Cold War
25-02-2004, 03:34
Things are not so good in Pseudo-Polis. Taxes are way up and jobs are hard to find. As President, I feel a need to do something about it. Therefore, I am asking for a Cold War with any nations that would agree to one. A war in name only, with no bloodshed or bombs. If we do a Cold War, we can direct attention away from the terrible life in the nations and create jobs. So,any nations interested?
The Fedral Union
25-02-2004, 03:48
Why dont i send you 1.5 billion dollar aid package ?
if you will accept.
25-02-2004, 04:48
I accept Federal Union,but only if I help your nation out in some way as well. Sorry to say my people are a little proud....
Communist Louisiana
25-02-2004, 04:57
I fill your pain Pseudo-Polis.. If you wish, and you swear no blood shed or nuclear holicoust, I will agree to a cold war with you.
26-02-2004, 03:27
Louisiana, I humbly accept. Please be aware that while you may get reports of nuclear missles pointed at you, they are compleatly untrue. I will have to tell my people that you are a hostile nation that might attack to justify the fear that I, sadly, must use to make my fair country a better place. Please feel free to say what you must about Pseudo-Polis to better our charade.
The Freethinkers
26-02-2004, 03:36
The Government of the Freethinkers would be willing to provide aid and military assistance.
However, in return we require two things:
1) A free trade zone for our Multi-National Corporations
2) A well-placed military base on a coastal approach.
Negiotiations may now commence
I WILL destroy all your contries so BEWARE!!! :twisted: :twisted: :evil:
The Freethinkers
26-02-2004, 03:59
We're shaking....erm....well...when your top battleraft appears off our coast, forgive us if we laugh...
Muktar launches a dozen cruise missiles at the major cities of Helldes due to their threat of war against Muktar and its allies.
As for Pseudo-Polis, we currently have a research project running on a highly radiated island within the borders of ViZion (with their permission), and suggests you send vacant scientists to aid in the research.
26-02-2004, 16:15
Freethinkers: I will accept your aid, but decline military help. Our army,while it is small, is afective for our Nation. Therefore, I agree with free-trade in exchange for the aid, but must decline the military base.
Muktar: We will send some of our best scentists only after you assure us of their safety from radiation poisioning.
The Fedral Union
26-02-2004, 16:18
The Fedral union will send 2500 Engneers 3500 teachers 560 farming experts 1700 constuction workers 350 mineing experts and 350 police instcutors to help your nation these experts will build you roads schools hospitals farms irrgation net works ports rail lines and modern day houseing for you nation .
Radiation is no longer an issue. However, the project is being temporarily relocated to an asteroid crater in Nodea Rudav to neutralize fault line activity and help locate survivors. Although the Reality Engine is operational, we could use some help testing its full limits. Besides, a large group of religious pilgrims have been trying to build a city at the Reality Engine due to the dreamwalk effect. Perhaps some of your people will want to get jobs in what is informally called 'The City of Dreams', current population 62,500 and rising daily.
27-02-2004, 01:55
Fedral: The people of Pseudo-Polis are in your debt. I have anounced a festeval to be held in your honor filled with laughter, music, and dancing.
Muktar: We have sent several of our best scientists to help with your research. I hope they are a great contributer. As for the City of Dreams, in a speech today I talked about it. Some people may go, but I have no way of knowing untill they do.