Star Wars Weapons for Sale
Bazooka Romano
10-03-2004, 19:42
I am selling lightsabers in these colors:
$1000 each.
Double Bladed Lightsabers
(same colors as the regular lightsabers)
$2000 each. images/lightsaber.jpg
I am selling Blaster Rifles(High Repeated Rifles w/ 2ndary weapon of a plasma grenade)
$900 each.
I am also selling Blaster Pistols
$600 each.
Wookie Bowcasters(beams are able to "bounce" off of solid non-living objects)
$1000 each. slike/swgbow.gif
X-Wing Fighter
$25,000,000 each. pix/xwing.jpg
Y-Wing Fighter
$250,000,000 each.
V-Wing Fighter
$25,000,000 each.
A-Wing Fighter
$25,000,000 each.
B-Wing Fighter
$25,000,000 each.
The exact replica of the Millenium Falcon
$5,000,000,000 each.
Tie Bomber
$25,000,000 each.
Tie Fighter
$20,000,000 each.
Tie Interceptor
$25,000,000 each.
Star Destroyer(holds 100,000 men, 500 AT-ATs, and 750 AT-STs, thousands of laser cannons, 500 Drop-ships)
$1,000,000,000,000 each.
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer(holds 1,000,000 men, 1000 AT-ATs, and 15,000 AT-STs, thousands of laser cannons, 750 Drop-ships)
$10,000,000,000,000 each.
image not available
Death Star 2(destroys anything in space in one hit, takes a while to charge of the main laser cannon. Can hold up to 500 times more than the Imperial Class Star Destroyer. Also can hold up to 1000 Fighters(not including the millenium falcon and Jango Fett's Slave I))(i can also only sell one every 1 NS year)
$1,000,000,000,000,000 each.
Jango Fett's Slave I (Laser Cannons, Ion Cannons, Rockets, and Space Mines)
$250,000,000 each.
Boba Fett's Slave I (Laser Cannons, Ion Cannons)
$100,000,000 each.
Ion Cannon
$250,000 each.
Snow Speeder
$2,500,000 each.
Power Generator
$200,000 each.
Shield Generator(need one power generator for each shield generator)
$3,000,000 each.
Jedi Temple(Trains Jedi, approx 5% of army becomes Jedi, they are virtually indestructable, comes with 5 Jedi Masters)
$50,000,000 each.
Sith Temple(Trains Sith, approx 5% of army becomes Sith, they are virtually indestructable, comes with 5 Sith Masters)
$50,000,000 each
$15,000,000 each.
AT-AT(lasers and small weapons do not affect it)
$25,000,000 each.
$25 each.
$500 each.
Jedi(comes with single-bladed lightsaber, keepers of peace(defensive))
$5,000 each.
Jedi Master(comes with single-bladed lightsaber, train jedi in temple. Each master increases the percentage of jedi coming from temples by 0.05%. Don't fight.)
$15,000 each.
Sith(comes with thier own single-bladed lightsaber, ultimate killing machines(offensive))
$5,000 each.
Sith Master(comes with single-bladed lightsaber, train sith in temple. Each master increases the percentage of sith coming from temples by 0.05%. Don't fight.)
$15,000 each.
Settra the great
10-03-2004, 19:46
What about AT-ST's or double sided lightsabers? Or you could sell Stardestroyers and Tie fighters.
Settra the great
10-03-2004, 19:47
What about AT-ST's or double sided lightsabers? Or you could sell Stardestroyers and Tie fighters.
1000 of each lightsaber
1 of every fighter plane
10.000 of each blaster
25 percent discount ? 1st buy yep or no otherwise i wont buy it!
10-03-2004, 20:01
i am interested in purchasing:
10000 green lightsabres= 5000000
*Money wired upon comfirmation*
We would be interested in Mandalorian armament and vehicles. Should you acquire stock of this origin, Zyssia will gladly trade.
Of particular interest to us are Mandalorian Blaster Carbines and Battle & Assault class armors.
