NationStates Jolt Archive

The Holy Empire of Obsidian Light ....

19-02-2004, 04:34
Lucian Darkhealm steps out of his private chambers and into his vast audience chamber. Stepping into the room is a breathtaking experience for those not used to it. The celings are cathedral and images from the knights of the round table extravagantly cover the room. Lucian looks intensely at the picture of the Black Knight.

Caine: "My great and holy emperor I have brought before you the imbecile who has been complaining about buisness taxes."

Lucian quickly smacks Caine." You do not speak until spoken to. Bring the man to me.

Caine almost responds but he realizes this will only bring more wrath down upon him. He grabs the man by the back of the neck and tosses him in front of Lucian. Lucian gives the man a dagger and kicks him in the face splitting his lip and knocking several teeth out.

Lucian: "Grab the dagger!"

But before the man can grab the dagger Lucian draws his braodsword and sticks it throught the mans abdomen. He brings him close to his face and spits on him.

Lucian: "No one talks about taxes in regards to buisnesses. I make the law and you have been judge to be a traitor. May the black abyss take you."
Flinging the man's body to the floor he snatches him by the neck, takes the dagger, and promptly severes his internal juglar.

Lucian: "Caine if you hear of anyone else whinning about taxes of any kind you bring them to me. Oh and make sure they are alive. (A slight pause occurs here) Ahhh, nothing to say Caine? Very good. Now leave me."

Caine walks quitley out of the audience chamber and curses unders his breath. He loves the Emperor, but finds such silence required by him irritating.

to be continued.......