Christo-Jewish-Moslem peace conference
29-02-2004, 14:28
Follows on from this thread
1. National perspectives on peace
2. Dealing with religious terrorism, extremism and endemic hatreds
3. Strategies for religious coexistence
4. Perspectives on global anti-religious actions by hostile nations (includes anti-Semitism)
5. Inter-faith cooperation and initiatives
6. Multilateral actions against hostile nations and conduct of war
I'm glad that this thread has been started. I would like to start talking about dealing with Religious terrorism. I feel that a league of Jewish, Christian and Muslim nations should be formed to deal with religious terrorism. And if any form of terrorism is done on to these nations, that nation that has committed the act, will be swiflty attacked by all the nations in the League. We should also start a separate thread for the League. Does anyone concur with my idea?
29-02-2004, 17:59
I fully support any move towards curtailing the growing threat of religious terrorism and the establishment of a League Against Terrorism.
However, I see no reason to restrict it purely to theocratic regimes or states following the monotheistic faiths. Any representative movement must include members of all religions [what sect is not affected by religious conflict and terrorism] as well as secularists. Only together can we achieve peace and understanding.
Although the Trinsian government is secular, the majority of our nation is Catholic, so we have been elected by the Dioceses(sp?) to represent the Trinsian faithful.
Trinsian National Catholic Council
Western Asia
29-02-2004, 20:50
Western Asia will take part in these proceedings.
01-03-2004, 13:46
Late participants are welcome!
Welcome to Jerusalem everyone (Western Asia, welcome home :wink: )
01-03-2004, 13:56
Just a reminder of how this conference is run. Cheers
To all nations interested in attending conference, if it does go ahead in Jerusalem (the city) in Jeruselem - some rules
* No weapons allowed into the country especially the conference building
* Security will be provided by Jeruselem police and SAS (you don't know when they are around, but they are)
* Room divided in three sections - Christian, Moslem and Jewish
* Conference building will not have any other occupants for during of meeting and a buffer area around the building will be enforced.
* No terrorist groups allowed - nations only
Any violence against conference should be ignored. I want this to be a conference not a terrorist event.
I'm sorry for my tardiness but may I join? I am a majority Protestant state although we do not have any official religion.
01-03-2004, 14:26
I'm sorry for my tardiness but may I join? I am a majority Protestant state although we do not have any official religion.
Yes, send a delegate official or unofficial as long as you don't disrupt proceedings with bad behaviour or violence.
01-03-2004, 14:46
The nation of Fyreheart would like to send a delegate to represent our national religion of Paganism at the meeting.
Saexburhy wishes to send a delegate of the Church of Wessex , a pragmatic state christian organisation.
01-03-2004, 15:31
Attention all participants, name your delegates and what section they will be in (Christian, Jewish or Moslem) when speaking in the conference once it starts proper (ie issues being addressed).
Vice Foreign Minister Gamble
Christian section.
Prime Minister of The Armed Republic of Johor, Omar Albishi.
The Muslim Section.
I feel that this League that I proposed should be just for nations with religions that worship one god. It would be pointless to allow the whole nationstates world into this League because then there would be too many nations that would need "help" from us. Also, what if two nations in our League have a mutual war. This is why I feel the the League should be just for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Any form of Christianity should be allowed, since there are so many.
Qen Land
02-03-2004, 01:34
Qen Land
King Ali Bashir
Muslim Section
Walakia wishes to participate in the discussions.
Forgien Minister Von Reinhard
(Christian section)
If it is not too late to join, I will sent Catholic Archbishop Michael Hannityalvich, my religious advisor and bishop of the National Cathedral in Derscon.
Czar Rekjyavich Ivan Andropov III
Great Holy Czar of Derscon
Dyelli Beybi
02-03-2004, 11:14
Obergruppenführer Isaac Goldstein will be speaking in the Jewish section although we are not entirely certain he shouldn't be in the Christian section, as it is the majority religion in Dyelli Beybi.
(OOC: The military ranks are my little joke for anyone who didn't see it in my previous thread)
02-03-2004, 13:40
I feel that this League that I proposed should be just for nations with religions that worship one god. It would be pointless to allow the whole nationstates world into this League because then there would be too many nations that would need "help" from us. Also, what if two nations in our League have a mutual war. This is why I feel the the League should be just for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Any form of Christianity should be allowed, since there are so many.