Hard Rock Beyond
10-03-2004, 21:35
Buying lightsabers ([200]green, [800] blue) i will buy 4 3x price... so $1500 each... * 1000... 1,500,000 HRB Credits (equal to 1 $ per cR)
(money wired upon confirm....)
well i also want [1000] A-Wings ($750,000,000)
and [100] Ion Cannons ($7,500,000)
and i will also order [100] Shield Generators ($30,000,000)
and [200] Power Generators ($20,000,000)
(all money wired on confirmation)
total cost of 809,000,000... nice doing business w/ u GOA Romano
The Dark Elite Samui
11-03-2004, 01:10
20 Ion Cannons
$25,000 each.
1 Power Generator
$200,000 each.
1 Shield Generator(need one power generator for each shield generator)
$300,000 each.
$10,000,000 total
*money wired upon confirmation*
The Dark Elite Samui
11-03-2004, 01:18
8 X-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 Y-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 V-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 A-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 B-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
*money wired upon confirmation*
The Dark Elite Samui
11-03-2004, 01:19
8 X-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 Y-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 V-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 A-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 B-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
*money wired upon confirmation*
Central Facehuggeria
11-03-2004, 01:35
We would be interested in Mandalorian armament and vehicles. Should you acquire stock of this origin, Zyssia will gladly trade.
Of particular interest to us are Mandalorian Blaster Carbines and Battle & Assault class armors.
IC: Central Facehuggeria would also be intrested in such equipment.
OOC: You do realize that your prices are far too low? Modern jet fighters cost anywhere from 20-40 million USD. A highly advanced space fighter would probably cost 60+ million USD. In addition, your lasers and lightsabers, while cool are woefully underpriced.
11-03-2004, 02:56
As a Star Wars fan, I happen to agree. Raise the prices on everything, and then we'll talk.
11-03-2004, 04:53
Ok I Want:
15 Y-Wings
20 B-Wings
20 V-Wings
20 X-Wings
and if I forgot any of the _-Wings give me 20 of them
13,001 of each of the Lightsabers (add 2 more to red)
50,000 Blaster Rifles
50,000 Blaster Pistols
5 Falcons
8 Snow Speeders
200 Ion Cannons
1 Generator
1 Sheild
*Money wired on confermation* 8)
11-03-2004, 05:47
The Holy Empire of Ndosheni would desire to purchase the following items for use in future "minority control" operations:
2000 Blaster Rifles @ $300 each.
5000 Blaster Pistols @ $200 each.
30 X-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
10 Y-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
10 V-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
20 A-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
15 B-Wing Fighters @ $250,000 each.
200 Ion Cannon at $25,000 each.
20 Snow Speeders at $250,000 each.
3 Power Generators (one backup) $200,000 each.
2 Shield Generator $300,000 each.
The necessary funds will be wired upon completion of delivery.
Hard Rock Beyond
12-03-2004, 12:30
yaeh thats y i raised the price 3x... and were also not the best of friends... and as a SW fan i also forgot something in my purchase:
[1000] X-Wings for 750,000,000!!!
(Money wired, once again, on confirmation)
Bazooka Romano
12-03-2004, 21:54
1000 of each lightsaber
1 of every fighter plane
10.000 of each blaster
25 percent discount ? 1st buy yep or no otherwise i wont buy it!
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
12-03-2004, 21:56
i am interested in purchasing:
10000 green lightsabres= 5000000
*Money wired upon comfirmation*
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
12-03-2004, 21:59
Buying lightsabers ([200]green, [800] blue) i will buy 4 3x price... so $1500 each... * 1000... 1,500,000 HRB Credits (equal to 1 $ per cR)
(money wired upon confirm....)
well i also want [1000] A-Wings ($750,000,000)
and [100] Ion Cannons ($7,500,000)
and i will also order [100] Shield Generators ($30,000,000)
and [200] Power Generators ($20,000,000)
(all money wired on confirmation)
total cost of 809,000,000... nice doing business w/ u GEN Tingle
Order COnfirmed
12-03-2004, 22:04
i would like 5 million red light sabers 500 power generators and 500 shield generators please, money will be wired upon confirmation.
