NationStates Jolt Archive

KE Claims Kuril Islands

Kwaswhakistanni Empire
24-02-2004, 07:23
The KE (Kwaswhakistanni Empire has officially claimed the Kuril Islands to be Russian, no matter what those Japs say. It is owned by the KE, which consists of Kwaswhakistanni Empire, Kwaswhakistan, and Kwaswhakistan2, as well as a few others that I shall not disclose because of their missions right now. Objections? Lets fight.
24-02-2004, 07:28
Well, no objections as of yet, I thank you all so far for a peaceful takeover. Yes it is owned (In real life) by the russians now, but now the Japs can't try to take it back. Or anybody.
24-02-2004, 07:29
And if you object we can always have negotiations about it. If you don't like to rush into war.
24-02-2004, 07:52
Okay well I will let this topic die for the night while I sleep, I will dig it back up tommorrow and leave it up top for a bit, if nobody objects before tommorrow afternoon, my time, then it will be mine.
24-02-2004, 07:55 matter what those Japs say...
OOC: grr... stupid un-educated people who don't know Jap is to a Japanese as (no offense) ****** is to a black (I'm half-Japanese) So, anyways, don't get me started on that...
24-02-2004, 07:58
see i was takin it from the russian point of view man. and i could have said worse.
24-02-2004, 07:59
see i was takin it from the russian point of view man. and i could have said worse.
OOC: All I'm sayin is plz don't use "Jap" and I'll be fine OOC...
Soviet alliance
24-02-2004, 08:00
for what the japanese did to the chinese in WWII at Nanking they should die... till to this day they still dont admit its wrong doings.....
24-02-2004, 08:01
24-02-2004, 08:03
ooc well u dont gotta read it, and im tryin 2 make it as realistic as possible, and im sure any comrade would refer to them as "japs" when speaking about their kuril islands
24-02-2004, 08:04
for what the japanese did to the chinese in WWII at Nanking they should die... till to this day they still dont admit its wrong doings.....
OOC: 1 - there's a difference between the Japanese Empire (Gov't) and their people...
2 - I'm Japanese-America... and I resent that "they should die" comment.
24-02-2004, 08:05
ooc well u dont gotta read it, and im tryin 2 make it as realistic as possible, and im sure any comrade would refer to them as "japs" when speaking about their kuril islands
during IC in, say, a speach, maybe... but, not just throwing it around like you did... and OOC it'd be unacceptable...
Soviet alliance
24-02-2004, 08:06
^ my most humble apology. ok only the arrogant ones
24-02-2004, 08:07
^ my most humble apology. ok only the arrogant ones Alright... that's different...
24-02-2004, 08:08
OOC: Alright, I'll leave and stop doing an OOC hijacking... just had to get my feeling across...
24-02-2004, 08:08
comrades represent on japan
24-02-2004, 08:09
OOC i understand, no not really, anyways goodbye.
24-02-2004, 08:11
anyways, back on topic

anybody who objects, tg me or post here. KE owns the Kuril Islands, comrades who wish to help join "Kuril Islands"
24-02-2004, 08:16
sadly, i must sleep or pass out.. i choose sleep and shall dig this up 2morrow.
24-02-2004, 08:18
OOC: on that comment...
IC: ViZion is preparing for an assault on Kwaswhakistanni's Kuril Islands to take control of it. We are preparing 500,000 soldiers, 5 Aegis-Class Destroyers, 5 Montana-Class Destroyers, 5 Iroquois class Destroyers, 3 Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers, 2 Forrestal-Class Aircraft Carriers, 5 Nelson-Class Battleships, 20,000 Humvees, 50 M8 AGS tanks, and 70 M1A1s.
24-02-2004, 08:20
dude, you don't want to do this, do you realize how many russians want this place? and an attack will have to wait... i have to sleep... seriously...
24-02-2004, 08:23
but first let me say that we can settle this with peaceful negotiations......
24-02-2004, 08:26
dude, you don't want to do this, do you realize how many russians want this place? and an attack will have to wait... i have to sleep... seriously...
lol, and dude, do you realize who I am, and who's my allies? (including Russians)
24-02-2004, 08:27
but first let me say that we can settle this with peaceful negotiations...... If you wish, yes.
24-02-2004, 15:45
ahh so you are up to peaceful negotiations then? why are you even invading the motherland???? Yes, the kurils are part of the motherland.
24-02-2004, 17:02
ahh so you are up to peaceful negotiations then? why are you even invading the motherland???? Yes, the kurils are part of the motherland.
All we ask for is an apology for that smart-alic remark you made, and we'll be on our way, and we'll be happy. If not, will will move in.
24-02-2004, 17:23
dude, you don't want to do this, do you realize how many russians want this place? and an attack will have to wait... i have to sleep... seriously...
lol, and dude, do you realize who I am, and who's my allies? (including Russians)
Why should I care who you are?
24-02-2004, 23:09
dude, you don't want to do this, do you realize how many russians want this place? and an attack will have to wait... i have to sleep... seriously...
lol, and dude, do you realize who I am, and who's my allies? (including Russians)
Why should I care who you are?
Was I even refering you to? I'm talkin to Kwaswhakistan...
24-02-2004, 23:38
apology for what remark...? the "japs" remark?? u know 2day I was readin some tom clancy and even he put that in his book, the russians and americans use it in there.

but anyways, i do apologize if it hurt anyones feelings or anything, i was using it soley to further enhance the rp to make it seem more realistic. it was not meant to harm feelings.

there, how was that for my nice political apology?
25-02-2004, 00:40
apology for what remark...? the "japs" remark?? u know 2day I was readin some tom clancy and even he put that in his book, the russians and americans use it in there.

but anyways, i do apologize if it hurt anyones feelings or anything, i was using it soley to further enhance the rp to make it seem more realistic. it was not meant to harm feelings.

there, how was that for my nice political apology?

That's fine, thx (I wouldn't have said anything else until you posted that "i understand, no not really" remark... that made it seem like you were trying to offend me) but, anyway, thx, apology accepted
Kwaswhakistanni Empire
29-02-2004, 21:57
just gotta come back here every once in a while and say... booyah!!!!