Agreed. That was the origin intention. :o
02-03-2004, 15:01
Obergruppenführer Isaac Goldstein will be speaking in the Jewish section although we are not entirely certain he shouldn't be in the Christian section, as it is the majority religion in Dyelli Beybi.
(OOC: The military ranks are my little joke for anyone who didn't see it in my previous thread)
Interesting title for a Jew, but hail Isaac! :)
Please people, while Issac is pretty cool, especaily since he's sitting in the Jewish section, more power to him. But we have been sitting in this small little room for days now. All late commersare welcome but lets get moving on this. If you have anything relavent to say speak up at anytime. Untill then lets move on.
02-03-2004, 15:33
1. National perspectives on peace
2. Dealing with religious terrorism, extremism and endemic hatreds
3. Strategies for religious coexistence
4. Perspectives on global anti-religious actions by hostile nations (includes anti-Semitism)
5. Inter-faith cooperation and initiatives
6. Multilateral actions against hostile nations and conduct of war
We will addressing the first item on the agenda now (one in Bold).
Each participating nation make it's announcement on what "peace" means to them, what it means to their nation/state and if they believe religious peace between three faiths is possible.
When a speech is made, speaker's name and section should be listed to assist others work out who is who.
If you are late and miss a topic, post the missing one if you want to but ensure don't make it overly long.
Religous peace is the awnser to a free world. I agree with this but what about pagan gods? Do you accept them to be in this peace conference? Or shall we express our views with human sacrifice?
02-03-2004, 15:46
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
(Christian section)
I welcome the participating nations and faiths here and hope this conference can provide the means for peace between the three faiths.
Jeruselem is Holy Land for the Jews, Christians and Moslems. Unfortunately our past has been stained by the blood shed in Holy wars over the Holy city of Jerusalem as well as past conquerors including the Babylonians, Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Greeks, Crusaders, Turks, early Jews and Mongols. For too long have the three faiths shed blood while worshipping the same God.
For us, peace will only happen when the three faiths heal the deep rifts of our bloody history and continuing petty fighting over religious matters. God provided this land for the Jews, Christians and Moslems as the Holy prophets of Jesus, Mohammed and Abraham have cross these lands too preach the word of God.
I speak for the Grand Mulfti of Jerusalem and Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem who want me to convey we should live together peacefully without turning religious conflicts into wedges of division in our quest to live the Holy life. God wishes this world to follow his word in the many ways we can as Christians, Jews or Moslems.
God bless Jerusalem and maybe the Kingdom of God return to save us from our folly. Peace is possible but the shadow of war is always follows with the sins of man. May we learn from our past deeds or suffer the bad "karma" as the Eastern religions put it.
Sadly in the Holy Lands, many relgious rifts seem too deep to fix but as long we make efforts to ensure the three religions can co-exist in our sometimes violent society. Some of our people cannot be reformed to believe in this peace, but most do and strive to what they can to bridge the gap between the faiths.
Thank you.
02-03-2004, 15:48
Religous peace is the awnser to a free world. I agree with this but what about pagan gods? Do you accept them to be in this peace conference? Or shall we express our views with human sacrifice?
Sorry, as the title says only Christians, Jews or Moslems. It's intended for these three religions only, not be to exclusive but that's only for this one. It's not going to address other religions.
-Vice Foreign Minister Gamble-
It is sad that for so long, these three major religions, while agreeing on many teachings, have been mired in almost constant conflict. However, the deep rifts of violence, hatred and distrust will take a long time to heal.
Although we disagree with Jerusalem that the three religions are equal and that all three worship the same God, we do not disagree that the three should be able to co-exist peacefully on the one Earth that God has given us. This tolerance should also apply to all religions and not just the three that are being represented here.
No one should anyone be afraid of voicing their beliefs as long as it does not promote violence. We need not accept and believe like them, we just have to tolerate their rights.
02-03-2004, 16:18
Last post of the night.
God bless/Shalom/<Some Arabic> everyone.
I agree with Jeruselum in saying that our peace ethics should apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims only. I propose a vote. The vote will last for 30 hours, since school will still be going on in 24 hours for me. The question at hand is, Should we enclose our peace ethics for only the 3 religions mentioned, or open our League to all religions. Only nations with only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can vote.
