NationStates Roleplay Rules and Recommendations
I was thinking, we tell newbies and n00bs to read the stickies and we do have some useful ones. However, we need one that is a huge complete thread on rules and recommendations for roleplaying. Discuss the idea here and (hopefully) several good RPers will be able to make one.
04-03-2004, 02:12
true. we have a lot to help them out, but we could always use more. we should put a good example of RP'ing in here too, so they can learn from that.
Yes. Any idea where to start?
Kurai Nami
04-03-2004, 02:32
Pray tell, who will be the judge of what is a "good RP" and what is'nt?..
I am all for to help people get started :) , but how will this thread help in they way all the others have'nt??
1) It will combine elements, making a more convienent reference.
2) It will have sample RPs.
3) It will have an FAQ.
4) It will actually list rules and recommendations by skilled RPers and mods.
04-03-2004, 03:02
Why should I accept.
I think that as long as none of the site rules are broken, it should up to the thread's authors' to make the rules for their threads.
04-03-2004, 03:04
Why should I accept.
I think that as long as none of the site rules are broken, it should up to the thread's authors' to make the rules for their threads.
Why should I accept.
I think that as long as none of the site rules are broken, it should up to the thread's authors' to make the rules for their threads.
In order for RPing to actually be enjoyable - common rules need to be followed. You can certainly choose to not have rules in your RPs - but I won't RP with you.
Remember Max designed this game so there can be no winner - that means that the only enjoyment is in the experience.
04-03-2004, 03:32
Why should I accept.
I think that as long as none of the site rules are broken, it should up to the thread's authors' to make the rules for their threads.
true, but there are certain guidelines one should follow, such as, GDP spending, military of your population, and learning how to RP probably so that we can prevent "My troops are in your territory diguised as citizens, and we took you over." and "I NUKED YOU< YOU"RE DEAD" type of things. I'm all for everyone coming up with their own RP styles, but there's certain things we just can't allow.
04-03-2004, 03:33
Would could also point them to the Archives for plenty of RP examples.
04-03-2004, 03:35
Pray tell, who will be the judge of what is a "good RP" and what is'nt?..
I am all for to help people get started :) , but how will this thread help in they way all the others have'nt??
there are a lot of threads out there to help people how to RP, but you have to admit, it can be hard for a newbie to find these. It would be nice to just have a sticky full of everything, right there, so he can find it immediately.
Max didn't design the game with free-form forum-based RP in mind though, did he?
I'd say reccomendations is the word, and don't want to get bogged down in rules.. but then I'm not really complaining, because anyone worth RPing with will ignore inapropriate rules anyway. I might just stop typing, then.
We can allow absolutely anything if all involved are in agreement. And hey, at the moment Dra-pol has a US$750-1,250 per capita GDP and a 34% militiary budget, but that doesn't match with my national profile. No one with whom I've seriously RP'd ever minded such distance from what might be considered 'the rules'.
The best way to learn is to read, and to relax. If you need strict rules to be laid down you probably shouldn't be involved in free-form RP. Go play Risk.
(Really, relax and read. Works better than regulating and worrying.)
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
Get Daggoth ressurected.
04-03-2004, 03:58
Max didn't design the game with free-form forum-based RP in mind though, did he?
I'd say reccomendations is the word, and don't want to get bogged down in rules.. but then I'm not really complaining, because anyone worth RPing with will ignore inapropriate rules anyway. I might just stop typing, then.
We can allow absolutely anything if all involved are in agreement. And hey, at the moment Dra-pol has a US$750-1,250 per capita GDP and a 34% militiary budget, but that doesn't match with my national profile. No one with whom I've seriously RP'd ever minded such distance from what might be considered 'the rules'.
The best way to learn is to read, and to relax. If you need strict rules to be laid down you probably shouldn't be involved in free-form RP. Go play Risk.
(Really, relax and read. Works better than regulating and worrying.)
I fully agree. These guys are way too stiff on rules.
04-03-2004, 03:59
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
Get Daggoth ressurected.
I second.
Well, not exactly guidelines or recomendations, but I put together a few of the things that i have found since I've joined here. ( Which would be a help along with any other guidelines and such.
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
Get Daggoth ressurected.
I second.
:shock: !
How? Do i pm a mod about the subject?
Hmm, i'll do some sticky browsing then...
Read stickies in moderation forum.
04-03-2004, 04:07
I was a member here before :B. I got an idea of how things run (for those of u who remember "Daggoth," that's me.)
Get Daggoth ressurected.
I second.
:shock: !
How? Do i pm a mod about the subject?
