War were declared against ShinBetonia (Forumhusetregion)
Finally, the proud nation of Tystism couldn´t stand the Empire of ShinBetonia right to exist in the Forumhusregion. The leader of Tystism declared in a radio broadcast during the afternoon that the nation of Tystism finally has grown fed up with the Shinbetonians. They are not just plain ugly lead by a band of barbarians, but they also smells like **** when you come closer to them (and yes, they even bite your fingers off! How rude isn´t that!?). Therefore, Tystism had declared a total war on the Empire of Shinbetonia. Peace is hence not going to be considered for a while.
After the leader of Tystism had made his speech, the alarm sirens in the Shinbetonian capital pierced like a shrill voice in the air. Tystisms´ Airforce general Mull Hungbuttum ordered missiles to be fired against key military targets and installations in the Shinbetonian capital. The only losses for the Shinbetonians that yet have been confirmed however are a colonn of tanks running throughout the capital on their way to the Tystism border.
There were reports of other military divisions in Tystism, such as the Parachute Regiment, would soon start on their operations. An intense activity can be reported from every regiment and military position in Tystism. The war has just begun.
Operation: CONTRASMURF had begun.
[The only nations invited to post here are those who are members of the region of Forumhuset. Everyone else, please stay out. This is an invasion of ShinBetonia by Tystism and allies. Thank you and may it all be a glorious and fun roleplay!]
Liberalismen sprider sig som en pest på denna jord. Snart har den utrottat allt av vad mänsklig värdiget som finns kvar. Snart kommer deras liberalism leda till anarki och forumhuset kommer att falla in i en medeltid där individer slåss om brödsmulor. Vi civilizerade konservativa och försvarare av västerlandet tar till vapen för att bota världen från pesten liberalism som sprider sig som en löpeld
Upp till kamp emot asen som förstör våran värld, låt skiten smaka preussisk disciplin!
Ont ska med ont förgöras!
Press Communique from The Glorious Emperor of the ShinBetonian Empire:
Nations of the World. What we are seeing here is nothing more than a member of the United Nations violating Article 5 of Section II of the UN Charter.
I urge the United Nations to take action against this member state, who stand in clear violation of the most basic foundations of International Law.
It is obvious to all who observe these criminal acts that the collective forces of the criminals of Tystism and Noxsylvania are bringing upon the proud, hard working people of ShinBetonia, are nothing more than terrorists, stretched to the limit to devour the ShinBetonian Furniture Restoration Industry, which as you all know is the second largest in the Region of Forumhuset.
This is the asset they wish to claim for their own and that is the real purpose of this Heinous, Illegal Aggression.
I urge the countries in the Region of Forumhuset to stand up against this clear breach of International Law, this clear act of Terrorism, and say "This is where we draw the line."
Nations of the World. You are either With US, or you are with the Terrorists.
A line has been drawn in the sand of International Rights and Freedoms. Those who hate freedom, those who wish to kill and maim Liberty and Happiness, those who cross this line will be devoured by the Dragon Troops of ShinBetonia.
And may God have Mercy upon their souls.
Liberalismen sprider sig som en pest på denna jord. Snart har den utrottat allt av vad mänsklig värdiget som finns kvar. Snart kommer deras liberalism leda till anarki och forumhuset kommer att falla in i en medeltid där individer slåss om brödsmulor. Vi civilizerade konservativa och försvarare av västerlandet tar till vapen för att bota världen från pesten liberalism som sprider sig som en löpeld
Upp till kamp emot asen som förstör våran värld, låt skiten smaka preussisk disciplin!
Ont ska med ont förgöras!
The ShinBetonian people rise up as one to support the Noble Emperor in this onslaught of outer forces. Those who confuse ShinBetonia for a liberal state will be shown the error of their ways and their cries of agony as they are devoured by the ShinBetonian Dragons will be a lesson to others for generations to come.