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:19
yaeh thats y i raised the price 3x... and were also not the best of friends... and as a SW fan i also forgot something in my purchase:
[1000] X-Wings for 750,000,000!!!
(Money wired, once again, on confirmation)
order confirmed.
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:23
20 Ion Cannons
$25,000 each.
1 Power Generator
$200,000 each.
1 Shield Generator(need one power generator for each shield generator)
$300,000 each.
$10,000,000 total
*money wired upon confirmation*
order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:26
8 X-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 Y-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 V-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 A-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
8 B-Wing Fighter
$250,000 each.
*money wired upon confirmation*
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:30
Ok I Want:
15 Y-Wings
20 B-Wings
20 V-Wings
20 X-Wings
and if I forgot any of the _-Wings give me 20 of them
13,001 of each of the Lightsabers (add 2 more to red)
50,000 Blaster Rifles
50,000 Blaster Pistols
5 Falcons
8 Snow Speeders
200 Ion Cannons
1 Generator
1 Sheild
*Money wired on confermation* 8)
order confrimed
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:32
The Holy Empire of Ndosheni would desire to purchase the following items for use in future "minority control" operations:
2000 Blaster Rifles @ $300 each.
5000 Blaster Pistols @ $200 each.
30 X-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
10 Y-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
10 V-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
20 A-Wing Fighters at $250,000 each.
15 B-Wing Fighters @ $250,000 each.
200 Ion Cannon at $25,000 each.
20 Snow Speeders at $250,000 each.
3 Power Generators (one backup) $200,000 each.
2 Shield Generator $300,000 each.
The necessary funds will be wired upon completion of delivery.
order confirmed
13-03-2004, 19:33
1000 blue lightsabers
34 X-wings
35 Y-wings
For a flat price of $999,999,999
*60% of money wired upon confirmation*
*20% of money wired in advance*
We would be interested in Mandalorian armament and vehicles. Should you acquire stock of this origin, Zyssia will gladly trade.
Of particular interest to us are Mandalorian Blaster Carbines and Battle & Assault class armors.
IC: Central Facehuggeria would also be intrested in such equipment.
OOC: You do realize that your prices are far too low? Modern jet fighters cost anywhere from 20-40 million USD. A highly advanced space fighter would probably cost 60+ million USD. In addition, your lasers and lightsabers, while cool are woefully underpriced.
I agree. These are stupidly cheap. You can't possibly make any profit simply on production costs, and that's without even considering research and development costs.
And do you have any idea how these would work? I have future technologies, as do my allies, but I ask for some idea of their working. This ensure no godmoding. Which is another thing.
What would these cheap SW fighters do against a modern fighter? They'd smash them to bits. Please rethink this topic.
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:34
i would like 5 million red light sabers 500 power generators and 500 shield generators please, money will be wired upon confirmation.
order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:36
1000 blue lightsabers
34 X-wings
35 Y-wings
For a flat price of $999,999,999
*60% of money wired upon confirmation*
*20% of money wired in advance*
order somewhat confirmed. 60+20=90. i want 100% of the cash, not 90%.
Bazooka Romano
13-03-2004, 19:37
We would be interested in Mandalorian armament and vehicles. Should you acquire stock of this origin, Zyssia will gladly trade.
Of particular interest to us are Mandalorian Blaster Carbines and Battle & Assault class armors.
IC: Central Facehuggeria would also be intrested in such equipment.
OOC: You do realize that your prices are far too low? Modern jet fighters cost anywhere from 20-40 million USD. A highly advanced space fighter would probably cost 60+ million USD. In addition, your lasers and lightsabers, while cool are woefully underpriced.
I agree. These are stupidly cheap. You can't possibly make any profit simply on production costs, and that's without even considering research and development costs.
