23-02-2004, 18:45
GLACORP has begun expanding its market, Pax Drive Yards has put this new line of civilian ships into production, along with a number of modifications for each one.
Ships come with whats listed in their stats, changes may be made with the appropriate additions/subtractions from prices.
All prices are for ships with this basic system, price reductions/increases for custom ships.
Info on ship classess:
SSF (Space Superiority Fighter) Fast, light and somewhat durable. Single or double passenger ships intended to fight other fighters, bombers or if the occasion demands, corvettes. Not a good idea to take on a capital ship. Most often these are too small to mount hyperdrives
F (Fighter) Your basic single person killamajig, these vary wildly depending on what you want them to do, from light almost SSF to heavy bombers the size of small corvettes
C (Corvette) Essentialy a baby capital ship. Usualy these mount either small versions of capital ship weapons, or a few full size capital class guns. They have crews ranging from 1-25 (In DGNT, I dont know about YOUR ships :P) and are more durable, if less manueverable that fighters.
LF, SF, HF and BF (Light, Standard, Heavy and Bulk) Freighters: Large fighter or small corvette, it all depends. With Light and Standard classess that is. Heavy freigters usualy are capital class, and carry HUGE amounts of cargo. Bulk freighters are HUGE, and mostly made up of cargo moduals or bays, with light armament, as opposed to others which (often illigaly) carry military grade weapons, Bulks often have escorts.
P (Passenger) Similary to heavy freighters, except with seats. Think of a modern airliner except with better food and toilets. Whereas the fighters are a sort of Cessna or F-16, these are 747s of the future. Up to 400 passengers can be carried, or you can make a sort of intergalactic RV with built-in bowling ally.
LCS (Large Combat ships) Cruisers, destroyers, the big boys. These are usualy quite large, with lots and lots of guns, legal or otherwise.
SCS (Small cobmat ships) Not really sure, you tell me.
Info on ratings:
Hyperdrives: Hyperdrive ratings
Hyperdrive ratings are as follows (There are ratings in-between classes):
Class 1: Technicaly the fastest avalible, though .75, .5 and even a .2 are known to exist (TG for info, these are special systems, by special I mean expensive, but worth it ;))
A Hyperdrive works by 'tearing' space to allow access to the dimension known as 'hyperspace' where it is quite possible to go faster than light. While not instant Hyperspace travel is much safer and quicker than typical realspace travel.
The cheif danger of Hyperspace is 'Mass shadows' generated by objects in Realspace, if these are contacted you die. Its that simple.
Engine ratings:
Engines are rated as follows:
Engines produced by Pax Drive Yards are rated from 25-1,000. 25-49 are atmosphere/space engines only, and cannot leave the atmosphere of an Earth sized planet without assistance of some sort. 50-500 or civilian engines not capable of any great speed, but good for going places. 501-750 are military, and make things go fast, over 750 are high performance racing engines, intended to go REALLY fast, for either civilian or military use. All ratings are relative to an Earth type area, so if you plan on leaving a planet the size of (NS) Jupiter, which is something like a billion times the size of the 'real' Jupiter with your PDY100, think again. Ratings between For Sale engines are purchaseable, but these are the types you would most want for a typical ship.
PDY engines are 'typical' in the fact that they are average in most respects, fuel economy, sensor reading and performance, Third Party engines usualy have a bias toward one or two of the three.
Third party engines are also for sale, as below.
Weapons for sale
Weapons are classed by numbers, the larger the number, the larger the weapons, a ships 'weapon rating' indicates the largest type of weapon you can mount on its standard hardpoints. More will come.
