Interstellar act of war against Platypusiusususism.
Public statement from the government of Platypusiusususism.:
The newly founded country Platypusiusususism has just been attacked by a fleet of intergalactic slave traders. We have been instructed to turn ourselves in to be processed within a week at which time we will be sent to various galaxies to do manual labor.
As we are a new nation we do not currently have the military to deter this threat. Please send in any assistance you can manage immediately.
Conganvania Minister Of Defence: "We are also a new state, however, we are pleging 1 division (of 3, the 1st infantry, 2nd armourd and 3rd infantry), our 1st infantry division, consisting of 10,000 infantrymen equiped with Enfield bolt action firles, RPGs and bren guns (an enfield for every man, an RPG and bren gun for every 5 men), mounted in trucks, supported by half of our total artilery support - 30 105mm light howitzers and 10 truck mounted 105mm Mobile howitzers.
Unfourtunetly we dont have the airlift for this force, we anothe rnation to airlift the 1st division into place, and provide air support"
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "No airlift! come on people, we gota kick the cr*p from those aliens right now befor they enslave us all! or alternitivly, introduce them to capatalism and steel there riches wile there busy trying to do each other over!"
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 01:37
OOC: How big is this alien fleet? I have two Klonor built destroyers, but I want to know beforehand if they'll get decimated (I need to have some space defense until my own dreadnoughts begin rolling off the assembly lines!)
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "Give me airlift and il tell you when they wipe us out!"
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 01:50
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "Give me airlift and il tell you when they wipe us out!"
IC: We would give you an airlift, if we knew where this nation asking for help was! :?
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "we no ware it is, and now weve been able to mount 20mm AA cannons on our trucks, we have 20 of those, but we probably still need air support"
Conganvanian Foren Minister: "The Conganvanian army is fully profesional and well trained, (they can get off 30 aimed shots a minet with there bolt action rifles. The trucks arnt armourd). The Conganvanian army is purly there to set up defences on the capitol and defend it untill the crisis is over, and train a militia force from the local population. The Conganvanians are bringing alot of food and ammo with them for a long siege, but expect weapons for the militia to to manufactured in the capitol"
We are located in the East Pacific.
There are currently only about 15 ships in the area but we have been warned that they have a larger fleet to enslave us if necissary.
Our scientists have been working steadil; in hopes of discovering some weapon that we can use to defeat the enemy but it is comming slow, please send any support ou can so that we can have time to finish our weapon.
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence:"An AK-47 will take out most things just as well as a particles beem, we are briinging plans for a simple unguided rocket with us, should be effective agianst slow mooving ships, the sooner we get there, the quiker we can deploy, build and train"
Ok thank you we will still however continu our research, we are eagerly awaiting your aid.
The Mekantan AI ambassador looks confused.
"Fifteen ships... You nearly expelled the contents of your bladder over fifteen ships..."
"Mekanta will provide support when this attack begins."
We know it sounds small but these are extremely large ships with advanced weaponry. Also if their threat of a larger fleet is true then we ahve a very good reason to "Blow our bladder" I beg you to send your help now as when the attacking starts it may be too late.
::EDIT:: I have been able to find a few privately oned aircrafts that I was able to rent and are sending over to pick up as many of your troops as possible right now
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "we have landed 1000 troops alredy in the capital, and hope to have the entire division in the capital soon, we now go to our man on the grond"
Conganvanian General, 1st infantry division (newely ariived in capital): "Ok, i ahve good news and i ahve bad news. There are only 15 ships, and as far as i can see only 1 is disgorging troops, and thats no ware near the capital, but the bad news is that these things are huge, each one seems to be able of carrying 50,000 troops, fully mechanised and with full Air, Artilery and armour support. Our bolt action rifels are prooving effective at killing..whatever they are, as they are powerful enouf to penetrate there infantry armour (wich seems ot be metal based) And conventional cannons are effective against there...there...i spose they could be called tanks. They seem to have an army based on moblity mor ethan staying power. Responce by the general publick and the government has been good, and we expect to have 50,000 militia armed with Enfields, Bren guns and RPGs soon. However, those are the only weapons we are legally alowed to produce, wede kill for an AK-47 right now, but we can tbuild em without being sued to high heaven. The capital has been bombarded heavely, we dont expect to get mor ethan 50,000 militia as the rest of the populace is needed to keep the infastructure running. We are currently coverting factorys to make 105mm Howtizers and 20mm AA cannons. There has been sporadic fighting around the outskirts, but the alien troops seem to be mainly conscripted and are being very careful, but we realy could use some air support around now, they seem to be massing an attack, if they can overwelm the capitol and further landings will be suisidle. I will report back when mor eprogress ahs been made"
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "So far we have sufferd only 11 fatalitys, due to the excelent trainign of our troops...even ifd there equipment stinks...however we are creding this to the fact that we have only been skirmishing so far, if we are attacked full on, we probalby wonthold beyond 3 days."
