23-02-2004, 12:45
This is The United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav,
My Comrade Brethren, I wish to express my concern of you calling the USSNR a Communist State/Nation. I am deeply Insulted, as are My People, by our International Comrade Brethren Calling us such. We are a Socialist Democracy, a Nation that has Four States in a Socialist Union. Our Democracy deals with a True Democracy, one that The People have The Final Say in any Govermental or Non-Governmental Matter concerning Their Nations Well-Being.
Being a Socialist Democracy, we value Independence and Freedom. To us, we see Socialism as a type of National Definition for the way that Nation deals with its citizens and civilns in Total Peace with One Another. While there are some arguments here and there, there never is a Long-Term Grudge against none. We, the USSNR, believe each one of us to be in a Brethrenhood, all that are born in Nodea Rudav are called Birthrights, hence a Brethrenhood of Birthrights.
You see, outside the Borders of Nodea Rudav we view each and ever nation as a Comrade Brethren Nation, Comrade Symbolizing Friendship and Brethren Symbolizing a type of Family Value. We see all Comrade Brethren as Brothers and Sisters, but NEVER as a Fellow Birthright Brethren, which cannot be given out unless that Soul was Born in These Lands.
As you know, we are a Reptilian Humanoid Race called Komodren, not Alien, but Native to this Planet. We look like a Humanoid Komodo Dragon, not drooling, walking upright, and looking like any human expect for the Reptilian Skin, snout, tail, claws, and digits of toes and fingers that look almost exactly like the Komodo Dragons, expect arms and legs are seemingly extended to give that Humanoid Appearence, as with the tail. Our Reproductive Organs, as with ever Reptile, are placed on the inside, yet our Appearence can easily be distinquished from Male and Female.
As Komodren never hiding anymore in Human Disquise, we are Birthrights, we are Brethren. All on the outside are viewed as Comrade Brethren. We seek to have other National Leaders as Allies, Ally to The People, Comrade Brethren Ally. We seek not Imperialism or Communism, Federalism or Capitalism, only a Socialist Democracy, a True Democracy, based For and By Its People.
We have a God, The Peoples God, Lord God Almighty, in which we see as our Creator, our Worshiped God, or Father whom has Created Us. A Communist Society does not believe strickly if The People say they believe in a God, however ours does.
I hope this clears things up, for I have a lot more to say, but will save time and space by saying, in the end, we are not Communists, just Freedom Loving Socialists in a Democracy of States in a Socialist Union.
Thank You,
Chief Socialist President Thomas Alexandri Ha'Goth
Komodren Name/True Name: Kata'Re
Leader of the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav
My Comrade Brethren, I wish to express my concern of you calling the USSNR a Communist State/Nation. I am deeply Insulted, as are My People, by our International Comrade Brethren Calling us such. We are a Socialist Democracy, a Nation that has Four States in a Socialist Union. Our Democracy deals with a True Democracy, one that The People have The Final Say in any Govermental or Non-Governmental Matter concerning Their Nations Well-Being.
Being a Socialist Democracy, we value Independence and Freedom. To us, we see Socialism as a type of National Definition for the way that Nation deals with its citizens and civilns in Total Peace with One Another. While there are some arguments here and there, there never is a Long-Term Grudge against none. We, the USSNR, believe each one of us to be in a Brethrenhood, all that are born in Nodea Rudav are called Birthrights, hence a Brethrenhood of Birthrights.
You see, outside the Borders of Nodea Rudav we view each and ever nation as a Comrade Brethren Nation, Comrade Symbolizing Friendship and Brethren Symbolizing a type of Family Value. We see all Comrade Brethren as Brothers and Sisters, but NEVER as a Fellow Birthright Brethren, which cannot be given out unless that Soul was Born in These Lands.
As you know, we are a Reptilian Humanoid Race called Komodren, not Alien, but Native to this Planet. We look like a Humanoid Komodo Dragon, not drooling, walking upright, and looking like any human expect for the Reptilian Skin, snout, tail, claws, and digits of toes and fingers that look almost exactly like the Komodo Dragons, expect arms and legs are seemingly extended to give that Humanoid Appearence, as with the tail. Our Reproductive Organs, as with ever Reptile, are placed on the inside, yet our Appearence can easily be distinquished from Male and Female.
As Komodren never hiding anymore in Human Disquise, we are Birthrights, we are Brethren. All on the outside are viewed as Comrade Brethren. We seek to have other National Leaders as Allies, Ally to The People, Comrade Brethren Ally. We seek not Imperialism or Communism, Federalism or Capitalism, only a Socialist Democracy, a True Democracy, based For and By Its People.
We have a God, The Peoples God, Lord God Almighty, in which we see as our Creator, our Worshiped God, or Father whom has Created Us. A Communist Society does not believe strickly if The People say they believe in a God, however ours does.
I hope this clears things up, for I have a lot more to say, but will save time and space by saying, in the end, we are not Communists, just Freedom Loving Socialists in a Democracy of States in a Socialist Union.
Thank You,
Chief Socialist President Thomas Alexandri Ha'Goth
Komodren Name/True Name: Kata'Re
Leader of the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav