What the f***
whats the point of al this someone want to kill people because they kild there people and then some other guy will have revenge and then..........
its so stupid!!!! :x
Be silent or we will make you.
The Fedral Union
07-03-2004, 17:01
whats the point of al this someone want to kill people because they kild there people and then some other guy will have revenge and then..........
its so stupid!!!! :x :roll: :roll: *Prepares for a mod alert * i dont under stand what your trying to say ...
I believe he's trying to say "An eye for an eye and the whole world will be blind" as Gandhi put it.
The Fedral Union
07-03-2004, 17:05
Ahh i see. intresting qoute.
07-03-2004, 17:08
well n eye for an eye is only fair
The Fedral Union
07-03-2004, 17:09
Yes in a prmtive and barbaric state .. today we have laws.. and a court sytem though it may be overly curoped and caplitst it still works .
07-03-2004, 17:13
I know. barbarians rock
The Fedral Union
07-03-2004, 17:16
:lol: Heh nay one hear rember connan the barbarian ?
The major problem with the eye for an eye philosophy in international disputes, besides the fact that it is barbaric, is that when someone tries to deliver retribution, they often damage other targets as well eg the attack on Tokyo was supposed to be retribution after the attack on Pearl Harbor, yet caused death to 100,000 Japanese citizens who were not involved, nor did they know of, the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Global Peoples
07-03-2004, 17:20
You know, Martin Luther King Jr.'s son is even trying to get the man who assasinated his father off death row. He beleives that "death begets death" and that executing the man would be wrong.
Looking nito the eyes of your fathers killer and giving him mercy is something i think most average people are not capable of. There is a man who truly beleives that "an eye for an eye leaves the world blind."
The Fedral Union
07-03-2004, 17:22
I intened to agree with Global .. It wont work today like what the USA's doing now .. but i wont get in to that it would end up failing.
The major problem with the eye for an eye philosophy in international disputes, besides the fact that it is barbaric, is that when someone tries to deliver retribution, they often damage other targets as well eg the attack on Tokyo was supposed to be retribution after the attack on Pearl Harbor, yet caused death to 100,000 Japanese citizens who were not involved, nor did they know of, the attack on Pearl Harbor.
ummmm riiiiiight.
Tokyo went pretty much untouched.
I can only assume you are talking about the Atom bomb, America dropped two:
one on Hiroshima-8/7/45
one on Nagasaki-8/9/45
So ummm no, Tokyo was not supposed to be 'eye for an eye' on pearl harbor. It was realized that the Japanese would never surrender to a conventional military, to avoid a slaughter of American soldiers(which is what a good government does-avoids killing their own) they dropped the Bombs hoping the Japanese would surrender-they did- though many did not want to still.
Retribution indeed, I am surprised you can spell the word with a grasp of history that pathetic, you have to a product of American public education.
I take American Public Education, I'm just smart enough not to believe anything.
07-03-2004, 17:41
same. except thatamerican philosophy is messed up
If you don't know what you're speaking about, don't speak. The attack on Tokyo happened on April 18, 1942, and is known as Doolittle's Raid. It was staged in the early part of the Pacific Theater and was a plan for retribution against Japan.
If you don't know what you're speaking about, don't speak. The attack on Tokyo happened on April 18, 1942, and is known as Doolittle's Raid. It was staged in the early part of the Pacific Theater and was a plan for retribution against Japan.
Doolittle's raid killed how many?
What was that you said "If you don't know what you're speaking about, don't speak. " 100,000 people.
Doolittles raid comprised 16 planes,Doolittle's Raiders did essentially no damage -- except to the Japanese psyche.
IDIOT there were almost no casualites.
Roma Domani
07-03-2004, 17:52
An eye for an eye works only if everyone is completely honest.
The American court system only works if you have a lawyer who is willing to lie as much as you (under oath).
And people go on and on about the death penalty being inhumane and not working.
Well, here's my view on the whole thing.
You commit a crime, or are suspect of committing a crime, you have to prove your innocence, right? Right. (The American philosophy of "Innocent until proven guilty" is so flawed)
So, you go to court. You tell your side of the story, the other guy tells his side of the story, you get witnesses that tell their side of the story, lo and behold, there's a verdict.
Let's say the verdict is "guilty" and the sentencing is "death". Suddenly, you have hundreds of petitioners outside the prison saying "Murder's illegal! No exceptions" and other stuff like that.
Well, there's an old philosophy from the Norman-Saxon days. "All men are equal before the law, but no man is above the law". You violate a law, the law no longer protects you. Why should the law protect you when you broke it?
