Economic Collapse Inevitable
Leading economists, noting economic indicators, are now predicting the collapse of the Ankarapithicine economy. They have blamed the mess on misgovernment and repression by the nations corrupt iron fist dictator who has been executing people just becuase they were either christians or foriegners.
The government has not yet reacted to the prognostications. But economists here say the isolated govt. will have no choice but to open to the outside world. But it is more likely the regime will respond by publicly executing the economists instead.
Meantime, some dissatisfied Ankarapithicines who have been out of work for a year were arrested for defacing statues and murals of Dictator Bob.
They are expected to be cane whipped in front of their families then executed by firing squad.
18-03-2004, 05:45
Whittier is concerned that this happening in our region.
We are offering 455 billion canali in economic assistance to help lift your economy. But this is conditional on your respect for the basic human rights of your people
the south pacific is concerned by recent events in Ankarapithicia.
We are offering an aid package of 600 billion pacific dollars and membership in the International Freedom Defense Organization but your govt. must agree to stop abusing its people
the government has decided to respond to your offers by...
sending armed troops to storm and seize the embassy of property of all nations who have embassies inside Ankarapithicia. Your ambassadors and other diplomatic staff are declared guilty of espionage and plotting the destruction of the Dictator Bob regime and hence all foreign ambassadors are now being executed.
Meantime, a group of 5 year children caught playing an illegal game of hop scotch are being severly beaten with batons by the national police.
18-03-2004, 05:54
To defend its embassy staff and to evac. its citizens, Whittier is preparing to deploy 4,500 marines to Ankarpithicia.
Our aid offer is now on hold.
The South Pacific
18-03-2004, 06:06
President Jackson has officially condemned the brutality of the Dictator Bob regime.
Meantime, people have taken to the streets in mass demonstrations calling for the massive military invasion of Ankarapithicia to liberate that nation's citizens from brutal oppression.
Al Anbar will join any nation willing to crush this regime.
Muktar has many government-owned Guilds. Fifty members of the Assassin Guild have deployed to Ankarapithicia to terminate Dictator Bob and his most influential supporters. The weed will be pulled out by the roots.
I will support Ankarapithicia, if any countries wish to crush his regime i will assist him.
I will support Ankarapithicia, if any countries wish to crush his regime i will assist him.
DictatorBob thanks you for your support. These evil peolpe wish to violate my nation's national soverignty.
Communication with the fifty assassins was lost due to satellite interference before the order to withdraw could be given. Repairs should be complete in six NS months. Odds are, the assassins will be celebrating a job well done by then. Sorry.
25 Muktari "terrorist" have been captured and are now being tortured in th dungeons as the government prepares to publicly execute them by throwing them into a swimming pool and applying an huge electrical current to the water.
The event will be broadcast on live television.
That is what you call godmoding.
That is what you call godmoding.
what's that?
Ready the Sticky on Godmoding. It pretty much sums things up. Basically, that sort of RP will make you an even bigger laughing stock than Credonia.
Ready the Sticky on Godmoding. It pretty much sums things up. Basically, that sort of RP will make you an even bigger laughing stock than Credonia.
whose credonia?
Ready the Sticky on Godmoding. It pretty much sums things up. Basically, that sort of RP will make you an even bigger laughing stock than Credonia.
whose credonia?
Credonia's leader is comparable to George W. Bush. That make things clear?
Ready the Sticky on Godmoding. It pretty much sums things up. Basically, that sort of RP will make you an even bigger laughing stock than Credonia.
whose credonia?
Credonia's leader is comparable to George W. Bush. That make things clear?
You mean crackpot GW Bush?
18-03-2004, 06:55
George W. is a great man. How I admire him. Now you are getting into godmodding as above.
The Emperor of Layarteb fully supports the total destruction and removal of the regime of Ankarapithicia.
George W. is a great man. How I admire him. Now you are getting into godmodding as above.
