristics of the plane it is 'protecting'. It therefore emits the proper amount of energy in the right directions.
Athena Mk II (Allied Export Version)
Athena Mk II is relatively similar to the common version, but cycles at a much faster rate (Adjustable between 250-600)
Athena Mk III (New Empire Only Version)
All the features of Athena Mk II and Mk I, but the signature emission can be controllable. The Athena Mk III can imitate the signature of clouds, birds, other aircraft, baloons, even terrain at low altitudes. This upgrade involves the Chameleon programs installed in the Athena Computer "Brain".
The F-109D also can mount a new weapon, a 250KW HELLADS pod that can destroy aircraft up to 200 miles away. HELLADS was based off a research program by the American DARPA to create a high-energy Laser that could be carried by aircraft. The F-109D has a total of 16 weapons pylons, and a 20mm HYVELOC gatling gun.

Bare Stats-
Manufacturer-Berliston Aerospace
Propulsion-Dual BEPT-2080 PDE/Turbofan Engines
Thrust Vectoring, Afterburners, Supercruise rated at Mach 2, max speed at high altitude Mach 3+, VSTOL capable
Max Ceiling-Classified (Over 60,000 Feet)
Armarment-1x 20mm HYVELOC gatling, 16 weapons pylons (8 Fuselage, 6 Wing, 2 Wingtip), 1 HELLADS station
Systems-Athena MkIII, MAW, Photocell Visual distortion, heat masking, Wetball, Satellite uplink, multiple LIDAR and RADAR pods.
Cost-$80 Million per aircraft
Variants-F-109DN (Naval) F-109DE (Strike, proposed) EF-109D (Electronics Warfare/Strike)
*EMS- Electro Magnetic Spectrum- a wide range of emissions generated by 'modern' fighting vehicles and even power armor equipped infantry. The EMS spectrum was scanned for 'artificial' signals that did not occur normally as background radiation from the sun, from the Earth's magnetic poles, etc. Anything out of the ordinary (i.e. not occurring naturally in nature) could be tagged as a target. Target emissions and documentation was included in every database onboard a vehicle. Discrepancies were easily identified, and then correlated based on known information on a unit by unit basis.
OOC-Edited for typo
Capsule Corporation
20-03-2004, 22:31
I believe you mean strafe left/right while moving forward. You couldn't possibly have the plane move laterally without forward motion. Still pretty cool. I'd like to see it go up against a Raysian fighter :)
New Empire
20-03-2004, 22:36
OOC-. It's not perfectly lateral, but you can keep the nose pointed at the target, is what I was trying to say. With MAW you can maintain it for maybe a dozen or so seconds before the fly by wire tells you to get some sense.
20-03-2004, 22:38
Wow, that's quite an impressive top speed. Future-tech?
The Fedral Union
20-03-2004, 22:40
Hummm will you be selling some ? the fed union would like to buy some.. if you are.
20-03-2004, 22:40
Yeah, I know! I wish I had thought of it! ^_^ The only complaint I have is the top speed... Mach 5+ is wanking, especially for a jet engine! What tech level are you?

Either way, I'd like to see it compete against the RF-11D "Archangel" ( someday.
New Empire
20-03-2004, 22:48
Yeah, I know! I wish I had thought of it! ^_^ The only complaint I have is the top speed... Mach 5+ is wanking, especially for a jet engine! What tech level are you?

Either way, I'd like to see it compete against the RF-11D "Archangel" ( someday.
Sh*t! Does that say 5? That was supposed to be a 3... Damn my typing skills. Not even the best Spellcheck can catch that kind of stuff.

Anyway, it varies. My army is about 2012, with my most advanced techs being a M2 Bradley converted to be laser platform, ETC, and a lot of "Digital Battlefied" command tech. My navy is much more futuristic, around 2070 (Because of supercavitating subcraft...), and airforce ranges from 2007 (UCAVs and most of my bomber fleet) to 2040 (I do have Rapid Response shuttlecraft that can be used to deliver nuclear payloads.)
not likely, and even if it is, the Athena MkIII will be downgraded to MkI, or MkII if you're in the APTO or NAIA.
20-03-2004, 22:50
Well then, with that correction, this thing seems like a perfect rival for the RF-11D.

Shall we hold a competition sometime today? Or at least a stats comparison?
New Empire
20-03-2004, 22:53
OOC-Sure, a competition later today would be fine. I remember seeing the RF-11 before, I know I fought a ton during a war with Markov. What are the stats for it? (I can't remember the address to your site)
20-03-2004, 22:56
OOC-Sure, a competition later today would be fine. I remember seeing the RF-11 before, I know I fought a ton during a war with Markov. What are the stats for it? (I can't remember the address to your site)Like I said:

RF-11D "Archangel" (

[That's a link, ya know :P]

The RF-11D is an awesome plane, but it burns fuel about as fast as an SR-71 :P

One quick question/suggestion... you mentioned UCAVs. My planes implement a system that allows the 2nd seat to control up to 2 wingmate UCAV fighters.... do you have anything like that? Would you be interested in anything like that? :)
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:06

The F-109DE Strike Tempest and EF-109D Tempest Lightning will have UCAV control capabilities, as they will be two seat aircraft. I had a system on my F/A-113 where it could interface with UCAVs and UAVs, but I don't think I've done it with my fighters.