Eye for an eye justice? Hardly. You commit a crime, you deserve to be punished. The problem with justice is that it doesn't work with "eye-for-and-eye". The phrase "Eye for an eye justice" is an oxymoron.
Erutania, just in case you are still doubting your own stupidity.
that link will give each taget hit by the Doolittle raiders.
Also it was later, punned, that the DOOLITTLE Raiders DID LITTLE.
Dont go around misquoting history and spreading your own ignorance there are kids on this site who might believe you are actually correct.
I don't see how this thread belongs in the International Incidents forum.
The major problem with the eye for an eye philosophy in international disputes, besides the fact that it is barbaric, is that when someone tries to deliver retribution, they often damage other targets as well eg the attack on Tokyo was supposed to be retribution after the attack on Pearl Harbor, yet caused death to 100,000 Japanese citizens who were not involved, nor did they know of, the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Well, that's the thing.
Those Japanese citizens - or whomever - had nothing to do with it
Eye for eye works well enough on 1-1 situations, but en masse it
gets the innocent, and then everyone gets wrapped up in it.
I know this probably goes off the topic, but what the hey.
Remember Iraq, that little boy who got his limbs blasted off?
He had nothing to do with it. Yet he's going to grow up HATING
America and possibly the whole Western World for it.
You're looking at the next generation of suicide bombers, jihad
makers, grudge-holders.
If it had been 1-1 i.e. Bush had sent assassins or something to
get Saddam, that I could understand/forgive. But no.
One of the reasons for the war was to test military might, too.
I am sorry but you are still wrong. I know it's hard for you to leave your modern mentality and realize that in 1942 we didn't have any way to land bombs on a specific targoet like we do now. Dolittle's Raid was targeted at factories producing weapons for the Japanese military and a dock, however, not every bomb can land on its target in missions like this. The exact number of casulaties is unknown but according to the Japanese, it was approximately 100,000.
I am sorry but you are still wrong. I know it's hard for you to leave your modern mentality and realize that in 1942 we didn't have any way to land bombs on a specific targoet like we do now. Dolittle's Raid was targeted at factories producing weapons for the Japanese military and a dock, however, not every bomb can land on its target in missions like this. The exact number of casulaties is unknown but according to the Japanese, it was approximately 100,000.
ONe no they did not, they reported that they shot down nine of the 16 bombers, it was only 16 IDIOT, Two less then 100 people were killed.
Three, the accuracy of dropped bombs has not increased that much from WWII, obviously you are a history channel mouthbreather.
The raid inflicted little physical damage to Japan, but it gave a needed lift to morale in the United States. In Japan, the psychological damage of the attack was more important. The Doolittle Raid convinced Adm. Isoruku Yamamoto, chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet, that he had to extend Japan's defensive perimeter. He aimed the extension at Midway Island. If Japan held that strategic mid-Pacific atoll, no carrier task force could approach. The battle of Midway in June 1942, was a decisive victory for the United States. Many called Midway the turning point of the war in the Pacific.
Finally you inbreed simpleton slack jaw, this is what the Department of the Navy has to say about DooLittles Raid
Most of the sixteen B-25s, each with a five-man crew, attacked the Tokyo area, with a few hitting Nagoya. Damage to the intended military targets was modest, and none of the planes reached the Chinese airfields (though all but a few of their crewmen survived). However, the Japanese high command was deeply embarrassed. Three of the eight American airmen they had captured were executed. Spurred by Combined Fleet commander Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, they also resolved to eliminate the risk of any more such raids by the early destruction of America's aircraft carriers, a decision that led them to disaster at the Battle of Midway a month and a half later.
CHECK: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/wwii-pac/misc-42/dooltl.htm
Erutania, you are an idiot, flat out, stone cold idiot, too lazy to research something for even 5 minutes.
Your momma must be damned proud.
OH by the way Erutania, idiot, if check the payloads on those planes in order to even hope to have enough fuel to fly back, each plane was only armed with 4 500lb bombs.
D-mn you are stupid.
07-03-2004, 18:25
You know, Martin Luther King Jr.'s son is even trying to get the man who assasinated his father off death row. He beleives that "death begets death" and that executing the man would be wrong.
Looking nito the eyes of your fathers killer and giving him mercy is something i think most average people are not capable of. There is a man who truly beleives that "an eye for an eye leaves the world blind."
Now there's truth! We know MLK jr. is a better man than Dubya...after all, MLK was actually killed and here's his son, trying to give mercy to James Earl Ray...and yet, saddam only TRIED to have George H W Bush killed, and here went Dubya into Iraq with his Inigo Montoya routine!
This is why I call the Iraq War "Operation Inigo Montoya!" Because if it wasn't about oil, then THAT is what it was about.