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "wee have landed all 10,000 troosp of the 1st infantry, however, this has forces the aliens to attack befor proper preporation in an attempt to take the capitol, its population then retreat, a detachment of the 1st (1,000 men) has ran into what apears to to be the left flank of a 30,000 strong assault force encroching on the capital. 4 other ships have landed and are disgorging troops, i recomend an air strike from someware would probably end them, and the troops inside them. We need ergent aid, now to our man on the ground"
Unidentified Conganvanian Officer *to the sound of random gunfire and energy beems slashing across in the background*: "We where scouting the assault force when we bumbled righ into them, we are heavely engaged and elements of the alien force are rapping around our flanks. We are heavely outnumberd, and despite the poor quality of the alien forces, we are nearly cut off and have sustained 300 cauluties. We are lucky they wernt expecting this, otherwise we should be dead by now, we are attenoting to withdra-" *A huge explosion rocks the area, the camera fall on its side and starts broadcasting sound only, there is explosion after explosion, gunfire, a gurgling sound and then all that is broadcast is static*
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "We have taken up defences positions, we should be able to defeat this 10,000 strong force if we hold position, however, the ships, as noted befor, are deploying 50,000 each run, if they manage to organise a propper attack, we will be wiped out"
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "wee have landed all 10,000 troosp of the 1st infantry, however, this has forces the aliens to attack befor proper preporation in an attempt to take the capitol, its population then retreat, a detachment of the 1st (1,000 men) has ran into what apears to to be the left flank of a 30,000 strong assault force encroching on the capital. 4 other ships have landed and are disgorging troops, i recomend an air strike from someware would probably end them, and the troops inside them. We need ergent aid, now to our man on the ground"
Unidentified Conganvanian Officer *to the sound of random gunfire and energy beems slashing across in the background*: "We where scouting the assault force when we bumbled righ into them, we are heavely engaged and elements of the alien force are rapping around our flanks. We are heavely outnumberd, and despite the poor quality of the alien forces, we are nearly cut off and have sustained 300 cauluties. We are lucky they wernt expecting this, otherwise we should be dead by now, we are attenoting to withdra-" *A huge explosion rocks the area, the camera fall on its side and starts broadcasting sound only, there is explosion after explosion, gunfire, a gurgling sound and then all that is broadcast is static*
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "We have taken up defences positions, we should be able to defeat this 30,000 strong force if we hold position, however, the ships, as noted befor, are deploying 50,000 each run, if they manage to organise a propper attack, we will be wiped out"
-Message to Defending Countries-
"As the attack has begun, we shall remain to our word."
"Preliminary analysys shows that they are susceptable to solid-matter weapons."
"Please be aware it is customary for Mekantan forces to take the weapons of those they defeat as trophies. Consider it... cleanup..."
-High Orbit-
Thirty satelites, each bearing the flag of the Mekantan Empire, reacted to signals. They turned, sophisticated calculations telling them exactly how to aim.
All was still for a moment, then all hell was unleashed. The weapons satelites, each equipped with an assault-capable mass driver, began unloading hypervelocity shells, the calculations ensuring they flew true to their targets.
Each shell packed the same amount of power as a cruise missile, only that it was sheer kinetic force.
"Mekantan forces have been en route since our first message. We will continue bombardment of the alien vessels until they arrive."
