Space RP(open; Future tech)
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 07:36
Prime Minister Yohanne Schutgart surveyed the burning buildings of Berlinn, the capital of his Federation. Bolts of energy incinerated entire areas of the capital. The entire navy was laying in ruins, planetary defenses were inoperative. The Federation was helpless.
ooc: some1 needs to b an alien race attacking Atheos, the homeworld. Others may choose roles, like allies, more enemies, etc.
"How many are dead?"
"Have the other members of the Federation been appraised of the situation?"
"Yessir. They are evacuating the cities now."
"Good. Tell them that Atheos will probably not be around when this is over."
ooc: can i be a mercenary?
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 07:40
ooc: yes
20-03-2004, 07:52
Jacob Selles smiled. Things usually didn't go this smoothly. Espcially things of any level of importance.
"Tactical, status." He smiled inwardly. This was more to satiate his own innate curiosity. He already had a rough idea of what had happened; he had been the one who'd initiated the bombardment of Atheos, after all.
"Looks like it's a total loss, chief," the man at the tactical console said. His name escaped Jake, but he had a feeling he'd be learning soon, if the man's report was promising, "defenses are thrashed, most of the government ministries are in flames; the ones that aren't are being overrun by the pandemonium of the bombardment."
"I think our point's been made; get us the hell out of here," he nodded to the communications officer on the bridge, "after you send a message telling them the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tax Revenues has been here and that we're still waiting for our money."
Within ten minutes, the Wraith was out of orbit and heading for home at flank speed. Jake was looking forward to seeing how they responded to this little show of force; it had been quite a risk, moving most of the fleet in to raid Atheos itself. But the gambit had worked; they had no real choice to capitulate.
"What could they possibly do but give us our rightful 10% cut?" For some reason, he found himself laughing at the thought of the alternatives.
OOC: I envision the PFLTR as little more than extortion racket, flying a collection of Juumanistran picket ships(Megara and Rhodes-class) with their flagship being a Syracuse-class destroyer. I'll work up numbers in a bit. And, tell me if you find this unsatisfactory, since you apparently have got another would be attacker already lined up.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 08:00
"Mr. Prime Minister, are you ready to make the speech?"
"You may start anytime Mr. Minister."
"People of the Federation, we now have news on who brutally murdered thousands of our people. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Tax Revenues sent a fleet to attack our people. They want only money to fund their atrocious activities. We must start to rebuild. We must show them that they cannot win. We will be strong. Thank you."
Capsule Corporation
20-03-2004, 08:17
EDIT: NM, too late
Underwater Asylum
20-03-2004, 08:17
To: Germanische Zustande.
400 if iur interceptors on way.
20-03-2004, 08:20
Joshua Beckham was not in a good mode. He usually wasn't when he was woken up at two in the morning, regardless of what international crisis was brewing. Even Ministers of Defense had to sleep some time, after all.
When he found the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the head of Juumanistran Space Command waiting in his office, his mood worsened. Not only was there a crisis worthy of his attention brewing, but it was probably of such gravity that it was bound to threaten the survival of the nation he was sworn to protect.
Definintely not the thing to be dealing with at two in the morning.
"Okay boys," he said taking his seat behind his desk, "who's threatening our life and liberty that couldn't wait until the morning?"
"Something I'd like to know as well," the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Scott Ridgely, echoed. "Barney insisted on waiting for you, though, sir."
Rear Admiral Barney Graham, head of the Juumanistran Space Command, sighed. "We've got a situation out on the Rim. A place calling itself Atheos got razed by an outfit calling itself the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tax Revenues."
Beckham burst out laughing; Ridgely kept his chuckle more professional. "Was the naming committee out the day they formed, or something?" the MinDef said between his gasps for air.
"I don't know, sir," Graham managed to remain stoic, "but we've heard of this PFLTR before. Intel says they're an extortion racket; had to go the long way through NLEA to get anything on them at all."
"Planet razing isn't exactly on the top of an extortion racket's to-do list," Ridgely scratched his chin while the MinDef nodded in agreement, "and how, exactly, is this any concern of the Juumanistran military?"
"From the damage reports, sir, it appears that a Syracuse-class destroyer and at least twp Megara-class frigates were spotted in orbit during the bombardment."
Ridgely and Beckham exchanged glances. "Hell," they responded in unison.
From: Joshua Beckham, Minister of Defense
To: The Government of Atheos
Subject: Condolences and assistance
The Dominion of Juumanistra sends its apologies and sympathies over the recent attack on your planet. We are deploying a carrier task force as we speak, which should arrive within the next fourteen hours or so to help assist in the hunt for those who perpetrated this heinous act.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 08:23
"This is Kim Lugenhoffen with the Federation News Network. The Homeworld Atheos Prime has been attacked by a rogue socialist movement. Our Allies, the Underwater Asulum, has sent a fleet of interceptors to protect against further attacks, as our navy was decimated in the first strike. We --" <boom>
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 08:54
"Sir, we have recieved a message of condolances from the Dominion of Juumanistra."
"Weren't the ships that attacked us of Juumanistran design?"
"Damn. Declare war on them Immediately."
20-03-2004, 09:29
It wasn't much past noon local time. On a normal day, Joshua Beckham would have been heading lunch, giving serious thought to whether he wanted to eat out or order in. Of course, today was by no means a normal day. It was a day of a worsening diplomatic crisis that he'd have preferred to do without.
And so he'd spent the last ten hours running around, briefing anyone and everyone of any relative import on the situation. It was a nightmare come full cirlce; somehow, Juumanistran hardware had gotten into the hands of the intergalactic mob. And from there the feces had been hitting the fan.
"They did what?" he asked Raymond Flout, Deputy Foreign Minister for Extraplanetary Diplomacy, while rubbing his temples. This wasn't going to be his day. It just wasn't.
"They have, apparently, declared war upon us," Flout sighed. He obviously wasn't in the mood for this, either.
"And, I assume, you've told them it wasn't us?"
"Message was sent out a few minutes ago. Haven't gotten a response yet."
He sighed again. Things were going downhill fast, and if something wasn't done quickly, a shooting war may well break out, with the Juumanistran task force just three-and-a-half hours out of the Atheos system.
It was, in essence, crunch time. Beckham grabbed his red phone and motioned for Flout to leave, which he did. "Barney," he said into the receiver, "it's me. Yeah, keep Task Force 84 on course. Have Gaffe his general quarters, though, and take appropriate measures when you revert to realspace," he was about to hang up, before he remembered on last thing. "And kindly expedite your search to find out how the hell a destroyer got into the hands of the goddamn God."
With that, he slammed the receiver back into its cradle.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 09:48
Yohanne leaned back in his grav chair. His planet was in ruins. The death toll stood at 603,592 dead, and counting. This Dominion had attacked, no, not attacked, slaughtered, his people -- innocents -- without provocation. A message had been received from the Dominion saying that they were not the perpatraitors of this crime. However, he had seen many things like this before in his career. War was the only choice. The dead must be avenged.
