Der Liom Peace Summit (Invite)
Due to the growing problems in Der Liom over occupation by various "Communist" Nations, Iuthia is offer all sides the chance for proper diplomatic discussion over how to end occupation and how long it will take.
In part this summit is hoping to achieve the following, (if they have already been achieved then please make a note of it in this thread):
> All "freedom-fighters" within Der Liom should stand down and stop fighting... I would not ask them to disarm until their nation is no longer occupied. (Only Der Liom can state they have stood down, though nations opperating their own gorrilla fighters in Der Liom can stand their men down).
> All occupying nations should restore local government by using the orginal local government to fulfill this task. They can be trusted because they are not the nations government as a whole as they only represent local councils.
> The walls should be taken down, they are not helping to stop freedom fighters and they only serve to further split the nation up... the walls are damaging and it will look good to the people if they were removed. If not all factions agree then the one who are willing to remove walls should do so between agreeing fations, uniting the nation again.
> All occupying nations should reduce their military in Liom to show the people they trust them... the current level of military within Liom is more akin to a police state and as such the people will be intimidated. Lighter troops should be used to police and not rule each quarter.
> All occupying nations should further make the populace trust them through the use of food and medical aid to the people... they're nation will not run properly under occupation until they can trust those in charge.
> All occupying nation should eventually (within a couple months of setting up councils) set up democratic elections for leadership of Liom. Communism must not be forced on the people or they will reject it.
> Hopefully the above will show Liom that the occupying nations are not all that bad... with careful work and cooperation from both sides it may eventually end up with the nation trusting communism more.
> The occupying nation, once they have set up a national government should leave the nation to become soveriegn once again. Ending occupation. This may be followed by exchange of embassies so that they can all have better relations.
Please discuss whether your faction would agree to all or parts of these actions. We want to end occupation without military problems.
I have Lioms support in this and I can make sure that both he and others will stop fighting... if only you can give their nation back.
All of these can be changed to suit each faction, but they are the best way for everyone to be happy.
British Communists
02-03-2004, 20:20
We are thankful for this confrence, and hope it can solve these problems. We agree to all of those terms eventually, but I think that the country should be kept in 4 quaters, renamed provinces, not under our occupation, but run by provincial governments voted for by the people, we support this as a form of self-determination. If Der Liom is telling the truth about his amontu of support, then the 4 provinces should be reunited under him in no time. There will be NO military presence from any nation, including Der Liom at the time of the vote, and if any province votes to be run seperately from Der Liom, their wishes must be respected, then in a few more years, a vote can be held again, under the same conditions - NO military from any nation to see if they wish to rejoin Der Liom. If not, they must have independance, until the people themselves want an election. These are terms which we feel are fairest, and we are of course open to suggestions.
Oh, and this is a final warning to FluffyMooCows, if you threaten, abuse, or insult us again, we will invade your country with full and decisive force, we have allied support. you have been warned.
02-03-2004, 20:25
We are thankful for this confrence, and hope it can solve these problems. We agree to all of those terms eventually, but I think that the country should be kept in 4 quaters, renamed provinces, not under our occupation, but run by provincial governments voted for by the people, we support this as a form of self-determination. If Der Liom is telling the truth about his amontu of support, then the 4 provinces should be reunited under him in no time. There will be NO military presence from any nation, including Der Liom at the time of the vote, and if any province votes to be run seperately from Der Liom, their wishes must be respected, then in a few more years, a vote can be held again, under the same conditions - NO military from any nation to see if they wish to rejoin Der Liom. If not, they must have independance, until the people themselves want an election. These are terms which we feel are fairest, and we are of course open to suggestions.
Oh, and this is a final warning to FluffyMooCows, if you threaten, abuse, or insult us again, we will invade your country with full and decisive force, we have allied support. you have been warned.
i can agree to these terms
Oh, and this is a final warning to FluffyMooCows, if you threaten, abuse, or insult us again, we will invade your country with full and decisive force, we have allied support. you have been warned.
Hm... interesting. I feel the local councils should be set up as soon as possible using the old counsils and the old system. As for a provincial leadership (i.e leadership in charge of a province) I would prefer that once the counsils are in place they would set up their own elections without interferance from the occupying nations.
I agree that no military forces should occupy Liom when they finally get to choose if they want to re-unite. However I am prepared to make sure that once the new leadership is in place it is not interfered with by any nation... I will make sure of this using military if I have to as they will be a new soveriegn nation.
Do you, British Communists, agree to start working on these objectives that we have set out? If so are you willing to allow Iuthian Obervers into your quarter to assure everyone that you are following these objective?
We are thankful that you are willing to work towards a free Liom. There is chance yet.
Meanwhile we would ask that both you and FluffyMooCows settle down... please no more threats... if any more are made then I ask you not to act on them unless they are actually acted upon. Remember we are trying to stop this sort of thing from happening... not start another situation. Be the bigger nation and just ignore FluffyMooCow's threats...
We will talk to them and settle them down if you wish... after all you are working towards helping Liom get back to a independant state, they should like that if I tell them they can trust you... I haven't spoken to them yet but I can be convincing... if they are unreasonable I will support you.
Mildonia, do you agree to start working on these objectives that we have set out? If so are you willing to allow Iuthian Obervers into your quarter to assure everyone that you are following these objective?