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "Thank you for your support, there are flooding troops into the capital, we are engaged in street to street, hand to hand and knee to groin fightin, the alien ships are bombarding the city, but its randoms and some of it is hitting ther own troops. Despite being of low quality concernign trainign, they are vewry well equiped, i feel lucky that i did not order the mechanised cor into the city, there weapons melt threw armour like a knife threw hot butter."
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 04:13
OOC: Whoops. I had to go away for a bit (my favorite TV show was on! :)) I'm back now.
IC: To support our Mekantan allies, the USSCF is deploying 20,000 Infantry to your nation to attack these aliens on the ground. Then, we will attempt to find a way aboard these vessels and take them over.
Until they arrive via naval transport, we will deploy 200 Elite troopers via XC-11 'Skyranger' Aerial VTOL transport.
OOC2: Each CF trooper is equipped with a standard suit of X-2 or X-3 powered armor, and a XLw 87 Laser Assault Rifle.
Each CF Elite is equipped with X-4 powered armor, personal shield generators, Laser Sniper Rifles, and XM-19 .50 caliber automatic cannons (firing HE, AP, or IC rounds.)
IC2: In addition, the newly renamed " CFS Unyielding Elephant" The second of our Klonor- built Hecate class destroyers will establish geosynchronus orbit over your nation to prevent these vile alien slavers from leaving.
OOC: If you guys want pics, I could post them, but the trick is that 56kers will kind of be left out. :(
"Are there any reports on damage to the vessels?"
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 04:42
Onboard Skyranger 239, about to hot drop its payload;
"Alright men! We're going in with the first group. From what we know, these aliens have really nasty energy weapons. Make sure your shields are on full. Also, keep your vibroblades handy, you never know when you'll need to kill something up close. Landing in 5! Remember, any technology you can bring back would be of use to the egg heads back home! For the Premier!"
Beams of Azure fire leapt from the Elite's sniper rifles, as several aliens around the landing site were gunned down.
OOC: Do we know what these aliens look like?
Conganvanian Minister OF defence: "We need urgent backup in the capitol, our defensivce ring has been pushed in and in, and is about to collaps, now to our man on the ground"
Conganvanian General, 1st infantry division, bleeding and scared: "Our WW2 era weapons are prooving adequet, but the aliens have overun the ammo and food stores, many civilians are being herded into a ship that has just landed in the reamains of the city airport. We are now concentrating our efforts of defending the government buildings and the supply depots around it, our current strenth is 3000 of the 1st Division, and 10,000 militia, we have lost all our heavy equipment, are fatigued and need medical suplys to treat the wounded and lots of backup...lots and lots of backup.On dexamination of prisioners we have taken, the aliens are smaller than humans, have 6 arms, runnign on 4 legs in a stance like that of an ape nuckling threw the jungle, and holding a weapon in there 2 upper limbs, there ships do seem to be taking some damage, those wich have landed seem to be very vunerable. The Aliens seem to have stalled, we estimate 100,000 are in the city, ready to deal the killer blow to us, but are being forced to regroop due to there uncordinated rush attack, wich has meant they have never been able to bring more than 20,000 troops against us at any 1 time. This has saved us, but it wont for much longer"
Conganvanian Minister OF defence: "We are afraid of alien reprisels on our own island nation, therefor we cannot mobolize the remaining 2 divisions. The fact that we have alredy lost nearly an entire division is devestating to our small nation. We have yet to introduce the draft in order to raise reservse incase we suffer from a direct slave raid by the alien forces."
Several ships surface off the coast of the island nation, transports already moving to drop off troops.
The following units have arrived
5,000 MAIA-D "Shinigami" Humanoid Shock Trooper Robots
7,000 MAIA-F "Akumu" Bipedal Assault Robots
3,000 MAIA-FA "Akumu" Bipedal Anti-Armor Robots
500 MAIA-A Autonomous Assault Armor
1,500 MAIA-B "Shugo" Humanoid Sniper Robots
750 MAIA-C "Taihou" Humanoid Artillery Robots
1,000 MIAF-A "Sora" Aerospace Fighter
1,500 MIAF-B "Kaze" Aerospace Fighter
More units will arrive shortly.
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 05:45
OOC: So these aliens are like insects? Cool. I've always liked squashing bugs.
IC: Central Facehuggeria will deploy another hundred thousand troops via naval transport to the the victimized island nation. These aliens will die!