"Get me the minister of Armed Forces. We're going to recommision the FSS Bismarck."
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 10:01
A Dominion fleet had been detected about 5 hours away from the Homestar. All twenty-three worlds of the Federation were preparing for a full-scale war.
Yohanne hadn't slept in two days. Someone was hitting his forehead with a hammer. The FSS Bismarck had been fully crewed with its compliment of 800,000 crew members. A draft had been called to fill the ranks.
"Yes?" Yohanne croaked out.
"The Home Fleet has been fully armed and crewed. We are ready for this war, Prime Minister." The Minister of Armed Forces sounded even more fatigued than himself. IF that was possible.
20-03-2004, 10:04
Rear Admiral Vincent Gaffe's stomach tumbled for a moment as the JDS Bristol reverted to realspace above Atheos. He'd dreaded this moment; his battlegroup, Task Force 84, had been dispatched to assist the Atheosians. Somwhere along the way, however, the Atheosians had declared war upon Juumanistra. And so, here he and his ten ship battlegroup were, a war fleet above a broken world.
And he'd been given orders to take appropriate measures to take appropriate measures upon reversion. And, given that this whole diplomatic snafu hadn't been cleared up yet, he was about to start a shooting war.
And it wasn't a decision that he relished. But he had orders. Orders he intended to keep.
"Captain Rogers, you know the drill; three flights up from us, full deck launches on the Nashville, Memphis, and Wilmington. SOP from there."
Echo Leader commenced his Hellcat flight's strifing run as the satellite entered his targeting reticules. Within two salvos, it ceased to exist. His flightmates did the same; their mission, along with that of the Arrows from the Bristol, was eliminate spaceborne defenses and C&C to clear the way for the heavier forces to begin hitting military targets planetside.
He turned back to see a pair of Avengers leaving a trail of plasma as they hit the atmosphere. He wondered just how long this fight would last.
OOC: There are currently ten ships in orbit; one Delphi-class carrier, two Hellespont-class carriers, one Thebes-class battlecruiser, two Corinth-class cruisers, and four Syracuse-class destroyers. Specs are in my storefront, which is easily found in the "View X's Posts" section of my profile. I'm also willing to link to it.
P.S. Eight-hundred thousand men? Stats, post haste.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 10:15
ooc: what is required before you can have a store front? and here are the specs of the Federation's only capital ship, the FSS Bismarck:
The Bismarck Class Battleship
Much money was given by allies to help with construction. A WHOLE LOT of money. It took years to build, and was decommisioned because of an economic resession. Without our allies and their donations, we would have been unable to produce such a massive ship. This ship incorporates our best technology, our best everything.
COST: 800 Trillion Marks(or equivalent)due to recession, 1usd=457marks
Length: 20 Miles, Height: 6.5 Miles, Width: Top: 2 Miles Midsection: 6 Miles
Bottom: 2 Miles
Crew Compliment: 550,000
Marine Compliment: 200,000
Assorted Personnel: 50,000
Total: 800,000
Fighter Compliment:
Meschersmitt 180-NASF = 1,000
Gerhart ICF-10-NASF = 800
Munich HWF-A-PBAF = 800
Hamburg APAF-1B-NAASF = 620
Hangar Bays: 40
Shuttle Compliment:
Boarding Shuttles: 500 carrying capacity: 400
Administrative Shuttles: 40 carrying capacity: 10
Torpedo/Missile Platform Shuttles: 100
100 Anti-Matter Torpedoes
10 High-Yield Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes
30 High-End Type II Propulsion System Ionized Deuterium Missiles
Planetary Assault Vehicles: 600 carrying capacity:
Marines: 500
ATTV: 10
Panzer Tanks: 15
Atmospheric Superiority Fighters: 30
50,000 Torpedo Launcher Tubes
100,000 Red Pulse Beam arrays
50,000 Blue Pulse Beam arrays
10,00 Yellow Pulse Beam arrays
100 Ion Cannons
2 Phase Pulse Cannons
1 Rift Generator
Tritanium-Alloy Bulkheads
Force field energy deflection system
Harmonic Shield Systems: 1000000 MEPAAs
Phase Shield Systems: 900000 KPUs
Propulsion Systems
4 Impulse Engines
8 Matter-Antimatter faster-than-light engines
2 Hyperspace Field Generators
Admiral 1st class Robert Hermenut saw the attack fleet that orbited his homeworld. He was angered by what these people had done to it, and what they were doing to it now.
The Bismarck's hangar bays were launching hundreds of attack and boarding craft to repel this incursion into the heart of Federation Space.
He stared out of the main viewport. He watched as the Bismarck's particle beams slashed at an enemy destroyer. He let out a sigh. So much bloodshed.
"Weapons, give them all that we've got."
20-03-2004, 10:32
OOC: Nothing's required for a storefront; you could make one the minute you create an account. And dude, you're less than a week old. There's no way in hell a nation your size could possibly support that behemeth. But, since I like where this is headed(and I'm getting the RP practice), the I.G.N.O.R.E cannon will only have a partial effect.
Echo Leader had just cleared his sixth satellite when something caught his attention. Something wasn't quite right; it looked like a second moon, but something just didn't add up. It was just too...angular, to be a natural. When it slowly hit him; it wasn't a moon. It was artifical, built by the Atheosians. Apparently they weren't quite so toothless after all.
"Holy hell, Echo Base, we've got some huge goddamn ship of some sort! The thing's the size of a blasted--" he shouted over the comm before his craft was incinerated by the Bismarck. He never saw the particle blast coming.
"Holy hell, Echo Base, we've got some huge goddamn ship of some sort! The thing's the size of a blasted--" the voice of the pilot trailed off over the bridge's loudspeaker. Gaffe furrowed his eyebrow. He hadn't counted on anything of that magnitude being here. Intel hadn't given him any hint of it. But here he was, and even if the poor pilot was exaggerating, it had to be big. Bigger than anything he had.
And, with his fighters making attack runs across the planet's orbit, he couldn't retreat. He'd be stranding too many men. No, he had but one choice; press the attack. And, if push came to shove, any and all damage they could do would go towards the ultimate defeat of the Atheosians.
"Captain, put out the order; all ships, come to bear on that 'thing' we just heard about. Destroyers and the Wilmington out front; firing solutions on every torpedo and gun they're got. Ditto for the cruisers. Fire the second you've got a lock."
The made turns towards the Bismarck; as they closed, a salvo of torpedoes was launched from the destroyers, cruisers, and Wilmington, some 60 Mk. 48 HEAMTs in all. As they neared gunnery range, another salvo was launched in quick succession.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 10:40
ooc: I told you, we had A WHOLE LOT OF HELP from the Underwater Asylum. ANd, i heard somewhere that a day is like two years or something.
The Bismarck's shields held most of the force of the incoming firepower, but the deck occasionally shifted beneath Robert's feet. The shields wouldn't hold out much longer, but the ablative hull plating would absorb a lot more damage.
