Iridia Virus breaks out on Flinders Island!
Austar Union
25-02-2004, 07:02
Background Information
Flinders Island is not a part of the Austar Union, however it is a protectorate. There have been research on the island about the new Iridia Virus, which is believed to be transfered like the common cold. It is believed to have originated in Rabbits.
Symptoms: Regular Cold Symptoms begin appearences after 7 hours of infection.
Description: After just 12 hours of infection, the victim passes out into a deep coma. From that time, they have 24 hours to live until the Iridia Virus kills them.
Virus Breaks Out!
The small protectorate of Flinders Island was a small community. Its industry, mostly fishing based, was bristling. However, there have been some controversy over the Iridia Virus research happening on the island. With a population of just two million, it would be disastorous if the island got infected...until...
An ambulance screams through the streets to the nearest hospital. A man had been found passed out in the streets. It was estimated that he had been lying there in the night for 16 hours, before anyone found him.
Four Hours Later...
Alarms sounded as Doctors began to rush into Ward Room C116. On bed 14, a man layed there convolsing. He thrashed around without control. Doctors, nurses, and other patients began to gather. The man screamed with agony, like no other heard before. Instantly, he collapsed, lifeless.
Two Days Later...
Already, twelve more cases of this strange occurance had been reported. Doctors were completly dumbfounded as to what it was.
Total Deathtoll: 13
One Week later...
Eighty Cases were have now been reported. Doctors have finally identified the virus, which was now reaching epidemic proportions. It was named, the Iridia Virus. It is believed that a scientist working on the project was infected, and passed on the virus to others unsuspectingly. There is no cure as yet.
Total Death Toll: 93
Fears are spreading as many people are afraid the virus will move into another nation nearby...
Austar Union
25-02-2004, 07:08
The Republic of Austar Union has only responded to the crisis with travel advisories to the island, and has raised screening on all incoming flights from Flinders Island.
25-02-2004, 07:11
We recommend that a full quarantine be placed over Flinders Island to prevent the possibility of spread of the already proven deadly Iridia Virus.
We can provide a specialist medical research unit to aid in finding a cure or vaccine to the virus to contain the already growing epidemic.
We wish to do anything to stop this danger from growing more dangerous and leaving the shores of Flinders Island.
Premier Bomfy
Centrist Republic of Aequatio
Austar Union
25-02-2004, 07:15
It has been found that the Iridia Virus can also be found in Fish. These include all fishing exports from the island. WE RECCOMEND A FULL DESTRUCTION OF NOT ALREADY CONSUMED FISH PRODUCTS.
This is an official warning.
In the meantime, on the island, another 21 deaths have been reported, bringing the death toll to 114.
25-02-2004, 07:38
From this point on, a full quarantine is now in effect of the area of Flinders Island. We shall be sending a force of scientists, including gifted Aequatian scientist Dr. Klaus Dracaena, to aid the doctors and medical researchers of Austar Union and Flinders Island.
Also, units of our Naval Forces will be brought into the area to enforce the quarantine. Due to the severity of the virus and its potential danger to the world, any vessels or aircraft attempting to leave Flinders Island WILL BE DESTROYED after being given one warning by Aequatian personnel.
Task Force Dawn
Mercy Class Hospital Ship, Persephone
Guardian Class Destroyer, Ariel
Crusader Class Frigate, Goaltender
Crusader Class Frigate, Shield
3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division – Equipped with Bio-Hazard Equipment
1st Special Medical Research Task Force – Equipped with Bio-Hazard Equipment
[code:1:adaca17abe]-Operation Angel
Cure/Vaccine Development for Iridia Virus @ Flinders Island, Austar Union
- Quarantine Enforcement Units: Guardian Class Destroyer (Ariel) and Crusader Class Frigates (Goaltender and Shield)
- Mercy Class Hospital Ship (Persephone) will house 1st SMRTF during time of research and development. Temporary research facilities will be set up on Flinders Island for treatment and direct research of infected population. Security provided by 3rd Battalion, 2nd Light Infantry Division.