OOC: We are willing to share any tech we recover from these creatures.
IC: Personal Shield generators, although normally used only by Elite forces are now being doled out to all CF infantry in this engagement. Also, in another convoy, XT-1 automated attack tanks are being loaded onto naval freighters as are artilery cannons. Those aliens won't stand a chance!
OOC3: I am really going to bed this time, I swear! So i'll be back tommorow.
(OOC: You just don't want to be upstaged by your ally, do you? ^_^)
(G'night, mate. I'll be sure to leave bugs for you to splatter.)
The Mekantan forces moved cautiously into the city, regretting that they didn't bring any Garou with them.
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "The aliense have been taken by suprise and taken from there reer by our allies, whats left of the 1st division and the city militia will no longer take part in offencive actions against the alien forces from this point on, they are exhausted, running low on ammo and medical suplies, and will concentrate on rebuilding the city and traning a profesional divsion of infantrymen to gaurd the city when we and our allies leeve"
Central Facehuggeria
21-02-2004, 17:19
OOC: Actually, I wan't even thinking of your forces. :) I was counting on the number of alien forces still remaining (100,000) and decided we needed more than they did. :) Besides, one hundred thousand infantry isn't really that much.
IC: "Alright! Men, we are going in with the first wave! When we arrive in the city, kill anything that has more than two legs! You get me!?"
"We get you sir!"
"Men, remember we still have elite teams in the city, so make sure you don't hit them. Let's rock!"
Meanwhile in the city;
Elite trooper Townes was sifting through the 'wreckage' of his last battle. "Heh, I guess you guys don't like High explosive ammo, do you?" when he heard a click. He turned around and was face to face with a particulary large alien. This one, looked pissed. It raised its weapon and fired.
Beams of searing energy hit Townes' shields. They perceptibly drained. 75%...60%...40%... his shields were being drained very quickly, so he had to move quickly. He took and swung his autocannon as hard as he could into the alien's torso, knocking the creature out cold. Then he called command on his radio. "This is elite trooper Townes, I've got a live one, repeat...I've got a live one!"
OOC: I may not be able to post for awhile.
-In the City-
The Imperial forces marched through the city, ever watchful for aliens...
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "We only no that there are 100,000 in the city, we have no idear whats in the countryside, or wether those ships are bringing down more troops, But after the city is cleared, we are hoping they will give up"
21-02-2004, 20:23
**Incoming Transmission**
"Better Late than never Eh? The Alliance of New Aranamor pledges a small portion of troops to your effort of turning back these things. We Send 20,000 Of our Best Aircraft and 100,000 Ground Troops, along with 300 Nevolan Assault Tanks, and 20,000 Support Staff, with 2 Huang Assault Battleships to support you, they are now under your command.."
(OCC: yes i can do this because there are 21 member nations + one of them has 2.186 billion people)
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "Concentrate you ships fire on the alen ships on the ground, we think they have to lower shields to land. If you can hit the reinforcements befor they leeve the ships, we can deal with whats in the city then op up the troops in the country without interfereence"
21-02-2004, 20:40
"Understood, Huangs Diverted to the Ships we can detect, while we land the troops to intercept their reinforcements"
Conganvanian Minister Of Science: "We have set up a field lab within the city center, co-operating with the local universety. We are examening the alien weapons and equipment (disection of alien dead is against our governments laws, they are enemy war dead). The beam weapons are very powerful, but they need a massive power source in order to power them, using an unkown element. The only practicle use we have found for the weapons would be as orbital defence lasers, tied into a powerstation. Alien vehicles hover...but also require massive power supplies, we have found no use for this technology, as hovering power stations are...impracticle. There armour is conventional, nothing stunning. We have had limeted succses using there tracking systems and vehicle intrfaces, unfourtunetly they where desined for people with 6 limbs (weve alredy accidently demolished 3 buildings fiddling aorund with the tank mounted weapons), and what we think are hand books are untranslateble. We have also found what could eather be army doctorin manules...or alien pornography, we have dropped reaserech in that direction indefinetly."
A MAIA-X "Shuryou" command robot walks into the lab. "Imperial Command has ordered me to examine the alien handbooks. May I see?"