The Emperor of Layarteb fully supports the total destruction and removal of the regime of Ankarapithicia.
Please tell me you forgot the when you were talking about Bush.
18-03-2004, 06:57
George W. is a great man. How I admire him. Now you are getting into godmodding as above.
The Emperor of Layarteb fully supports the total destruction and removal of the regime of Ankarapithicia.
Please tell me you forgot the when you were talking about Bush.
No I happen to respect the man greatly and being conservative Republican you can see why. Although his immigration policy is not too good!
George W. is a great man. How I admire him. Now you are getting into godmodding as above.
The Emperor of Layarteb fully supports the total destruction and removal of the regime of Ankarapithicia.
Bush is a crackpot.
The guy is an opportunistic wamonger. That is why Credonia is so comparible to him. Oh, and that the international community wants them both dead.
The guy is an opportunistic wamonger. That is why Credonia is so comparible to him. Oh, and that the international community wants them both dead.
Hey! what are you trying to hint at?
18-03-2004, 07:00
No he isn't. Afghanistan = 9.11 attack response. Iraq = Okay so in two years Saddam will have a nuclear weapon let him have it then and then we'll deal with it but the problem is that bomb will be in his possession for a day before it's in the hands of Al Qaida and detonates in the middle of NY and frankly I am not too fond of seeing my city be destroyed any more thank you very much. Now as far as WMD, I think they're off in Syria prob. with French and Russian help. France did give passports to Syria to Ba'athists after all. Next. Okay Saddam is response for 1.5M deaths in his tenure as dictator of Iraq. Human rights people should be in an uproar about that but they aren't. Hypocrit central.
18-03-2004, 07:05
No he isn't. Afghanistan = 9.11 attack response. Iraq = Okay so in two years Saddam will have a nuclear weapon let him have it then and then we'll deal with it but the problem is that bomb will be in his possession for a day before it's in the hands of Al Qaida and detonates in the middle of NY and frankly I am not too fond of seeing my city be destroyed any more thank you very much. Now as far as WMD, I think they're off in Syria prob. with French and Russian help. France did give passports to Syria to Ba'athists after all. Next. Okay Saddam is response for 1.5M deaths in his tenure as dictator of Iraq. Human rights people should be in an uproar about that but they aren't. Hypocrit central.Saddam did not have a WMD program. This has been stated by intelligence and WMD experts before the war and has been confirmed after the war by WMD inspectors and US military personnel on the ground in Iraq. The whole thing about Iraq having a nuke program was one of Bush's biggest lies.
You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it.
IC: Because of the extent of the abuses by the Dictator Bob regime, we are giving him an ulitmatum, accept foreign assistance and foreign troops or face a massive international military invasion.
At this point, 780,000 troops are on C130s and troop carrier vehicles and headed to Ankarapithicia. The C130's are being escorted by heavy multi role fighters. Dictatorbob has 20 minutes to respond before the mass invasion to oust him from power begins.
18-03-2004, 07:08
Saddam is a nice guy. I bet he gave up his weapons programs after ODS in 91. Hell in 1998 it was confirmed he had them so why would he just stop out of no where. Realistically thinking, Saddam was not a nice man and definitely would not have given up his programs. He just took them elsewhere or rather had them shipped elsewhere. There is a lot of anti-US feelings in that region as well as anti-Israel. Iraq may have been a thorn in the side of the Middle East when Saddam was in power but if it came down to Saddam or the US you know they would root for the former.
Bush would have been OK if he said he was going into Iraq to remove Saddam from power. But no. He went in for WMDs when he knew there were none. He lied.
IC: We suggest you withdraw the reward, since it is the sort of thing that may improve the assassin's vigor.