We also ask that you be more supportive towards the people of Liom... your tough-love approach is going to be bad for moral... you want them to work with you, not against you.
British Communists
02-03-2004, 20:55
OK, we agree to let observers into our quater, when you arrive you will be met and accompanied by 2 troops, please don't take this as a threat, its for your own protection, some streets are still not safe to go down without arms, and I assume the observers will civilians. Please report your findings ASAP.
02-03-2004, 21:11
i will allow you to see, but not actually set foot in the area... we can show u using one of our experimental "Spy Eyes" these u will be allowed to control under survelence.. so as you don't stealour equipment
Iuthian Observers are basically civilians from Iuthia, which would mean that they have had two years in the military previously because of our compulsory military service.
They will be equiped with light body armour and will have red and blue helmets much like the Iuthian Flag. They will ask to be taken to various areas and they may also be embeded in military units with your permission.
Military escorts of these observers is very realistic so that no-one mistakes our people for military personnel. It also means that you can account for our own actions, make sure that we are telling the truth and what not.
So I take it we are now working towards these objectives in your quarter?
Mildonia, that will be acceptable, though we would have prefered to see for ourselves. We are also un-sure whether you are agreeing to the same term as British Communists (with exception to the orservers), could you clarify?
02-03-2004, 21:31
yes i will clarify...
British Communists
02-03-2004, 21:36
Yes, you have the go ahead to start now.
Very well, I'll confirm some things with the nation that runs Liom so I can accually make sure that these work with his co-operation... it's in his interests help this process...
If you want to declare that you are starting a stage then do so, I could just assume we are going down the list but I thought you may want to be involved.
I agree that this mess must be settled once and for all.However the continued occupation and partition into sectors or provinces is not acceptable as in the midlonia sector is the most of the industry ,in Bc sector its the wheat basket of the country which is the most agricultural region the country needs to be working in tandem to survive.
As a sign that i am serious about peace-all forces but military and civilian attacking the occupiers are on an indefinite cease fire.However i have instructed them to continue the pro Der liom marcheswhich have been reported to number in the hundreds of thousands in all parts of the sovereign nation of Der Liom
The occupation and the partition will be tempory... after all, once all of this process has been accomplished your people will be able to elect a new leader and you will be a new nation...
I will also offer additional aid on top of what everyone else if offering, my aid will be worth $2'000'000'000 of clean water and grain with an additional $1'000'000'000 in economic assistance. It will take a while to get in but it should help for the time being.
Just give this process a chance.
Communist Louisiana
02-03-2004, 21:50
We will reduce military numbers around your capital. But, we will continue to hold a military base in the penninsula. We still do not trust Liom completely nor do I think we will ever. We do wish to bring our troops back home. I will agree to mostly all of the demands except Iuthiaian citizens looking in my region. I have stopped repairing all major industries and what not for now.
Premeir DuFour
Communist Louisiana
Very well.
Nations who have agreed to all objectives:
Communist Louisiana
British Communism
Nations with Iuthia observers:
British Communism
Mildonia (camara based external observation)
AfrikaZkorps (Iuthia peace keepers)
While we understand your dis-trust Communist Louisiana, would you expect another nation to place observers in your area, preferably a neutral nations. It's not complusory or really that important. It just allows everyone to be sure that things are running smoothly and to have a better understanding of the changes...
It would seem that we have noticed that the people of Liom have been following the cease-fire in the regions I'm watching... perhaps it's time we work on local councils being restored if we have not already done so?
How are your nations doing towards this end?
03-03-2004, 00:04
The AZK agrees t all terms,but this one here bothers me:
"> All occupying nation should eventually (within a couple months of setting up councils) set up democratic elections for leadership of Liom. Communism must not be forced on the people or they will reject it. "
They better have a communist choice on the ballot(thats what caused the war in the first place)!
The AZK agrees to let a Iuthia peace keeping forces in the AZK section soon to be called "North East Liom" under my terms. The AZK is deploying 1,000 engineers,500 doctors,1000 nurses and 5,000 construction workers to rebuild "North East Liom".
If my nation has already did all the things on the list. I am agreeing to deploy a small peace keeping force thats not representing the AZK communist party. There are AZK Peace Keepers with good morals about 1,000 of them armed with "lighter" weapons. I
They better have a communist choice on the ballot(thats what caused the war in the first place)!
I think you are misunderstanding what I'm asking. There will be a communist party on the ballot assuming anyone within Liom is willing to run it... if the orginal rebels have settled down they I suppose they would. Whether they would be voted in is up to the people, but I seriously doubt it unless they can see some good done in the community without worrying about being shot.
What this part means is that your faction should try and force this nation to bve communist, if they want to be communist they will vote the communist party... otherwise it's their nation and they can run it how they like.
I would suggest that we start reducing the military presence (or at least visable military presence) in the residenial parts of Liom so that people will stop worrying so much about the walking guns... the sooner Liom police are looking after them the better things will be.
Basically we want to start allowing the Liom people govern themselves at this point, allowing them to be in control of their communities with the occupying forces observing this... local level government will make things smooth and allow Liom people to be in charge of thier own areas.
Aid will help them to get back on their feet and will show that we mean well. Less forces will show that we trust them as well as look less inimidating to the people... things have to slowly get back to normal and that is the perpose of this summit, to ensure it does.