If you don't know what you're speaking about, don't speak. The attack on Tokyo happened on April 18, 1942, and is known as Doolittle's Raid. It was staged in the early part of the Pacific Theater and was a plan for retribution against Japan.
IIRC, there was a later (March 9th, 1945) bombing raid against Tokyo, using conventional weapons, which resulted in 83,793 deaths - many more than Hiroshima. This may be the raid that you are thinking of.
07-03-2004, 18:33
The major problem with the eye for an eye philosophy in international disputes, besides the fact that it is barbaric, is that when someone tries to deliver retribution, they often damage other targets as well eg the attack on Tokyo was supposed to be retribution after the attack on Pearl Harbor, yet caused death to 100,000 Japanese citizens who were not involved, nor did they know of, the attack on Pearl Harbor.
ummmm riiiiiight.
Tokyo went pretty much untouched.
I can only assume you are talking about the Atom bomb, America dropped two:
one on Hiroshima-8/7/45
one on Nagasaki-8/9/45
So ummm no, Tokyo was not supposed to be 'eye for an eye' on pearl harbor. It was realized that the Japanese would never surrender to a conventional military, to avoid a slaughter of American soldiers(which is what a good government does-avoids killing their own) they dropped the Bombs hoping the Japanese would surrender-they did- though many did not want to still.
Retribution indeed, I am surprised you can spell the word with a grasp of history that pathetic, you have to a product of American public education.HEY!!! I take offense to that! I'm a product of American Public Education, have an I.Q. of 160, and carried a 4.0 GPA while in Paralegal School. I'm currently on hiatus from school because of work demands...and, besides, once I've been at my current company for a year, they will PAY for my college...so I took a break from school.
My momma didn't raise any dummies. Wait, I take that back...I DO have a brother...
Anyway, my point is, not all proucts of the American Public Education system are dumb. A lot are, because you're right, our education has been dumbed down...intentionally, I think, because of the cookie-cutter mentality we seem to have in this country, we don't really want standouts...we want everyone at the same level...and therefore, they teach to the lowest common denominator.
This is why I ended up going to charter and magnet schools. They were STILL a part of the American Public Education system...but, they were designed for people like me, who were way advanced, and would not tolerate being held back because some of my classmates were dummies!
Hell, my dad, when he was alive, used to tell of me reading newspapers at freaking four years old. Before I even entered kindergarten, I knew the multiplication tables to 12, and by third grade I was taking Algebra!
So I'm a little offended that you seem to think all proucts of American Public Education are stupid, becuase I'm not. I'll run circles around you in any academic test you care to challenge me to!
07-03-2004, 18:43
The major problem with the eye for an eye philosophy in international disputes, besides the fact that it is barbaric, is that when someone tries to deliver retribution, they often damage other targets as well eg the attack on Tokyo was supposed to be retribution after the attack on Pearl Harbor, yet caused death to 100,000 Japanese citizens who were not involved, nor did they know of, the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Well, that's the thing.
Those Japanese citizens - or whomever - had nothing to do with it
Eye for eye works well enough on 1-1 situations, but en masse it
gets the innocent, and then everyone gets wrapped up in it.
I know this probably goes off the topic, but what the hey.
Remember Iraq, that little boy who got his limbs blasted off?
He had nothing to do with it. Yet he's going to grow up HATING
America and possibly the whole Western World for it.
You're looking at the next generation of suicide bombers, jihad
makers, grudge-holders.
If it had been 1-1 i.e. Bush had sent assassins or something to
get Saddam, that I could understand/forgive. But no.
One of the reasons for the war was to test military might, too.
Ah, but here's the problem with that...our U.S. law actually prohibits assassination attempts against foreign leaders. not that Bush actually cares much about U.S. law, as his trashing of the constitution clearly demonstrates! but it is in the U.S. Code. I'd have to look up where, as I do not know it off the top of my head, but it's there.
I'm a product of American Public Education, have an I.Q. of 160, and carried a 4.0 GPA while in Paralegal School.
Woah! Your a genius? (IQ 160 = genius) Wow, you make me feel dumb. (mine's only 147 and I'm 13 years old)
08-03-2004, 04:40
I'm a product of American Public Education, have an I.Q. of 160, and carried a 4.0 GPA while in Paralegal School.
Woah! Your a genius? (IQ 160 = genius) Wow, you make me feel dumb. (mine's only 147 and I'm 13 years old)
Don't feel dumb...I'm impressed! 147 at age 13 kicks ass! Nice to see a teenage standout in a country and culture that seems to so empasize underachievement as being "cool" and overachievement to be "nerd."
You just tell them all...let's compare salaries in 10 years, and see if yiu would rather be "cool" or a "nerd." And walk off.
