Fed union calls on all allies (that are in space)
The Fedral Union
14-03-2004, 02:27
We require immdeat asstaince ..! Core worlds and corp sac have ganed up on me they are attacking the fed union these imprlist must be stoped core worlds is attacking my fleet corp sac is helping... thje fed union and the U.T.A really needs asstaince.
The Fedral Union
14-03-2004, 02:38
Bump and no one is re plying why ?
while you have our sympathy, out fleet was provided by corp sac.
14-03-2004, 02:42
I believe I made my position clear to both sides. We will not act until provoked.
M. Uganda
OOC: Couldn't you just continue one of your other threds concerning this matter :?:
The Fedral Union
14-03-2004, 02:46
Ive been advised to ignore core worlds ......... buy sevral devout and hardend vetran rpers.
14-03-2004, 02:46
No one is replying because you don't have space allies, obviously. Or they just don't want to help you.
Do you have a Word program? Maybe you should type your posts in there and spellcheck them before you post. People look at spelling as very critical to someone's RP'ing skills.
The Fedral Union
14-03-2004, 02:47
Grate all my allies abandoned me you know im getting sick of this this TIME i Didit start the war Core worlds did i offerd to pay reprations and damges for the miss fired torp
The Fedral Union
14-03-2004, 02:54
None of your allies may be on right now. Most of NNA is Modern Tech anyways...and I have no idea how you got into trouble with Core Worlds and CorpSac.
For the love of god, not all your allies will be on at any particular twenty-minute interval ;) Patience.
Atlantian Outcasts
14-03-2004, 03:12
meh. I've just desided to to syndicate your war on selected Broadcast Stations. Anyone who wants to watch, you can find it on the following channels:
Cirrus: 2,6,8
Uxal: 3,4
Allos: 2,4,9,12
Vernar: 10,12
Make it a good war. We need ratings to go up
Central Facehuggeria
14-03-2004, 03:16
Could we get one of those stations for the duration of the war? Like pay per view, millions of Facehuggerian people would be entertained by that. Especially if it turns into a comedy!
Atlantian Outcasts
14-03-2004, 03:20
Could we get one of those stations for the duration of the war? Like pay per view, millions of Facehuggerian people would be entertained by that. Especially if it turns into a comedy!
sure. You have Satillite? You just need to send a signal though the jumpnode between Earth and Atlantan space.
If not, have fun dancing around the room with bunny ear anntenna
Your problem is in popularity. Once, Holy Mercenaries was threatening Unum Veritas and me and I didn't even need to call on allies - the allies just came.
Central Facehuggeria
14-03-2004, 03:26
Could we get one of those stations for the duration of the war? Like pay per view, millions of Facehuggerian people would be entertained by that. Especially if it turns into a comedy!
sure. You have Satillite? You just need to send a signal though the jumpnode between Earth and Atlantan space.
If not, have fun dancing around the room with bunny ear anntenna
Semi IC:We have sattalite! Time to tune in to a halarious ignore/godmod fest! :wink:
OOC:Nanakaland, Holy Merc's war with you was unjust, and everyone knew it. (Not to mention that you are a respected billion+ nation.) In this instance, it is kind of hard to tell if Coreworld's war is just. Since CW is respected, people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, there don't seem to be many powerful space nations in II.
Reason the war with TFU started:
1) TFU opens fire on DESC Explorer Class ships killing a Mayne Royal Member (removed) with no warnin or reason
2) Empiress declares Trade embargos and Sactions on TFU closes borders between TFU and CorpSac feeling the Death of the Mayne meber was a personal attack
3) TFU ignores Trade Sactions and closed borders and trys to run blokades within Dark Empire Space
4) TFU Trade ships enter Dark Empire space (with a Core Worlds Small Colony)
5) Ravan fleet intercepts TFU ships and escorts and give 3 warnings to leave, Raven Fleet targets engines.
