Weapon orders...
21-02-2004, 18:47
Today in the Captial of the PR of AZK a Casino exploded causing choas. Over 200 people were killed or wounded. The General Korvan says we need a National Defence Division. The president has planned to spend 1 Million dollars for 1000 Assult Rifles and 1000 side arms. For an average cost of $500 dollars a weapon.
Are there any dealers who like this deal?
21-02-2004, 18:50
Benderland is replacing its AR-42 assault rifle with the Mauser 960, and is selling the AR-42's:
AR-42 Assault Rifle
Weight: 7.5 lbs
Length: 40.25 in
Rate of Fire: 800 rpm (full auto mode) (semi-auto and 3-round burst mode available)
Ammunition types: 7.62 mm ammunition
60mm grenade launcher
Clip size: 35
Price: $450 ea.
Quantity left: 865,000
21-02-2004, 18:51
I'll buy 2,000! Wire upon confermation
21-02-2004, 18:53
Order confirmed and shipped. Your total comes to $900,000.
21-02-2004, 18:56
Wired...SEND ASAP....
AZKN(News) Report - Today the police have been fighting off hundreds of Rebels this may turn into a civil war. We hope that the New 1st Divison(untrained) wil be deployed immeditaly.
21-02-2004, 18:56
Look under GLACORP, then Golan Arms, we have many infantry weapons, though most of our store is futureistic, our guns are quite modern and shoot bullets capable of causing injury to those in your space/time location.
21-02-2004, 19:01
I would also like to order 50 small naval transport boats(not ships).
try here:
Dear Benderland,
as a new nation with no interest in building weapons of our own, but realizing that the world is a dangerous place we would like to purchase 200,000 of your AR-42 Assault Rifle.
We believe that this will help us in our defense of our great nation. The Money will be provided on confirmation of sale.
Philosopher King Kugler
New Atka
22-02-2004, 06:40
Benderland, The AR-42 is a perfect match for our search for a new assault rifle. The New Atka Armory wishes to lisence the design and produce its own model. How much money will that cost?
22-02-2004, 06:45
Benderland, I would Like to order 3,000 more An-42's