British Communists
03-03-2004, 09:05
Please report the findings of the observers ASAP, I won't agree to any more terms without their observations being made public.
03-03-2004, 11:13
To whom it concerns.
The Government of FluffyMooCows recognises the superb work that Iuthia is doing to reach a peaceful solution to this situation. As the government of Der Liom agrees with your methods I must also concur and support you fully. I have a number of points that I deem important to the elections:
> I hope that the elections held are free and fair, with no coercive forces being put on the peoples of Der Liom. The reduction of military presence in each of the sectors should be mandatory before the elections are held.
>Also there must be a guarantee that the media of the sectors gives equal and fair coverage of all the candidates. Any major media centres in communist sectors must be privatised and depoliticised.
>The voting centres and counting centres must be manned by people from a neutral state. Iuthia's observers could be used in such a way.
>British Communists, there is no need to act in such a warlike manner. I never threatened you with offensive military action, all my actions were defensive or economic. I merely pointed out that you are uncouth and illiterate. I even went as far as encouraging my Minister for Education to offer you a scholarship but you refused it :cry: . We could have become college drinking buddies but you cruelly refused me. But thats all behind us now isn't it? Lets work together towards a peaceful conclusion to this situation.
OOC: that Ireland being British comment wasn't very well thought out. Ireland is not British, have you EVER read a history book. You are in a highly political forum, you are from Britain, and you dont even know the details of the longest political conflict your state is involved in. Do some research before you start shooting your mouth off about things you dont understand.
IC: Thank you Iuthia for your role in this progression to a peaceful solution to this problem. I hope the elections will restore the authority of Der Liom to its rightful owner but if it does not my state will recognise the results of the election if it is held in accordance with international law.
Yours respectfully.
Liam O'Riain, Taoiseach(PM) FluffyMooCows.
After long talks with political,military and civilian leaders of my country Der Liom will agree to the temporary Partition of this Sovereign Nation if it will help the humanitarian and political situation in the country he forged for them.
The ballots have to open to all and under the observation of the Iuthia.The communist invaders have to support the decision made my the people if the people vote against any possible communist candidates.
These are my terms and if they come true then you have my word that not one more of your troops will die on my land at the hands of any of my people.
OOC: that Ireland being British comment wasn't very well thought out. Ireland is not British, have you EVER read a history book. You are in a highly political forum, you are from Britain, and you dont even know the details of the longest political conflict your state is involved in. Do some research before you start shooting your mouth off about things you dont understand.
OOC: Take it to the "General" Forum guys, I'm not going to have an arguement about the past of my home nation (I'm from England) clogging up this thread. Now just like the Ireland peace process I'm going to clean this up, only this time I'm not going to let it take as long or get as messy as the one in North Ireland...
Iuthia will admit that we do not particulary think we support either side very much and as such we could be seen as a neutral party, however I doubt most nations would see that as being the case.
None the less we don't need observers as I'm sure that all nations can keep this process moving at a reasonable speed and I'm sure that I can trust all nations to keep to their word.
Now, which factions are on the way to restoring local government i.e councils and the such?
I also assume that all factions are now reducing their visable military forces and supporting their faction with aid.
Once the councils are in place we can get the nations emergancy services back up if we have not done so, meaning that the Liom people will have Liom Police to look after them.
I am getting hourly reports about the situation and as yet there hasnt been any visible demilitarisation by the occupiers.My allies will pull out of the north once they see the other side has no more intentions of land grabbing
I am getting hourly reports about the situation and as yet there hasnt been any visible demilitarisation by the occupiers.My allies will pull out of the north once they see the other side has no more intentions of land grabbing
They have previously agreed to withdrawal of troops, some have even gone as far as to declare that they are reducing their forces. However it's important to remember that they will be slowly reducing their forces to allow for security while they make sure everything goes accordingly.
You'll have to be patient otherwise this won't work... I won't try again after this so this is probably the best chance you've got of getting out of this without alot of people dying.
OOC: You will get your nation back in time... but for now we will have to just let it play out. I may also be watching your progress after this to make sure your nations does get the attention of other nations in a bad way...
Alot of nations like to jump to war in Nationstates, so it's best to be calm for a while when your nation is small... after this I may (as a very large nation) may sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again but I'll need co-operation.
03-03-2004, 17:08
OOC: FMC you seriously should not be sarcastic on this forum, and if you a reveived state as you claim then you are a very small one at that.
also Ireland is in the British Isles which i am sure the BC was actually refering to Northern Ireland which has suffered Terroist attacks since the 1920's (why Ireland isn't on the AoE list i don't know) anyways Northern Ireland IS british anyway soo i think you shouldboth stay out of dragging RL stuff into this.....
OOC: You will get your nation back in time... but for now we will have to just let it play out. I may also be watching your progress after this to make sure your nations does get the attention of other nations in a bad way...
Alot of nations like to jump to war in Nationstates, so it's best to be calm for a while when your nation is small... after this I may (as a very large nation) may sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again but I'll need co-operation.
OOC:If there is one thing i can be its patient and you can be assured of full cooperation
British Communists
03-03-2004, 17:41
OOC: that Ireland being British comment wasn't very well thought out. Ireland is not British, have you EVER read a history book. You are in a highly political forum, you are from Britain, and you dont even know the details of the longest political conflict your state is involved in. Do some research before you start shooting your mouth off about things you dont understand.