THe bismark was focusing on the two enemy destroyers, and numerous fighters -- hundreds of his own -- were only clouds of space dust. War truly was hell. To hear the screams of his pilots right before a horrible death. He was on the verge of breaking down. But he had to remain strong. These emotions swirling inside him would have to wait. The fate of his People rested on him. What a heavy weight.
Underwater Asylum
20-03-2004, 10:57
I'll confirm that. I've funded them with upwards of 1 trillion USD.
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 17:03
"Ensign, what are you groaning about?" The admiral couldn't have his officers just fall down unconcious, or anything else. He needed every last crewman.
"Ensign! What is going on?"
"S-s-sir? There is a massive armada of ships approaching, and fast!"
Hell just froze over.
ooc: a person needs 2 play the new aliens
20-03-2004, 19:50
OOC: Well, I guess I'm out of this, as the good ol' IGNORE cannon has obliterated most of my involvement in this little escapade. ZG, let's assume that UWA could scrape together the funds to help you build the Bismarck which, given his economic status, requires a ridiculous suspension of disbelief. Even if UWA helped you build it, is he helping you with the billions required for daily service, even if it's mothballed half of the time? And mobilizing 8% or so of your population to pull a ship out of mothballs in seven hours is goddamn insane.
There's also the fact that declaring the loses of an opponent is a downright godmod; you didn't declare any given attack on any particular ship, just letting them have "what for" with a particle beam. So, you vaporized a few of the fighters, which I confirmed. Never did anything like that for any of my capships.
But hey, since the IGNORE cannon has removed my presence, what the hell do I know?
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 21:45
OOC: sorry, i am new at this. i have changed the parts where your capital ships are destroyed. sorry. can we continue on?
20-03-2004, 22:00
20-03-2004, 22:01
I support Germanische Zustande in this war. We will send up to 150 CEFARUs at will to help our allies.
20-03-2004, 22:10
:idea: ooc: i'd like to join in but could i have a basic sum up of all this stuff thats going on
20-03-2004, 22:12
:idea: ooc: i'd like to join in but could i have a basic sum up of all this stuff thats going on
20-03-2004, 22:13
oop tripple post
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 22:13
ooc: basically, my homeworld was attacked by an intergalactic crime ring. THey used ships made by the DOminion of Jummanistra. I believed that the Dominion attacked me, and thus declared war upon them. as of now, my battleship is engaging a fleet of Dominion vessels over the homeworld.
20-03-2004, 22:16
ooc: is there anything needed in this or should i just create my own little reason for joining in
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 22:16
ooc: just create a reason
20-03-2004, 22:26
ooc where is this at again
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 22:30
review the first page
20-03-2004, 22:41
A small cartorian scout hovers silently in orbit near Atheos.
The pilot takes another drink from his canteen as his copilot drums his fingers on his flight console.
"Where the hell can they be? I don't want to sit here much longer"
The pilot turned his head to his comrade
"The fleet will be here soon. This was a brilliant plan. We're most likely going to get a premotion if this goes according to plan"
The copilot nods smileing
Germanische Zustande
20-03-2004, 23:16
"All hands to battlestations. All hands to battlestations."
Klaxons sounded everywhere. Red lights lit the hallways. Coduits were rupturing everywhere, repair crews screamed to each other to fix the immense damage.
Admiral Robert knew that the Bismarck could operate with only half of its systems, which were all that could be activated in such a short period of time, but that she wouldn't hold out much longer.
"Lieutenant, status report."
"Sir, shields are at 17% and holding. 31% of fighter compliment has been destroyed. Marines are boarding enemy Battlecruiser. Engineering reports a plasma leak. All in all the ship is holding up well."
"How is the Dominion fleet holding up?"
"Sensor scans show medium to heavy damage to many ships, and, wait-- a heavy sub-space signature is approaching, it looks like a fleet of ships!"
"Damn. Contact the Holy Empire of Tomathria and the Underwater Asylum. We need help ASAP."
The deck lurched beneath his feat again, and his grav-chair broke his fall.
His world went black
Underwater Asylum
21-03-2004, 02:13
400 interceptors burst out of subspace near the Bismark. They moved into attack formation. "Come in G.Z. Bismark, this is Interception group zeta-3, we are here to aid you in this war"
Underwater Asylum
21-03-2004, 02:14
400 interceptors burst out of subspace near the Bismark. They moved into attack formation. "Come in G.Z. Bismark, this is Interception group zeta-3, we are here to aid you in this war"
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 02:57
"This is Admiral 1st class Hurmenut, commanding officer of the FSS Bismarck. Thanks for the assist. We could use some help with pesky Dominion fighters. They're causing alarming amounts of damage to vital systems."
The admiral leaned back against the command seat. He rubbed his forehead in an attempt to releive some of the pain from his last encounter with the deck. Finally the Federation's closest ally had come to its aid.
"Tactical, arm the forward Phase Pulse Cannons. We're gonna poke those Dominion ships full of holes. Lets just hope that we don't blow ourselves up."
"Aye sir, charging forward PPC."
Lessr Tsurani
21-03-2004, 02:58
OOC I will be the other alians if you don't mind. It will be cool for me.
IC Selanth looked over the battle. He saw the huge station. He looked at his warp spider command and smiled.
"I do love it when they help don't you." He said.
"Ready the interseptors and smaller attack craft. I donm't want that station to suvive. Use the web way if you have to."
Underwater Asylum
21-03-2004, 03:02
The interceptors burst after the enemy fighters as a group of massive battleships burst from subspace and targeted the enemy cpital ships.
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 03:49
ooc: hey, underwater, could you send specifications on battleships, crew, lenght, etc. and how many of them are there.
"Dominion of Juumanistra, You can leave this sector of space and never come back, you cowards, you can surrender, or you can fight and die."
Underwater Asylum
21-03-2004, 04:15
Each battleship is 5 km long, 2 km high and 1 km wide. They are manned by 5000 droids and 2500 humans. Their maximum speed is 2000km/s and they are armed with the following:
60 particle cannons.
10 missile batteries.
30 heavy driver turrets.
5 torpedo bays.
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 05:00
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 05:00
21-03-2004, 05:06
OOC: The Holy Empire of Tomathria's CEFARUs blink near the Bismark to show that they are there. They are 150 in count.
IC: *The Holy Empire of Tomathria's Captain of Interstellar Warfare, Nagoz Renosk, arrives at a shuttle bay in the Bismark. He walks, obvserving his surroundings, to the bridge. He sees the admiral and salutes.*
"Hello, Admiral Hermenut. I'll be brief in laying out my plan. We plan to launch the CEFARUs at high speed into their capital ships. The CEFARUs will explode on impact, taking a lot with them. We need to know the number we should launch where. WHat say you this?"
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 05:17
Keep your ships inside the fighter bays for now. We will use them as a last resort.
Underwater Asylum
21-03-2004, 06:21
5, and yes, that is a lot of firepower.