08-03-2004, 05:06
You do understand that the IQ does not sum up your intellect.
Rather it graphs a very small degree of knowledge.
I scored 147 in 8th grade, I score a common mean of 138 now(15 years later), the variance on my score is between 150 on the high side and 128.
Except for the "Mensa IQ Test"(scored an 88, talk about ego crushing).
Genius is a term we throw around far too much, you have an IQ of 160, very impressive, I bet I know a couple of guy who can hardly write their name that could be quite taxing in a battle of wits.
Or the lexdysic? Who cant score above 70 on the test, but after 'learning' the nature of their handicap, the are knocking down differential equations like lattes at a starbucks.
ehhh Just ranting because of the inaccurate system used for creating a false sense of intellectual elitism.
08-03-2004, 10:45
You do understand that the IQ does not sum up your intellect.
Rather it graphs a very small degree of knowledge.
I scored 147 in 8th grade, I score a common mean of 138 now(15 years later), the variance on my score is between 150 on the high side and 128.
Except for the "Mensa IQ Test"(scored an 88, talk about ego crushing).
Genius is a term we throw around far too much, you have an IQ of 160, very impressive, I bet I know a couple of guy who can hardly write their name that could be quite taxing in a battle of wits.
Or the lexdysic? Who cant score above 70 on the test, but after 'learning' the nature of their handicap, the are knocking down differential equations like lattes at a starbucks.
ehhh Just ranting because of the inaccurate system used for creating a false sense of intellectual elitism.
Well, I wouldn't say it was an "inaccurate system used for creating a false sense of itellectul elitism," as you put it, but there's some truth in what you say. IQ tests generally tend to measure just how much knowledge you can regurgitate on command. And different tests will give different results, but it's intended to be a general guideline, I guess. I mean, I know a few folk that aren't good test-takers, but they are whizzes in day-to-day practice in high-skill technical jobs...jobs even I couldn't do. Then there are folks who run circles around me in academic tests..they got the "book smarts," but in life-smarts, they are dumb-asses. It's good to have something of a balance of the two, I think.
I ended up taking the Mensa Entrance Exam, failed by two questions. Had I gotten two more right, I'd have been in. Oh, well.
I think I got a pretty good balance of book smarts, life smarts, and debating skills, so I'm happy. Now I just gotta get my ass back to school, finish my degree, then I can take off like a rocket. Things keep getting in the way, though...things like the cost of living, overtime at work, blah, blah...I'm in a rut, a dead-end piece-of-shit job any trained chimp could do right now, but I'm there for one reason only: FREE COLLEGE TUITION! That's right, my company will pay for my college. And it isn't a dead-end company...far from, it's a Fortune 500. Just the job I'm in has nothing available but lateral movement. One needs the education to move up.
then again, I know people who got the sheepskin, and they are still dumb-asses...but at least the sheepskin is your ticket to ride the merry-go-round. Doesn't mean you'll grab the brass ring, but at least it gives you a chance to TRY.
I like to kid around with people that I'm a member of what I call KOOKS (Keeper Of Odd Knowledge Society) because whenever anyone has a really weird question, or even a fairly mundane, trivial sort of thing, they ask me...figuring I have it somewhere in my store. And usually I do.
For example, once a guy bet me that, in one hour, I could not name all 50 states. He told me he'd been pulling this one on people for years, and people would always come up with, like 48 or 49...and couldn't figure out which one they were missing. So I took him up on it...grabbed a paper and pen, told him to time me...and in half an hour, I came up with all 50 states, their capitals, and all 43 U.S. Presidents, in chronological order.
This guy STILL goes on, telling people all about that. And so my reputation kinda spread where I work, and, like I said...now everyone comes to me with their odd questions.
But I still am self-effacing, and don't really believe I'm better than anyone else. I still out my pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else, you know it?
So, anyway, that is my reasoned response to your posting. You do make some valid points in your post (and I liked the way you intentionally misspelled "dyslexic" that was sorta funny, actually.) You DID do that on purpose, didn't you?? :lol:
At any rate, it is late, I just got off from doing some O.T. at work...I went in Saturday night at 11PM and left just 45 minutes ago, at 3AM Sunday (just put in 4 hours) but it makes the difference during the week, now I don't have to kill myself during the week to do all the freaking mandatory overtime my boss is imposing.
I hate the hell out of mandatory overtime. You can't win with mandatory overtime. You do it, it's expected of you, and that's it...and you feel walked on, and you feel like a moron for allowing yourself to get abused that way. At least when the overtime is VOLUNTARY...and you do it...you get brownie points. But this way, you get noting...well, except the shaft. But the paycheck's nice. Wish I had a life, though...