18-03-2004, 07:11
I can agree there. He should have given a lot more reasons than just terrorist ties and WMD. He should have cited human rights abuses for the past what 30 years. As far as terrorist ties, sure Osama hated Saddam but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the enemy of the US is Iraq and the enemy of Al Qaida is the US so. Also, lest we not forget, Saddam gave $35,000 to each Palestinian Homicide Bombers family and had numerous terrorist leaders living in Baghdad and hiding throughout the city as well as the rest of Iraq. It's the next logical target against terrorism. Saddam had a lot of money and money translates to power in the terrorist world because with money you can buy weapons and people and so on and so fourth.
Saddam is a nice guy. I bet he gave up his weapons programs after ODS in 91. Hell in 1998 it was confirmed he had them so why would he just stop out of no where.
That is the truth and I'm not being sarcastic. What you wrote after that is not true.
OOC: ...and let us not forget who gave him all that money...
18-03-2004, 07:16
Saddam is a nice guy. I bet he gave up his weapons programs after ODS in 91. Hell in 1998 it was confirmed he had them so why would he just stop out of no where.
That is the truth and I'm not being sarcastic. What you wrote after that is not true.
Yes Saddam was a nice guy. A posterchild for family relations.
And Gurian, while the US gave money to Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War as well as Germany, France, Russia, Britain, and so on and so fourth and also he got a lot of it for the famous UN Oil for Food Program in which no food or medicine was bought. Saddam whorded the money so if you are going to cast blame do it to all necessary parties.
As far as terrorist ties, sure Osama hated Saddam but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the enemy of the US is Iraq and the enemy of Al Qaida is the US so. Also, lest we not forget, Saddam gave $35,000 to each Palestinian Homicide Bombers family and had numerous terrorist leaders living in Baghdad and hiding throughout the city as well as the rest of Iraq. It's the next logical target against terrorism. Saddam had a lot of money and money translates to power in the terrorist world because with money you can buy weapons and people and so on and so fourth.
All wrong. The Palestinians are not terrorists. They are fighting for their homeland. He was correct in helping them. And cease being stupid. al-Qaida and Saddam never had ties and never will. Even when during the last nine months, Saddam wrote letters to the resistance warning them to stay away from those seeking jihad in Iraq. al-Qaida would rather kill Saddam than cooperate with him.
The south pacific is deploying the first fleet to the waters off Ankarapithicia and we are contributing 400,000 troops to the international coalition force.
Ankarapithicia please respond.
And Gurian, while the US gave money to Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War as well as Germany, France, Russia, Britain, and so on and so fourth and also he got a lot of it for the famous UN Oil for Food Program in which no food or medicine was bought. Saddam whorded the money so if you are going to cast blame do it to all necessary parties.
You've really got to learn something about this. He bought a lot of medicine and food for his people. Do not be an idiot. Saddam did not 'whoreded' any money. Besides, he is entitled to $128,000,000 for his 32 years of service to Iraq. This is at the rate of $400,000 a year, just like Dubya the Monkey makes.
18-03-2004, 07:18
All wrong. The Palestinians are not terrorists. They are fighting for their homeland. He was correct in helping them. And cease being stupid. al-Qaida and Saddam never had ties and never will. Even when during the last nine months, Saddam wrote letters to the resistance warning them to stay away from those seeking jihad in Iraq. al-Qaida would rather kill Saddam than cooperate with him.
Yes they are nice people too I bet. Fuzzy warm little bunnies. You are not seeing the bigger pictures that politics breeds strange bedfellows. Osama may have hated Saddam for all that he stood for, mainly because he wasn't religious at all, ideologically they had nothing in common, but putting ideologies aside and bringing up politics (because terrorism is political) Al Qaida had everything to gain for being on the good side of Saddam. Afterall, Saddam had bio/chem weapons without a doubt even after 1991 and into 1998. Secondly, $$$ is a powerful motivation. And Al Qaida dignitaries had gone to Iraq on many times, some meeting with Saddam on various instances.
18-03-2004, 07:19
You've really got to learn something about this. He bought a lot of medicine and food for his people. Do not be an idiot. Saddam did not 'whoreded' any money. Besides, he is entitled to $128,000,000 for his 32 years of service to Iraq. This is at the rate of $400,000 a year, just like Dubya the Monkey makes.