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 22:23
"Conn, take the ship out of here, we can't take any more damage. The Underwater Asylum fleet will have to handle the Juumanistrans."
"Aye sir."
The Bismarck was in ruins. The ship was running on auxilary power because of a direct hit to the Matter-Antimatter core. The admiral coudn't let the Bismarck be destroyed. as the old adage said, live to fight another day.
Outer Heaven MK II
21-03-2004, 22:28
Hey guys I'd love to do this RP, if that's oaky. Can I jsut have a brief summary of what's happening?
Emperor Liquidus Snake of Outer Heaven MK II
Germanische Zustande
21-03-2004, 22:33
ooc: you can review the pages
Outer Heaven MK II
21-03-2004, 22:57
Suddenly infront of the Bismarck, a sub-space vortex opened up. It rippled for a second, then hundreds, no, two thousand Fighters came out followed by 50 Asp Gunships, 10 Serpent Frigates, two Cobra Attack Class Cruisers and the Serpent Command Cruiser Venom. The Venom hailed the Bismarck. "Bismarck, this is Emperor Liquidus Snake of Outer Heaven MK II. May we be of any assistance?"
Happy Dancing Bunnies
22-03-2004, 00:22
ooc: is it ok if im a good alien race with organic and yet some technology in my ships?
22-03-2004, 05:06
fine with me
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 06:36
Missiles launched, particles flew and mass rounds sped towards the enemy fleet.
The Volga
22-03-2004, 06:48
My god, but this entire topic (with the exception of Juumanistra) is the biggest, most ridiculous godmod I have ever had the DISpleasure of seeing.
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 06:54
What about my posts? We don't godmod.
The Volga
22-03-2004, 06:55
Don't get me started on your posts. Your nation is younger than 2 months old and somehow has huge space battleships? Please.
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 07:03
Hey, I was originally a nation I forgot about in 2002.
Happy Dancing Bunnies
22-03-2004, 07:03
ooc:just let people have fun!
A large group of strange alien ships came out of warp near Atheos. The sent a message to all Federation ships.
"Greetings Frederation vessels. We are sending transports down to the planet to gather people and help them escape the planet. Our hive ship will coordinate attacks with out cruisers"
The Volga
22-03-2004, 07:03
Your posts still suck. Put some effort into them rather than just saying blandly 'lots of battleships appeared and killed you all'.
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 07:13
Hey, did I say they kill you all?
Flight Sergeant Epsen Foret nimbly evaded a laser blast. He triggered the laser cannons, firing a blast at an enemy capital ship's engine.
U.A. you couldn't possibly afford all you claim to afford.
Your posts do suck, instead of "implying" that lots of battleships appeared and killed you all, take a more tactical advantages.. you have an imploded economy - ok ? With 15% expenditure of the national budget towards defense.. here take a look at your statistics (economically wise) if your defense budget was 15%, 10%, and 5%
Underwater Asylum Gross Domestic Product
Population: 200,218,451
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $260
GDP: $52,056,797,260
National Budget: $6,910,683,321
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.99%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 15%
Military Budget: $1,036,602,498
Underwater Asylum Gross Domestic Product
Population: 199,557,067
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $62
GDP: $12,372,538,154
National Budget: $1,611,923,759
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.3%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $161,192,376
Underwater Asylum Gross Domestic Product
Population: 200,204,832
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $49
GDP: $9,810,036,768
National Budget: $1,275,968,051
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 0.65%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 5%
Military Budget: $63,798,403
(set to randomize, but you get the pictre)
22-03-2004, 07:52
OOC: The Volga's right; most of this has been absolute crap. Sorry for being AWOL; I'm on vacation and it was a ten hour flight to get here and so my schedule was distorted for the past for days. But, now I'm back, and I see this has continued to degenerate in my absence.
GZ: You're still a week old and have an excuse for godmodding. Chalk this up to being a learning experience. You had the right idea by mistaking the forces of the PFLTR(lame, I know, but it was fitting) for my own. Things went downhill after that; starting with the declaration of enemy losses(although I committed the same sin, commsats aren't even close to a fifth of the enemy force) and with arrival of UWA(which I will get to later), although most of it was facilitated by UWA and the slew of others joining the RP. Of course, you went along with it, and at least you actually attempted to RP things. I'd be willing to keep going in a seperate thread up until my first salvo of torpedoes, because as I said, I liked where it was going and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders; beyond the fact that the Bismarck is ludicruous, but I'm willing to let that go because I'm desperate for a space RP not predicated on already established gameplay issues(as most of CorpSac's/Coreworld's/TFU's is).
UWA: Christ on his cross. Look, I understand that a nation's stats aren't the be-all and end-all of a nation's RP capabilities. But come on; you're a nation with an imploded economy! There is no way in hell you could ever muster the resources to build a single of your proposed battleships, let alone a whole fleet of them. Or even dream about helping construct a ship like the Bismarck. Can you provide a shred of evidence to support how you could build or maintain such a fleet of monstrosities? [P.S.: Thanks Xendi; didn't feel like digging for the GDP Calc link. I'll probably run it through the GNP Calc, too, just to prove my point.]
All others: I've got nothing. You joined a blatent godmod, hitting a force whose user had IGNORE cannoned into oblivion. I pity you, really.
Germanische Zustande
22-03-2004, 07:56
ooc: ok. let me finish my work.
however, UWA could have built the ships when its economy was better, and it could have just let them rot, so now they decided to use them only when it was needed, so the ships may be in disrepair but operational
his economy hasn't been much better, germanische zustande. I've been watching UWA, just havn't posted til now. He claimed to make trillions of dollars in donations to other people as well.
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 08:09
Hey, as I said, I was originally a different nation from 2002. And besides, who knows what techniques to use for buolding.
buolding? And it doesn't matter if you were originally a different nation. The one you are using now has an imploded economy. You have no proof you were a different nation, and if you were you could have gotten restored, which obviously you havn't. Good night, U.A.
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 08:14
Typo. Besides if you looked at my region, you would now we come froma different galaxy. With a lot of resources that we used.
22-03-2004, 08:21
OOC: UWA, so you were an old nation. I was one too. But you aren't using that one now and so you are bound by the stats you currently have.
Do you have any idea how much material would be involved in constructing a ship two-and-half-miles long? Harvesting, refining, and fashioning those materials would be a monumental task, even with almost total automation, into a warship. Even using means from high science fiction, it would take years to build a ship of that caliber. And, with your current stats, you lack the resources for such an undertaking.
Alternatively, you can say you have six billion self-sufficient robots that mine, refine, and fashion the material while using internal fusion reactors fueled by hydrogen vacuumed in from nearby space or, better yet, a gas giant. Of course, everyone's going to say you're full of it, and turn the IGNORE cannon on you.
So, either way, you're screwed. So why not just tone down your fleet into something most sustainable? Hell, my fleet is downright modest, given that all of it is in the realm of sci-fi staples. The only things that are remotely open to debate are my HEAM warheads and my FTL tech; the former because we don't know antimatters effect on C4 and the latter because we don't know just how fast "hyperspace" really is.