But that's an even match. While my Tempest might be more manuverable, you've got that little turret flak gun. That's a nifty idea, putting one on a fighter.
20-03-2004, 23:10
So what kind of armaments are we going to use? Stock/standard loadout?

And as far as UCAV control goes, skim through my article on Raysia's "Brother" system:
20-03-2004, 23:15
OOC: Looks very nice NE, perhaps a name change for it, like the, your linky isn't working. But sounds nice :lol:
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:16
I figure this'll mostly be a medium-dofight range engagement (RPing a battle where two planes just sit 90 miles away from eachother and pop AIM-54s and the like would be no fun.), so whatever you have stock for that range, use it. A nice one on one fight, your nation or mine?
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:18
OOC: Looks very nice NE, perhaps a name change for it, like the, your linky isn't working. But sounds nice :lol:
Put a .htm on the end there...
should work, sorry.
20-03-2004, 23:20
I figure this'll mostly be a medium-dofight range engagement (RPing a battle where two planes just sit 90 miles away from eachother and pop AIM-54s and the like would be no fun.), so whatever you have stock for that range, use it. A nice one on one fight, your nation or mine?Over a military base in my nation. Simmunition only. And.. hmm... missiles will be trick... Since this is going to be a dogfight, lets skip the missiles... since my pilot would probably just launch 12 QAAMs on you right at the start and you wouldn't have a chance :P I might equip an EGP-18 100mm cannon in place of the missiles.
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:23
OOC-Bah, ATM-36 "KinetiKillers" could do the same to you :wink:. An 100mm gunpod? That's reeeeall big. So in that vein, I'll slap on some 40mm Metalstorms. So you want to start the RP, since it's your nation?
20-03-2004, 23:28
-- deleted --
Liberty Fighters
20-03-2004, 23:28
OOC: NE, like I said, I'm back, and it is needed to update our military from out long isolation. We would like full detail on all your military weapons(only the best of course) anything you can't provide(space tech) we will get from Areo-Tech.
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:31
OOC: NE, like I said, I'm back, and it is needed to update our military from out long isolation. We would like full detail on all your military weapons(only the best of course) anything you can't provide(space tech) we will get from Areo-Tech.
OOC-Hmm... I can make an exception for allies. Maybe I'll allow MkIII Athena for Allied Powers export, too. For the mean time, browse the contract and store page, as well as my Military Reference page on our reigonal forums, as well as the KAF-90F thread there for a look at what we're selling. I'll try and TG you the urls later if the server doesn't start it's 6PM EST crapout early.
20-03-2004, 23:34
OOC-Bah, ATM-36 "KinetiKillers" could do the same to you :wink:. An 100mm gunpod? That's reeeeall big. So in that vein, I'll slap on some 40mm Metalstorms. So you want to start the RP, since it's your nation?In a few hours, I was just about to take a quick break from NS.

Tonight maybe?

And yeah, the 100mm is big :P It takes up all the fuselage hardpoints just to hold the 5 ton machine... minus ammo
New Empire
20-03-2004, 23:40
OOC-Sounds good. I assume the 100mm was developed for ground attack? (Although I remember reading something about a prototype Luftwaffe fighter that was going to use an 88mm to shoot down B-17s.)
Mercenary Isle
20-03-2004, 23:41
I would like to order 50 of each.

20-03-2004, 23:49
OOC-Sounds good. I assume the 100mm was developed for ground attack? (Although I remember reading something about a prototype Luftwaffe fighter that was going to use an 88mm to shoot down B-17s.)It's mean for anti-tank, anti-structure, and anti zeppelin. The cannon has a rate of about 300rpm, a bullet mass of 10kg, with a muzzle velocity of nearly 300m/s... it packs a punch... and is killer in recoil
New Empire
21-03-2004, 00:18
I would like to order 50 of each.

When did I say this was being sold to other nations without restrictions? And don't ever order me to telegram you the math. If you cannot multiply by millions, how could you even understand how to RP the use of this aircraft?
New Empire
21-03-2004, 13:48
Bump for comments...
New Empire
21-03-2004, 18:00
Bump for comments.
West Scotland
06-04-2004, 02:21
New Empire, thank you for alerting us to this we can't find Raysia's storefront, we'll buy some of these...they beat Raysia's anyways...but I just need an attack fighter.


x600 F-109D
x200 F-109DN

$64 billion, thank you.
06-04-2004, 02:32
Wtf is all this crap about. Its only a game, I just don't understand you guys.
New Empire
06-04-2004, 11:23
Wtf is all this crap about. Its only a game, I just don't understand you guys.
Yes. It's a game. We're playing it.