LMFAO! That's the best thing I've heard yet.
The Federation Of Earth Sphere Nations would like to repeat our official position on the situation in Ankarapithicia: whilst we abhor any loss of life due to armed conflict, we are once again willing to sell arms to any side, at any time for outrageously low prices, regardless of human rights history, or a governmental predeliction towards elderly abuse. Hell, here's some tanks: We just had our merchant marine drop these off at the port, fully fueled armed and with the keys in the ignition. Whoever gets them first can have them for all we care.
Oh, and once again the Federation government prays for a swift end to the conflict.
Massive numbers of planes have been spotted inbound by national defense radar.
Foreign agents have left calling cards.
Dictator Bob will accept the terms needed to avoid war. What is necessary to make those planes and ships turn around and for the assassins to leave Ankarapithicia?
Yes they are nice people too I bet. Fuzzy warm little bunnies. You are not seeing the bigger pictures that politics breeds strange bedfellows. Osama may have hated Saddam for all that he stood for, mainly because he wasn't religious at all, ideologically they had nothing in common, but putting ideologies aside and bringing up politics (because terrorism is political) Al Qaida had everything to gain for being on the good side of Saddam. Afterall, Saddam had bio/chem weapons without a doubt even after 1991 and into 1998. Secondly, $$$ is a powerful motivation. And Al Qaida dignitaries had gone to Iraq on many times, some meeting with Saddam on various instances.
They never cooperated. Show me the evidence that they did. Even Powell has acknowledged that they did not have any ties.
Iraq, like Hans Blix said, destroyed all WMDs by the mid-1990's. After Saddam and Hussein Kamel defected and spilt their guts to the CIA in Jordan, there was nothing that could be done to "hide" them anymore.
al-Qaida and Saddam never met. Evidence please.
18-03-2004, 07:21
Oh foo tell me I have to recall my bombers now. The crews were really psyched about releasing their cargo.
Oh foo tell me I have to recall my bombers now. The crews were really psyched about releasing their cargo.
Please. What are your terms for turning them around?
Dear Dictator Bob,
You will be Obliterated by our ICBM Satellite when we choose to fire its warheads at you, of course only ONE Nuclear Warhead will be fired at your Capital to destroy your Imperialistic Regime.
Thank You.
18-03-2004, 07:23
Yes they are nice people too I bet. Fuzzy warm little bunnies. You are not seeing the bigger pictures that politics breeds strange bedfellows. Osama may have hated Saddam for all that he stood for, mainly because he wasn't religious at all, ideologically they had nothing in common, but putting ideologies aside and bringing up politics (because terrorism is political) Al Qaida had everything to gain for being on the good side of Saddam. Afterall, Saddam had bio/chem weapons without a doubt even after 1991 and into 1998. Secondly, $$$ is a powerful motivation. And Al Qaida dignitaries had gone to Iraq on many times, some meeting with Saddam on various instances.
They never cooperated. Show me the evidence that they did. Even Powell has acknowledged that they did not have any ties.
Iraq, like Hans Blix said, destroyed all WMDs by the mid-1990's. After Saddam and Hussein Kamel defected and spilt their guts to the CIA in Jordan, there was nothing that could be done to "hide" them anymore.
al-Qaida and Saddam never met. Evidence please.
Hans Blix is comparable to Mr. Magoo. Of course he never found anything he told the regime where he would be searching and when! Remember there were places not known to anyone but Saddam even before '91 that were never bombed. The desert is a very large place.
The terrorists from 1993 WTC bombing, some escaped and hid in Iraq under protection and were interviewed by Time or some other magazine, can't remember the specifics around '96 maybe or a little later. Those terrorists had connections with Al Qaida. Secondly there were numerous stories in the news, hell even in biased anti-US newspapers and magazines of a dignitary of Al Qaida meeting in Iraq with leadership in the late 90s and was reinvited.
