NationStates Jolt Archive

Saige Dragon Storefront 2.2

Saige Dragon
27-02-2004, 21:46
27-02-2004, 22:16
We will take 200 T-90 MBT's, and all the AK-47's. I believe that comes out to $2,700,000,000. Money will be wired upon confirmation.
27-02-2004, 22:18
Just so you know, autoloaders are slower and less reliable than humans.

Do you sell light mortars?
27-02-2004, 22:21
Just so you know, autoloaders are slower and less reliable than humans.

Do you sell light mortars?

Wow, mapelgetia posted and the five horsemen of the Apocolypse are approaching Jerusalem.(haha mapalgetia I stole your joke!) Also, if you do sell light mortars I'd like some.
Saige Dragon
27-02-2004, 22:43
Hallad, your order has been confirmed.

Mapalgetia, does it look like I sell light mortars? And humans may load quicker, but humans also die quicker.

Largent, same answer as above.
27-02-2004, 23:58
Give me 50 Black Egals..........Money Wired on arrivel.
Saige Dragon
28-02-2004, 17:03
Dddeeeaaaddd, your order will not be filled. You are to incompetent to read instructions and do your own math. And have never heard of or sell a product called the Black Egal. I do however sell the Black Eagle. I suggest learning to read and should be high on your list of things-to-do.
Stalins Soviet Russia
28-02-2004, 18:09
I'll take:

1) 2 000 000 AK-102 Assualt Rifles- 600 million USD
2) 50 000 Gali 99SR Sniper Rifles- 95 million USD
3) 100 000 T-94 Main Battle Tanks- 9 billion USD

A grand total of 9 billion, 695 million USD. Money wired on confirmation.
Saige Dragon
29-02-2004, 04:18
SSR, your order has been confirmed. the total will only come to
8 106 255 000 (billion) with your ten percent discount.
29-02-2004, 07:32
Lucky for me I got the TI-83 Plus, so I can do my own math.

Seems my weapons have collected so much dust that they no longer work.


5 Million AK 105s costing........1,750,000,000USD. Gord's dog will run the money over to you.

And I have a comment. Well actually 2. I like the store, and you should sell my modified T-90's. They have two flak cannons on em'.
Saige Dragon
29-02-2004, 15:24
Order confirmed and as for those mdified T-90s, you get me the info and I will sell it.
Saige Dragon
25-03-2004, 03:41
BUMP (Shop the Saige Dragon way!!)
Saige Dragon
28-03-2004, 22:03
BUMP (Shop the Saige Dragon way!!)
Kay Son
28-03-2004, 22:53
4) Mi-24 HIND= 19 million USD= 96
(4) Mi-25 HIND E = 20 million USD= 80
(2) Mi-35 = 23 million USD= 46

(1000)AK-102= 300 USD = 3000

Total- 222,003,000 USD

Money will be wired on confirmation of order
Saige Dragon
03-04-2004, 02:52
Sorry for being late, order confirmed.

New age guilds
03-04-2004, 16:28
no offence, but your weapons seem to be a bit crude :|
Saige Dragon
03-04-2004, 19:10
By crude, do you mean, old ineffective equipment. Not so, T-94 is just entering production, the Black Eagle is still a concept, the Mi-24/35 varients and the Mi-28 are formatted for the digital battlefield and both have only been in production for the last 15 years (reatively new for aircraft). The AK-101/105 variations are intended to replace the standard AK-74 and the Gali 99SR is still in development. If that is what you ment by crude, then half these storefronts on NS are ancient. Please buy something or shut-up and ship-out.
Saige Dragon
09-04-2004, 22:55
BUMP (Shop the Saige Dragon Way!!!)
09-04-2004, 23:13
The Lord-Protector of Starblaydia is a great admirer of former Soviet-Bloc armaments and wishes to purchase the following to equip his armed forces.

5,000 AK-105s @ $350 = US$1,750,000
96 T-90 Tanks @ $8M = US$768,000,000
12x Mi-24V/HIND E @ $19M = US$228,000,000

Total $997,750,000

Our funds shall be transferred upon confirmation of this order.

Thanks in advance.