Name: C1 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G5,000 +1,000 for each additional weapon up to four
Desc: A turret which can hold one class 1 weapon
Class: 3
Name: C2 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G25,000 +5,000 for each additional weapon up to four
Desc: A turret capable of holding 1 class 2 weapon
Class: 4
Name: C3 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G250,000 +10,000 for each additional weapon
Desc: A turret capable of holding 1 class 3 weapon, comes with independent generator to power weapon(s)
Class: 5
Beam Weapons
Name: PDY-L100
Type: Light laser
Price: G100
Desc: A light beam weapon, intended to be mounted on civilian craft who dont want to have nothing. Turret or fixed
Class: 1 with turret Class 2
Name: PDY-L200
Type: Standard laser
Price: G500
Desc: A standard laser, it makes things melt and/or explode, turret or fixed
Class: 1 class 2 with turret
Name: PDY-L1000
Type: Heavy laser
Price: G2,500
Desc: Capital ship type laser, turreted only.
Class: 5
Name: GC-5000
Type: Planetbuster
Price: 1,500,000
Desc: VERY large laser, requires special mounting and its own (large) generators
Class: Big.
PyroGenesis BlastOMatic
Type: Medium laser
Price: G750
Desc: More accurate and longer ranged than the PDY-L200, it is however less powerful, a mix of this weapon and a PDY model would be quite handy though.
Class: 1, 2 with turret.
PyroGenesis BlastOMatic X2000
Type: Heavy laser
Price: G6,000
Desc: A capital ship laser, very long range, very powerful, very accurate. Turret only
Class: 6
Mars Tech Solutions Ion Cannon
Type: Ion weapon
Price: G3,500
Desc: A weapon that disables ships electronic systems, can 'scramble' human nervouse system temporarily.
Class: 4, 6 with turret
Independant Shipyards Blunderbuss
Type: Close range laser
Price: G2,000
Desc: VERY close range, but VERY powerful weapon, it fires a wide spread beam that dissapates very quickly, but is capable of tearing most shields to shreds, if you can get close enough
Class: 3, no turret.
Projectile Weapons:
PDY-20mm Chaingun
Type: Chaingun
Price: G1,000
Desc: Nice anti-fighter weapon, innefective on large targets though, also an effective anti-missile weapon
Class: 1
PDY-40mm Chaingun
Type: Chaingun
Price: G2,500
Desc: Again, similar to PDY-20, but larger, rounds can be explosive filled or otherwise.
Class: 1
PyroGenesis Impaler harpoon
Type: Electric shock weapon
Desc: Another close range weapon. This version essentialy turns the enemies ship into a large circut. Harpoons come in pairs, one 'fires' the electrical shock, the other recycles it, the shock travles between the two via whatever it can find, IE: Crewmen, computers, power sources. You get the picture.
Class: 5
For Sale:
Combat Designation
Light freighter
Power System
PDY-R2 'Zeus'
Propulsion System
3 Cosmos CE-5 'Lightning' engines (Rated at 800)
Flight Control System
Tanaka Systems Mjets
Cosmos NavCom Jump computer
Passenger area
2, 2 person berths
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
2 Projectile/Beam
4 Missile
PDY Class 1.5
GC-200 Military fighter shield
Tritanium armour
Cargo Space
1 Standard module (1 ton)
Upgrades avalible:
Tanaka Systems Mjet-X, increased manuverability +G550
Starbridge Personal Transport
The Starbridge is a flashy sport transport for those who want to go fast, far and do it in style. Capable of mounting some of the fastest engines avalible it is a racer, luxury yacht and capable combat craft. It is somewhat expensive, but well worth it.
Combat Designation
Medium Freighter
Power System
Propulsion System
Pyrogenesis 'Mule' engine (Rated 250)
Flight Control System
Pyrogenesis Manuevering Thrusters
Sol Systems NavCom3
1 Pilot
3 Gunners
1 Cargo master
Passenger area
2, 4 person berths
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
4 Laser
3 Missile bays
PDY Class 3
GCS-5 'Rhino' Shield
Tritanium armour
Cargo Space
Ten midsized modules (Eighty tons)
A versitile craft, everything from cargo to military service to passenger ferry, it can do just about anything, The 'default' configuration is geared toward merchant needs,
Combat Designation
Power System
Propulsion System
Flight Control System
Passenger area
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
Cargo Space
GLACORP has begun expanding its market, Pax Drive Yards has put this new line of civilian ships into production, along with a number of modifications for each one.