18-03-2004, 07:25
Please. What are your terms for turning them around?
All those nations whose embassies you raided and such shall be reparated because of your actions. You will cease all hostilities against embassies. If you wish nations to leave them you will do so peacefully and allow them to evacuate their people without incident. Reparations should be set by those that you have harmed.
You've really got to learn something about this. He bought a lot of medicine and food for his people. Do not be an idiot. Saddam did not 'whoreded' any money. Besides, he is entitled to $128,000,000 for his 32 years of service to Iraq. This is at the rate of $400,000 a year, just like Dubya the Monkey makes.
LMFAO! That's the best thing I've heard yet.
Yes, let's see. The UN said that the Iraqi government itself provided over 85% of the monthly dietary needs for everybody in Iraq for free. This was a ration program that had been in for many, many years. Does this sound like a government giving nothing to the people? Int he US, people are starving on the streets everyday.
Iraq also provided free health care and allowed people to go abroad if they needed something done that could not be provided in Iraq. The cost would be mostly taken up by the government.
18-03-2004, 07:26
You've really got to learn something about this. He bought a lot of medicine and food for his people. Do not be an idiot. Saddam did not 'whoreded' any money. Besides, he is entitled to $128,000,000 for his 32 years of service to Iraq. This is at the rate of $400,000 a year, just like Dubya the Monkey makes.
LMFAO! That's the best thing I've heard yet.
Yes, let's see. The UN said that the Iraqi government itself provided over 85% of the monthly dietary needs for everybody in Iraq for free. This was a ration program that had been in for many, many years. Does this sound like a government giving nothing to the people? Int he US, people are starving on the streets everyday.
Iraq also provided free health care and allowed people to go abroad if they needed something done that could not be provided in Iraq. The cost would be mostly taken up by the government.
My heart blees for them. UN said. You know where the UN gets their intelligence? From Iraq. From the people who were whording the money. Of course they are going to say that they are giving out medicine and food.
Please. What are your terms for turning them around?
All those nations whose embassies you raided and such shall be reparated because of your actions. You will cease all hostilities against embassies. If you wish nations to leave them you will do so peacefully and allow them to evacuate their people without incident. Reparations should be set by those that you have harmed.
I accept. can you recall your bombers now?
Dictator bob looks around nervously.
Hans Blix is comparable to Mr. Magoo. Of course he never found anything he told the regime where he would be searching and when! Remember there were places not known to anyone but Saddam even before '91 that were never bombed. The desert is a very large place.
Oh, okay! Let's insult Hans Blix now because he doesn't come up with a pro-US report! You truly are a retarded conservative like Dubya. "Is our children learning yet?" type person.
The terrorists from 1993 WTC bombing, some escaped and hid in Iraq under protection and were interviewed by Time or some other magazine, can't remember the specifics around '96 maybe or a little later.
I think not.
Those terrorists had connections with Al Qaida. Secondly there ere numerous stories in the news, hell even in biased anti-US newspapers and magazines of a dignitary of Al Qaida meeting in Iraq with leadership in the late 90s and was reinvited.
Never happened either. Unless your talking about Mohammed Atta which the Czechs had said he did but now after investigating it more thoroughly say now that he never did visit the Iraqi intelligence agents.
My heart blees for them. UN said. You know where the UN gets their intelligence? From Iraq. From the people who were whording the money. Of course they are going to say that they are giving out medicine and food.
Well, seeing as you will not believe anything that anyone but Dubya the Monkey blurts out during his drunken stupors, I'm finished here.
18-03-2004, 07:30
Hans Blix is comparable to Mr. Magoo. Of course he never found anything he told the regime where he would be searching and when! Remember there were places not known to anyone but Saddam even before '91 that were never bombed. The desert is a very large place.
Oh, okay! Let's insult Hans Blix now because he doesn't come up with a pro-US report! You truly are a retarded conservative like Dubya. "Is our children learning yet?" type person.