Juan Bruntos,
Finance Minister,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 06:21
Order confirmed Starblaydia.
Conservative Patriots
11-04-2004, 06:39
Conservative Patriots: Office of Defense Ministry.
5,000XGali 99SR
100XBlack Eagle

Total: 4,539,500,000 Wired Upon confirmation
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 16:32
Order confirmed.
Conservative Patriots
11-04-2004, 19:53
Conservative patriots would like to bring more business to your storefront. Ministry of Air Defense for the Army would like to order the following.

Mi-35P X 10
Mi-35 X 10
Mi-25 X 10
Mi-28 X 10
Ka-50 X 10
Ka-52 X 10

Total 1,230,000,000 wired on confirmation
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 20:40
Order confirmed.
11-04-2004, 20:51
The Szyznanian Defense Ministry would like to purchase 100,000 AK 105s for our civilian militia armouries. 35,000,000 will be wired upon confirmation.
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 21:35
You trust civilians with guns? whatever, order confirmed.
Kay Son
11-04-2004, 21:43
200 Gali 99SR
1000 AK-103 350 USD

730,000 will be yours on confirmation of order, sent by wire.
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 21:56
Holy Crap, My storefront is like Ebay at Xmas. I've got more purchases in the last two days than in the entire lifetime of the store. People must be getting ready for spring cleaning...

Order confirmed Kay Son.
11-04-2004, 22:31
The words "civilian militia" are a little more populist than "cannon fodder" in times of conflict. We will also need 1000 Gali 99SRs for our more professional soldiers at a cost of 1,900,000 to be wired upon confirmation.
Saige Dragon
11-04-2004, 22:55
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
13-04-2004, 15:08
BUMP (Shop the Saige Dragon Way!!!)
13-04-2004, 18:11
The Lord-Protector of Starblaydia wishes to make a second, similar purchase, to further equip his armed forces.

5,000 AK-105s @ $350 = US$1,750,000
2,000 RPG-7s @ $1200 = US$2,400,000
96 T-90 Tanks @ $8M = US$768,000,000
12x Mi-28 HAVOC @ $17M = US$204,000,000

Total $976,150,000

Our funds shall be transferred upon confirmation of this order.

Thanks in advance.

Juan Bruntos,
Finance Minister,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Saige Dragon
14-04-2004, 23:05
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
16-04-2004, 05:30
BUMP (Shop the Saige Dragon Way!!!)
Saige Dragon
17-04-2004, 18:08
Bump (Shop the Siage Dragon Way!!!!)
The -SAJ-
17-04-2004, 22:46
The newly elected president of the SAJ requires 100 AK-101s for the new military. Money will be wired upon order confirmation.
Saige Dragon
18-04-2004, 01:30
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
20-04-2004, 06:12

Shop the Saige Dragon Way!!!!!
Kay Son
20-04-2004, 09:41
the PRKS will take 100,000 AK-105. 3,5000,000 will be wired to your account on confirmation of order
Saige Dragon
22-04-2004, 00:33
Order confirmed Kay Son.

Shop the Saige Dragon Way!!!!!!!!
22-04-2004, 02:04
Conservative Patriots
22-04-2004, 05:38
Minister of Domestic Security:
15,000 X RPG7
24 X Gali 99SR
10,000 X AK103

Total wired on confirmation
Saige Dragon
24-04-2004, 01:43
:shock: Conservative Patriots, your order will not be filled. You, like many others before you have decided not to read instructions. DO YOUR OWN MATH!! YOU ARE NOT FIVE YEARS OLD!!

Now before you complain that I did not repremand The SAJ for doing the same thing, look at the size of his order, 100 AK-101s compared to your order 25024 weapons. 100 weapons is not worth complaining over, 25024 on the other hand is. :evil:
The -SAJ-
25-04-2004, 15:08
The S.A.J. representatives have returned to this storefront stating that your AK-101s fulfilled our earlier need, and that we wish to purchase 900 more AK-101s. This comes to a price of 270,000 USD. Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Saige Dragon
28-04-2004, 05:22
Order confirmed.
Kay Son
28-04-2004, 06:17
PRKS orders 6,000 AK-102 at the cost of 1,800,000, wired on confirmation of it.
Saige Dragon
28-04-2004, 15:10
Order confirmed.
OfLower Urban Gorrilas
29-04-2004, 14:51
Minister of Defense,, U WannaKickbooty would like to purchase for the USLUG Army the following:

