Kanabia mediates dispute between Kay Son and rebels.
A number of socialists in the Peoples Republic of Kay Son have rebelled against the government. The people of Kanabia wish to stop violence in this nation, and restore stability. We are offering to mediate the dispute in the interests of peace.
We call upon the rebel faction to state their demands.
-> Telegram from the Zhang T'ao Socialist Front
We do solemnly demand the following:
a) The dismantling the ever increasing amount of arms going to the military
b) The demilitarization of key aspects of government that the army has done.
c) The removal of the capital back to it's traditional stronghold, Kay Son.
d) That the military cease it's stronghold in the economic sector, tehreby allowing free trade to operate on practice and principle
e) That the people should be allowed their natural political freedoms instead of constantly being watched by the military
f) That the finances directed towards military purchases to be funneled back to social programs
g) The dismantling of those key officials that have stayed in power due to their status within the military
We call upon the government of Kay Son to provide a response.
We do find demand "d" to be unusual for a Socialist group. However, it appears that the military has traditionally held a large amount of power over many aspects of the nation of Kay Son, and these people feel a need for change.
The Junta of Kay Son is willing to meet with the stipulation of allowing the citizens with more rights and expression within the political realm. The Junta also agrees to allow certain agencies to go 'free' from military rule. However on moving the capital back to Kay Son opens the country up to possible takeover by certain groups that might steer Kay Son into instability. The Junta also disagrees with the principle of ceasing military build-up of hardware. Kay Son needs security to ward off outside threats, namely, certain attempts made on economic institutions that supply the non-combantant divisions. If there is no security, there is the distinct possibility of an elitist group seizing power.
If Kanabia signs a protection pact with Kay Son, would it be possible for your nation to limit military spending and divert the money to social programs?
(OOC: This isn't a closed dialogue. Other nations can offer to help Kay Son if they wish.)
The Junta of Kay Son is willing to meet with the stipulation of allowing the citizens with more rights and expression within the political realm. The Junta also agrees to allow certain agencies to go 'free' from military rule. However on moving the capital back to Kay Son opens the country up to possible takeover by certain groups that might steer Kay Son into instability. The Junta also disagrees with the principle of ceasing military build-up of hardware. Kay Son needs security to ward off outside threats, namely, certain attempts made on economic institutions that supply the non-combantant divisions. If there is no security, there is the distinct possibility of an elitist group seizing power.
The IDF member states Cartels operating inside of Kay Son are willing to offer protection in time of rebellion to The Junta if our drug trade is decrimalized (you can set limits on types of imports).
The Junta of Kay Son know not of these "Cartels" that have, apprently, been operating on Kay Son Soil. The Junta would like to inquire to what drugs does your cartel uses.
Given the instability within Kay Son right now, we would not recommend allying with a nation following policies such as this. It may draw hostile attention from other nations.
[the junta apologies for the repeated message.]
The Junta is not allying with any country with leanings towards drugs. The Junta simply wishes to know how this cartel got into our country in the first place.
The Junta would also like to note that three naval yards exprienced mysterious fires that wounded 54 civilians. It is the Junta's belief that it was a certain organization's efforts due to the balatant message as imprinted near T'sing T'sau Naval Yards.