The terrorists from 1993 WTC bombing, some escaped and hid in Iraq under protection and were interviewed by Time or some other magazine, can't remember the specifics around '96 maybe or a little later.
I think not.
Those terrorists had connections with Al Qaida. Secondly there ere numerous stories in the news, hell even in biased anti-US newspapers and magazines of a dignitary of Al Qaida meeting in Iraq with leadership in the late 90s and was reinvited.
Never happened either. Unless your talking about Mohammed Atta which the Czechs had said he did but now after investigating it more thoroughly say now that he never did visit the Iraqi intelligence agents.
It's okay you're 100% right. I shall worship you as such!
Now onto more intelligent matters.
I shall recall them but keep them on alert. If it is seen that you are violating the accord I shall not hesitate to send them back up again.
ooc: If I may interject for a moment: The reason why no significant stockpiles of weapons were ever found was because after the experiences of Gulf War I and the defection of his brother-in-law who revealed Iraq's program of hiding their WMD's, Saddam realized that large stockpiles of the kind he had during the Iran-Iraq war made for large, easy targets and were a liability. With this in mind, it is likely that many of these weapons were decomissioned in favor of a more flexible Just-In-Time production method, whereby weapons agents would be produced only when needed, and thus would not have to be stored in large stockpiles. Thus, Iraq did not possess the massive WMD stockpiles as Bush claimed, at least not since the mid-1990's, he only possessed the capability to make them.
As to Al-Qaida, the administration has publicly acknoledged that intelligence on possible links were, in-fact, incorrect, something which any decent analyst could tell you due to the wildely different agendas of Saddam (a pan-arabist, secular, national-socialist with aspirations of naitonal expantion) and Bin-Laden (a pan-Islamist, anti-secular, anti-socialist nutball).
In my opinion, being a neo-Imperialist myself, I'm happy that we've occupied Iraq but dislike the false pretenses on which we did it and am very dismayed over the sloppy handling of the occupation. I say give it over to the Brits, they know a thing or two about keeping foreign possessions in-line.
South Pacific forces will be recalled.
However, we offer Ankarapithicia membership in IFDO.
IFDO will defend him if he is attacked.
18-03-2004, 07:42
Allow us to aid your people, and stop all attacks on foreigners in your nation.
18-03-2004, 07:45
My work is done here. If Ankarapithicia violates all agreed upon accords and agreed upon by both sides, please do not hesitate to let us know.
It has been reported that someone has defaced the Federation tanks left at the primary port facility by spray-painting "Bob Rulz, #1!" on them. The Federation will not stand for this kind of juvenile vandalism. Ergo Federation Naval Forces have just inserted our High-Tech Special Forces Unit 836 into the capital, with orders to find and eliminate Dicatator Bob.
18-03-2004, 12:09
Seeing as Ankarapithicia has backed down and that also he's now part of a larger defence alliance, trying to assasinate Bob probably isn't such a good idea.
We had an imploded government but the government seized control of all industries and our economy is now Good.
You should do the same, it works.
We have done that.
The government was forced to use the marines and special shock troops to storm and seize all properties owned by businesses and corporations.
All industries in Ankarapithicia are now officially owned and operated by the government of Dictator Bob. (Though we had to kill a few people in the process.)
We have also accepted the offered aid packages. But while these measures saved our economy from total collapse, our economy is now classified as fragile. And we are in need of further economic assistance.
The government moved to take control of all industries in the wake of corporate scandals.
We have done that.
The government was forced to use the marines and special shock troops to storm and seize all properties owned by businesses and corporations.
All industries in Ankarapithicia are now officially owned and operated by the government of Dictator Bob. (Though we had to kill a few people in the process.)
We have also accepted the offered aid packages. But while these measures saved our economy from total collapse, our economy is now classified as fragile. And we are in need of further economic assistance.
The government moved to take control of all industries in the wake of corporate scandals.