100 T-94 MBT @ 1 billion
100 2S19 MSTAS 152 SPH @ 800mil

Total 1.8 billion

Our exchange rate with the USD is 1:1
Money is wired with this order
Saige Dragon
29-04-2004, 15:27
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
01-05-2004, 16:42
Bump (Shop The Saige Dragon Way!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The -SAJ-
02-05-2004, 06:08
We (again :P ) would like to purchase more AK-101s, as we are making the AK-101 the standard infantry weapon of The S.A.J.. This time, we require 4000 AK-101s at a price of $1,200,000. Money shall be wired upon order confirmation.
Saige Dragon
02-05-2004, 18:17
Order confirmed. Your becoming a regular customer SAJ.
Saige Dragon
03-05-2004, 14:12
Bump (SHOP THE SAIGE DRAGON WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :twisted:
04-05-2004, 20:58

The Lord Protector of Starblaydia has authorised me to make the following order from your store

AK-105 @ $350 x 50,000 = $17.5M
RPG-7 @ $1,200 x 4000 = $4.8M
9K58 Smerch @ $7M x 12 = $84M
2S19 MSTA-S 152-mm SPH @ $8M x 50 = $400M

Totalling: $506.3M

Our funds shall, as always, be transferred upon confirmation of our order

Yours Faithfully
Juan Bruntos,
Minister of Finance,
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Saige Dragon
05-05-2004, 02:21
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
05-05-2004, 15:29
BUMP (SHOP THE SAIGE DRAGON WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
OfLower Urban Gorrilas
05-05-2004, 15:42
Minister of Defense, U WannaKickbooty,would like to place an order for the following

1000 Eagle MBT's Total price is 12billion dollars
money is wired with order
Saige Dragon
05-05-2004, 19:18
Order confirmed.
Saige Dragon
07-05-2004, 00:01
BUMP (SHOP THE SAIGE DRAGON WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The -SAJ-
08-05-2004, 03:12
Order confirmed. Your becoming a regular customer SAJ.

(ooc) Hah, I guess so, expect to get more orders from me in the future Saige Dragon, as military spending is on the rise in the S.A.J. and you've given us good products in the past.
Saige Dragon
09-05-2004, 04:00
Thanks for the business (and a BUMP as well)
09-05-2004, 04:15
We require the following arms for the building of our armed forces

250 AK-101
20 RPG-7
5 T-90
5 9K58 Smerch
5 2S19 MSTA-S 152-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer

Thank you in advance,

The Federation of Comunist Provinces
Saige Dragon
10-05-2004, 04:13
No. A. Learn to read. Do your own math. B. Learn to spell. CoMMunist not CoMunist. Two Ms, not one, make you look a little more intelligent.
10-05-2004, 09:26

The upper echelons of Starblaydia's Armed forces are requesting more AK-105 rifles by the day. We therefore ask if we can purchase the production rights for the AK-105, for domestic defence purposes only. If this is so, could you offer us a price for this deal?

Thanks in advance
Ricardo Gomez
Communications Officer
Protectorate of Starblaydia
11-05-2004, 05:29
How does 300 million sound? (This is Saige Dragons puppet and new storefront manager)
11-05-2004, 19:01

Assuming you are SD's puppet, I accept the asking price of $300 Mil

Ricardo Gomez
Communications Officer
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Saige Dragon
13-05-2004, 22:55
Saige Dragon
13-05-2004, 22:59
Saige Dragon
17-05-2004, 15:13
Saige Dragon
18-05-2004, 03:37
Saige Dragon
18-05-2004, 14:08
Saige Dragon
21-05-2004, 05:50
Saige Dragon
01-06-2004, 01:26
Saige Dragon
01-06-2004, 01:27
Donut to the Saige
31-12-2004, 02:46
Donut to the Saige here (used to be Saige Dragon). A new storefront will be up and running soon. It will contain alomost all the products of this storefront. It will be updated as well....unlike this old dinosaur. :)