OOC: I didn't once mention Ireland, so you've embarrased yourself there. I probably understand a lot more about History than you do, as I got an A* at GCSE, predicted A at AS level and I'm planning to do it at University. Why the f**k are you even at this confrence it has NOTHING to do with your nation. You're slowing the whole process down.
03-03-2004, 18:10
Sambollakan troops will be withdrawn when a transport reaches Liom tomorrow. They will be taken to help liberate Doldori. We agree to all the long as the votes are fair, and there is no Godmoding. Also, all of the original Communist rebels must be released from political prisons and given the full political freedoms of Liom. Agreed?
Also, all of the original Communist rebels must be released from political prisons and given the full political freedoms of Liom. Agreed?
OOC: Err... I would have thought that was the first thing to have happened, afterall when the nation was occupied the invaders are in control of most of the nation, I'm pretty sure they would have released them... however.
> Addition term - All rebelling factions (communist and nationalist) are to cease fire up until the point where Liom has become a soverign nations again, at which point they will be required to hand in their weapons and cease all actions against both the new nation of Liom and the Occupying nations of Liom.
While it has been claimed current activists are "Terrorists" it should be known that prior to invasion all occupying nations supported communist rebels... as such both communist and nationalist rebels could be seen as "Terrorists". Once all rebels have handed in their weapon they will be absolved of all crimes related to their anti-occupation or anti-government actions.
> All nations (Occupying and New Liom) should thus recognise that all rebels are absolved of their previous actions against them, providing they dis-continue all actions against all nations from now on.
British Communists
03-03-2004, 19:39
Was our suggestion of 4 seperate states with Liom for at least a few years rejected?
I don't think it was rejected... I just think we agreed at if all four leaders of each faction want to unite the nation then we would allow them to do so providing they followed true diplomatic elections for the making of a total leadership.
Personally I don't see why they should stay split up... if one faction wants independance then they will state it... otherwise it can only harm them to be split up.
03-03-2004, 21:11
Iuthia's terms seem fine to me.
Communist Louisiana
03-03-2004, 22:52
*Last Radio address from CL portion of Liom*
We are leaving the area in destruction. We have stopped rebuilding and all funds pouring into Liom. We have destroyed all major ports we have partly began to build and all built by Liom. We have destroyed what few airports and everything else. We leave with the thousands of troops stationed here. We also leave with 257 faithful Marxist who wished to come with.
Communist Louisiana
03-03-2004, 22:57
*Last Radio address from CL portion of Liom*
We are leaving the area in destruction. We have stopped rebuilding and all funds pouring into Liom. We have destroyed all major ports we have partly began to build and all built by Liom. We have destroyed what few airports and everything else. We leave with the thousands of troops stationed here. We also leave with 257 faithful Marxist who wished to come with.
We are leaving the area in destruction. We have stopped rebuilding and all funds pouring into Liom. We have destroyed all major ports we have partly began to build and all built by Liom. We have destroyed what few airports and everything else.
Why? Why destroy the ports and airports of this nation, it's counter-productive and somewhat pointless... it makes getting the remaining thousand troops harder as well as damaging the already broken nation... what do you have to gain by doing this?
Ohwell... doesn't matter, it just means more work for the area. Very well, should I assume you've sorted out a local government in the area so that it's not left in arnarchy? Should I assume that you are getting ready to hand this area back?
Everyone Else: I can't just assume you have done everything we've argeed upon, so could you declare what stage you are at:
Stage One: Rebels have ceased fire and are waiting for local government to be put in place.
Stage Two: Local government is in place as well as an organised local police force. Local government has been democratically voted for.
Stage Three: Aid given to populace andand reduction in occupying forces to gain additional trust with the populace.
Stage Four: Local governments hold elections for an overall leadership of the region, allowing the people of Liom to have a government for that sector.
Stage Five: All forces in sector leave, possibly keeping some diplomatic staff behind to watch the area. Amnesty given to all rebels, communist or nationalist.
Communist Louisiana
03-03-2004, 23:55
Liom wants his screewed up country. I will give it to him. I am not pouring any money into a nation i wanted to and if it was up to me still do want to destroy. I refuse to fund anything that in the future can be used against me. For this reason i have pulled all troops and construction units out. I am leaving my region in Anarchy to fend for its own. truely, I hope a nation who hates Liom comes and takes it.
Secratary of International Diplomacy:(NEW OFFICE JUST FOR YOU Iuthia)
Chairman Tran
I would also authorize my comrades to do the following. I am not gonna trust the scum of Liom. Why waste time and money keeping troops in a country you can not have?
04-03-2004, 00:22
I am getting hourly reports about the situation and as yet there hasnt been any visible demilitarisation by the occupiers.My allies will pull out of the north once they see the other side has no more intentions of land grabbing
The AZK reduced its troops from 20,000(noraml fighters) to 1,000(peace keepers).
If Der Liom doesn't grant there country complete freedom in the election, you get the picture :).
La Terra di Liberta
04-03-2004, 00:46
I now have gotten my head around my former allie's country being occupied and will now throw my support behind this motion. Will I don't support the current government in place, these terrorist attacks are gutless, uncalled for and must be stopped. This country still has alot of needs that must be met and I hope this will help.