And do you have any idea how these would work? I have future technologies, as do my allies, but I ask for some idea of their working. This ensure no godmoding. Which is another thing.
What would these cheap SW fighters do against a modern fighter? They'd smash them to bits. Please rethink this topic.
i will do that now.
13-03-2004, 19:38
1000 blue lightsabers
34 X-wings
35 Y-wings
For a flat price of $999,999,999,999
*80% of money wired upon confirmation*
*20% of money wired in advance*
Sry about the mix up
3 of everything. money wired upon confirmation
Bazooka Romano
14-03-2004, 00:28
1000 blue lightsabers
34 X-wings
35 Y-wings
For a flat price of $999,999,999,999
*80% of money wired upon confirmation*
*20% of money wired in advance*
Sry about the mix up
thats ok. order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
17-03-2004, 19:24
3 of everything. money wired upon confirmation
Order Confirmed.
17-03-2004, 20:39
I will take 20000 blue lightsabers (20000000$).
Money is being wired to your account.
I will take 1,000 red lightsabers and 1,000 ioncannons and 5,000 x-wings money wired upon conformation
18-03-2004, 01:34
i would like 5 million red light sabers 500 power generators and 500 shield generators please, money will be wired upon confirmation.
May I ask why you're spending 2% of your national budget on enough equipment for 21.7% of your population? Surely you don't have that many people who can use light sabers effectively...
Bazooka Romano
18-03-2004, 20:37
I will take 20000 blue lightsabers (20000000$).
Money is being wired to your account.
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
18-03-2004, 20:38
I will take 1,000 red lightsabers and 1,000 ioncannons and 5,000 x-wings money wired upon conformation
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
18-03-2004, 20:49
i would like 5 million red light sabers 500 power generators and 500 shield generators please, money will be wired upon confirmation.
May I ask why you're spending 2% of your national budget on enough equipment for 21.7% of your population? Surely you don't have that many people who can use light sabers effectively...
Dude, let him learn for himself. he's new. he will learn sometime, just like how u most likely did. And Papapotato, since ur new and were criticized, take 100 of those lightsabers for free.
The Dark Elite Samui
20-03-2004, 15:13
1 million Ewoks $25 each.
$25,000,000 8)
*money wired upon confirmation*
i will take 500 v-wings, and 500 a-wings money wirerd upon confirmation
Bazooka Romano
20-03-2004, 22:12
1 million Ewoks $25 each.
$25,000,000 8)
*money wired upon confirmation*
order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
20-03-2004, 22:15
i will take 500 v-wings, and 500 a-wings money wirerd upon confirmation
order confirmed
Can i have a army of 1000 ewoks
500 with lighsbers (green) and blaster pistols=812,000
300 with rifles=277,500
and 200 with at-st's=3,000,500
total: 4,090,000
Bazooka Romano
23-03-2004, 17:04
Can i have a army of 1000 ewoks
500 with lighsbers (green) and blaster pistols=812,000
300 with rifles=277,500
and 200 with at-st's=3,000,500
total: 4,090,000
order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
23-03-2004, 17:04
Can i have a army of 1000 ewoks
500 with lighsbers (green) and blaster pistols=812,000
300 with rifles=277,500
and 200 with at-st's=3,000,500
total: 4,090,000
order confirmed
Calum and his hair
26-03-2004, 20:18
i would like to order
1 deathstar 2 + a full compliment of X-wing fighters
money wired on confirmation of order :arrow: :mrgreen: :!: 8)
26-03-2004, 20:22
1 deathstar + full commpilment of tie fighters and bombersand 1 sith temple + 1 jedi temple plus 4 million duoble bladed light sabers monney wired when order confirmed
New age guilds
26-03-2004, 20:31
the trade nation of new age guilds would like to discuss production rights of these weapons. we would like you to come to aurumtopia to discus our proposal of selling and building these weapons on a mass scale :D
5 of everything but Ewoks, i want 1,000,000,000. cash (and booze) on delivery
Elite archers
30-03-2004, 00:46
i will have 2 jedi temples which is 100,000,000 and 1,000 of those little furry people. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Elite archers
30-03-2004, 00:46
i will have 2 jedi temples which is 100,000,000 and 1,000 of those little furry people. :lol: :lol: :lol:
03-04-2004, 22:03
Ten red single-bladed lightsabers. No questions asked. Money wired upon confirmation.