Mr Ful Fan, speaking in his capacity as chairman of the
Peoples Deputies special committé on foreign relations today
issued a statement "deploring" Tystisms' "illegal and
unprvoked acts of agression". and "calling upon" the parties
to "immediately cease all hostile action". The commisioner also
"invited" other "peacce-loving" states in the region to consider
measures in response to this "grave crisis".
In a move which officials insist is unrelated to the situation
between Tystism and Shinbetonia, special delegate of the
peoples deputies' committé for higher education Dum Som Fan
announced the opening, at the Baltha Polytechnic Institute, of
of two new institutions of Practical and Theoretical terrorism.
headed, respectively, by professors Pang Bom and Aj Som
Fan. The hope is, Dum commented to journalists, that in a
few years we will be able to offer our patriotic students a
study program towards a civil engineering degree in advanced
1. Nuxsylvania, Tystism and Scaninavia will fight the war that has been forced upon them of ShinBetonia and it's allies with all might that is in their hands to a successful end.
2. Nuxsylvania, Tystism and Scaninavia oblige themselves, not to get armistice or peace with ShinBetonia without fully mutually understanding.
Press Communique from the Emperor of ShinBetonia:
Nations of the World.
As the Missiles fired upon our noble Capital City was devoured by our Noble Dragon Air Corps, a column of mock ShinBetonian tanks were indeed destroyed by the Tystism aggresors' attack.
However, the bulk of the ShinBetonian forces are yet to be unleashed and as I speak to you now, the 3rd Noble Dragon Stealth Air Division is headed towards the Heart of the Tystim Theocracy, and it's superstitious religious beliefs will be left in rubble for archeologists to examine in the future.
No Aggression against our country will live to tell the tale.
These images are from a Air Superiority Fighter of the 3rd Noble Dragon Stealth Air Division. As you can see on these images, the Pilot is directing the fiery breath of the Dragon towards the hangars and bunkers in the Nuz Cahlahdoni-district where the Tystismian government is hiding its weapons of Furniture Destruction. The explosions you witness here are secondary explotions from stores of Illegal Chair Dissolvant fluids.
Clearly this act of international terrorism will be repelled.
I urge you all, Nations fo the World, to stand up against this insanity and bring us all Peace in Our Time.
1. Nuxsylvania, Tystism and Scaninavia will fight the war that has been forced upon them of ShinBetonia and it's allies with all might that is in their hands to a successful end.
The Free and Tolerant and Glorious ShinBetonian Press Agency cries out: "ALLIES??? What BLOODY Allies??? You're killing our children and our elderly. We will fight to the last man to keep your filthy baby-raping troops off our soil".
The Emperor was seen leaving the Capitol City, boarding Dragon One, to command his glorious troops from the air.
Earlier telegram from Tystism:
Fy på dig din äckelliberal, som låter pöbeln regera!
Den svinaktiga massans klövar kommer att binda ihop rövarpack som du och skjuta er i skallen, och bränna upp ert moraliskt degenererande "entartende" konst!
Ja, jag hatar dig ochså. Alla länder som inte regeras av minst en despot är inte värda att nämnas annat än i rent föraktliga sammanhang.
Therefore Libermania will stand behind Shinbetonia in this conflict, and we will send a voluntarily troop shortly as a help.
Angelus Noctis
24-02-2004, 18:09
The honorable goverment of The Holy Empire of Angelus Noctis, late this afteroon made the following statement in a telegram to our beloved neighbour under siege as a response to their call for aid:
Fellow citizens of ShinBetonia.
You are not alone in this fight. The aggressions of the rouge state refered to as "Tystism" shall not pass with impunity. His enemies enemy will not be his friend. I say we put an end to this folly once and for all, thus I have put a number Patriot-missiles and 20 fighters from the Royal Angelic Airforce to guard and protect your airspace; all thanks to the increased military-budget. The availability of any further reinforcements to protect you from the ground is currently under heavy delay, due to stiff resistance from the public.