La Terra di Liberta
04-03-2004, 00:47
I now have gotten my head around my former allie's country being occupied and will now throw my support behind this motion. Will I don't support the current government in place, these terrorist attacks are gutless, uncalled for and must be stopped. This country still has alot of needs that must be met and I hope this will help.
Liom wants his screewed up country. I will give it to him. I am not pouring any money into a nation i wanted to and if it was up to me still do want to destroy. I refuse to fund anything that in the future can be used against me. For this reason i have pulled all troops and construction units out. I am leaving my region in Anarchy to fend for its own. truely, I hope a nation who hates Liom comes and takes it.
I would also authorize my comrades to do the following. I am not gonna trust the scum of Liom. Why waste time and money keeping troops in a country you can not have?
This just fuels the nationalist flame,thanks to your destruction of my once glorious nation even more turn to the streets to voice their discontent at what you are doing in my country.Crops can be resown and homes rebuilt your destructive nature just stiffens our resolve to have a stronger nation than ever.
The AZK reduced its troops from 20,000(noraml fighters) to 1,000(peace keepers).
If Der Liom doesn't grant there country complete freedom in the election, you get the picture :).
Why must you continue with your threats even now at a summit of peace.
04-03-2004, 13:53
Liom wants his screewed up country. I will give it to him. I am not pouring any money into a nation i wanted to and if it was up to me still do want to destroy. I refuse to fund anything that in the future can be used against me. For this reason i have pulled all troops and construction units out. I am leaving my region in Anarchy to fend for its own. truely, I hope a nation who hates Liom comes and takes it.
Secratary of International Diplomacy:(NEW OFFICE JUST FOR YOU Iuthia)
Chairman Tran
I would also authorize my comrades to do the following. I am not gonna trust the scum of Liom. Why waste time and money keeping troops in a country you can not have?
10,000 troops moved in to secure the former Communist Louisiana Area today.. as the Area was in chaos, the Infamous Sturmpolice, movied into the area, They have been giving food to the populous, This is steadily calming the suspense in the area, and a second Construction unit has moved into the area...
I thought that the agreement was to lessen troop numbers.We are thankful that you are helping the suffering but you should be handing power over to local police.
I think in the circumstances it would be both exceptable and honourable for Mildonia to extend their influence to Communist Loiusiana's terroritory as it is clear that they have no peaceful intentions...
Meanwhile Iuthian Peace Keepers in the AZK sector (numbering less then 200) are helping with the handing out of aid and assisting the local police service in their duties... they are in light amour and lightly equipped to allow maximium manuoverabilty and little intimidation.
We are also contructing an temporary Embassy within the AZK sector along with other contruction help through the use of Iuthian Engineers and Logistical staff... overall the Iuthian's number less then a thousand, mostly aid, logistics and engineers with only 200 peace keepers.
Otherwise things are running well in all sectors Iuthia is permitted to observe.
British Communists
04-03-2004, 17:16
We have started to reduce the number of troops in our section. There are now 1000 light infantary armed only with pistols. We are starting to recruit and train a police force so the troop numbers will decrease further. We are also allowing people and parties to register themselves to be electable. We are having an election soon, most likely with 6 candidates. The winner will rule this quater, there will still be BC troops here (about 200) to make sure the transition is smooth and nothing happens. After that we think the police will be sufficiently trained to handle the rest, and we will pull out totally.
04-03-2004, 20:39
All Sambollakan troops have been removed from Liom, apart from my own personal guard. That's right, I personally flew out to Hazler this morning. I have just stepped down from a podium the town center, where I have been making a speech on the benfits of communism. I attracted quite a few listeners - wheather they will vote on what they heard is another matter, but I hope so...
I will fly home tonight. I have to say, although there has been some rebuilding, the country looks pretty desolate...
Communist Louisiana
04-03-2004, 21:34
Even though we do regret leaving the nation of Liom. We do not regret invading the island in the first place. We fill like it put this nation in their place. We also fill that it acts of a deterence(sp?) to other nations by setting an example. Also, since we are alomst back in our waters, we have decided to announce that we have brought back 270 Marxist Rebels with with us. We are giving them full citizenship. We will take Marxist from any nation if they need a home. We wish all comrades the best of luck. We also again will warn Liom not to declair a war without studying their enemy.
Chairman Goble
Secratary of Foreign Relations
New Orleans, Communist Louisiana
Communist Louisiana
04-03-2004, 21:36
Even though we do regret leaving the nation of Liom. We do not regret invading the island in the first place. We fill like it put this nation in their place. We also fill that it acts of a deterence(sp?) to other nations by setting an example. Also, since we are alomst back in our waters, we have decided to announce that we have brought back 270 Marxist Rebels with with us. We are giving them full citizenship. We will take Marxist from any nation if they need a home. We wish all comrades the best of luck. We also again will warn Liom not to declair a war without studying their enemy.
Chairman Goble
Secratary of Foreign Relations
New Orleans, Communist Louisiana
I doubt Liom will declare war in such a way again. Meanwhile I would suggest you try being a little more patient with nations, such a short temper could be mis-interpreted as a threat and many nations out there are willing to go to war over a threat...