I agree with Jeruselum in saying that our peace ethics should apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims only. I propose a vote. The vote will last for 30 hours, since school will still be going on in 24 hours for me. The question at hand is, Should we enclose our peace ethics for only the 3 religions mentioned, or open our League to all religions. Only nations with only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can vote.
I agree with Jeruselum in saying that our peace ethics should apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims only. I propose a vote. The vote will last for 30 hours, since school will still be going on in 24 hours for me. The question at hand is, Should we enclose our peace ethics for only the 3 religions mentioned, or open our League to all religions. Only nations with only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can vote.
I agree with Jeruselum in saying that our peace ethics should apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims only. I propose a vote. The vote will last for 30 hours, since school will still be going on in 24 hours for me. The question at hand is, Should we enclose our peace ethics for only the 3 religions mentioned, or open our League to all religions. Only nations with only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can vote.
I agree with Jeruselum in saying that our peace ethics should apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims only. I propose a vote. The vote will last for 30 hours, since school will still be going on in 24 hours for me. The question at hand is, Should we enclose our peace ethics for only the 3 religions mentioned, or open our League to all religions. Only nations with only Jews, Christians, and Muslims can vote.
OOC:whoa... how did that happen? or was it intentional? I mean, I've heard of double-posting... but just... ****...
OOC: I vote Christians, God's Chosen (Jewish), and Muslims only, too.
- - - - - - -
I disagree with Hudecia -- I believe we all DO worship the same God. The first were the Chosen Ones from the beginning, then, from Abraham, came the Jewish and the Islam faith. Which, in turn, would make them brothers. Then, with Christ, came the Christians, which split from the Jews, which would make the Jewish amd the Christians "cousins," and in turn make Muslims and Christians (OOC: put right term here).
Dyelli Beybi
03-03-2004, 10:38
Obergruppenführer Isaac Goldstein
As a Senior Officer in the Dyelli Beybian Army, I have been given the privelege and responsibility to represent the Province at this illustrious assembly.
Firstly, I wish to extend a warm greeting to all members of the assembly, truly it can be said that progress is begining made once we are able to sit down around a table. Dyelli Beybi can be considered a melting pot of religions. However, very rarely in our recent history has religious violence errupted, this is because, to put it simply, Dyelli Beybi is a Nation forged from an inhospitable land, surrounded by hostile neighbours. We have long since learned that 'United we stand, Divided we fall'
This we feel, is the very escence of what this conference is trying to achieve. On a much grander scale, our nations are surrounded by hostile Atheists, Pagans and God alone knows what else. We cannot stand alone, or we will be crushed, one by one by outside forces, intend on destroying those three Religions we hold dear.
This is a time to celebrate our similarities, rather than our differences. We all worship the same God, albeit in different ways.
And finally, the vote. We agree fully. This assembly should be for 'People's of the Book' alone, although this should not be interpreted as saying we bear ill will towards people's of other religions, indeed no, in fact, we would encourage that they observe this event.
Thank you for your valuable time.
03-03-2004, 16:03
* Because U Make Posts *
Daistallia 2104
03-03-2004, 16:14
His Holiness Kae Mar, the Whilan Lama, a neutral Buddhist, wishes to convey his support for this idea. If possible, we would like to send an an observer to these talks. However we respect and understand your wish for exclusiveness. If you wish the services of a neutral 3rd party with only the interests of the peaceful resolution of your difficulties, we will offer our services. May any party please feel free to contact us, if the need arises. And may you all find your respective ways to peace and love.
The Offices of HH Kae Mar
03-03-2004, 17:06
His Holiness Kae Mar, the Whilan Lama, a neutral Buddhist, wishes to convey his support for this idea. If possible, we would like to send an an observer to these talks. However we respect and understand your wish for exclusiveness. If you wish the services of a neutral 3rd party with only the interests of the peaceful resolution of your difficulties, we will offer our services. May any party please feel free to contact us, if the need arises. And may you all find your respective ways to peace and love.
The Offices of HH Kae Mar
We thank you for your interest, but we feel it is the role of conference members to curb their own behaviour in the presence of other nations.
