NationStates Jolt Archive

Maniaca sequesters Argentina

21-02-2004, 05:14
OOC: If anybody already has Argentina occupied, I will happily accept ignorage.

IC: Maniacan forces stationed around the South American country of Argentina, prepared to move on the country in a desperate attempt to gain more land area for it's large population.

OOC: I know this is a bad post, but I'm not sure how to RP something like this. Any tips?
21-02-2004, 15:21
The leadership of Argentina has lain their weapons down in the face of the Maniacan troop developement. The leader chose not to war, because he realized it would be futile. And besides, he also realized that Maniaca had a much better economy, and while it was a dictatorship, the people still had average civil rights.

OOC: Hope this is good.
Magas Volaer
21-02-2004, 15:36
Imperator Revan Uvirith has sent the following message to the leader of Maniaca:

I personally congragulate you on your annexation of Argentina. I am willing to send a single legion of my elite Sarduaukar to assist in quelling any rebellions.

Imperator of the Federation of Magas Volaer,

Revan Uvirith
21-02-2004, 20:35
Thanks Magas, I will let you know if that becomes necessary.
21-02-2004, 20:51
My Reavers have fought one war for the independance of the Argentine people, and are quite adamant they retain their independance. I suggest rethinking your actions in this matter, lest I be forced to chastise you.

Bastien the Bronze
Lord Reaver of Pantera
Drag the Waters of War
21-02-2004, 23:29
In a message to the leader of Pantera, Emperor Catsendt writes: Oh, you have to be kidding me. Well, if that's the way you feel, we'll have to pull out. Can't go up against a nation so much bigger than we are.
22-02-2004, 00:23
Oh, you have to be kidding me. Well, if that's the way you feel, I'll have to pull out. Can't go up against a nation one month older than I am......

OOC: IC responses only, please.