Am i to take it that my nation is ready for elections.The public outcry will be tremendous and im confident that my people will reelect me in all sectors allowing the reunification to occur swiftly.
05-03-2004, 13:44
I think in the circumstances it would be both exceptable and honourable for Mildonia to extend their influence to Communist Loiusiana's terroritory as it is clear that they have no peaceful intentions...
Well for saying that i have reduced my troops numbers from 200,000 to 20,000 i think it is quite acceptable
British Communists
05-03-2004, 15:40
The elections are ready to be held in my quater. The candidates are:
Democratic Liberals (for rejoining Der Liom into one country again)
Democratic Conservatives (for rejoining Der Liom into one country again)
Right Wing Nationalists (For keeping quater seperate under right wing rule)
Democratic Socialists (For keeping quater seperate under socialism)
Marxists (for rejoining Der Liom under 1 marxist goverment, made up of rebels)
Communists (for keeping quater seperate under communism)
I will post the results soon
OOC: I've assigned each party a nubmer, and am using a random number generator to pick the number to who wins. This is as fair as it can possibly be.
OOC: I've assigned each party a nubmer, and am using a random number generator to pick the number to who wins. This is as fair as it can possibly be.
OOC: Remember, Der Liom's nation, Der Liom's Roleplay... sorry, but it's his nation and I will only accept a result from him.
05-03-2004, 15:48
Der Liom doesn't post much though...
We've got other things we can be doing don't we? I know I have...
Anyways, this has to be done by the book otherwise he'll be set off again and we'll never end this thing.
British Communists
05-03-2004, 15:57
OOC: Thats totally f**cking pointless though, he'll just make the Democratic Liberals or the Democratic Conservatives win. In fact, thats unacceptable, is takes away the whole point of free elections.
OOC: Not really... look, do you trust him to RP the nations leadership as something else?
Not to mention his people's will is what he wants it to be. Now in all fairness I would expect the same sort of government to get in because his people know the old government didn't actually treat them badly, it only made one crucial mistake. Otherwise they will be very patriotic because their nation is being occupied (which isn't good for the people in most circumstances... people hate it and all examples proove this to be te case).
So it's not unrealistic for him to get those types of government back. However it is anoying to think that another player can take make nation and then RP my people... it's against the idea's of RP. If someone Nukes you into the ground then you the defender gets to say the damages... well in this case he gets to RP his pepole and you guys get to RP leaving them alone.
In a IC respect this is fair democratic elections, because the people will be behind those parties. In OOC he would have chosen a party to suit him, because everyone runs their nation depending on their mood.
If we don't let him RP his people then he will go back to being against us and we'll be at square one. If he RP's his people then the choice is made and we can move on.
This is like the "No Left Turn" thing... no one can RP terrorist from his nations cause it's his people. It's why I've ignored the organisation.
British Communists
05-03-2004, 16:24
Due to what we see as unfairness, we have decided to pull all forces out of our quater now, the confrence was a waste of time if it ends with what we see as rigged elections to get a leader back into power over people who rebeled against him. The wall is being demolished and transports are on their way to return the remaining British Communist personnel. Its a shame a good act of diplomacy was ruined when it was starting to have an effect.
The confrence was a waste of time if it ends with what we see as rigged elections to get a leader back into power over people who rebeled against him.
Hm... not really. Firstly it's stopped all so called "terror attacks" it's helped to liberate his people and a lesson will have been learnt. If I remember correctly the rebels were taken away with Communist Loisiana and they were in the minority.
However, I'm not going to stop you leaving.
OOC: Sigh... I don't know why I bother...
Let's see... his nation, his people, his RP. Yup... that was simple. The point of this was to get the nation back to it's former self without more killing. In my eyes it has been a success. Whats more I'll be making sure he doesn't mess up again. So it works all round.
Communist Louisiana
06-03-2004, 00:59
Who says I didnt leave some revolutionaires back with the newest EA-90 SAW version machine guns?
Anyways, British Commmunist, you now know why I left my region. Its pointless now. Liom will choose to unify the nation even if we were to give every citizen in the sectors a million dollars to stay communist. and, if he does act the way he did after this last war, I will go in and destroy him brutally. I would suggest that my comrades here stop wasteing their time and money(b/c it does cost money to keep troops mobilized in the sectors) and leave the place in anarchy. Liom will rig it. I say we make it harder for him.
Who says I didnt leave some revolutionaires back with the newest EA-90 SAW version machine guns?
You wouldn't be admitting to supporting terrorism now would you? After all one of you guys did claim that another nation supporting Liom was a terrorist supporting state for helping the anti-occupations rebels...
First, lets get a few things straight. Yes, in a OOC sense everything will go back to normal. But it does't mean that in a IC sense this is the case. In IC case all the people will choose to go back into the old regime.
Meanwhile, should Liom make the same mistake of declaring war on you I will not even bother... but if he is unfairly attacked I will defend this nation because I'm tired of nations like you declaring war because someone doesn't like communism...
06-03-2004, 12:13
It's true, Liom will just GodMod. The fact that the majority of Hazler wants to be communist, and he had large numbers of them shot, will mean nothing in the elections. In a realistic RP, there would be no question that Hazler would elect a Communist government. But of course, 95% of the people love Liom...