While the Shuryou is keeping everyone occupied, two more walk in and try to carry off alien corpses, snickering softly. (Their voice synthesizers can emulate the sound.)
Elsewhere, the Imperial air force was making repeated strafing runs against the alien ships, while a force of tanks and assualt units approached from several sides.
"I wonder how many units we can produce from this trophy..." A Shinigami muses, ready to open fire.
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 01:05
20,000 aircraft!? :shock: That is alot of jets! It would be a logistical nightmare. :(
Also, here: is a picture of one of my elite troopers. The shiny, almost translucient shimmer on the armor is his personal shield generator.
IC: "Alright! We think we've found a way into the enemy command ship! They seem to use a gravity beam to literally 'beam people up.' The trick is that you need a special code to for the system to lock on to you. Our egg heads think that they have just decrypted this code. Now, we are looking for volunteers for this mission. You are to get inside, terminate the crew, and capture the ship. Any questions?"
"What kind of opposition are we likely to run into on the alien ship?"
"Unknown. We expect there will be more alien troopers like the ones down here, but we don't know what else. As such, the teams that go in will go in heavy, with a wide assortment of arms. Any other questions?"
An awkward silence permeated the room.
"Good. Now, any volunteers?"
All of the men in the room stood up.
"Great. You are all worthy men of Central Facehuggeria. I am proud of each and every one of you! Everyone get some rest! Tommorow we move on the alien command ship!"
Conganvanian General, 1st division: "We have attempted firing out current anti orbit dumbfire rockets, althou they do inflict damage, the alien ships are just to big to be brought down by them. We have rigged up a scaled replicate of one of the alien beem weapons to the only remaining local powerstation, we wil now attempt to bring down a ship using this weapon"
Conganvanian Officer, to minister of defence: "You do no that if this gos wrong the resulting explosion will vapori-"
Second Conganvanian Officer: "Shu the hell up leutenant"
First Officer: "but if id doase go wrong- OW, you just kicked me!"
General: "anything the problem"
Second Officer: "nothing at all,the leutenent was just about to start up the wepaon, WERNT YOU"
First officer *wile rubbing his shin*: "Yes captin"
The weapon starts glowing, the tip of what could be called the barrel builds a bigger and bigger glow, then, the sky gos white with light, and a huge beem arcs off to a ship attempting landing, wich is blown in half
General: "we gota get up some more of these!"
Second officer: "errr...we should moove....there have been unforseen side efects.."
General: "why?"
Second officer: "because the dam guidence system is on fire, the weapons metal casing, the platform it was mounted on, and the pavement we are standing on and the soles of our shoes are MELTING, and ide rather leeve befor it reset with our feet in it sir"
22-02-2004, 02:12
(20,000 Jets? who said jets, im a space borne nation :))
"Work on New coolant technology immeaditly, and we can pump out more of those weapons, and take out this alien fleet now, i am dispatching squadrons to keep the enemy busy while we work on this!"
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 02:27
(20,000 Jets? who said jets, im a space borne nation :))
20,000 space fighters then. That is still a huge amount of flying vehicles! :)
Townes and the rest of the CF boarding party got equipped and then assembeled in a large clearing that had once been one of the city's parks. He gave a thumbs up to a comtechnician and the next thing he and the rest of the boarding party knew, they were flying several hundred feet in the air, right into the cavernous alien ship. He then counted the number of troops that had made it to the ship. All two thousand members of the CF boarding party had made it to the ship. Then Townes announced over a encrypted comlink "Alright. Break into squads and clear the ship. Report anything strange you encounter! Remember to check those corners. This is an alien ship, we have no idea what may be inside. They'll probably be expecting us, so keep an eye out for ambushes! Ready? Alright, lets move everyone!"
The 2000 CF infantry split into many assorted squads and began a search and destroy mission.
Conganvanian Minister Of Defence: "Despite our best effort, we are still unable to cool down the beam weapons, we now go to our latest test"
Conganvanian General, 1st Division *looking alot more singed now*: Ok, fire it up!" *Runs for cover*
Again, a huge beem is built up, then tares threw the alien ship, blosoms of fire spout from it arour, and it slowely looses altetude.