- All units in contact with infected provided with Mk.2 Environmental Armour for self protection against Iridia Virus.[/code:1:adaca17abe]
Farfetched prospect
25-02-2004, 07:52
from: Farfetched Prospect
to: anyone involved
Considering the Island is bordering our waters we have a large interest in this sad crisis... Although we understand the situation, be adviced that any refugees trying to leave the island will be restrained.
The nation of Aequatio is warned not to kill any refugees, and if any weapons are fired to the population their task-force will be destroyed because this will be seen as a act of terror/war.
25-02-2004, 07:55
Dr_Twist Sends 2 Million free Condoms to the Islands.
OCC: we know it wont help but atleast we did somthing.
Farfetched prospect
25-02-2004, 07:56
Map of the area
25-02-2004, 08:08
from: Farfetched Prospect
to: anyone involved
Considering the Island is bordering our waters we have a large interest in this sad crisis... Although we understand the situation, be adviced that any refugees trying to leave the island will be restrained.
The nation of Aequatio is warned not to kill any refugees, and if any weapons are fired to the population their task-force will be destroyed because this will be seen as a act of terror/war.
[code:1:45f159b96e]—Aequatian Satellite Message Relay—
…Uplink to Aequatian Communication Satellite Network found…
…Connection established…
…Transmission commencing…
Author: Premier Bomfy, Aequatio
Recipient: To whom is may concern, Farfetched prospect
Subject: Task Force Dawn
Authorization Code: 89382663
Our intentions are not to kill refugees, we are here to rid the world of the danger of the Iridia Virus.
We understand your concern for the lives of innocent refugees, however, due to the potential dangers to the rest of the world created by the virus, we cannot allow anyone to leave the area of Flinders Island.
We shall change it so that any who attempt to leave the island will be arrested and returned to Flinders Island to be held in custody until the quarantine is lifted.
We hope that we can have the support of the Farfetched prospect Navy and/or Coast Guard to enforce the quarantine around Flinders Island.
…Transmission terminated…[/code:1:45f159b96e]
Farfetched prospect
25-02-2004, 08:11
We are sending in 10 ships all 10 are "seven provinces" frigates
these ships are in the area to escort "refugees" to quarentine camps
25-02-2004, 08:31
Task Force Dawn has arrived and is now positioned just under a kilometre of the coast of Flinders Island, landing hovercraft are bringing the 3rd Infantry Battalion ashore along with equipment and building materials for the Medical Research Task Force.
After landing and finding a large industrial lot, the soldiers and engineers begin to construct temporary buildings and set up several other facilities for the medical staff. The construction is completed by the posting of a sign at the front gates reading: "Camp Greigor, Aequatian Military Medical Corps Research Facility."
Several smaller internment camps, nothing more than a pair of barracks with chain-link fence with razor wire running along the top forming several sections to hold people, are constructed within the surrounding area of Camp Greigor.
Navy SH-60 helicopters begin to transport scientists and medical staff ashore from the Persephone. Once they are brought to the camp, the place begins to look very much alive, soldiers in full environmental armour and scientists in bio-suits begin to make preparations to accept infected civilians for study, humvees with scientists and transport trucks filled with soldies head into the city to the hospitals to collect patients and medical personnel to bring back to Camp Greigor.
[code:1:4e646e4dcc]—Aequatian Satellite Message Relay—
…Uplink to Aequatian Communication Satellite Network found…
…Connection established…
…Transmission commencing…
Author: Dr. Klaus Dracaena, Camp Greigor
Recipient: To whom is may concern, Farfetched prospect
Subject: Refugees
Authorization Code: 89209123
It is recommended that your forces which will come into contact with infected refugees be equipped with biological/chemical protection equipment to prevent infection of your own forces.
