Terronian New Youth Army
06-03-2004, 01:28
My country is know begining to draft boys of ages 13 to 16 for the Terronian youth army. We are also urging other countrys to do the same. My youth soldiers are being equiped with smaller versions of XR-20 rifles.
They are right know being trained and by the end of training i will have 300,000 boys ready to go.
06-03-2004, 01:32
The Commonwealth of Auslandreich thinks education important, hence you can not expect us to introduce your policy.
Eternal FIame
06-03-2004, 01:39
If I ever get in a war with you I'll have to remember to lead them less.
"The policy of drafting children into the military is a gross violation of human rights. The Socialist Empire of Edolia strongly condemns military drafts in general and especially the drafting of children."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister for Foreign Affairs
06-03-2004, 01:48
At present in Nimzonia, Military training is mandatory from the age of 12, in preparation for compulsory military service from the age of 18. Training is scheduled in such a way not to interfere with the education of individuals involved, and we feel that it promotes a feeling of national identity among our youth, as well as producing disciplined, hard-working citizens with a sense of shared experience.
However, we do not allow individuals younger than 18 to be placed on active service, and certainly do not make it compulsory.
Dr Erik Mennstein,
Nimzonian Foreign Secretary.
06-03-2004, 01:48
the youth brigade is a volunteer army but to get in up and unning we had to draft. Also the boys in the youth brigade recieve a better education then reguler Terronian biys and will peobaly get better jobs when they leave the army becuase we put that they served in the youth army on there resamays.
06-03-2004, 01:51
My army is alos traing some of the young boys to drive the new OD-12 Youth Tank and to drive jeeps. We are also planning on teaching them to use light mortar artillery. We need these boys to be able to compete with men on the battlefield.
06-03-2004, 01:51
Dontgonearthere has a very active JROTC program, turning out fine young gentlemen with a bright future in the doorstop production industry.
06-03-2004, 01:53
Dontgonearthere has a very active JROTC program, turning out fine young gentlemen with a bright future in the doorstop production industry.
see someone who agrees that youth armys are good. Also if someone in my country join the youth army they dont have to go into the compusatory Terronian Poeples Army. Also im not gonna put there boys in very hazardous conditions i will put them in more of supporting battles.
06-03-2004, 01:54
I feel that children soldiers are pointless. They have know deep emotional connection with the great land of Walkenstone until the age of about 17 when they become more politically aware. But until then why use trigger happy pre-pubescent children, when theres plenty of asylum seekers looking for a way out of poverty, and a good mandate to stay in our wonderful country.
06-03-2004, 01:58
the youth brigade is a volunteer army but to get in up and unning we had to draft. Also the boys in the youth brigade recieve a better education then reguler Terronian biys and will peobaly get better jobs when they leave the army becuase we put that they served in the youth army on there resamays.
Nimzonia Network News (NNN) broadcast:
"The Republic's foreign secretary, Dr Erik Mennstein, recieved hospital treatment today after an accident at his office. According to government sources, he started to choke on a donut, while laughing at a foreign mangling of the word 'resumé', and was subject to an overly enthusiastic heimlich maneouver from a 300lb clerk."
06-03-2004, 02:31
the youth brigade is a volunteer army but to get in up and unning we had to draft. Also the boys in the youth brigade recieve a better education then reguler Terronian biys and will peobaly get better jobs when they leave the army becuase we put that they served in the youth army on there resamays.
Nimzonia Network News (NNN) broadcast:
"The Republic's foreign secretary, Dr Erik Mennstein, recieved hospital treatment today after an accident at his office. According to government sources, he started to choke on a donut, while laughing at a foreign mangling of the word 'resumé', and was subject to an overly enthusiastic heimlich maneouver from a 300lb clerk."
i wasnt spelling resume i was trying to spell the word for work application resamae.
06-03-2004, 02:31
OOC: i was hopin he would die on that donut.
06-03-2004, 02:34
The first youth army soldiers are paraded down Tabolov Sqaure in the capitol city Terria. The boys are met with whisky, music, girls, and familys they havent seen in years.
06-03-2004, 02:35
i wasnt spelling resume i was trying to spell the word for work application resamae.
Yes, that would be resumé.
06-03-2004, 02:37
OOC: oh okay but just saying that your skin is really tiny so i woundt be condradicting nations yet.
06-03-2004, 02:39
first 300 OD-12 youth tanks roll out of Opulent Military Systems factory in Terria.
06-03-2004, 02:40
OOC: I'll contradict any nation I like, thank you very much.
06-03-2004, 02:42
OOC: I'll contradict any nation I like, thank you very much.
ahahahahahahahahahahaha (spit)