Brezhnekov condemns Al Anbar
09-03-2004, 09:23
Today Secretary General Brezhnekov has issued a press release calling Al Anbar a terrorist state for making its citizens vote with their blood.
Citing the barbarism of Saddam Hussien, Brezhnekov said that he was banning all trade with Al Anbar.
09-03-2004, 09:35
Condemn all you want, it's not like you can change anything. Barring trade does nothing and is simply pointless.
And voting with blood doesn't make them a terrorist state, George.
Premier Bomfy
Centrist Republic of Aequatio
Beth Gellert
09-03-2004, 09:36
Iskra!: Igo calls Brezhnekov "silly", quotes associated press report on Al Anbari situation
"Also common in many of the polling stations are people who will draw blood from you so that you can mark your card in your blood - reconfirming your loyalty to the government and to the President."
"Now let us consider Whitter's over-reaction." Said CPCS comrade Grame Igo, appearing at the New Gibborim Regional Senate.
"'General Brezhnekov has issued a press release calling Al Anbar a terrorist state for making its citizens vote with their blood.' And now Whitter has enacted economic sanctions upon Al Anbar? Well this is just silly, isn' it?" Asked the ever controversial and outspoken Civil Servant.
CCC comrade Chivo reassured worried economists that Brezhnekov's words, "banning all trade with Al Anbar" were meant for Whitter-ears only, and that the word all in this case referred only to that nation's interests.
"Isn't that right?" He asked, possibly of the Secretary General.
Hours after the announcement came from Whittier, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry decided to respond.
"The Arab Socialist Republic of Al Anbar condemns Whittier and their leadership for being racist and unaccepting of other customs and cultures. The people of Al Anbar can vote in any way, shape or form. If they wish to vote with their own blood, as is our tradition, then they can. If they wish vote by marking a box with a pencil or pen mark, then they can."
"It is nations like Whittier, however, that invoke racism against another people because they are unwilling to accept the traditions and customs of another people. Such people are the true terrorists for they invoke hatred and killing of anyone who does not conform to their culture."
09-03-2004, 09:41
Hours after the announcement came from Whittier, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry decided to respond.
"The Arab Socialist Republic of Al Anbar condemns Whittier and their leadership for being racist and unaccepting of other customs and cultures. The people of Al Anbar can vote in any way, shape or form. If they wish to vote with their own blood, as is our tradition, then they can. If they wish vote by marking a box with a pencil or pen mark, then they can."
"It is nations like Whittier, however, that invoke racism against another people because they are unwilling to accept the traditions and customs of another people. Such people are the true terrorists for they invoke hatred and killing of anyone who does not conform to their culture."
This does not change the fact that Saddam Hussein is a ruthless dictator, cause Brezhnekov said so.
Brezhnekov has a personal hatred for Hussien, a man who engaged in the ruthless killing of defenseless Kurds, Jews, Iranians, and Christians.
09-03-2004, 09:43
Iskra!: Igo calls Brezhnekov "silly", quotes associated press report on Al Anbari situation
"Also common in many of the polling stations are people who will draw blood from you so that you can mark your card in your blood - reconfirming your loyalty to the government and to the President."
"Now let us consider Whitter's over-reaction." Said CPCS comrade Grame Igo, appearing at the New Gibborim Regional Senate.
"'General Brezhnekov has issued a press release calling Al Anbar a terrorist state for making its citizens vote with their blood.' And now Whitter has enacted economic sanctions upon Al Anbar? Well this is just silly, isn' it?" Asked the ever controversial and outspoken Civil Servant.
CCC comrade Chivo reassured worried economists that Brezhnekov's words, "banning all trade with Al Anbar" were meant for Whitter-ears only, and that the word all in this case referred only to that nation's interests.
"Isn't that right?" He asked, possibly of the Secretary General.
OOC: The sanctions apply only to whittier businesses. Unless you wish to impose sanctions between your nation and Al Anbar.
Today Secretary General Brezhnekov has issued a press release calling Al Anbar a terrorist state for making its citizens vote with their blood.
Citing the barbarism of Saddam Hussien, Brezhnekov said that he was banning all trade with Al Anbar.
Just an advanced heads up, don't bother trying to war with him, he will always ignore you.