Ships come with whats listed in their stats, changes may be made with the appropriate additions/subtractions from prices.
All prices are for ships with this basic system, price reductions/increases for custom ships.
Info on ship classess:
SSF (Space Superiority Fighter) Fast, light and somewhat durable. Single or double passenger ships intended to fight other fighters, bombers or if the occasion demands, corvettes. Not a good idea to take on a capital ship. Most often these are too small to mount hyperdrives
F (Fighter) Your basic single person killamajig, these vary wildly depending on what you want them to do, from light almost SSF to heavy bombers the size of small corvettes
C (Corvette) Essentialy a baby capital ship. Usualy these mount either small versions of capital ship weapons, or a few full size capital class guns. They have crews ranging from 1-25 (In DGNT, I dont know about YOUR ships :P) and are more durable, if less manueverable that fighters.
LF, SF, HF and BF (Light, Standard, Heavy and Bulk) Freighters: Large fighter or small corvette, it all depends. With Light and Standard classess that is. Heavy freigters usualy are capital class, and carry HUGE amounts of cargo. Bulk freighters are HUGE, and mostly made up of cargo moduals or bays, with light armament, as opposed to others which (often illigaly) carry military grade weapons, Bulks often have escorts.
P (Passenger) Similary to heavy freighters, except with seats. Think of a modern airliner except with better food and toilets. Whereas the fighters are a sort of Cessna or F-16, these are 747s of the future. Up to 400 passengers can be carried, or you can make a sort of intergalactic RV with built-in bowling ally.
LCS (Large Combat ships) Cruisers, destroyers, the big boys. These are usualy quite large, with lots and lots of guns, legal or otherwise.
SCS (Small cobmat ships) Not really sure, you tell me.
Info on ratings:
Hyperdrives: Hyperdrive ratings
Hyperdrive ratings are as follows (There are ratings in-between classes):
Class 1: Technicaly the fastest avalible, though .75, .5 and even a .2 are known to exist (TG for info, these are special systems, by special I mean expensive, but worth it ;))
A Hyperdrive works by 'tearing' space to allow access to the dimension known as 'hyperspace' where it is quite possible to go faster than light. While not instant Hyperspace travel is much safer and quicker than typical realspace travel.
The cheif danger of Hyperspace is 'Mass shadows' generated by objects in Realspace, if these are contacted you die. Its that simple.
Engine ratings:
Engines are rated as follows:
Engines produced by Pax Drive Yards are rated from 25-1,000. 25-49 are atmosphere/space engines only, and cannot leave the atmosphere of an Earth sized planet without assistance of some sort. 50-500 or civilian engines not capable of any great speed, but good for going places. 501-750 are military, and make things go fast, over 750 are high performance racing engines, intended to go REALLY fast, for either civilian or military use. All ratings are relative to an Earth type area, so if you plan on leaving a planet the size of (NS) Jupiter, which is something like a billion times the size of the 'real' Jupiter with your PDY100, think again. Ratings between For Sale engines are purchaseable, but these are the types you would most want for a typical ship.
PDY engines are 'typical' in the fact that they are average in most respects, fuel economy, sensor reading and performance, Third Party engines usualy have a bias toward one or two of the three.
Third party engines are also for sale, as below.
Weapons for sale
Weapons are classed by numbers, the larger the number, the larger the weapons, a ships 'weapon rating' indicates the largest type of weapon you can mount on its standard hardpoints. More will come.
