22-02-2004, 16:04
After recent turbulences, The Iron Fragment, the (slightly) acclaimed nation run by a mechanical population, has been able to stabilize it's resource supply, big thanks going to various nations who donated extra resources used to build an iron refinery and oil derrick (you know who you allare, big thanks to all of you). Now, while the economy is still definitely not the best, the resource flow is steady.
Though they would not want to be glum in this situation of happiness, the leading programs have begun to devise how to further gather resources, for the island The Fragment currently resides in is not very abundant. Following a recent boom of other nations' plans to populate it, The Fragment, too, is sending a small group to the inhospitable landscape of Antarctica. Having bought a small island off the mainland coast from Shinoxia (OOC: God I hope I'm spelling that correctly), the programs are sure that this was a wise move. In return for this, The Fragment will be sharing 25% of found oil to Shinoxia. The facility will not be a militant one, but purely for oil drilling and research of Antarctican landscape.
Although their original plan was to travel along with The Zoogie People, who are also going off for the South Pole, The Fragment's leaders have become impatient with glee and are already preparing to leave. Also, a new series of leader programs, the B0-series, is being made to regulate foreign Fragment outposts. The first program, B01E, will be soon setting off with 200 research and industrial droids for Antarctica. Good luck for him and the others!
Having secured their source of oil, the supercomputer has begun to think of a foreign source of iron ore, the next most important resource, to colonize. The Andes in South America are a valid candidate.
Though they would not want to be glum in this situation of happiness, the leading programs have begun to devise how to further gather resources, for the island The Fragment currently resides in is not very abundant. Following a recent boom of other nations' plans to populate it, The Fragment, too, is sending a small group to the inhospitable landscape of Antarctica. Having bought a small island off the mainland coast from Shinoxia (OOC: God I hope I'm spelling that correctly), the programs are sure that this was a wise move. In return for this, The Fragment will be sharing 25% of found oil to Shinoxia. The facility will not be a militant one, but purely for oil drilling and research of Antarctican landscape.
Although their original plan was to travel along with The Zoogie People, who are also going off for the South Pole, The Fragment's leaders have become impatient with glee and are already preparing to leave. Also, a new series of leader programs, the B0-series, is being made to regulate foreign Fragment outposts. The first program, B01E, will be soon setting off with 200 research and industrial droids for Antarctica. Good luck for him and the others!
Having secured their source of oil, the supercomputer has begun to think of a foreign source of iron ore, the next most important resource, to colonize. The Andes in South America are a valid candidate.