Conganvanian Officer: "well, that went well-"
The huge coolent tanks surrounding the weapon glow red hot, then expload, raining the area in rapidly condensing coolent and hot metal shards
Officer *from behind some sandbags*: "well at least the weapon didnt melt, but all this coolent is costng us money, there no way this could be practicly used for anything other than home defence"
The Ship smashes into the outskirts of the city
General: "Bring me more coolent! and we need air support, i think there starting to get a lock on where we are firing from. Send 1000 men from the 1st and 2000 militia to check out the recage, the city is prety much in our hands now, but be carefull anyway"
Conganvanian Foren Minister: "I am concerned about our allie Arenumberg, and the economic muscle it is putting into this war, despite the fact they are small than my own nation, wich coul donly send 10,000 troops with WW2 equipment to this battlefied, they have sent a large, technologicly advanced force to the front. We offer financial aiod to them in order to help pay for the enormas amount of money it must have cost them in order to produce such a force for such a young nation. We also must inform you that we have marked a ship with a special "beeper" version of our anti ship rockets, this ship is the one that slaves were brought on bord. There could be 200,000 people in its squalid slave quaters, maby alot more if it wasnt carrying any troops. We beg that this ship not be attacked, we would like to bring it down safely, however if it attempts to leeve orbit, we should try and shoot it down, death is better than slavery. So far 7 ships have been destoryed. 2 By our new beam weapon, and the rest have sucomb to sheer wait of fire from the combined anti ship weapons of allied forces. The anti ship rockets we have been using up to now have prooven inefective apart from when used in massive amounts over a sustained persiod. Wile they are adequet for hitting destroyer size in low orbit, they are to week and to slow for anytihng in high orbit or anytihng big, the fact they arnt guided makes them easy to doge in high orbit. We intend to replace them with 5 permenant anti ship lasers, mounted in our home territory. They will drain 70% of the total power of our nation, so we will ask a close allie of ours to provide power for them in exchange for joint defence. We will also supplie 3 to plater..plater...the current nation the 1st division is in. Exploring the ruins of the cavonus ships, we have determined that there engins are to week to get another fleet here befor the ground war is over and the nation secured. We will leeve the 3000 remaining men of the 1st devision in plater...the afformentioned nation, to train an army there and rebuild"
22-02-2004, 12:01
"My Dear Friend,
Economics for what you think is just a small nation is not a problem, a alliance of other 27 nations live in my region, and we all pledged our support, allowing us to bring a small portion of our power to bear.."
"Besides, We are now concentrating our fire on the Rear Vessel, as it seems to approaching another settlement"
"Commander, Dispatch 3 Wings of Phalanx's to intercept and distract, while our friends here get another cannon running!"
~Yes Ma'am~
General: "Ok now, fire it up..."
As usual, the beem sears threw the nearest ship, sending it down into a forest, where it go critical and exploads, leeving a huge buring crater in the ground......and as usual, the coolent exploads
General: "DUCK N COVER!"
......and as usual, the coolent exploads
22-02-2004, 16:12
*A Anamorian scientist walks up to one of the cannons*
"Here, try this new advanced coolant, if this works, we will distribute them.."
"This is Fighter Battlegroup 1, we are approaching the rear ship and try out or new lancer cannons..."
--Beams can be heard shooting...--
"We have direct impacts, weve lost a few fighters though.. but.. the ship has been immobilised, we are calling in the Anamorian salvage crews.. looks like we got ourself another alien vessel!"
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 16:29
"My Dear Friend,
Economics for what you think is just a small nation is not a problem, a alliance of other 27 nations live in my region, and we all pledged our support, allowing us to bring a small portion of our power to bear.."
OOC: I don't mean economics. I mean it would be a logistical and command nightmare. Eventually, one gets so many ships/infantry/whatevers that it is extremely difficult to coordinate all of them. 20,000 space fighters is a huge amount, and it takes a very, very efficient C&C system to use them all. Not to mention that you have to keep em supplied. Argh. That is why I stay away from large numbers of vehicles. :D
IC: "Bravo team, report status."
"This is bravo, we've found some of those aliens up here. Nothing too serious."