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:04
i would like to order
1 deathstar 2 + a full compliment of X-wing fighters
money wired on confirmation of order :arrow: :mrgreen: :!: 8)
you are quite young. the Death Star 2 is one quadrillion dollars. i dont think you have that much at all. check ur GDP calculator @
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:05
1 deathstar + full commpilment of tie fighters and bombersand 1 sith temple + 1 jedi temple plus 4 million duoble bladed light sabers monney wired when order confirmed
you also dont have enough money. check ur GDP clc also
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:08
the trade nation of new age guilds would like to discuss production rights of these weapons. we would like you to come to aurumtopia to discus our proposal of selling and building these weapons on a mass scale :D
why? i dont see any problem.
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:09
5 of everything but Ewoks, i want 1,000,000,000. cash (and booze) on delivery
well, you dont have enough money for even one death star. a death star is 1 quadrillion dollars. u definitely dont have enough
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:13
i will have 2 jedi temples which is 100,000,000 and 1,000 of those little furry people. :lol: :lol: :lol:
order confirmed
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:14
i will have 2 jedi temples which is 100,000,000 and 1,000 of those little furry people. :lol: :lol: :lol:
u know, u dont have to post it twice. jk. that happened to me before
Bazooka Romano
03-04-2004, 22:16
Ten red single-bladed lightsabers. No questions asked. Money wired upon confirmation.
order confirmed.
also, why would i ask?
04-04-2004, 13:32
want 1000 sith and jedi masters monney wiredon confermation
Bazooka Romano
06-04-2004, 15:52
want 1000 sith and jedi masters monney wiredon confermation
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
06-04-2004, 15:59
Due to negotiations outside of nationStates, I am saying "order confirmed" to Hard Rock Beyond for this order:
1 Death Star 2 equipped with
125 X-Wing Fighters
125 Y-Wing Fighters
125 V-Wing Fighters
125 A-Wing Fighters
125 B-Wing Fighters
125 Tie Bombers
125 Tie Fighters
125 Tie Interceptors
875 X-Wing Fighters
875 Y-Wing Fighters
875 V-Wing Fighters
875 A-Wing Fighters
875 B-Wing Fighters
875 Tie Bombers
875 Tie Fighters
875 Tie Interceptors
And to be a good Ally/Friend,
5 Millenium Falcons
can i order a custom item. can you fill a jedi temple with ewoks so they are ewok jedis i will pay 50% extra
Hard Rock Beyond
09-04-2004, 04:23
Due to negotiations outside of nationStates, I am saying "order confirmed" to Hard Rock Beyond for this order:
1 Death Star 2 equipped with
125 X-Wing Fighters
125 Y-Wing Fighters
125 V-Wing Fighters
125 A-Wing Fighters
125 B-Wing Fighters
125 Tie Bombers
125 Tie Fighters
125 Tie Interceptors
875 X-Wing Fighters
875 Y-Wing Fighters
875 V-Wing Fighters
875 A-Wing Fighters
875 B-Wing Fighters
875 Tie Bombers
875 Tie Fighters
875 Tie Interceptors
And to be a good Ally/Friend,
5 Millenium Falcons
Thanks for the Death Star II, I am thinking of calling it "Death <to Buckweed> Star II" ;-) if you know what I mean...
Underwater Asylum
09-04-2004, 04:35
Underwater Asylum
09-04-2004, 05:00
150000 Ewoks please. Money wired on confirmation.
We will take 1 Imperial Class Star destroyer.
And since these come equiped, that will be all. Money wired on confirmation.
