NationStates Jolt Archive

Peaceful Claiming Of Part Of Peru In Progress

25-02-2004, 18:13
(OOC: I checked both RL nation lists and noted that no one owned Peru through an RP post. If I overlooked your name, or you own Peru but didn't mention it in the RL nation lists, then I'm very sorry! Mention it to me here or via TM and I'm sure we can negotiate buying/renting some land! :wink: )

IC: Since The Iron Fragment is made up purely of mechanized A.I. (droids), the two most important resources are iron and fossil fuel, both of which are not abundant on The Fragment mainland. Having set up an oil derrick on an island off the coast of Antarctica (received from Shinoxia, thank you very much), the next priority is to find a suitably stable source of iron ore.

The supercomputer and the A0-programs have decided to attempt to search for iron from nearby Peru. Checking databases, they have found no claims on this nation. The Fragment will attempt to claim a small area (enough to house 200 droids) for themselves from the Andean mountains. The Fragment will offer to buy the land from the Peruvian government (or whoever owns Peru), and will offer the locals in the bought area to move out. It will pay the funding for the new homes, and those who wish to stay in the area will be allowed to do so. Damage to the eco-system will be kept at minimum. In addition, every 2 months the local superviser program will travel to the Peruvian shore to deliver those months' collected iron to the awaiting ship.

If there are nations out there who hold claim to Peru, we would like you to inform us so we can enter further negotiations.

(OOC: I'll be bumping this post for the next three days to give anyone who owns Peru the chance to inform me, or for you to just comment me. And once again, I'm sorry if you already own Peru!)
25-02-2004, 18:58
This is an OOC post:
Claiming? Are you serious? There are already more than 120,000 nations here. At least a third of them are Earth based. All of the RL countries have been taken, what do you expect to divide among all the nations that come up every day? Stamp-sized islands maybe?

It has no use anymore, you can claim it today, and tomorrow someone else will. What you're going to do? War against them? Give it a rest.
25-02-2004, 19:04
OOC: Check around, friend. There's lots of people claiming different parts of the world. Off the top of my head I can name the Seychelles and Niue (yes, there's a place called Niue!). There's a lot more, I'm sure, I've noted a recent boom in claiming RL nations.
Anyways, a nation (or part of it, like I'm doing) is only claimed when a nation posts an IC thread where he declares ownership of this nation. Other nations are treated as being on an imaginary squat of land (like my mainland) or a nation that has separated from an original RL nation (or possibly an NS nation!). I've yet to find proof of an RP claiming to Peru, so the land is basically up for grabs. You prove a point, though. But NS Earth is apparently the size of Jupiter, with a heckload of different continents and regions. So I stand to my claim (until someone declares ownership through an RP thread).
And if someone claims Peru tomorrow, I don't do anything. I expect he claims the parts of Peru that I have not claimed. At most, I'll point out that he can't claim all Peru since I have claimed part of it, and possibly negotiate selling my plot in exchange for a plot of land from his nation.
26-02-2004, 15:48
(OOC: Bump 1, with nifty story segment!)

IC: The storm rocked the transport ferry, waves bashing down onto the ship, the droids fighting to stay on.

It was not a good start for B02E's career. He was the second B0-program, a series made for the supervision of inter-Fragment colonies. Already three droids had been washed over the railing. For a human, that would have been just a chink in the efectiveness of production, but the droids with higher A.I. treated the other droids like equal beings. Much like social helpers and retarded people.

B02E didn't even try and link to his brother, B01E in Antarctica. The storm would not allow it, and the weather on the island off the coast of the Southern Lands would possibly also be harsh. B02E had kept a close link at all times possible with the other B0-program, the two being just as new in the new and elusive.

To B02E's luck, the storm began to clear away, with only a few droids being washed overboard. His camera also sighted a speck of land in the distance, though to their dismay, it was discovered to merely be a small island. He'd send the coordinates later to HQ, and in the future, the island might be converted into a waypoint for traveling Fragment ships.
03-03-2004, 15:26
(OOC: Final bump! Approx. 1/100 of Peru is now Fragment grounds!)

B02E finally reached, after a day's worth of climbing, the claimed area. It was a small plateau in the Andes, just large enough for 200 droids and the large, rusty, clanking machinery they used as a harvester. Listening to the local radio, it had come apparent that the area had been succesfully claimed to The Fragment, with only a small monthly tax on the collected iron.

Satisfied, The Fragment flag was hoisted at the end of the trail, the gray shard upon a red background waving in the bitter Andean wind. The industrial droids began to set up the harvester, while the scanner droids began to scan the ground for the most profitable traces of iron. So far, the readings looked promising. In the midst of this, B02E set up a satellite link to The Fragment mainland, the home so far away, and to his brother in the Antarctican colony. It had been a succesful day indeed.
Warhammer Syndicate
03-03-2004, 15:51
I like what you do, we should talk sometime.
Warhammer Syndicate
03-03-2004, 16:08
If you should want the rest of Peru, I could help you.
03-03-2004, 16:43
If you should want the rest of Peru, I could help you.

Oh no, we don't want all of Peru. We merely want that which our nation needs, and for the time being, all that has been secured. Of course, the rest of Peru is up for all nations' leisure...
Warhammer Syndicate
03-03-2004, 21:37
I think I will lay claim to it.
Warhammer Syndicate
03-03-2004, 21:37
I think I will lay claim to it.