Declaration of War Against British Communists
We the Islamic Union of Mustava Al Kabiria have lost tollerence with British Communists for its failure to release Immam Mary Muhamed Al Allah. We renew our Jihad - Brothers join us against the infedels!! Allah!!!
By the grace of Allah shalalalaalalalalalalbi we shall be victorious!! Allah!! Allah!! Shalalalalalalalalalalbi!!
Dracun imperium
08-03-2004, 19:42
The dracun imperium declares war on Al Zabir. for being a terrorist nation.
ooc)-who shall start the war thread
Allah will bring floods to your shores!! Allah!! Shalalalalalbi!! Our people will matryr themselves to kill your people and turn your streets crimson!! Allah!! Shalalalalalbi!!!
OOC: You might as well use this one... however I would suggest that both sides try and be reasonable with their RP, otherwise it'll look bad and ignores will be handed out...
08-03-2004, 19:46
Mod-alert on this one too!
Dracun imperium
08-03-2004, 19:46
((ooc- im guessing that you>))
British Communists
08-03-2004, 19:50
I'm ignoring this because:
1: I could crush you without trying
2: Yesterday, you declared war on the region britain, which I'm not in, I just said i'd defend it
3) Yesterday, you used 4 nukes even though you were made a few days ago
4) You're an idiot
British Communists
08-03-2004, 19:51
I'm ignoring this because:
1: I could crush you without trying
2: Yesterday, you declared war on the region britain, which I'm not in, I just said i'd defend it
3) Yesterday, you used 4 nukes even though you were made a few days ago
4) You're an idiot
08-03-2004, 20:31
How sad I was just about to declear solidarity with you.