Hard Rock Beyond
16-04-2004, 19:04
Erm, a Star Destroyer's specs are:
Length: 1600 Meters
Type: Cruiser
Weapons: 60 turbolaset emplacements, 10 tractor beam projectors, and an array of sensors and defensive shields.
Capacity: A full wing of 72 Tie-Fighters, 8 Lambda-class shuttles, 15 stormtrooper transports, 5 assault gunboats, along with Skipray Blastboats and Gamma-class assult shuttles, 20 AT-ATs, 30 AT-STs, and 9,700 stormtroopers/ground troops.
17-04-2004, 16:18
1- jedi temple (50 million)
1- sith temple (50 million)
100- jedi master (1.5 million)
100-sith master (1.5 million)
1,000- Jedi (500 million)
1,000 sith (500 million)
100- power generators (20 million)
50-shield generators (150 million)
1,000-Ion cannons (250 million)
100- A Wings (2.5 billion)
100- X Wing (2.5 billion)
100- T Interceptor (2.5 billion)
100- Tie Fighter (2 billion)
Total is 11,050,000,000
U may want to re-calculate this even though, i have checked it twice. well anyway, Great Store. Ill be back.
Star Wars Rocks
Sincerly Keith Bandit,
President of,
The Conquer
29-04-2004, 01:48
I would like to buy:
1000 X-Wing Fighters
1000Y-Wing Fighters
300 A-Wing Fighters
300 B-wing
300 V-Wing Fighter
1 death star
Money will be wired upon conformation.
20 Millenium Falcons
10,000,000 TIE Fighters
3 Death Stars
5,000,000 X-Wing fighters
Charge it to The Burnsian Desert account. Just take as much as you need. Not more than the actual price. I don't need to know that.
29-04-2004, 02:17
OOC: just like to point out that Boba and Jango used the same ship... Boba slightly modified it for his use. And your ATST picture is rather innacurate... other than that, not bad.
The Black Empire is interested in procuring 100 TIE Interceptors for an undisclosed purpose. We require that all serial numbers be stripped from these craft, and all paperwork and records of the construction and sale of these vessels be destroyed apon completion of the transaction. We will be willing to supply an additional $,00 USD (yes thats a trillion) for these adjustments. full payment will be wired apon the confirmation of this order.
Admiral Chikov, Iron Fleet procurement department.
You...sell...people? Kinda like slavery. (Sorry, not a Star Wars fan. Star Trek is good, though. :P )
Bazooka Romano
24-06-2004, 04:07
150000 Ewoks please. Money wired on confirmation.
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
24-06-2004, 04:11
1- jedi temple (50 million)
1- sith temple (50 million)
100- jedi master (1.5 million)
100-sith master (1.5 million)
1,000- Jedi (500 million)
1,000 sith (500 million)
100- power generators (20 million)
50-shield generators (150 million)
1,000-Ion cannons (250 million)
100- A Wings (2.5 billion)
100- X Wing (2.5 billion)
100- T Interceptor (2.5 billion)
100- Tie Fighter (2 billion)
Total is 11,050,000,000
U may want to re-calculate this even though, i have checked it twice. well anyway, Great Store. Ill be back.
Star Wars Rocks
Sincerly Keith Bandit,
President of,
Order Confirmed
Bazooka Romano
24-06-2004, 04:12
1- jedi temple (50 million)
1- sith temple (50 million)
100- jedi master (1.5 million)
100-sith master (1.5 million)
1,000- Jedi (500 million)
1,000 sith (500 million)
100- power generators (20 million)
50-shield generators (150 million)
1,000-Ion cannons (250 million)
100- A Wings (2.5 billion)
100- X Wing (2.5 billion)
100- T Interceptor (2.5 billion)
100- Tie Fighter (2 billion)
Total is 11,050,000,000
U may want to re-calculate this even though, i have checked it twice. well anyway, Great Store. Ill be back.
Star Wars Rocks
Sincerly Keith Bandit,
President of,
Order Confirmed