As the massive industry of Angelus Noctis currently are under lots of structural changes to please the demand from our great military, rising from its sleep, the wheels of the machine of war slowly turns towards Tystism.
Fy på dig din äckelliberal, som låter pöbeln regera!
Den svinaktiga massans klövar kommer att binda ihop rövarpack som du och skjuta er i skallen, och bränna upp ert moraliskt degenererande "entartende" konst!
Ja, jag hatar dig ochså. Alla länder som inte regeras av minst en despot är inte värda att nämnas annat än i rent föraktliga sammanhang.
Press release from the Tystonian military HQ:
We are victorious and viscious! The total war on Shinbetonia has only begun! We have now released parachute regiments all across Shinbetonia and they have now started to destroy their infrastructure by blowing up bicycles, wheelchairs etc. At the same time we are doing this, we will still continue to drop bombs upon the Shinbetonian capital, not only on military targets but as a consequence of the total war, even civil targets are now included suck as schools, hospitals etc. Maybe someone thinks it´s too far, but anyway, who wants to see any of those ugly Shinbetonians alive? It´s a war, a total war damnit! More gore to the people of Shinbetonia!
Latest news: Our glorious airforce command ordered destruction of the Shinbetonian furniture renovation industry. Massive damages on the furniture renovation industry have been estimated to approximately 5 billion shinbet zlotys, an enormous lot of money for a pathetic weak nation as Shinbetonia.
Why do we have the right to go out on war against Shinbetonia?
We have the answer: Just look what Shinbetonia wrote to us before the war broke out:
Som svag och vekryggad UN-medlem så spottar jag på dig och din flagga. ShinBetionia må vara ett litet land, men jävvlarrimajj vad dina Tystistiska trupper skall få smaka på nederlagets bittra kalk...och dessutom får de urinvägsinfektion av vårt bistra men manliga klimat...
Behåll du dina smädelser för dig själv, stock blir det om du inte passar dig...
/Kejsare ShinBet
Hade dina undersåtar levt i mitt land så hade de varit nermalda till KORV till vårt nationaldjur Den Ätande Draken.
Dina generaler har fullt upp med att bonka på sina underlydande kaptener och majorer, så dina fantasier om väpnad kamp är lika fåniga som en balletuppklädd Sigvard Marjasin! Lek nu stilla i ditt lilla land innan vi ShinBetonier välter det i havet.
These telegrams explains why we are counted as the good ones and why Shinbetonia with its furniture renovation industry are the evil ones. This crisis has only got a black-and-white side, and there are no grey zones. To make it even worse, the nation of Shinbetonia has been sponsored by the furniture industry with blackmailing and corruption. That´s why everyone in Shinbetonia fears the furniture renovation industry because if you are against them, you are likely to be killed in an "accident". But if our great nation of Tystism conqers that abysmal nation of Shinbetonia, no one will ever have to fear these furniture renovation gangsters.
And yes, if I forgot to mention it: Don´t trust the Shinbetonian press communique! All the enemy says are just lies Lies LIES!!! Don trust upon their emperors lies and hoaxes just because this war is not going well for them.
Don´t ever trust a Shinbetonian. If you do, make sure to kill him first.
And UN should not intervene. It´s ok if you others just stay out and watch the fall of the Shinbetonian empire.
Angelus Noctis
24-02-2004, 20:36
Minutes ago, reports came in of a second wave of Tystonian bombers heading towards Shinbetonian furniture-industries in the north. However, seven units of the Royal Angelic Airforce managed to prevent any further bloodshed by bringing them down "to their burning, excruciating deaths", as one of the triumphant aces put it while smoking his cigarr home at his celebrating base.
The information minister of Angelus Noctis, who made himself famous after loudly opposing any military aid to the Shinbetonian people, appeared on national television late this evening denying any presence of Tystonian forces within the country: There are no Tystonian infidels in Shinbetonia. NEVER!
