Crazy colloys attack Lamezville
Crazy colloys attack Lamezville because of atempts of bringing piece and no weapons.
Well, that's not a very nice thing to do now is it. If he has no weapons then whats the point of attacking him. But why attack him for trying to bring peace. Peace is good. Oh no are you going to attack me now!? :cry: You make me cry.
If you proceed with this attack, GameFAQ will have no choice but to use force.
Crazy colloys attack Lamezville because of atempts of bringing piece and no weapons.
attack him with what? bannanas? thats about all the weapons you have!
British Communists
07-03-2004, 15:42
If you proceed with this cowardly attack on a defenceless nation, we will personally invade you, split you up, give each part to an allie to destory, or occupy you and kill your leader. You have been warned.
I will also send in troops along with the others. This is a sad attack, that should be condemned.
- John Carter
Secretary of Defense
We most graciously thank all those that are willing to come to our aid and we hope that one day our nation will be able to repay this act of kindness.
Monte Castello
07-03-2004, 16:03
Crazy Colloys, you would be crushed under the might of the Monte Castellan United Armed Services. Withdraw your pitiful attack. Our state of armed neutrality extends to preventing international upstarts such as yourself from embroiling the world in conflict.
Withdraw, or I will use force.