Upper Cet Kola Ytovia
03-03-2004, 21:00
ooc-get used to the united jews multiple posts. he always does that. No, I do not think that are talks should only be for the three religons. Isnt it important for everyone to get along and not just these three?
ic- Peace is possible only through religious educaton, so we can all see how similar we really re, and the threat of force. The force is neccasary so nobody sees this as an allience of all talk. I do not condone violence but sometimes it is neccasary.
04-03-2004, 14:19
I see your point Jewish Brother Hood, but three faiths have enough problems with each other let alone other religions. Our next conference might be more open.
If you're happy and you know, bump this thread :)
05-03-2004, 17:40
05-03-2004, 17:41
to jeruselem: lets start the next topic. this one is going no where. you choose which to go to next
to jeruselem: lets start the next topic. this one is going no where. you choose which to go to next
to jeruselem: lets start the next topic. this one is going no where. you choose which to go to next
06-03-2004, 01:26
Though our country and empire has bans on Judiasm and Islam, we think this an encouraging step. As the Auslandreich Empire has not seen war for some 200 years now, and hopes to keep it this way.
As a nation with a large Jewish population, and being Jewish myself, I would like to take part in this discussion. Does anyone object?
~President Willie Wonka
06-03-2004, 14:10
1. National perspectives on peace
2. Dealing with religious terrorism, extremism and endemic hatreds
3. Strategies for religious coexistence
4. Perspectives on global anti-religious actions by hostile nations (includes anti-Semitism)
5. Inter-faith cooperation and initiatives
6. Multilateral actions against hostile nations and conduct of war
We will addressing the 2nd item on the agenda now (one in Bold).
When a speech is made, speaker's name and section should be listed to assist others work out who is who.
If you are late and miss a topic, post the missing one if you want to but ensure don't make it overly long.
Since most missed the 1st item, please post reply to 1st and 2nd item.
Non-participating members (non-3 faith) will act as observers, but cannot interfere with discussions.
06-03-2004, 16:49
If it is not to late I would like my mostly christan nation to join this summit to solve religous terrorism in my country and stop ignorance, violance and hatred before another hitler or milosovich decides to rise up and take over my nation and tear it apart
06-03-2004, 16:52
If it is not to late I would like my mostly christan nation to join this summit to solve religous terrorism in my country and stop ignorance, violance and hatred before another hitler or milosovich decides to rise up and take over my nation and tear it apart
You can join. Just abide by the protocols. :)
I would like to send Bishop Earl T. Myers to the confrence. If it isn't too late.
07-03-2004, 13:44
I would like to send Bishop Earl T. Myers to the confrence. If it isn't too late.
Yes, go ahead and please post your agenda replies.
John Keller
Vice President of TNCC
Christian Section
1st-I feel this conference should be restricted to the three religions, as has already been done. Perhaps another conference would discuss others.
2nd-I think we should make it known that our faiths do not teach violence, and that those who commit acts of violence under the name of our faiths has perverted our teachings.
Cherry Ridge
07-03-2004, 20:31
Catholic Archbishop DeVito
*steps up to podium* "as most of you know i have been kidnapped shot at am in the middle of dealing with atheistic rebels. i should hope no violence follows me here.*laughs* This is a form of religious terrorism. yes it is true that our nation is a catholic theocracy obviosly our official religion is Catholic, and will remain so. Our population is 100 percent catholic exept for the rebels who have been declared not to be citizens any longer.but we will not condone racism or anti semitism. Jesus was a Jew. we will not condone anti muslims.Jesus is desended from Issac son of Abraham. Mohammud is decended from Ishmael, illeginimate son of arbraham. Eveen if we dont condone non martian sex he is still son of abram. i guess they are long lost cousins. *laughs*
We have stuck up for Jews and muslims in the past and will continue to do so. may our Lord jesus Christ be with you, go in peace."
08-03-2004, 13:51
10-03-2004, 16:05
Bishop Earl T. Myers
Section: Christian
Bishop Earl T. Myers enters the conference and asks "where on the agenda are we? If I might ask."
11-03-2004, 14:36
Bishop Earl T. Myers
Section: Christian
Bishop Earl T. Myers enters the conference and asks "where on the agenda are we? If I might ask."
There you go ...
2. Dealing with religious terrorism, extremism and endemic hatreds