NationStates Jolt Archive

The Justinopian Kingdom Poilitical Info Etc.

Justinopian Kingdom
16-03-2004, 15:59
Welcome to the Justinopian Kingdom Political Information Kiosk. Also reffered to as the JKP Kiosk. But first let us tell you about our nation.

Econony:Economy is steady with most MAJOR exports and cash flow coming from tourism, fishing, jewelry, fuel, and gold and siver deposits from the mountains.

Goverment:The goverment of the Justinopian Kingdom is a monarchy, with the head of the Royal House, with the royal lineage, becoming king, and absolute ruler.

Military:The military in a medium sized military in size and very powerful technology wise considering the large nation is already working on a second starship and plans to start nuclear exploitation next month. Citizens must be 21 before they can join the military and must go through an 8 month training course.

Tourism:Tourism brings in quite alot of cash but not as much cash as it could considering it is a realatively new nation to the international community.

Population:At the time of this information on April 3, 2004 the current population is 89 million. And increases by about 2 million every other day.

Size: The Justinopian Kingdom is about the size of China and India combined and is currently undergoing uranium mining, industrial building, and military post building.

Terrain:The Justinopian Kingdom has three basic terrains including lush rainforests in the south, humongous plains in the central, east, and northern areas, with mountains and hills to the west and southwest.

Current Allies:
Terran Empire

Countries With JK Embassy's In Country:
Terran Empire
Monte Ozarka
Port Chicken
The Federal Union

Countries With JK Embassy's:
Terran Empire
Port Chicken
Monte Ozarka
Port Chicken
Justinopian Kingdom
16-03-2004, 15:59
if any countries would like to set up embassy's and/or become allies and vice-versa send me a Telegram
16-03-2004, 16:00

Such a long training time!

Our training for each of our mil. branches is 10 weeks.
Justinopian Kingdom
16-03-2004, 16:01
The more training the better I guess, maybe. :) lol
The Fedral Union
04-04-2004, 03:52
The UTA and or TFU can place a embassy in your nation ?
Justinopian Kingdom
04-04-2004, 19:46
yes TFU
25-04-2004, 10:09
Well 8 months isnt THAT long, the english army has each soldier train for about 2-3 years. But thats why we have some of the best soldiers in the world :)
25-04-2004, 10:14
25-04-2004, 10:17
*offers hand of freindship& embasy& vice-versa of course*
Justinopian Kingdom
26-04-2004, 02:43
Thank you Midlonia, you may set up in the capital of Justopia, or in the port town of St. Justice
26-04-2004, 02:57
if any countries would like to set up embassy's and/or become allies and vice-versa send me a TelegramOOC: Sure, why not.
IC: "The Allied States of Rotovia requests permission for the mutual establishment of embassies within our respective nations"

Minstry for Foreign Affairs
26-04-2004, 03:05
26-04-2004, 03:06
Every person in Gronde must join the military at 18, training becomes part of the standard education at 10. They serve from 18-20 and then, depending on their performance get money for higher education or are inducted into the Space Marines and undergo another 1.5 years of intense training with a 50% servival rate for those who begin marine training.
Thank you for putting up with my rambling.
Justinopian Kingdom
26-04-2004, 03:10
To Gronde: (Laugh out Loud) You are VERY welcome, if you ever feel the urge to ramble again though, please post on one of my other boards.

To Rotovia: Permission granted
Justinopian Kingdom
26-04-2004, 03:12
To Gronde: (Laugh out Loud) You are VERY welcome, if you ever feel the urge to ramble again though, please post on one of my other boards.

To Rotovia: Permission granted
26-04-2004, 03:12
Every person in Gronde must join the military at 18, training becomes part of the standard education at 10. They serve from 18-20 and then, depending on their performance get money for higher education or are inducted into the Space Marines and undergo another 1.5 years of intense training with a 50% servival rate for those who begin marine training.
Thank you for putting up with my rambling.
Justinopian Kingdom
02-05-2004, 02:48
I don't believe in compulsory military service. I think, if they don't want to, don't make 'em. Because, if you don't, who knows what they could do
02-05-2004, 13:15
I just consider it part of their education. I also throw in a healthy dose of propaganda too. Needless to say, I don't get many aguments...