Uncontrolled testing, someone help!!!
New Vuhifell
06-03-2004, 03:23
Yesterday at exactly 4:30 Eastern Standard Time, the United Staes of New Vuhifell eywitnessed one of the most catostrophic incidents in our history. 3 Months ago the Nations space agency and the military launched a Very Secret, Very Powerful weaopon into the earths atmosphere. It was a space based Ion Cannon. It was supposed to be tested at the Lions Heart Air Force Base near the Capital. Instead what NV got was this out of its capital, with armed soldiers having to act as rescue agents.
My government is offering a 1,000,000,000,000 USD budget to help with the detoxification, cleanup, and rescue in the area.
06-03-2004, 03:40
Retenstienalburg would like to offer their support to your peoples. How may we help you recover what you've lost?
Atroxia will not help you. You wished to build a weapon of unimaginable power that only the God of Atroxia could control. So much evil and destructiveness in the hands of a man is unthinkable. Because of this I have decided to send the Holy Hand of Atrox to your capital. They shall recover all information on this weapon and destroy it immediately. Any resistance to the Hand will result in a seven day bombardment of your second most populous city.This shall be a lesson to others who decide they want to become a god.
Cavani can offer assistance. Some of our citizens are expatriates of countries who have experimented with similar technology. We ask a lower price, only $25,000,000 in pay, plus you giving up pursuit of the technology.
06-03-2004, 04:14
Blargistania will offer to send a civil defence group to augment the military, we will also provide several reconstruction crews for the area and ten full Hazmat teams to begin to spray and treat the requested area. We ask in return an abandonment of the space ion cannonm tech. as well as lodging for my people while they are helping your nation.
Magas Volaer
06-03-2004, 04:24
Dear Gods...
The Federation of Magas Volaer has en route 1 Malipulus (160 men) of Imperial Sarduakar (Elite) and 1 Legion (6000 men) of Imperial Soldiers, as well as medical teams to care for wounded, supply convoys, and HAZMAT teams.
New Vuhifell
14-03-2004, 18:57
thank you all for your help, with the exception of the hand guy......
New Vuhifell will abondon it's Space weapon research as well as wire your money through a transfer once the immediate area of 4.5 Square miles has been cleaned up and detoxified, out of the 725,000 people living in and around the capital, NV Troops have only found so far 175,000, most of which are severly injured.
Central Facehuggeria
14-03-2004, 19:06
Atroxia will not help you. You wished to build a weapon of unimaginable power that only the God of Atroxia could control. So much evil and destructiveness in the hands of a man is unthinkable. Because of this I have decided to send the Holy Hand of Atrox to your capital. They shall recover all information on this weapon and destroy it immediately. Any resistance to the Hand will result in a seven day bombardment of your second most populous city.This shall be a lesson to others who decide they want to become a god.
IC: That is not a good idea, lest you discover copius amounts of troops getting ready to invade your country...
Any hostile action against New Vuhifell by the nation of Atroxia will result in the immediate deployment of troops.
[code:1:d928e98ecc]To New Vuhifell;
CF Hazardous materials teams can be deployed to assist you.[/code:1:d928e98ecc]
14-03-2004, 19:20
All of Durtistan is horrified at the loss of life.
The engineer and medical and support elements (including Blackhawk helicopters) of the 1st Mechanized Airborne Division have been dispatched, along with two battalions of soldiers (for muscle power and security) to provide immediate humanitarian aid.
41 Squadron, our medical transport specialists, are sending C-9 Nightingales and the entirety of 50 Squadron (16 C-5s) will be placed at your disposal.
The government will also provide 500,000,000 oobles worth of emergency aid supplies: tents, medical supplies, food, etc etc. This includes 12,000,000 of charitable aid raised by our civilian population.
New Exodus
14-03-2004, 19:33
The Colony of New Exodus is a regrettably small nation, and we are unable to send monetary aid. However, we will gladly send our finest Humanitarian Aid Battalion, the First Samaritans. They specialize in evacuating people from disaster areas and providing basic medical treatment.
New Exodus
14-03-2004, 19:34
The Colony of New Exodus is a regrettably small nation, and we are unable to send monetary aid. However, we will gladly send our finest Humanitarian Aid Battalion, the First Samaritans. They specialize in evacuating people from disaster areas and providing basic medical treatment.
New Vuhifell
14-03-2004, 19:59
As far as the Ion Cannon Research goes it will be slowed down, however, more information will be released to the open public upon Successful testing of the Ion Cannon, this weapon is truly amazing and if Me and my region continue research it can provide well being in aid to our defense. Thank you all for your Monetary and Humanitarian support. However Ion Cannon Testing will stay unfazed, but the testing will not be on Earth. Instead It shall be on the asteroid belt and on the dozens of Gas giants in our galaxy.
Ion cannon firing photo
Adornia is willing to offer as much aid as nessecary to help rebuild the city. We are currently sending a 3 dozen large transport planes with medical, food, water, and construction materials. We are also sending 2 full strength regiments (2,000 men each) of Adornian Marines to assist with Civil Defense, distritibution of supplies and site security. They are currently en route via transport plane and long range heliocopter. Each regiment has a dozen armored cars and 2 transport heliocopters to assist.
New Vuhifell
14-03-2004, 20:39
well, cleanup and recovery are almost done, and our capital is almost as wonderful as it used to be. After all, it has been 4 motnhs since I fired the Cannon, and I was just showing the downtown outskirts of it. Well thanks for your support in help, the money will be wired to your accounts soon
Hivez: NV Capital City
New Exodus
14-03-2004, 21:25
We are happy to have been of service, although we would request some basic power generation technology in place of money.
15-03-2004, 00:08
We too have no need of money. but we are interested in perhaps contributing to your project.
Durtistan's premiere information systems defence contractor, The Critical Faculty, would be happy to contribute whatever you need, partly for the experience with directed energy systems but mostly to do what we can to make sure this tragedy is never repeated.
On another note, the Protectorate Armed Forces thank you for the work-out.
New Vuhifell
19-03-2004, 21:58
Sure, I'll donate some power generation. Just tell me what type you want
Nuclear Generation
Fusion Power
Ion Power
I.E. The other superweapons NV has and it's other types of advanced power generation are classified.
19-03-2004, 22:03
Fusion, please. We've already got Fission reactors, so it's a step up without being a leap.
That would be amazing.
19-03-2004, 22:05
I, Emperor Jake of the Federation of Cassopia, will send my National Guard to help with the detoxification and recover the wounded, infected and dead.
New Vuhifell
19-03-2004, 22:52
Fusion it is. And for all of y7ou who helped out, there is a 1,000,000,000 USD reward in it for all of you, wether you wanted the money or not, you saved thousands, helped rebuild Hivez, and supported the cause. Thank you.
We are sending our mediacal Hummvee field ambulances to help the injured. We are also sending CH-60 Blackhawks for Med-evac. Engineers will help with rebuilding. We are sending steel and wood for rebuilding supplies.