Your order is confirmed, and will ship for 64 Billion. Aircraft will be delivered over 2 (NS) Months by heavy cargo shipping.

Thank you for your intrest in the F-109 series.
{UCSNE Weapons Exportation Bureau}
06-04-2004, 12:15
The Dominion wishes to enter into negotiations with the United States of New Empire, the goal of which would be the acquisition of no more than seven and no fewer than three flight demonstrator models of the F-109D. These aircraft would be used to provide a template for the design of our own supermaneuverable aircraft to fulfill the new ADF, or Air Dominance Fighter directive issued by the Department of National Defence.

These aircraft would have no integral weaponry, no encrypted communications systems, no Athena stealth system, no EMS sensor, no LIDAR, and no radar, so as to prevent USNE state secrets from being revealed. We would, however, like to enter into parallel negotiations for the purchase of photocell visual distortion technology, as our own research in this direction has thus far proven fruitless.

In exchange, the Dominion would be willing to offer monetary compensation, access to our Hailstorm/Rainstorm/MicroBurst Precision Guided Cannon Round technology, a combination of these two options, or whatever third compensation option that your nation might find appropriate. Should you approve an agreement that results in the transfer of the flight demonstrators, we will require that they be flown to our Tactical Air Combat School and Flight Testing Range at DFB Silver Sands by ferry pilots who shall be granted First Class airfare on a flight of the Dominion's flag air carrier to return to the USNE.

We eagerly await your response.

Hon. Sandra Berezhin
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dominion of Kotterdam

Excellent design. It took until I saw the picture to see how this design could fly sideways for a time, but I see it now. Really, really nice.
New Empire
06-04-2004, 20:06
A request for 7 modified F-109D can be made. The stripping of integral weapons and sensor systems will reduce the price to about 55 Million per aircraft. (Mission Adaptive Wing systems are the driving force behind the cost. The computer systems and micromechanics are quite expensive to manufacture.) These aircraft will cost you 385 Million, and will be flown to your airbase.

PVD systems would gladly be taken in exchange for guided ammunition systems, as attempts to miniaturize the technology and still give the bullet some anti-armor capability have been met with technical difficulties. The NEMPD (New Empire Military Projects Department) can send any of it's researchers, or the government attaches of the company that designed PVD for any research assistance you may need.

We look forward to further relations with you.
07-04-2004, 03:50
We of the Dominion find this arrangement most satisfactory. The requested funds for the flight demonstrator aircraft are being transfered as you recieve this message. In addition, we stand ready to transfer three each of the Hailstorm, Rainstorm, and MicroBurst cannons, as well as a case of the K1A2 FN-FAL ASLR variants to be broken down and used as templates for your own precision guided round weapons.

In the case of Dominion PGRs, there are no thrusters or fins to direct the round. Instead, it maneuvers by tilting the nose cone in response to transmitted instructions from the launching unit. While they could concievably be jammed, the band used is far enough outside the normal ranges that a jammer would have to be purposefully designed for the task.

The guidance package itself is no more sophisticated than the control system in a remote control car. All it has to be able to understand are a short series of commands: 1, 2, 3, 4. The fighter, or in the case of the K1A2, the weapon does all the guidance calculations - Which, for the individual rounds, require about the processing capabilities of a game of pong. The weapon sends the commands, and the guidance package sends an electric signal to a series of strips of special polymers known as synthetic muscles.

Synthetic muscles are simply polymers that constrict when an electric current is applied to them. By constricting these muscles, the nose cone tilts, altering the round's aerodynamic profile, and causing it to change course. Due to the use of alternate materials, the small arms variant retains similar ballistic characteristics, armour piercing ability, and lethality to the parent round, though the smallest we have been yet able to miniaturize the round was to 7.62x51mm scale.

The relative simplicity of the design makes producing sufficient PGRs for infantry combat practical, and cost-effective relative to the benefits gained. As for the cannon rounds, the 20mm Hailstorm round has exhibited the ability to achieve a lethal round density with a tenth of the expended ammunition of a M61A2 Vulcan, or to be more specific, with ten rounds, allowing an aircraft improved lethality with a lessened ammunition load. Neither the 30mm Rainstorm rounds provided to Raysia, nor the 40mm MicroBurst Precision Guided Fragmentation Rounds have seen active service yet, but they are expected to exhibit similar results.

In addition to the physical examples of this technology, we will be transfering our research data on the Hailstorm/Rainstorm/MicroBurst projects. Also, an E&MD team from Viking Military Technologies - The company that developed precision guided rounds for the Dominion - Stands ready to assist your nation in implementing its own PGR program. It has been a pleasure doing business with your nation, and we hope that this is not the last time we have the opportunity to do so.