Name: C1 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G5,000 +1,000 for each additional weapon up to four
Desc: A turret which can hold one class 1 weapon
Class: 3
Name: C2 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G25,000 +5,000 for each additional weapon up to four
Desc: A turret capable of holding 1 class 2 weapon
Class: 4
Name: C3 X1 Turret
Type: Turret
Price: G250,000 +10,000 for each additional weapon
Desc: A turret capable of holding 1 class 3 weapon, comes with independent generator to power weapon(s)
Class: 5
Beam Weapons
Name: PDY-L100
Type: Light laser
Price: G100
Desc: A light beam weapon, intended to be mounted on civilian craft who dont want to have nothing. Turret or fixed
Class: 1 with turret Class 2
Name: PDY-L200
Type: Standard laser
Price: G500
Desc: A standard laser, it makes things melt and/or explode, turret or fixed
Class: 1 class 2 with turret
Name: PDY-L1000
Type: Heavy laser
Price: G2,500
Desc: Capital ship type laser, turreted only.
Class: 5
Name: GC-5000
Type: Planetbuster
Price: 1,500,000
Desc: VERY large laser, requires special mounting and its own (large) generators
Class: Big.
PyroGenesis BlastOMatic
Type: Medium laser
Price: G750
Desc: More accurate and longer ranged than the PDY-L200, it is however less powerful, a mix of this weapon and a PDY model would be quite handy though.
Class: 1, 2 with turret.
PyroGenesis BlastOMatic X2000
Type: Heavy laser
Price: G6,000
Desc: A capital ship laser, very long range, very powerful, very accurate. Turret only
Class: 6
Mars Tech Solutions Ion Cannon
Type: Ion weapon
Price: G3,500
Desc: A weapon that disables ships electronic systems, can 'scramble' human nervouse system temporarily.
Class: 4, 6 with turret
Independant Shipyards Blunderbuss
Type: Close range laser
Price: G2,000
Desc: VERY close range, but VERY powerful weapon, it fires a wide spread beam that dissapates very quickly, but is capable of tearing most shields to shreds, if you can get close enough
Class: 3, no turret.
Projectile Weapons:
PDY-20mm Chaingun
Type: Chaingun
Price: G1,000
Desc: Nice anti-fighter weapon, innefective on large targets though, also an effective anti-missile weapon
Class: 1
PDY-40mm Chaingun
Type: Chaingun
Price: G2,500
Desc: Again, similar to PDY-20, but larger, rounds can be explosive filled or otherwise.
Class: 1
PyroGenesis Impaler harpoon
Type: Electric shock weapon
Desc: Another close range weapon. This version essentialy turns the enemies ship into a large circut. Harpoons come in pairs, one 'fires' the electrical shock, the other recycles it, the shock travles between the two via whatever it can find, IE: Crewmen, computers, power sources. You get the picture.
Class: 5
For Sale:
Combat Designation
Light freighter
Power System
PDY-R2 'Zeus'
Propulsion System
3 Cosmos CE-5 'Lightning' engines (Rated at 800)
Flight Control System
Tanaka Systems Mjets
Cosmos NavCom Jump computer
Passenger area
2, 2 person berths
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
2 Projectile/Beam
4 Missile
PDY Class 1.5
GC-200 Military fighter shield
Tritanium armour
Cargo Space
1 Standard module (1 ton)
Upgrades avalible:
Tanaka Systems Mjet-X, increased manuverability +G550
Starbridge Personal Transport
The Starbridge is a flashy sport transport for those who want to go fast, far and do it in style. Capable of mounting some of the fastest engines avalible it is a racer, luxury yacht and capable combat craft. It is somewhat expensive, but well worth it.
Combat Designation
Medium Freighter
Power System
Propulsion System
Pyrogenesis 'Mule' engine (Rated 250)
Flight Control System
Pyrogenesis Manuevering Thrusters
Sol Systems NavCom3
1 Pilot
3 Gunners
1 Cargo master
Passenger area
2, 4 person berths
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
4 Laser
3 Missile bays
PDY Class 3
GCS-5 'Rhino' Shield
Tritanium armour
Cargo Space
Ten midsized modules (Eighty tons)
A versitile craft, everything from cargo to military service to passenger ferry, it can do just about anything, The 'default' configuration is geared toward merchant needs,
Combat Designation
Power System
Propulsion System
Flight Control System
Passenger area
Speed Rating
Maneuverability Rating
Weapon Rating
Weapons Hardpoints
Cargo Space