06-03-2004, 12:14
It's true, Liom will just GodMod. The fact that the majority of Hazler wants to be communist, and he had large numbers of them shot, will mean nothing in the elections. In a realistic RP, there would be no question that Hazler would elect a Communist government. But of course, 95% of the people love Liom...
British Communists
06-03-2004, 12:23
OOC: Exactly, this is meant to be a realistic RP, but in the real world would all sectors vote to go back to Liom? Course they wouldn't, the rebellion STARTED in my sector, why would it vote to go back to Liom? My suggestion of giving each candidate a number and using an online random number generator to decide the victor was by far the most fair, not god modding.
06-03-2004, 12:45
Here, here.
OOC: Exactly, this is meant to be a realistic RP, but in the real world would all sectors vote to go back to Liom? Course they wouldn't, the rebellion STARTED in my sector, why would it vote to go back to Liom? My suggestion of giving each candidate a number and using an online random number generator to decide the victor was by far the most fair, not god modding.
OOC: Read the GODMODing FAQ's then people... seriously, GODMODing is when you claim 2 Million troops in a 5 million nation, or try ignore someones defences because your a "terrorist"
I have never read in the FAQ that you cannot claim your people love you.
Now lets go over this again, because you people are being a little optimistic about Hazler, firstly the rebels represent a Minority of the people. Secondly, a nation that has just been invaded in such an unfair manner whould be against their occupiers and for their a government like the system they are used too... seing as Der Liom's government only made one bad mistake I don't see that they would be hated... but I can see that you guys would be.
Heres why:
> You leaped into war because Liom declared war... however, before doing this you supported the "rebels" a minority of the nation which could also be redefined as "terrorists" depending on who you are. Basically put, you goaded the nation into war.
> After doing this you made no attempt at calming down the situation, you OOC flamed Liom, you deployed troops and the great hall mark "DONT MESS WITH US COMMIES" kinda way. You guys look just like imperialists... you wanted war because you didn't even try to avoid it.
> Having invaded Loim, some of you then went on to tell him that his nation had been taken over and because he wasn't being helpful a MOD would probably destroy it.
> Then once Liom gets some hope of getting his nation back, you split it up. Well done, communities are now split from one another by oppressers, it didn't help Berlin and it sure as hell pissed of Liom.
> You dared to cite that his people love you... guess what, it's been stated again and again that Liom controls his people, even if he is invaded, nuked or whatever HE RP'S HIS PEOPLE.
> Then Mildonia and Communist Lioisana do things they shouldn't. Mildonia doesn't allow peaceful protest. Communist Lioisana further damages the nation.
> All nations are acting like occupying forces, they have large numbers of troops and they even dare to deploy artillery against "terrorists" or "rebels" depending on who you are.
> You guys made up terrorists in his nation, you RPed that he was doing somethine bad... Well, in my book thats getting near to GODMODing...
The point is that they would want their nation back... you guys steamed in and took it with force, no one like's occupiers... in pretty much all cases they hate them. Only with very careful work (none of which declared) can you win the peoples hearts.
Liom isn't being unrealistic... you guys are. Take this from a nation that has RP'ed with some of the big names in NS. Liom RP's his people, it's going to have to revert back to what it was one time or another cause I doubt he could RP a communist sector with being "Stalinist".
No... it's not GODMODing, you guys need to read the FAQ's and face up to facts, your military isn't liked because you killed their peoples getting in, you didn't try to stop them being killed with diplomacy, you split them up and basic pissed on the entire nation.
Communist Louisiana
06-03-2004, 15:49
Like I said, I do not support terrorism, but I do support Marxism. IN and shape way or form. I would give them a nuclear weapon if it was up to me to kill the president of Liom.. But thats me. I also think that nations who think that Liom is BS and that the voteing thing is BS without the number generator website, just destroy what is in your region and leave. Like I said your wasting money, troops, and time.
I would like to make a allience with your nation no matter how big or small it is. We will help you with war and such but you must do the same to us.
Please reply soon,
The Federation of Frith
Communist Louisiana
06-03-2004, 15:59
with whose nation? You have to put a nation.
Ha... Communist Loisiana, you mean to say you randomly choose what politics you nation would be?
I doubt that every month or so when you have your democratic elections you randomly check to see if your nation is still going to be communist.
Hardly anyone randomly determines their politics. It isn't realistic. The same applies here.
Seeing as you guys voilently took the nation away from it's leaders, killed it's people and destroyed buildings in their cities, they will most likely support their nation.
They should hate you guys... especially those who beat up citizens for peaceful protest, and those who destroy somethings out of spite...
Meanwhile, seeing as one of your nation accused Liom's supporter of supporting terrorism when they were helping rebels, it's clear that helping marxist rebels is pretty much the same. As such you support terrorism, albeit, marxist terrorism.
You better hope that a nuclear weapon doesn't go off in Liom... because people will remeber your words...
Like I said, I do not support terrorism, but I do support Marxism. IN and shape way or form. I would give them a nuclear weapon if it was up to me to kill the president of Liom..
06-03-2004, 16:36
=stupidlysmall font] :P
Seeing as you guys voilently took the nation away from it's leaders, killed it's people and destroyed buildings in their cities, they will most likely support their nation.