Once you have arrested refugees, bring them to Camp Greigor and they shall be sent to an internment camp already constructed by Aequatian Engineers in proximty of the camp. I can personally promise that they will be treated well and be among the first to be cured once our research permits us to.
…Transmission terminated…[/code:1:4e646e4dcc]
Austar Union
25-02-2004, 17:15
Foriegn Minister Logan Newport said the following at a cabinet meeting:
"Why the hell does Aequatio think we cant handle such a situation? If they try to interfere with Austarian vessels, they will see whats coming, however, if they interfere with Flinders Island vessels, surely they can be allowed to do something as they are doing..."
In the meantime, Austarian scientists are working with Aequation scientists in search of a cure to the disease...
In the waters south of Flinders Island, a small vessel, a private yaght sets sail for Farfetched prospect waters. On board, a rare valuable cargo is being smuggled out of the island...
Ozymandias IV
25-02-2004, 17:27
The Republic of Ozymandias IV is willing to lend support in the form of naval vessels to enforce a blockade of the island.
The vessels are being sent to sea in anticipation of your request. If however, AU does not request our aid, the ships will gladly turn around and come home.
The TASK FORCE MERCY shall consist of the following:
6 - Type 23 Frigates
2 - Spruance Class Destroyers
1 - Invincible Class Aircraft Carrier - The RN Daring
Scattered among the ships are two companies of RN Marines trained as NBC specialists to assist the Navy of the Republic crews with their NBC protocols.
As always, we will assist AU. As all of our current resources are in the DL-CJJ war, but we can pull 300 Meds.
Austar Union
26-02-2004, 04:17
The Republic thanks the world for their support in this crisis, however no more aid will be nesasary. Our scientists have just made a break-through, and they believe a cure may be available within ten days of today. In the meantime, we have ordered a full lockdown of the island, and all public events and facilities have been closed, in order to prevent further spread of the Virus.
We have dispached a team of Frigates to enforce a blockaid, and we thank the international community for their help. Your ships may go home. Thankyou.
In the meantime, while this message was being delivered, the small yaght had left Flinder Island waters, and had entered the waters of Farfetched prospect. So far, nobody had appeared to notice...
Ozymandias IV
26-02-2004, 14:56
Our task force will halt in place in the middle of the Med to conduct some SAR operations for seven days should Austar Union reconsider, then the ships will head back through the Suez Canal for home.
As always, we stand willing to aid and support our ally during this time of crisis.
- Umberto IV
26-02-2004, 15:11
All people who have been known to be in vicinity of Flinders Island will be banned from entering Jeruselem from now on. Our biogenetic team is on full alert for cases in Jeruselem.
Secretly, Neutron missiles have been armed in case the entire population in the area is infected and the area needs to be neutralised.
Free Pacific States
26-02-2004, 15:36
OOC: I'm going away for a couple of days, but I plan to make a thread off this about some of Flinder's islands fish products infecting FPS. Note, this hasn't happened yet (It won't untill Monday), but I'll post the thread when it does.
Free Pacific States
28-02-2004, 18:52
Day One:
"Despite the development of a cure to the Iridia virus on Flinders Island, the Health Department is still considering all products from that area as dangerous. If you have one of these products, do not open it, and call your local health department center at the following number:"
As Maria Gonzalez watched TV, she suddenly looked down at the food she was cutting. Or rather....the fish she was cutting. And she fell down, crying. Not because she was going to die, not because the other people who worked in the kitchen would die. They wore protective gear, and would be alright.
But because all the people whom had eaten at her restaurant were going to die. Along with anyone else they coughed/sneezed/touched would. Along with any of the people those people touched..and so on.
She pulled herself up, and as her kitchen staff watched in worry (she never cried), Maria walked over to the phone, and dialed 911.
By the time the first police unit arrived, the first patients had been diagnosed.
By the time a special medical team arrived to attempt to curb the spread of the disease, over 70 people had been diagnosed, and the first had died.