"Excellent" Townes thought to himself. The purge was going well. Too well infact. The aliens surely would have defended their ship better. Hmmph. "Eh, maby these aliens weren't expecting anyone on their own ship. Heh. Stupid bugs." Right as he said this, however, the door ahead of them opened. A huge creature, vastly different from the other aliens emerged. This creature was roughly humanoid, and covered in a blue chitinous armor plating. Built into these plates, or possibly coming through these plates was several very large and pointy spikes. Coming off of one arm was what looked like a gun. This gun was enormous, completely covering the arm. A green halo seemed to circle the barrel. This light grew brighter and brighter, until the alien launched a green blast of energy at Townes' squad.
Corporal Mendoza was cooked as his shields overloaded and shut down. The rest of the squad opened up with their autocannons sending streams of High Explosive ammunition towards the alien brute. When the smoke cleared, the creature was still standing. "SHIT!" Someone yelled as the creature charged Corporal Langley. It nearly trampled Langley, but he managed to jump out of the way.
Townes set his vibroblade to maximum vibration and leapt onto the alien's back. Part of it (namely the area where the armored helmet met the torso, ie the neck) was exposed. He plunged his vibroblade into the creature's neck. Dispite the vibroblade's ability to cut through solid titanium A armor in milliseconds, it took a full three seconds to lop off the alien's head. That alien was one tough nut to crack.
Townes opened a comlink to the rest of the CF forces on the ship. "Everyone, look out for a large hulking alien species. They have a really big gun that can completely fry you if it hits. They are particularly weak around the neck, over."
The presence of such a powerful enemy must have meant that they were getting close to the bridge.
22-02-2004, 16:45
OOC: Haungs are absolutely huge command/assault battleships, supplied by one of my member nations Aranamor now has 32 nations :)
"Testing the cannons in 5...4...3...2..1.."
(u go :P)
Conganvanian General: "Ok, here we go again, try not to melt any more of my junior officers..."
The beem weapon powers up, laiden with new coolent, its shoots, it scores, the coolent tanks melt
First Officer *from a distance, on a roof, in a deckchair, with a cigar*: "That wasnt very impressiv,e i mark it a 3.2"
Second officer *leaning against wall sippin whisky*: "I dont no, i admit its go tnothing on the explosins we produced in the first tests, but i alway liked the meting effect, ile give it a 6.1"
General: "At least nothing blew up this time.."
(OOC: Correction, Central Facehuggeria. It's difficult for a human to coordinate them. That's another advantage Mekanta has. ^_^)
(On another note, I take it we can freely call damage? ^_^)
(On yet another note, anything in "{ }" is in the Mekantan language. Warning! Here be Engrish. ^_^)
A Shinigami turned and saluted as one of the Shuryou walked up to it, nodding. "{Honorable Leader. Against this vessel, to use light attacks, to probe their reaction.}"
"Good." The Shuryou said. He had a symbol on its forehead, causing the Shinigami to gasp. "Yes. I am an Omega Variant. Any other questions?"
"Good. I tire of waiting. Focus on one part of the hull and blast a hole we can storm it through."
22-02-2004, 18:55
(yeh i am half elf :P)(want a pic of huang? here you go..)
Huang Battleship/Supercarrier/Command carrier/variants
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 19:06
OOC: Ohh. Here I was thinking it was a naval battleship all this time. :wink:
IC: Townes and his squad reached a large foyer whose ceiling was several stories above the ground level. On the opposite end of the foyer was a massive set of double doors. And infront of them was..."Oh crap." Several of those large alien creatures were right there. Their weapons were charging...
"Bloody hell..." Townes shouted.
OOC: More later.
22-02-2004, 19:33
OOC: Hehehehe, the only problem is they are command varients and cant fight because most of their offensive weaponry has been traded for more sensor equipment,, communication equipment,, etc :) and my naval ships look more like this.. there ya go lol)
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 19:40
OOC: I've got to go for a few hours, so I won't be able to post anything.
Central Facehuggeria
22-02-2004, 20:52
Im back.
Bump until I decide what happens to Townes and his squad.
I want to thank you all for your assistance and need to apologise for our countries lack of action for the last day. Our scientists here believe they have a plan to stop the alien threat but we will need a few thousand rolls of duct tape, some bailing wire, and 5 toothpicks.
