Hey I just joined and I was wondering how the wars worked? It seems that will be the most fun part of this? I figured I'll probably be involved in quite a few wars and was wondering how it all worked. Thanks a Lot
yea how do wars work...i have 1 person i would like to wage war against but i dont even know if i can :(
06-03-2004, 04:12
Hey I just joined and I was wondering how the wars worked? It seems that will be the most fun part of this? I figured I'll probably be involved in quite a few wars and was wondering how it all worked. Thanks a Lot
You can always read the stickys, they are a good place to start. You should also observe some RP's before you join one.
Hey I just joined and I was wondering how the wars worked? It seems that will be the most fun part of this? I figured I'll probably be involved in quite a few wars and was wondering how it all worked. Thanks a Lot
Wars can be fun, but they need to be worked on and they can be dangerous for younger nations, as alot of nations can be pretty vicious when dealing with nations they see as smallers then them.
The best bet is to read the Sticky Posts at the top which tell you the basics of the game play... even with the advice from these it can be hard, so like someone else said, sit back and read some of the more interesting wars...
Most of nationstates is about telling a story, it's not about winning because no one can win. Not in the long term. Remember that if you really want to go to war make sure your reasons are good, as alot of people jump on nations who start wars for no reason...
Personally I've been in this game for over a year now and I've only just started looking at wars... even then I've not really ever got to attack anyone. In each case I just carefully deployed and then it ended. I don't go for war personally, I like the diplomacy...
In the end, what you RP (roleplay) is up to you.