Hmm, i'll do some sticky browsing then...Go to the get help page and just ask.
04-03-2004, 04:09
Why should I accept.
I think that as long as none of the site rules are broken, it should up to the thread's authors' to make the rules for their threads.
true, but there are certain guidelines one should follow, such as, GDP spending, military of your population, and learning how to RP probably so that we can prevent "My troops are in your territory diguised as citizens, and we took you over." and "I NUKED YOU< YOU"RE DEAD" type of things. I'm all for everyone coming up with their own RP styles, but there's certain things we just can't allow.
That's the point, they are just guidelines. You don't have to follow them. All the things you listed are supposed to be worked out between the nations that are rping with each other, not imposed by someone else.
Read stickies in moderation forum.
Found it :D. Thanks alot.
This is from my (in?)famous sticky on the topic of godmoding, which has somehow gotten unstickied. ;_; So I thought I'd post it here. :P
Godmoding is:
Saying what happens to other people's stuff. Example: "Okay, I just blew up 300,000 of your troops!"
Why this is Godmoding: Because in FreeForm Roleplay, it's up to the person being attacked to determine their own losses. This leads to...
Refusing to take any losses. Or lose. Ever. Example: "Oh, well, my soldiers had personal forcefields so none of them were actually hurt. "
Why this is Godmoding: This is probably where godmoding gets its name (from God Mode in Doom, where you were invincible after typing IDDQD). Naturally, if nobody ever takes a hit, the fight degenerates into "I HIT YOU!" "NO YOU DIDN'T!", etc.
Having übertech, armies that are too large, etc.Example: A 2 day old nation with a population of 6 million posts "My 6 billion man army in vades u with NUKES!!!!1"
Why this is Godmoding: Okay, little guy nations, I know you're anxious to start throwing your weight around, but let's be honest; you are piddling nothings when you first start out in the world. You really shouldn't start with nukes, and your army shouldn't ever be more than 5% of your population(that's for what you can field...the rest represents non-coms, supply lines, factories, etc). See this incredible, yet sadly unstickied, thread for details:
As for Übertech, I cite Kit's Theory Of Technological Relativity: A properly thrown rock will kill you just as dead as a phased reverse-neutron-polarity plasma incinerator. It's not the type of technology you have, it's how you use it.
04-03-2004, 05:00
Here's what not to do:
that's my contribution. heh.
Would could also point them to the Archives for plenty of RP examples.
I've tried threads that link to others. I have two stickies of the such in the NationStates forum. However, a lot of newbies don't want to read hundreds of pages just to get the concept of RPing down.
This is from my (in?)famous sticky on the topic of godmoding, which has somehow gotten unstickied. ;_; So I thought I'd post it here. :P
Godmoding is:
Saying what happens to other people's stuff. Example: "Okay, I just blew up 300,000 of your troops!"
Why this is Godmoding: Because in FreeForm Roleplay, it's up to the person being attacked to determine their own losses. This leads to...
Refusing to take any losses. Or lose. Ever. Example: "Oh, well, my soldiers had personal forcefields so none of them were actually hurt. "
Why this is Godmoding: This is probably where godmoding gets its name (from God Mode in Doom, where you were invincible after typing IDDQD). Naturally, if nobody ever takes a hit, the fight degenerates into "I HIT YOU!" "NO YOU DIDN'T!", etc.
Having übertech, armies that are too large, etc.Example: A 2 day old nation with a population of 6 million posts "My 6 billion man army in vades u with NUKES!!!!1"
Why this is Godmoding: Okay, little guy nations, I know you're anxious to start throwing your weight around, but let's be honest; you are piddling nothings when you first start out in the world. You really shouldn't start with nukes, and your army shouldn't ever be more than 5% of your population(that's for what you can field...the rest represents non-coms, supply lines, factories, etc). See this incredible, yet sadly unstickied, thread for details:
As for Übertech, I cite Kit's Theory Of Technological Relativity: A properly thrown rock will kill you just as dead as a phased reverse-neutron-polarity plasma incinerator. It's not the type of technology you have, it's how you use it.
You're back! Wait. How did you get your creation date set back to the original? Mine was reset from March 16 to November when my nation was resurrected.
I'm always in favour of any effort to improve roleplaying skills in NS.
To that end, I created Role Play University.
Would you include the link to my thread in your reference list?
Once this thread is set up, yes I will include your link. However, I'd also include a link to my own academy which I created after you didn't except me as a teacher in your's.
I need to get ideas together so I can get the thread together...
06-03-2004, 00:57
Good luck with this nanak.