[Edit: And you're in a region from another galaxy? A region you founded? That doesn't exactly bolster your case.]
Underwater Asylum
22-03-2004, 08:27
Fine. Make em 1/2x1/4x1/2 km.
22-03-2004, 08:32
UWA: You still miss the point. Those are still ludicruously large. They're bigger, wider, and have a greater mass than the biggest ships in my fleet; and I operate only a eleven Delphi-class carriers. You're sending five of these battleships, and I assume you've got many more than what you're sending towards me. And my economy is exponentially larger than yours and I'm twice your size.
And I'm not trying to dissuade you from using them. I'm just point out there silliness and excercising my right to ignore them on the grounds of said silliness.
Magnolia Science
22-03-2004, 08:42
ooc: sorry, this is other account. I will switch back now. plz continue.
"Admiral, the Dominion fleet is firing torpedoes at us. Shall I activate point-defense systems?"
"No. Let's just see the destructive capabilities of these ships."
"Aye sir."
"Tactical, arm all weapons systems and be ready to return fire. All hanger bays are to launch all craft immediately. Marines are to board the Battlecruiser and must be protected. The Bismarck will distract the Destroyers and Cruisers."
The Bismarck's shields held most of the force of the incoming topedoes, but the deck occasionally shifted beneath Robert's feet. The shields would hold out a few hours longer, and the ablative hull plating would absorb a lot more damage.
THe bismark was focusing on the two enemy destroyers, and numerous fighters -- hundreds of his own -- were only clouds of space dust. War truly was hell. To hear the screams of his pilots right before a horrible death. He was on the verge of breaking down. But he had to remain strong. These emotions swirling inside him would have to wait. The fate of his People rested on him. What a heavy weight.
"Open Fire. Blow them out of real-space."
Germanische Zustande
22-03-2004, 08:46
ooc: i back, and UWA, i hope our peoples can still be allies.
Happy Dancing Bunnies
22-03-2004, 16:50
The Zanzibar, the capital ship, moved with the cruisers to engage the Domian fleet. The hive ship told the transports to move down to the planet to get as many people as possible off. The Zanzibar moved first to the Bismark to assist it.
"Bismark, this is high fleet herald Jarkoc, we will help draw fire away away from damaged ships. See if they can move behind any of our less damamaged cruisers. We will help lure the Domain fleet into a new front, a smaller fleet is moving behind them. Once that happens press the attack with every ship that you have."
A fighter carrier unleashed waves of fighters to engage the Domain fighters and to attack the cruisers. Some of the cruisers moved to protect the hiveship. The rest of the fleet fired yashen lasers at the Domain fleet.
22-03-2004, 20:42
Vincent Gaffe furrowed his brow. The impact of the first salvo was coming;! A wave of fiery explosions played off the Bismarck's shields. He'd expected as much, given the size of the damn thing.
But will they hold after the second volley? Or third? Or fourth? Or tenth? He smiled inwardly. "Comm, put it out the sqwauk; torpedo salvo as fast the tubes reload. We'll just how effective that thing is," he thought for a moment, "and get home on the line; tell'em what's up...and that we're going to need help."
The deck under Captain Brent Meljors's feet shook, as the Wilmington's twenty-four torpedo tubes fired another salvo, as they had done ten seconds earlier, after the order had come through to open up with everything they had. He hoped the bastards aboard the Bismarck felt every one of them.
"Sir," came the voice of his XO, "we've got a bit of a situation."
Meljors frowned. "Given what's going on outside, what the hell is a situation?"
"That thing," he gestured towards the Bismarck, "appears to be doing a full deck launch. We've got several contacts bearing in on us; no discernable weaponry, though. Look like shuttles of one stripe or another."
"The hell do shuttles want with us...--" Meljors eyes widened, knowing why they were coming. He grabbed toggled the ship's intercomming on, "All hands prepare for boarding! All hands prepare for boarding! This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!"
Klaxons sounded. He heard the footfalls of boots against the deck. His men were getting ready.
"XO, get the Britsol on the horn; tell'em what's going on and get'em to detach the Dover and Newark to us to handle those transports. Hell, try to get a few squadrons on 'em as they approach!" He was probably overreacting. But he didn't much like the idea of being boarded. "Oh, and make sure the Soulkeepers and Sentinels are online. They should be already, but it doesn't hurt to double check."
"Sir!" came another voice, this time from Tactical, "we've entered range of the main battery; firing solution has been acquired."
"Good news for a change!" Meljors beamed. "Give'em hell; fire at will."
Bravo 4 had to fight not to gaze in awe as the Wilmington's six main guns fired. The bluish-purple blasts of negatrons raced towards the enemy behemoth...
He jerked himself back to reality. He had a job to do himself. He was flying cover for loosely formed three squadron grouping that was to reek havoc upon the enemy boarding craft, or so he'd been told. His job was just to keep the enemy covered while the heavier craft did the dirty work.
He'd soon get his chance. As his SF-3B Arrow roared towards a grouping of enemy shuttles, he spied three enemy fighters loitering, escorting the enemy transports. He toggled to his missiles; a solid beeping sound filled his right ear, indicated he had a lock. His thumb hit the trigger, launching an SSM-4 towards one of the unsuspecting escorts. Another beep filled his ears as he got a lock on the second escort. He cut loose with another SSM-4, as the first missile impacted, immolating the first fighter.
The second rolled right out of Bravo 4's field of view. Not that he minded; the SSM-4 would follow him to hell and back. He banked left to follow the now evasive third fighter. He flipped the weapons toggle again, back to his guns; the targeting reticule immediately flared red. Cutting loose with his guns, he knew the heavier Hellcats and Excalibers he'd been running cover for were making their attack runs on the transports. At least they'd better be; he couldn't keep this up all day.
OOC: Okay. The reset button has been pressed. The only craft currently in-system at the moment are the Juumanistran task force and the Bismarck. UWA is on auto-ignore by myself, barring him showing he can actually RP and not just say "I show up and you all die." The same applies to those who joined after I IGNORE cannoned myself into oblivion. I understand it's open, but showing up with some ship names and classes with no stats for points of reference doesn't exactly contribute much, does it?
With regards to the torpedoes; there are currently four waves of 60 each flying towards the Bismarck, and will continue to launch every ten seconds until the autoloader's clip runs out(which will be in 190 seconds). Just thought that needed to be elaborated on.
22-03-2004, 21:00
Extra: The Bismarck's first salvo
The bridge of the Nashville was fairly calm. Thus far, things had been fairly quiet for the crew of the Corinth-class cruiser. They were closing on their target, engaged in standard bombardment procedures; their sixth salvo had just been launched and it seemed things would continue to go as planned until victory was achieved.
But things were not as they seemed. It started as a point of light on the horizon. Quickly, however, it grew larger; it was getting closer. It was a beam weapon of one flavor or another that was bearing down on the Nashville. Time seemed to stop, as her captain ordered all hands to brace for impact and to begin evasive action. It was too late for that, however; she would be hit, and hit hard.