6)TFU ships ignores 3 warning to leave so Dark Empire Fleets open fire (loses were not ment)
7) TFU starts an Attack on the CorpSac fleet what results in CWs Colony being struke by a TFU torpedo. at this point Core Worlds enters war
14-03-2004, 03:55
Humph..Well,it apears as if fed is going to hell.Tell our Dark Father I said hello.
Welp, I suppose I could be his last hop, and get destroyed or whatnot. It will be a Fair Battle, and I will go down in Honor, my men and/or me. I made an oath to stand beside Comrade Brethren Allies, till the end or death, and that is what I intend to do, weather its right or not......::sighs::.....
14-03-2004, 03:57
Welp, I suppose I could be his last hop, and get destroyed or whatnot. It will be a Fair Battle, and I will go down in Honor, my men and/or me. I made an oath to stand beside Comrade Brethren Allies, till the end or death, and that is what I intend to do, weather its right or not......::sighs::.....
Or you could sit back and laugh while his ass gets fried. 8)
The Zoogie People
14-03-2004, 03:59
Nodea Rudav, You swore an oath, but does this oath extend to when your allies did not do right? I will not see an ally go down...but I can do nothing for you, I'm not space-tech...
TFU, I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but that time you asked a mod to delete you after you lost a war signifies to others that you are a sore loser.
well ive pulled out of the war, wats the point in fight someone who is goin to cry becoause he cant or doesnt have the stratergy to win a small battle, hell the wars not even started i only have 1/3 of my space fleet to fight with. with a 1/4 destroyed and the rest soon to start fighting each other
AO Centaurs
14-03-2004, 04:44
well ive pulled out of the war, wats the point in fight someone who is goin to cry becoause he cant or doesnt have the stratergy to win a small battle, hell the wars not even started i only have 1/3 of my space fleet to fight with. with a 1/4 destroyed and the rest soon to start fighting each other
damnit, that's gonna be a blow to ratings...
edit: damn puppets
14-03-2004, 04:46
well ive pulled out of the war, wats the point in fight someone who is goin to cry becoause he cant or doesnt have the stratergy to win a small battle, hell the wars not even started i only have 1/3 of my space fleet to fight with. with a 1/4 destroyed and the rest soon to start fighting each other
Mind if I put in for you? 8)
14-03-2004, 05:04
As in..take your place if you pull out..as in your space fleet go poof and my armada pops out and starts shooting stuff.
Central Facehuggeria
14-03-2004, 05:08
OOC: Please do so, Trailers! The people demand entertainment! :)
go on i dont mind but be careful of TFU crying if he starts to lose
14-03-2004, 05:14
Entertainment=fireworks?Will there be popcorn??
Trailers = Fellow Role Player
Nodea Rudav = Fellow Role Player wanting to Battle Fellow Role Player Trailers
Whats it all add up to?
How bout my fleets and yours go at it.....fairly and Veteran like, that way many will stop and GET HIGH RATINGS, lol.
14-03-2004, 05:20
Nodea=If He Tried To Fight The Grand Traileric Armada,Whateverthehell He Has Would Be Blown Into Infinity.Fireworks On A Bigger Scale,Good Ratings At The Cost Of Several Thousand men?
Central Facehuggeria
14-03-2004, 05:20
OOC: High ratings! The people demang high ratings! Make stuff go boom!
Lol, I'm so tired that I've even stopped using my brown OOC font. :)
14-03-2004, 05:22
But if you really want to we could make a seperate thread with outer space Wargames?I can see it now,a whole new series
"The Traileric Armada vs. [Insert official name of Nodian spacefleet]"
Trailers! Com'On, gimmie chance! I want a Good Role Play! Pwweeaasseee! Fireworks! Lol, I can rebuild, and the men will probably still be alive at the end since it might be called an invalid war, lol! :lol:
Um...Ok trailers....My Fllet is called the Colonial Space Forces
14-03-2004, 05:24
Okay,I'll make the thread.In the end our staggering,suicidal,pointless,and semi-demented losses won't count.
LOL! Swwweeattt..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
14-03-2004, 05:44
Okay here it is:
Alrighty then, already posted, I suppose, lol, lets see those specs, probably already posted too, lol!