I only shot 12, 3 of which actually died,they were found with weapons, i have never destroyed any form of building, or any type of structure as per the geneva convention, i only sent in thos troops to stop CL's sector from sliding into anarchy...
I only shot 12, 3 of which actually died,they were found with weapons, i have never destroyed any form of building, or any type of structure as per the geneva convention, i only sent in thos troops to stop CL's sector from sliding into anarchy...
Which I actually don't mind, it may be a tough stance that you are taking but its important that someone is willing to take charge and help this nation back up... if you are careful you may win Der Liom (the players) favor by restoring his nation. Giving you another lackey.
However, I didn't say you were destroying buildings, but it seems that Communist Louisana has in spite.
Overall, it's been a tough time for the people... they lost people defending their nation from a war which shouldn't have happened and now they are being occupied... they won't like it.
Communist Louisiana
06-03-2004, 16:54
No, re read I destroyed the buildings I built. Not theirs. I rather leave the area in total anarchy and let its own peope with new machine guns and enough ammo to last a long long time destroy Liom made buildings.
British Communists
06-03-2004, 17:22
I never destroyed anything, or killed any civilian. As far as I'm concerned, not one of us did anything wrong.
06-03-2004, 17:34
Iuthia, all citizens were free to come and go as they pleased. This is just one of many errors in your lecture. Try reading up on the facts before you do your 'Holier than thou' act.
Hm... well I read that Communist Louisiana destoryed all "Ports and Air Ports" in the area when he left. Meanwhile I read that the walls were built to "stop terrorists entering our region" seeing as terrorist look just like citizens I can't see what use the walls would be...
Whats more, the war it self was rushed and against a nation which wasn't a threat... you didn't need to invade the nation and besides the declaration of war I can't see what Liom did wrong. He's within his soveriegn right to stop a small rebelion in his own nation.
How about you read about the rebelion... it wasn't the entire region, it was a small group of marxists. Not all of Hazler... yet you think that a couple hundred people should be able to make an entire region communist.
I'll leave it now, only two nations are left anyways... all three of you are now longer in the nation.
British Communism left for OOC reasons because he feels that leaving the playing in control of his own nation is GODMODing... even though IC everything will be a fair election, probably a new government like the old one.
OOC Randomising their government does not equal fair government unless the nation in charge is ok with it. You can't demand it of the nation because no matter what you do to his nation he controls his people, unless the player lets you RP them...
Communist Loisiana left for their own reasons... probably because they just couldn't be bothered with the process which was working fine before people didn't like the fact that Liom RPs his own people, being his nation and all.
Sambollaka, if you are still in this nation you will probably have to get permission from Mildonia or AZK, seeing as they will probably have equal parts of the nation, assuming Mildonia didn't just extend their part again.
I don't mind people pointing out I have a "holy then thou" attitude, cause I'm an ass both IC and OOC... so I'll accept I'm arrogant as hell.
Think about it like this:
If you guys tell him he is now Communist or similar he will not accept it OOC and will probably fight it, making the situation break.
If you guys don't like him RPing his peoples will then again the situation breaks like it is now.
Meanwhile I'm trying to make it work all around... which is damn near impossible because half of you hate Liom and Liom and his allies hate you... not even mentioning half of you hate me (not that I'm complaining, it's fun).
In Character we have achieved the point where everyone agrees to some kind of peace... if you guys are nice and helpful he may have enjoyed the idea of communism... if you explain communism instead of threatening him he may accept it... but ulimatly he controls his nation.
Even if we force him to be communist he will reject it... it's pointless.
So what do you want? You want to randomly roll for his leadership and then force him to RP it? Or will you let him be and then try to make him understand (without threats) that communism isn't a bad thing.
06-03-2004, 18:45
"Sambollaka, if you are still in this nation you will probably have to get permission from Mildonia or AZK, seeing as they will probably have equal parts of the nation, assuming Mildonia didn't just extend their part again. ">>
I left along time ago.......I only have 1,000 peace keepers there for other purposes....
06-03-2004, 19:38
well technically 2/3rds of the nation is now under my imfluence....
British Communists
06-03-2004, 19:45
I've still got 500 troops in my quater. If you want you can invade it. I won't stop you.
06-03-2004, 19:51
I've still got 500 troops in my quater. If you want you can invade it. I won't stop you.
what and then influence and re-build the country?
06-03-2004, 19:53
British Communists
06-03-2004, 19:57
Yeah, shape the country into your own ideals. If you invade my quater you;ll have half. You'll easily be able to take the rest of Der Liom one by one.
06-03-2004, 19:58
I have with drewn even the peace keepers from my "section" :) Go midlonia
British Communists
06-03-2004, 20:01
I'd help, but I've committed to defending Credonia, and I'm not big enough to fight 2 wars.
NEWS REEL:Elections held liom wins by landslide in all sectors,mild support for communist party in built up areas.
People rejoice as liom enters Hazler and takes up his rightful seat of power,in the city he built.
I have returned and will return our country to its former glory.Construction orders have been issued to wash the signs of the war from this hallowed land.
(TO a crowd of approx 2 million in front of presiential palace)Whom do you serve
Crowd:LIOM!!!LIOM!!!LIOM!!!Liom is eternal
To all others nations now occupying my nation remove your troops you have proved your point and my people have answered the communist question once and for all