Time sped up again as the Nashville was impacted. Half the bridge crew was thrown to the ground by the thrashing of the deck under their feet. The captain braced for the sounding of klaxons, warning of hull breeches and the hull's buckling. But the bridge was eerily quiet. Deadly quite.
As he would soon find out, the shields had miraculously held. Battered and bruised, but held. Most of those thrown had come from being unprepared; the temple of battle hadn't set in yet. Shields were still at 36%; the Nashville's captain hoped he wouldn't have to go through that again for a while.
Germanische Zustande
23-03-2004, 02:48
"Admiral, the Boarding craft are under attack!"
Great. Hundreds of marines were on each ship. Robert knew what he would lose 3 or 4, a huge price to pay, but the devil had his due. "Fine. Are the PPCs charged yet?"
"No sir. Cannons are at 89% charge. I estimate 30 more minutes."
"Admiral! A tenth salvo has been fired from the Juumanistran fleet! When they hit, our sheilds will be at 48.3 percent. Point defense can only take out about 15% of the torpedoes. Many of the weapons systems were unable to be activated."
"Yes, I know. Damn, are our fighter pilots asleep? Do they know what hangs in the balance? Patch me through to all ships and every single nook and cranny of this one." Many of the pilots and crew had never seen battle. They needed to know what was going on. As few people as possible had to die. He would not let the Dominion slaughter his people like lambs. Not again.
"Yes sir."
"Attention all Federation personnel: We fight for our worlds. We fight for our Prime Minister. We fight for our homes and family. WE FIGHT FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE!" he shouted, pounding on his chair arm. "Do not waste your lives! You have only one! Fight like we will die here. Make this battle count. OUR PEOPLE DEPEND ON US. Now, do your best. May God help us all."
"Sir, PPC's 95% charged, and forward Yellow Particle beams and the cutting beam are online."
<beep beep beep> "Admiral? Many of the crew have stipped by complaining of debilitating cramps, light-headedness, migranes, etc. I think that the coolant systems are leaking. You'd better do something about it."
"Good. Fire all available weapons to protect the boarding shuttles. And, seal those coolant leaks so the Doc'll get off my back!"
"Sir, cannons are charged and the first shuttles have docked with the Dominion Battlecruiser."
"Tactical, open the PPC bays. Ready the two of them. Science, divert all available energy to the shields." None of the enemy ships had been destroyed yet, but one cruiser had nearly lost all shields. About 20% of all fighters launched had been destroyed by the Dominion. With fighters alone, hundreds of his people were dead. Soon the heavens above Atheos would be stained with the blood of thousands.
"Oh, and tactical, Fire all torpedoes on my mark. Five... Four... Three... Two... One... MARK!"
Things were going to get much worse.
Happy Dancing Bunnies
23-03-2004, 05:55
The Zanzibar pushed forward towards the Domain fleet. It was hit by a wave off lasers from a Domain ship. A sqaudron of fighters was launching an attack on its bridge.
"Herald Jaroc."
"Yes hive contact?"
"The hive ship wants you to stop your push to the Domain fleet and start a bombardment on their fleet. It also says to allow the fighters to press the attack. It does not want its prize growth to be-"
A Domain fighter crashed into the Zanzibar's bridge. A fleshlike substance molded itself around the fighter. A fight contact turned in his rockish panal.
"Herald Jaroc?"
"Yes fighter contact?"
"The ship has done a full seek on the vessels weapon systems. Shall I send these seeks to the fighter groups?"
"Do it. Have the fighters harden their flesh to as best they can to absorb the Domain fighter fire. Also send it through the hive brain to every ship to harden their bridge, weapon, and engine flesh."
"Yes herald"
The Zanzibar moved away from where it was advancing and towards a place where there wasn't as many ships. It continued a yasher bomb bardment into the area of the Domain fleet.
"Ship contact!"
"Yes herald?"
"Send a group of flasits creatures to the outer back edges of the Domain fleet. Have them board the outer ships and have two cruisers assist them. Send High Warrior Leader Burlok to the outer edges."
"Yes herald"
High Warrior Leader Burlok was standing in the belly of a flasits creature. A just winged creature that can hold a large number of warrior in its belly and eats metal. He, like his 200 men in that flasits were armed with mandbaries, curved blades that one places on the bottom of their arm at the wrist and under the elbow. They were warrior monks, they wore no armor, but the their skin was like it would take about 3 or 4 shots before they hit the ground. Burlok could already take 10 to 12 shots. But he was meditating and hardening himself even more.
The other three flasits held heavily armored warriors with, Xoviouses, giant coned rock fragments that could cut threw just about anything. These, warriors stuck their forearms up to their elbows in. Their armor was living that fed of laser bolts unless there were two firing at full power could one be taken down. But bullets could easily pierce the armor.
Two cruisers opened fire on the flasits and cruisers. One cruiser and two flasits were already lost. Burlok's flasits attached itself and started eating a hole for warriors to charge through. The remaining cruiser fired on the farthest back cruiser. One ship came up on it and another fired from a distance. The remaining flasits was hit in its wing and was dying fast. Just in time in attached to a cruiser and ate a hole and then it died.
The battle was lost before it started. The last cruiser badly hurt two of the attacking ships and destroyed one. The heavily armor warriors were destroyed in their flasits before 100 could get into the cruiser. Only about 50 made it in. For Burlok it was going well his warriors had taken the deck they were on in 10 minutes. But the doors into the rest of the ship were sealed.
Happy Dancing Bunnies
23-03-2004, 05:57
The Zanzibar pushed forward towards the Domain fleet. It was hit by a wave off lasers from a Domain ship. A sqaudron of fighters was launching an attack on its bridge.
"Herald Jaroc."
"Yes hive contact?"
"The hive ship wants you to stop your push to the Domain fleet and start a bombardment on their fleet. It also says to allow the fighters to press the attack. It does not want its prize growth to be-"
A Domain fighter crashed into the Zanzibar's bridge. A fleshlike substance molded itself around the fighter. A fight contact turned in his rockish panal.
"Herald Jaroc?"
"Yes fighter contact?"
"The ship has done a full seek on the vessels weapon systems. Shall I send these seeks to the fighter groups?"
"Do it. Have the fighters harden their flesh to as best they can to absorb the Domain fighter fire. Also send it through the hive brain to every ship to harden their bridge, weapon, and engine flesh."
"Yes herald"
The Zanzibar moved away from where it was advancing and towards a place where there wasn't as many ships. It continued a yasher bomb bardment into the area of the Domain fleet.
"Ship contact!"
"Yes herald?"
"Send a group of flasits creatures to the outer back edges of the Domain fleet. Have them board the outer ships and have two cruisers assist them. Send High Warrior Leader Burlok to the outer edges."
