19-02-2004, 21:46
Our empire, the god of sethosayher, has been a total empire for 1600 years. 200 years ago, the emperor has been striped of all power, and that power has been given to the Free Democratic society, a group of 400 represenitives. The Emperor has become a religous icon, a symbol of the power of god, and he holds the respect of our total population.
Our nation is divided into 17 states, all of which have supported either the emperor, his church, or the FDS [Free Democratic society]
Save one. A border state name Issuner, a state famous for political unrest and violent uprisings, has in office the leader of a radical group called Sinpher, a group higly oppossed to the emperor.
Recently rumor has arose that border skirmishes between Issuner and FOTHE, or Followers of the emperor, have been prevelant.
If this is to escalate, the FDS knows what will happen:
1. Issuner will invade all FOTHE states that border it.
2. Mass religous hysteria will reign, and soon the FOTHE nations will begin to arm, withour consent of FDS
3. Before the FDS can do a thing, the FOTHE will crush Sinpher.
4. Soon support will swell for the emperor.
5. Because the FDS did not stop Sinpher in time, popularity will drop fast.
6. Soon mass political upheval will ocurr, and FOTHE will drive FDS out of power, and the emperor will come to power.
To ensure that this will NOT happen, we must knock out Sinpher, and claim popularity first. But we are too far from Issuner, and will not be able to knock out the Sinpher in time. Thus we request that border nations help us.
For The FDS, amen
Our nation is divided into 17 states, all of which have supported either the emperor, his church, or the FDS [Free Democratic society]
Save one. A border state name Issuner, a state famous for political unrest and violent uprisings, has in office the leader of a radical group called Sinpher, a group higly oppossed to the emperor.
Recently rumor has arose that border skirmishes between Issuner and FOTHE, or Followers of the emperor, have been prevelant.
If this is to escalate, the FDS knows what will happen:
1. Issuner will invade all FOTHE states that border it.
2. Mass religous hysteria will reign, and soon the FOTHE nations will begin to arm, withour consent of FDS
3. Before the FDS can do a thing, the FOTHE will crush Sinpher.
4. Soon support will swell for the emperor.
5. Because the FDS did not stop Sinpher in time, popularity will drop fast.
6. Soon mass political upheval will ocurr, and FOTHE will drive FDS out of power, and the emperor will come to power.
To ensure that this will NOT happen, we must knock out Sinpher, and claim popularity first. But we are too far from Issuner, and will not be able to knock out the Sinpher in time. Thus we request that border nations help us.
For The FDS, amen