NationStates Jolt Archive

Attention ASDU Members......

27-02-2004, 03:15
The Nation of the USSNR has been destroyed by a rouge Meteor and fragments, thus intern awakening a Long-Dormant Fault Line that finished off our Beloved Homeland. We say unto all of the Allied Socialist Defense Union that we, the USSNR, will never leave your side. We have left the Region because we have no place to go, expect a new one, and from there we have found a New Solar System to Call our Own. It is a new start for the Komodren Race and the Birthright Humans born purly in Nodea Rudav. We shall still be called an ASDU member, and Telegrams shall ALWAYS be accepted, yet there will be no way we can instantly send assistance by Naval Forces or such, for we now need Space Forces, Primitive for our Modern-Tech Experimental Nation but with the Advantage of a Sub-Space Device.

We will never leave the ASDU's side, for we helped create it. We shall always assist, for we still have that ICBM Satellite in Orbit around Earth. Triton still has a Base Colony capable of contact.

Yet, you must now remember, we are in a different Solar System all together. We were saved before the Nation was destroyed by a Alliance of System Nations, Space Nations, and we intern have started a new life in a newly found Solar System, the Nova Kretani System, in which to start over again.

We will never leave your side, ASDU, for Triton is still a place of our people, has our Elite Marines in a Base Colony. Our Last Satellite, the ICBM Satellite in Orbit, will watch closely, yet fire not until if Defense says so, meaning you.

We give unto Dr. Twist this ICBM Satellite, for we cannot forever keep a constant signal with it. We still control the Base Colony on Triton, yet ask the ASDU to keep our People watched and safe as we build again.

Fear Not, one day we will be able to return, not by sending messages, but by meeting once more. For we are still the USSNR, still having the Komodren Race and Birthright Humans. We will always be in the ASDU, just call upon us when we should need to assist, for we still have our Shuttles, or beautiful Buran Space Shuttles and two Apollo CSM and one LEM modules. We can come with the Modified Buran to assist, but that would be all.

Until we are needed, we will keep watch. Forever is all in the ASDU an Ally to The People, True Brethren of Nodea Rudav, our Comrade Brethren Allies. We are forever in the ASDU, and shall never leave this Alliance behind.

Be aware, however, we, the Komodren Race, no longer hide behind a Human image. Only the Birthright Humans of our Nation are True Humans among us, welcomed for their Pure Blood-Lines. You will know us when you see us, we shall always listen and keep contact.

Thank You,
Kata'Re, Leader of the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav
27-02-2004, 03:19

All Allied Socialist Defense Union Comrade Brethren Allies must read, for they must be told the truth.
27-02-2004, 03:26
The Dr_Twist Government has Begun trying to Track the Satellites and take control from NR.

The Dr_Twist Government has said they will help NR and give them anything they need to help there Civilians.
Aztec National League
27-02-2004, 03:54
So it seems that there is no other alternative. We wish you the best and remember if you need help, give us a call.