"Yes herald"
High Warrior Leader Burlok was standing in the belly of a flasits creature. A just winged creature that can hold a large number of warrior in its belly and eats metal. He, like his 200 men in that flasits were armed with mandbaries, curved blades that one places on the bottom of their arm at the wrist and under the elbow. They were warrior monks, they wore no armor, but the their skin was like it would take about 3 or 4 shots before they hit the ground. Burlok could already take 10 to 12 shots. But he was meditating and hardening himself even more.
The other three flasits held heavily armored warriors with, Xoviouses, giant coned rock fragments that could cut threw just about anything. These, warriors stuck their forearms up to their elbows in. Their armor was living that fed of laser bolts unless there were two firing at full power could one be taken down. But bullets could easily pierce the armor.
Two cruisers opened fire on the flasits and cruisers. One cruiser and two flasits were already lost. Burlok's flasits attached itself and started eating a hole for warriors to charge through. The remaining cruiser fired on the farthest back cruiser. One ship came up on it and another fired from a distance. The remaining flasits was hit in its wing and was dying fast. Just in time in attached to a cruiser and ate a hole and then it died.
The battle was lost before it started. The last cruiser badly hurt two of the attacking ships and destroyed one. The heavily armor warriors were destroyed in their flasits before 100 could get into the cruiser. Only about 50 made it in. For Burlok it was going well his warriors had taken the deck they were on in 10 minutes. But the doors into the rest of the ship were sealed.
Happy Dancing Bunnies
23-03-2004, 05:57
The Zanzibar pushed forward towards the Domain fleet. It was hit by a wave off lasers from a Domain ship. A sqaudron of fighters was launching an attack on its bridge.
"Herald Jaroc."
"Yes hive contact?"
"The hive ship wants you to stop your push to the Domain fleet and start a bombardment on their fleet. It also says to allow the fighters to press the attack. It does not want its prize growth to be-"
A Domain fighter crashed into the Zanzibar's bridge. A fleshlike substance molded itself around the fighter. A fight contact turned in his rockish panal.
"Herald Jaroc?"
"Yes fighter contact?"
"The ship has done a full seek on the vessels weapon systems. Shall I send these seeks to the fighter groups?"
"Do it. Have the fighters harden their flesh to as best they can to absorb the Domain fighter fire. Also send it through the hive brain to every ship to harden their bridge, weapon, and engine flesh."
"Yes herald"
The Zanzibar moved away from where it was advancing and towards a place where there wasn't as many ships. It continued a yasher bomb bardment into the area of the Domain fleet.
"Ship contact!"
"Yes herald?"
"Send a group of flasits creatures to the outer back edges of the Domain fleet. Have them board the outer ships and have two cruisers assist them. Send High Warrior Leader Burlok to the outer edges."
"Yes herald"
High Warrior Leader Burlok was standing in the belly of a flasits creature. A just winged creature that can hold a large number of warrior in its belly and eats metal. He, like his 200 men in that flasits were armed with mandbaries, curved blades that one places on the bottom of their arm at the wrist and under the elbow. They were warrior monks, they wore no armor, but the their skin was like it would take about 3 or 4 shots before they hit the ground. Burlok could already take 10 to 12 shots. But he was meditating and hardening himself even more.
The other three flasits held heavily armored warriors with, Xoviouses, giant coned rock fragments that could cut threw just about anything. These, warriors stuck their forearms up to their elbows in. Their armor was living that fed of laser bolts unless there were two firing at full power could one be taken down. But bullets could easily pierce the armor.
Two cruisers opened fire on the flasits and cruisers. One cruiser and two flasits were already lost. Burlok's flasits attached itself and started eating a hole for warriors to charge through. The remaining cruiser fired on the farthest back cruiser. One ship came up on it and another fired from a distance. The remaining flasits was hit in its wing and was dying fast. Just in time in attached to a cruiser and ate a hole and then it died.
The battle was lost before it started. The last cruiser badly hurt two of the attacking ships and destroyed one. The heavily armor warriors were destroyed in their flasits before 100 could get into the cruiser. Only about 50 made it in. For Burlok it was going well his warriors had taken the deck they were on in 10 minutes. But the doors into the rest of the ship were sealed.
Lessr Tsurani
23-03-2004, 09:16
OOC That is a lot of post. I am not going to bother with the argument and don't give me crap about my ships. Scince I am alians I get some mods and I have the advantage of being nomadic alians living on ships so no "U Can not have this" Ect. OK No I have done that and I might get kicked out I will post. I will post my Ships and there states Ect. Later.
IC The 12 ships move silently. They where small compared to some of the Human ones but made up for it in speed. They could each carry more than suffitiant worriors.
"Yes captin"
"The al-karnd are hitting the fighters hard. They can not hold the fire, We must renforce or the will be lost."
"The commander of those ships said not to attack or even go anywhere that might reveal our position until he said so. Don't worry he knows what he is doing."
The Battle Ship
"How much longer will we wait before we ask for the renforcements." Asked a scared crewman to the Admral
"Until I see fit young one, Give the order to open fire on the main battle station."
Germanische Zustande
23-03-2004, 16:06
ooc: okay, lesser tsurani, what battlestation? and, since we restarted from a point before you arrived, you need to re-post your arrival. and, like Juumanistra said, you need to give specifications for your vessels. after you dothis you can RP. sorry guys, but thats what ya hafta do.
The Bismarck's shields held through the 15th wave of torpedoes. Admiral Hermenut was about to give the order to fire when--
"Sir, we have a ship coming from the surface of Atheos. Its the Prime MInister's Kaiser-Class Light Cruiser!"
"Great, he just had to make things worse. Now we have to defend him until he does whatever he's going to do."
Outer Heaven MK II
23-03-2004, 18:19
OOC: has anyone noticed that my fleet arrived yet? Maybe I should just go around the planet and nuke the F**K outta you all!
Germanische Zustande
23-03-2004, 19:00
Specs for Kaiser-Class Light Cruiser
Cost: 5 trillion Marks, 1 USD = 457 Marks
Dimensions: Length: 750 feet, Hight: 150 feet, Width: Top: 50 feet,
Middle: 130 feet, Bottom: 50 feet.
Crew Compliment: 350
Marine Compliment: 80
Assorted Personnel: 25
Meschersmitt 180-NASF = 10;
Gerhart ICF-10-NASF = 4;
Munich HWF-A-PBAF = 2;
2 administrative;
2 boarding
Hangar Bays: 2;
Weapons sytems:
10 Torpedo Tubes
20 Red Particle Beam arrays
20 Blue Particle Beam arrays
4 Yellow Particle Beam arrays
6 Ion Cannons
2 Gattling Phase cannons
Duanium-Alloy Bulkheads
Force field energy deflection system
Harmonic Shield Systems: 800 MEPAAs
Phase Shield Systems: 2000 KPUs
Ablative Armor: 4000 plates
Propulsion systems:
1 Impulse engine
1 Matter-Antimatter Faster-than-light engines
1 Hyper-space field genorator
24-03-2004, 04:05
ooc: alright i'm assuming i'm still involved since i'm old enough to have a space fleet :shock:
24-03-2004, 05:11
Syndicate/Hobbeebian Battle Crusier:"Coreistill(Core. is. Still)"
only have 10 of :roll:
Weight:35 Trillion Tons
Demin:2,500 Feet long-1,500 feet wide-300 feet tall
Crew holding:2,000
Space marines:300 companys
droid: 9,000 droid raid troopers.