22-02-2004, 22:30
No problem, you want it weve got it, lol
Central Facehuggeria
23-02-2004, 03:12
OOC: It's okay. Your country was attacked by slave stealing aliens, it is only natural for a government to be in shock for a small amount of time :wink:
The aliens' weapons charged, a hellish green glow encircling each of their guns. "Bloody hell..." Townes exclaimed. "Why the hell didn't I bring any rocket launchers with my team!?" Then, as if on cue, a high explosive rocket streamed from an adjacent cooridor, and straight into one of the aliens. "What the hell?" Townes said to himself.
The aliens were disoriented. They seemed to lose all track of Townes and his squad, instead focusing on the source of the explosive rocket. Before they could discharge their weapons, two more heavy anti-tank rockets streamed into them. Turning the aliens into little bits of sushi. "Hey, Townes, good to see you didn't start the party without us!" Came a voice from the general direction of the rockets.
"McCarthy, good to see you. You really saved our butts back there!"
"Don't mention it, buddy. It's just good to see we didn't arrive too late! Now, lets get to the bridge!"
Minister Of Defence: "We have word from the detachment of troops we sent out to examine the alien reckage, we go to them now"
Unidentified Officer: "We are in a scene of total carnage here, it seems this ship had taken captives." *Points to recage, mangles alien and human corpses are interwoven with burning reckage, someware in the distance, a work groop are pilling corpses into a pit, 1 man is vomiting* "We have found some survivers, but many where killed by the aliens, who then retreated into the forest when we engaged the vehicles they had salvaged with RPGs. Those that where in the countryside befor there ships where attacked seem to have gone to ground. We have deployed hunter killer teems, but unfourtunetly progress is slow" *There is sporadic fire in the distance, an energy beem lances down from a into the distant forest, then a cloud of smoke and dirt is thrown up on the hill, a bang following soon after*
Minister Of Defence: "On a side note, we have been using this seek and destroy situation to test the prototypes of our new 'no thrills' 6x6 APC, to replace the armourd trucks we where using for transport since our nations founding. 30 of these APCs have been sent into the field. Reports are good, althou we have lost 1 and had another 2 severly damged in ambushes"
Central Facehuggeria
23-02-2004, 21:01
OOC: I will be gone for a bit. Be back in a few hours.
We have finished our plan to stop the ships, We have an enormous number of chickens in our contry and have trained them to fly into the ships exhasust and fill it with duct tape, they then will go and wrap bailing wire around as many aliens as possible and peck out their eyes so they have no idea what is going on, the toothpicks are to cleen the chickens beaks we hear the aliens have messy eyeballs.
Conganvanian Minister Of Bloody Stupid Plans "GENIUS!, WHY DIDNT WE THNINK OF THAT!"
Newly elected Cabnet leader for Platypusiusususism defence: Well minister that is because we are geniouses. We have taken out a total of about 35 ships so far and are beginning to run low on toothpicks, and bailing wire. If anyone could supply some more we would greatly appreciate it.
Also I have heard that Conganvania has developed a large lazer cannon, will this technology be shared?
Central Facehuggeria
06-03-2004, 20:40
OOC: I've found it again! :)
IC: Townes and his team made their way to the large doors of the atrium, occassionally stepping over chared bits of alien flesh. "Blow it."
Rodriquez, the Demolitions specialist on Townes' squad removed a large canister from his backpack. He unscrewed it, and a gelatinous blob fell out. He quickly picked up the blob, placed it on the door, slipped in the detonator, and steped well enough away while the stuff worked. It began to fizzle and then harden. Within seconds it exploded, taking the whole doorway with it. Behind the now shattered doors were two of the smaller aliens. Townes took aim and fired, ruby red beams streaking from his weapon and hitting the creatures head on, melting their armor.
The squad proceeded through the long, twisting cooridor to the bridge. The command section of the alien ship was strange. It obviously wasn't designed for human aesthetics. "Hey sir! I've got something! I found this 'lil bugger hiding under that big throne like thing."
The trooper had discovered the ship's captian. Just like the smaller, slave grabbing aliens, except that instead of a normal dull grey type of armor, it wore a reflective gold suit that seemed to change color when viewed from different angles.
"Now...You and I are going to have a long chat..."