Meanwhile, the Shinbetonian lobby was pushing the A.N goverment even further in order to provide heavy economical aid to Shinbetonia to cover up the massive costs of the already partly devastated furniture-industry.
Press Communique from the Emperor of ShinBetonia:
Nations of the World, Allies, Friends of Freedom and Happiness.
We are now experiencing the desperate attempts of the Tystonian Leader to rally his Freedom-Hating, Baby-Raping, Superstitious Fanatics around the common colors of opression and hatred. They hate the ShinBetonian way of life, they are jealous of our prosperous cities, our successful Foreign Policy and of our Furniture Renovation Industry.
They are Jealous and Evil.
These last atrocities, the "Total War" which the Tystonian religious leader is talking about have spurred a series of new, brave and daring raids into Tystonian territory by a detachment of the Shinbetonian Elite 5th Dragon Army Corps, Commando section.
These brave men, women and dragons have infiltrated the command structures of the Tystonian army, and with the Supreme Mind Bending Powers of the Noble Swamp Dragon, have convinced the Tystonian 4th Army that their current situation is intolerable, that their leaders are corrupt and illegal. The Tystonian 4th Army then continued to destroy all their armored vehicles and are now committing ritual suicide outside of the Tystonian Mosque of Parliament, in a protest against the terrorism that the Tystonian Leaders are unleashing upon every Freedom-loving country in our Region.
The preposterous slander that the Tystonian leader is directing towards our World-Renowned Furniture Restoration Industry is nothing but the last spasms of a desperate struggle to find a foothold for his religious fanaticism in the ShinBetonian heartland. The Proud and Fearless Population of ShinBetonia can see through these Lies and have these words to offer to the troops of Tystonia, as they attempt to cross our borders:
"Your face, my ass, bitches."
End of Press Communique
Press Communique from the Emperor of ShinBetonia:
Nations of the World, Allies, Friends of Freedom and Happiness.
We are now experiencing the desperate attempts of the Tystonian Leader to rally his Freedom-Hating, Baby-Raping, Superstitious Fanatics around the common colors of opression and hatred. They hate the ShinBetonian way of life, they are jealous of our prosperous cities, our successful Foreign Policy and of our Furniture Renovation Industry.
They are Jealous and Evil.
These last atrocities, the "Total War" which the Tystonian religious leader is talking about have spurred a series of new, brave and daring raids into Tystonian territory by a detachment of the Shinbetonian Elite 5th Dragon Army Corps, Commando section.
These brave men, women and dragons have infiltrated the command structures of the Tystonian army, and with the Supreme Mind Bending Powers of the Noble Swamp Dragon, have convinced the Tystonian 4th Army that their current situation is intolerable, that their leaders are corrupt and illegal. The Tystonian 4th Army then continued to destroy all their armored vehicles and are now committing ritual suicide outside of the Tystonian Mosque of Parliament, in a protest against the terrorism that the Tystonian Leaders are unleashing upon every Freedom-loving country in our Region.
The preposterous slander that the Tystonian leader is directing towards our World-Renowned Furniture Restoration Industry is nothing but the last spasms of a desperate struggle to find a foothold for his religious fanaticism in the ShinBetonian heartland. The Proud and Fearless Population of ShinBetonia can see through these Lies and have these words to offer to the troops of Tystonia, as they attempt to cross our borders:
"Your face, my ass, bitches."
End of Press Communique
Press Communique from the Emperor of ShinBetonia:
Nations of the World, Allies, Friends of Freedom and Happiness.
We are now experiencing the desperate attempts of the Tystonian Leader to rally his Freedom-Hating, Baby-Raping, Superstitious Fanatics around the common colors of opression and hatred. They hate the ShinBetonian way of life, they are jealous of our prosperous cities, our successful Foreign Policy and of our Furniture Renovation Industry.
They are Jealous and Evil.
