Lunatic Retard Robots
01-03-2004, 01:51
LRR invites all nations to bring your flagship and several (no more than two or three) other smaller ships to the port of Gdansk and the surrounding coast for the first annual international navy review!
This will be a place for nations to show off their navy's most powerful ships, as well as showcase new technologies and view other ships.
Gdansk is a large, heavily fortified port on the LRR coast, located reasonably far from major population centers so as to divert a nuclear attack from the cities. It has many defenses, and the safety of your ships and crews is assured. Naval aircraft can also be shown at the Gdansk airbase. While Gdansk is one of the major LRRN bases, so there will be many LRRN ships, there will be several which will be our showcase vessels.
The missile cruisers LRRNS Baba O'Riley (Left) and Walt Whitman (Right) will be in Gdansk for the occasion. These ships will be available for tours.
The Sovremenny class destroyer Goose Bay will be in port and available for tour.
Along with these will be a large collection of frigates, corvettes, submarines, and patrol boats, some of which will be sampled here:
A Krivak frigate.
An F-124 frigate.
An Oksoy class minesweeper.
Also available for tour will be some of the port facilities at Gdansk, sampled here:
A Visby corvette undergoing repairs.
A U-212 submarine inside a construction hangar.
This will be a place for nations to show off their navy's most powerful ships, as well as showcase new technologies and view other ships.
Gdansk is a large, heavily fortified port on the LRR coast, located reasonably far from major population centers so as to divert a nuclear attack from the cities. It has many defenses, and the safety of your ships and crews is assured. Naval aircraft can also be shown at the Gdansk airbase. While Gdansk is one of the major LRRN bases, so there will be many LRRN ships, there will be several which will be our showcase vessels.
The missile cruisers LRRNS Baba O'Riley (Left) and Walt Whitman (Right) will be in Gdansk for the occasion. These ships will be available for tours.
The Sovremenny class destroyer Goose Bay will be in port and available for tour.
Along with these will be a large collection of frigates, corvettes, submarines, and patrol boats, some of which will be sampled here:
A Krivak frigate.
An F-124 frigate.
An Oksoy class minesweeper.
Also available for tour will be some of the port facilities at Gdansk, sampled here:
A Visby corvette undergoing repairs.
A U-212 submarine inside a construction hangar.