18-03-2004, 20:08
One day at the Hircon Missile Silo.
The chief of the silo walked down one day to check on a new missile launcher.
- How are you doing this far? Said the Chief.
- I'm fine, i'm waiting for the launch order from the President. We must upgrade these silos. said the young operator.
- Because a code isn't needed to launch 500 Strategic Nuclear ICBMS-
- You're right.
The operator turned to the table and started to press buttons.
- I'm gonna show you a simulated missile lauch.
- No, wait. Are you sure you know what you're doing?
- Yes, they teached me that at ICBM's R' Us.
- What the heck is ICBM's R' US?
- A school for Missile Operators.
The Operator pressed the big red button.
The alarm screamed.
"30 seconds until lauch, random destination: 13, 567, 89 167 Eastern Longitude"
The operator freaked out.
- OH MY god nooo, i forgot to tell the computer that is was a simulation.
- Those coordinates are Holy Panooly!!! cancel the launch secuence.
- I can't!
- why?
- It's a locked system!
The Missile were launched and airborne.
The chief screamed and freaked out.
- Destroy it, destroy it!!!
- I can't, it's out of reach!!!
- I must call Holy Panooly, is there time for that? the chief wondered
- The missile hits in 15 minutes.
The chief freaked out again.
- It's a 1 hour drive to the nearest normal phone. I can't reach them with these damn hotlines.
- No you can't, and by the way. in 1 hour a city is vaporised. We can't do anything to stop it.
The chief took a seat and said.
- God be with them.
The chief of the silo walked down one day to check on a new missile launcher.
- How are you doing this far? Said the Chief.
- I'm fine, i'm waiting for the launch order from the President. We must upgrade these silos. said the young operator.
- Because a code isn't needed to launch 500 Strategic Nuclear ICBMS-
- You're right.
The operator turned to the table and started to press buttons.
- I'm gonna show you a simulated missile lauch.
- No, wait. Are you sure you know what you're doing?
- Yes, they teached me that at ICBM's R' Us.
- What the heck is ICBM's R' US?
- A school for Missile Operators.
The Operator pressed the big red button.
The alarm screamed.
"30 seconds until lauch, random destination: 13, 567, 89 167 Eastern Longitude"
The operator freaked out.
- OH MY god nooo, i forgot to tell the computer that is was a simulation.
- Those coordinates are Holy Panooly!!! cancel the launch secuence.
- I can't!
- why?
- It's a locked system!
The Missile were launched and airborne.
The chief screamed and freaked out.
- Destroy it, destroy it!!!
- I can't, it's out of reach!!!
- I must call Holy Panooly, is there time for that? the chief wondered
- The missile hits in 15 minutes.
The chief freaked out again.
- It's a 1 hour drive to the nearest normal phone. I can't reach them with these damn hotlines.
- No you can't, and by the way. in 1 hour a city is vaporised. We can't do anything to stop it.
The chief took a seat and said.
- God be with them.