Requesting aid for psychic uprising.
Alexisonfire was founded 112 years ago as a Canadian colony, just south of The Spine of the World. We quickly exterminated or deported the native people of the area and began building classified laboratories to study ESP, spontanious human combustion, elemental conjuring, and other paranormal phenonena. The Canadian government was hoping to use these gifted people in war. Our Canadian overlords became less and less interested in us with time, and eventually cut off our funding when our research was deemed "unneccesary". We became dependant on our large salt and flax deposits for income, most of which went to the Motherland. But we kept enough money to secretly continue studying matters of the paranormal, behind the backs of the Canadians. We've now become resentful to Canada, and with good cause. Our psychics are in high demand worldwide. Ranging from finding lost children, to destroying enemy helicopters with a single thought. This extremely rare and unique ability almost all our people posses has given us a strong feeling of national identity. Our culture has evolved and is now very different then the simple Canadian lives we once lived. It seems Canada has almost forgotten about us, but yet they will not give us our independance. The time has come for my people and I to rise up against the neglegant, iron fist of Canada and release ourselves form this stranglehold. For this I am urgently requesting any military aid or pure elements. Preferabley Noble Gases. If you don't hear from me within the next 96 hours, our cause has failed and I will be dead.
- Devin Piper
Govenor of The Colony of Alexisonfire
Central Facehuggeria
15-03-2004, 02:21
OOC: Intresting RP concept. Our (CF) psionic talents are still primitive at best, requiring an amplifier to properly manifest themselves. Anyway...
Secret IC: Central Facehuggeria would be willing to provide you with personal weapons and a small amount (Thrity Kilograms) of noble gasses. We find the request for noble gasses odd, and unfournately we do not possess large stockpiles of such resources on hand. They will be deployed via paradrop at the following cooridinates in two days. *Coordinates sent*
OOC: We are a future tech nation, so if you want some powered armor or laser rifles in that shipment, just let me know OOCly. Otherwise you'll get H&K G11 assault rifles
OOC: Intresting RP concept. Our (CF) psionic talents are still primitive at best, requiring an amplifier to properly manifest themselves. Anyway...
Secret IC: Central Facehuggeria would be willing to provide you with personal weapons and a small amount (Thrity Kilograms) of noble gasses. We find the request for noble gasses odd, and unfournately we do not possess large stockpiles of such resources on hand. They will be deployed via paradrop at the following cooridinates in two days. *Coordinates sent*
OOC: We are a future tech nation, so if you want some powered armor or laser rifles in that shipment, just let me know OOCly. Otherwise you'll get H&K G11 assault rifles
The people of Alexisonfire and myself thank you for your aid. 30 kilos of noble gases is enough to keep our most powerful psychics sustained for a few days. The H&K G11 AR's will be fine. If you ever need a favor, Alexisonfire is willing.
THEY'VE BREACHED THE COMPOUND! We can ..... for not much longer. This is a PRIORITY 1 DISTRESS CALL for all ------..... We will fight untill ..... last.....
Testing... Can anyone hear me?If anybody hears this, know that my psychics fought with valour and showed no cowardace in the face of our enemies. But the Canadians were too many. It's night now and I can still see the roar of plasma energy through my isolation pod. Hopefully They will not discover me and I can rally my remaining forces in the morning for our final strike. They have won this battle, but we will have the day. I... can hear footsteps above me. I cannot risk further conversation.
</end transmission>