These last atrocities, the "Total War" which the Tystonian religious leader is talking about have spurred a series of new, brave and daring raids into Tystonian territory by a detachment of the Shinbetonian Elite 5th Dragon Army Corps, Commando section.
These brave men, women and dragons have infiltrated the command structures of the Tystonian army, and with the Supreme Mind Bending Powers of the Noble Swamp Dragon, have convinced the Tystonian 4th Army that their current situation is intolerable, that their leaders are corrupt and illegal. The Tystonian 4th Army then continued to destroy all their armored vehicles and are now committing ritual suicide outside of the Tystonian Mosque of Parliament, in a protest against the terrorism that the Tystonian Leaders are unleashing upon every Freedom-loving country in our Region.
The preposterous slander that the Tystonian leader is directing towards our World-Renowned Furniture Restoration Industry is nothing but the last spasms of a desperate struggle to find a foothold for his religious fanaticism in the ShinBetonian heartland. The Proud and Fearless Population of ShinBetonia can see through these Lies and have these words to offer to the troops of Tystonia, as they attempt to cross our borders:
"Your face, my ass, bitches."
End of Press Communique
Press Communique from the Emperor of ShinBetonia:
These brave men, women and dragons have infiltrated the command structures of the Tystonian army, and with the Supreme Mind Bending Powers of the Noble Swamp Dragon, have convinced the Tystonian 4th Army that their current situation is intolerable, that their leaders are corrupt and illegal. The Tystonian 4th Army then continued to destroy all their armored vehicles and are now committing ritual suicide outside of the Tystonian Mosque of Parliament, in a protest against the terrorism that the Tystonian Leaders are unleashing upon every Freedom-loving country in our Region.
The Special delegate of the commission of the peoples
delegates on foreign relations would like to take this
opportunity to inquire as to whether the devil is, at this
time, roasting, or boiling, their bellies in hell?
The Special delegate of the commission of the peoples
delegates on foreign relations would like to take this
opportunity to inquire as to whether the devil is, at this
time, roasting, or boiling, their bellies in hell?
The Devil is busy leading the Tystonian Leader further towards utter destruction and despair, trading the Tystonian Leaders immortal soul for Furniture Renovation technologies that the Tystonians themselves lack.
The Dragons and the People of ShinBetonia will see the Tystonian lands ploughed with salt and sulphur before this matter can finally be put to rest.
Press release from the Tystonian military HQ:
Enemy beaten back!
The troops from the state of Libermania, who were sent to the Shinbetonians as a support to Shinbetonia, have all surrendered at the battlefield of Wasa-dunu!
"It was pretty easy to beat ´em" Tystonian colonel Sed El Bunt said. "We just play some of the old good fashioned Tystonian folk music. After playing the latest big hit in Tystonia, "skogfinnarnas polka", the enemy couldn´t stand to hear it after we had played it for 37 times. They didn´t want to hear it anymore, and chose to surrender instead of fighting. The Libermanian soldiers were all terrified and they shook in their boots. Now we have only the enemy of Shinbetonia left to beat".
Meanwhile there have been reports of a big naval clash in Kråkbugten, located between the states of Shinbetonia and Tystism. The greatest loss reported so far has been sinking the battleship "SS Shinbetina", from the Shinbetonian naval fleet, by a coordinated Tystonian submarine attack. Tystonian admiral Pat Punk said that "This is one of the greatest achivements in the Tystonian naval history, a day that will live forever in the minds and hearts of the Tystonian people. The sinking of SS Shinbetonia is a great loss for our enemies, but a victory for the good powers in the world of Forumhuset".
The majority of the Tystonian people said recently in a survey that "We think the war is justified, but we can consider an armistice or a cease fire. Sure we don´t want peace right now, but we don´t want too much war".
Hence the Tystonian leadership are now willing to offer a cease fire to the Shinbetonian people, though we don´t want to make peace with the Shinbetonians right now. The total war isn´t over yet, but everyone feels that we need a brake.