Misc.900 others
fighter escorts
the "arc fire" = 30
The "Visroy" 23=30
droid fighter model # 18= 700.
5 admin.
6 diplomatic
10 cargo transport.
20 hanger bays
3000 automated self-defence photon cannons
300 limited emp discharge missle bays.
100 Rainbow partical cannons stations
200 negitive charged Ion canons stations
1000 automated interceptor laser system
Techtonium-saberanium alloy
shield defence system
Energy Disabling harmonis shield
Engine Specs
4 Ion pulse engines
10 Ultra Hyper space engnes
1 interdemionionsal engines
24-03-2004, 05:14
ooc: well if that guy is in and i'm older (two days i know) then i'm still in
24-03-2004, 05:25
The cruiser Was built by me , operated by The syndicate
thank you.
The fleet is my.
A mighty strong fleet i will say, a little stronger then i will take on.
Germanische Zustande
24-03-2004, 19:08
ooc: i didn't say you were out, just be more clear in your posts and you have to START OVER from where Juumanistra first engaged me, and, lets not all gang up on him
25-03-2004, 04:14
ooc: ok cool i'm trying to be a little vague in the beginning but later we shall progress to make our intentions very clear. hint: :twisted: my empire is never very kind to anyone even their allies :twisted:
Germanische Zustande
25-03-2004, 04:19
We are very nice to our allies. They help us when we need it, whatever the "Righteous" cause may be :twisted: Hee Hee Hee!
25-03-2004, 04:54
(same here but for this rp purpose they won't be involved.... don't worry i will keep posting better posts each time....i just start out vague so you don't know the plan)
A small Cartorian fighter drifts slowly through space around 15 light years from where the battle has started. Inside sit its crew of two men.
The captain wobbles in his chair as he munches on a chip. He turns and looks at a small console display. He stands and strides to a door behind him. As it opens a small room.
A light flicks on reveling there is a man laying in a small bed. He rubs his eyes while saying to the pilot, "How long until we arive."
"We're there get up"
He stands up and walks out to join his comrade at the command console. After taking his seat he looks out the window and notices there is absolutly nothing to see but distant stars. He suddenly becomes frustrated, "there's nothing here!"
The pilot hits a button on the display pannel while saying an access code. Suddenly a large flagship appears infront of the fighter.
the intercom suddenly booms of a fimilliar voice "Hello boys....Report"
The pilot grabbs a clipboard and flips through it. "well there was some fighting not far from here we figured the Emporer would want to know a war is breaking out."
intercom: yes he knows he has a plan to deal with this.... I have no idea what it is but the entire fleet is coming to join in with the fighting. We don't even know what side we're on yet.
Germanische Zustande
25-03-2004, 18:48
"Communications, open a hailing frequency to the flagship of the enemy fleet. I wish to speak with them." The Prime Minister had to prevent as many unneccessary deaths as possible. Enough people had died that day. His troubles -- and his peoples-- wore heavily at his brow. Terrible things had happened, he and his people had seen their first war, the hell of it. They had seen and heard terrible deaths of their people, had seen the ravages of their capital world, and Yohanne was so overwhelmed that when he thought of these things, he nearly fell to his knees and wept.
"Yes sir. Channel open.
"This is Prime Ministor Yohanne Schutgart of the Federation of Germanic Worlds to the flagship of the Dominion fleet. We offer you peace. Our peoples would most likely anihillate each other, or we would lose. Enough people have been killed in this war. We simply want aid to rebuild the damages that you have caused. Please move your ships out of our space and send a humanitarian fleet to aid in reconstruction. Please allow our marines to return to the Bismarck. I cannot say that we thank you, for I and my people detest your ways of "aiding" others, and we also know that many more will die on both sides if this continues. Please accept our offer of a cease-fire." That was it. He had offered peace. If they did not accept, he would have to continue with this war, but his people were prepared for the hardships. He sank back into his command chair.
Admiral Hermenut was tired of this war, but not as tired as his hatred for the Dominion cowards. When he heard the message of the Prime Minister, his first impulse was to keep shooting the damn dogs. But his leader had offered peace. He would honor his leader's wishes. "WHat the hell is he thinking! THey killed our people! <sigh> I guess that it is in the best interests of our people. Hopefully there will be no more death." He spke the order softly, "Tactical, discontinue firing. Lower the sheilds and order all craft back to the ship." And so it was done.
Lessr Tsurani
26-03-2004, 14:21
OOC OK that fine I mean I did not have much done anyway.
Here is my fleet.
Capital ship: Name: Carryer of Light. (Yes it is sopposed to be spelled like that)
Captin: Admral Miranda Underfur.
Length: 1km long, 500m wide and 600 tall.
Class: Eclipse Heavy battle ship.
Crew: 1 major piolt and 500 crew on the bridge and about 2000 crew all over the ship including gunners. Also It has 1000 Preistess Gards and 2000 Wolf Marines.
Smaller ships: One for every 5 Wolf maines. They are fast and have heavy laser and 2 small lasers.
I have 5 of these
Defender-Class Light Frigate
Length: 500 meater Wide: 300m Height: 400m Decks: 5
Core Type: Nuclur Generator
Crew: 200 on the bridge and 500 gunners
Armament: 500 light and heavy laser guns around the ship. 5 mother lasers on the front.
Smaller ships: 1 for every 5 marines.
I have 10 of these
Avenger-Class Cruiser
Length: 250 feet
wide: 70 feet
Height: 69 feet
Decks: 6
Core Type: Nuclur Generator
Crew: 100 bridge and 300 gunners
Weapons: 300 heavy lasers and 2 mother lasers.
20 smaller ships per one.
No marines.
27-03-2004, 02:56
On the bridge of the cartorian flagshipSivv
"Comm officer, patch me through to the Emporer."
"Yes sir" The communications officer starts tapping buttons on his console. The view screen in the room suddenly flips on. As the black fades from the screen the image a man appears.
"Greetings Captain Baldwin. The emporer is detained with his advisors. He has ordered that you hold your ship off until the Firefoxes arrive."
The captain's mouth drops "The Firefoxes? What the hell dose he intend on doing with those? I thought we were assisting in a war not destroying everyone in the enemy fleets. Speaking of which what side are we on anyway"
"I would be slaughtered for telling such things. Await the General and his orders. He is on his way as we speak."
27-03-2004, 03:07
:shock: bumpage :shock:
28-03-2004, 03:20
Are you in need of more RPrs? If so, reply and give me a slight breif of whats going on here. Im not reading 5 pages now.
28-03-2004, 22:05
sure join in