NationStates Jolt Archive

Assasination atttempt on Emperor Romanov

18-02-2004, 22:11
OOC: continuation of the sub RP

IC: *Ulonov watches as the lieutanats head explodes into a thousand pieces*


*At this point everyone ine the room has jumped on the floor and Ulonov has signled the MP's in the area*

Ulonov: We have a shooter that has just taken a shot at the emperor... find him now!!! I want him alive....

*Over the radio*

Yes sir!!

*Around the block margret, an 87 year old school crossing gaurd is helping some children cross the street, she sees a man take a heist a motorcycle, she yells at him to halt, but he continues going, Margret takes out her state issued AK-47 and shoots three short bursts at the motorcycle*
Henceland Omega
20-02-2004, 07:51
::From the pub, Ritsuko hears a gun shot. Her ears perk up immediately::

Ritsuko: What the hell? ::She pauses for a moment and tilts her head:: Sounded like a PSG. That can only mean... Oh God! Ed! ::She stands up and starts running through the pub. She skids to a halt as she sees Ed lying on the gorund with his vodka still in his hand. She runs out the building and up to Ulonov::

Ulonov: Ritsuko, what the hell are you doing?

Ritsuko: I'm going after the putz that's what!

Ulonov: We can't have you out there when there's an assassin on the loose!

Ritsuko: Can it Ulonov. I could care less. I wanna find this guy... ::she suddenly hears gun fire from around the block. She pulls out her own pistol and runs toward the sound, ignoring Ulonov's protests::
23-02-2004, 20:16
Quin was still on the bike when he heard the voice shout at him to stop. He reved on the throttle and picked up speed. Two maybe three bullets wizzed past his bike but a fourth got the PSG right in the trigger. His face had a worried look now. "Nice shot" he said as he full throttled it now. He was hurling his way down sloped street when suddenly he had to slam on his breaks and skid off to the side, meeting with a fruit stand. He hit the ground rolling. He looked up from the melon slushie he had just made looking in all directions for a police force. He pushed himself up and began running down the street. He looked left to right for an alley, window, door, anything but couldn't find a damn thing. His run slowly turned into a jog as he approached a brick wall. "Crap, bloody hell" he said as he punched the side of the wall with his fist.
Henceland Omega
24-02-2004, 06:54
::Ritsuko runs toward the sound of the gun shots being fired. She passes the school as she hears a crash in the distance. She spots a random junior high boy on a bicycle::

Ritsuko: Hey kid! May I borrow your bike? I need to catch the guy that just tried to shoot the Emperor!

::The boy looks Ritsuko up and down (who is wearing her usual blouse and tie with a long skirt) and gets a smile on his face. He nods, and opens his motuh to speak, but Ritsuko doesn't give him time::

Ritsuko: Thanks kid! I'll get this back to you... ::She hops on and rides as fast as she can untill she gets to a sloped street. The bicycle slips on the melon slush on the ground, falling over itself. Ritsuko lands in the slush::

Ritsuko: I never could get the hang of riding bikes on slippery ground... give me my T-74 anyday... ::She picks herself up and looks around. Several people are looking at her oddly. She asks the nearest person if they saw a suspicious man. They all point down an alley::

Random Man: The man that slammed a motorcycle into the fruit stand a few minutes ago ran that way. He probably didn't get far, there's not much there.

Ritsuko: Uh... ok. ::She slowly begins sneaking to the alley, wondering why the Edenstein Police have not arrived yet. She pulls her pistol out again...::
24-02-2004, 20:34
He had sweat dripping from his nose now due to the nervousness he was feeling. He stomped his foot on the ground as he mumbled profanity's and contimplated his fate. Thats when he heard it. The rattle of a chain. He looked down by his foot. A man hole was under his foot. He instantly dropped to his knees and began prying at it like a racoon whos hand was stuck in a trap. "Damn it locked down." he said this as he lifted up a chain with a lock on it. He put his arms up to his coat and began feeling around. He than put his hand into his coat and took out a PNN-9. He fumbled it in his hands thinking he had lost it with the bike. He stood up and aimed the gun at the lock. Pulling the trigger a loud thunderous bellow came out of the alley. He than kicked the lock and watched it break apart in his hand. He than grabbed ahold of the man hole and lifted off the lid. He looked up after he put one leg into the hole to see an officer or agent with a gun making their way into the alley. He grabbed his gun and squeezed off 3 shots in random areas of the alley to slow their approach. He than tucked the gun in his pants and dropped down the hole. He than reached up and slid the cover back over and ran down a tunnel in the sewer.
Henceland Omega
25-02-2004, 06:22
::As Ritsuko nears the alley she hears a loud gunshot being fired. She turns into the alley as 3 shots are fired in her direction. She dives back around the corner as the shots whiz overhead. She waits a second then slowly peeks around the corner to see the alleyway empty. Holding her pistol out she looks around and sees a broken lock by the manhole::

Ritsuko: Pretty smart! Heh.

::She picks up her cell phone and goes back around the corner. She dials a number::

Ritsuko: Hey Ulonov, I've got the guy tracked down into a sewer by the marketplace. Send backup of you'd like. I'm heading down after him.

::Turning her phone to silent mode, she walks over and slowly pulls the manhole off, being careful to not make any sudden noises or be directly above the hole. She reaches into her utility belt and pulls out a small Maglite. She drops down the manhole and begins to walk through the sewer::
25-02-2004, 06:45
*Ulonov gets the message from Ritsuko, by this time Zofia is also on the chase, she intercepts the message as well and heads down into the sewer, she pulls a wire from her palm, she connects it to a headset with night vision and hud built into it that she just pulled from her hip belt, she pulls out her Berretta and makes her way towards the last known co-ordinates*

*On the surface*

*Two police cars and a SWAT van pull up by the sewer, the police cars cordin off the area and the swat scales down into the sewer after the gunman*
25-02-2004, 06:54
OOC: I have a powerful Military Family Named Romanov and the dictator is Alexi Romanov so i thought if i could i would get into this RP?
25-02-2004, 16:12
25-02-2004, 20:30
Quin had slowed his job to a quick walk, letting his feet quiet down the noise of splashing water. Above him he could hear the police sirens and behind him he could hear the swat teams screaming orders. He reached into his coat and pulled out his scrapped up cell phone. "Damn, no reception.........must be this sewer. I'm going to have to find an opening." He said this in a mumble to himself than continued walking down the sewer ways. After about six left and rights he picked up on a sound. "Is that..........rushing water???" He ran down the sewer way and took a left than a right. To his amazement he came to an opening where the water was gushing out. "Finally, I missed the sun." He walked up to opening and looked down in awe. He had found himself on the side of some damn. He smiled and reached into his pocket and pulled out his ciggerettes. He stuck one in his mouth and grabbed the cell phone from the other pocket. He dialed his pals who were suppose to pick him up in a truck after the hit took place but the hit never took place. He fumbled around for a lighter in his pocket. He found one and pulled it out flicking it several times until he got it to light. He puffed until he got it rolling than put his lighter away. Some one on the other line picked up "Hello, hey nice pick up. <'Nice shot....I thought you never miss'> (I hit s.omething didn't I) <'Yea yea. Where are yea. We'll come and pick you up'> (Good luck unless you can fly or swim.) <'What you mean?'>(I mean I'm standing on the side of some damn............dam) <How......nevermind. I don't know how you get yourself into this stuff but.......well.....let me get ahold of HQ and see if they can't offer any advice> (Alright, I'll call back in 5 mins) <Alright> He hung up the phone and sat down leaning against the side of the hole. He still had the PNN in his hand just in case someone got smart.
26-02-2004, 05:43
*in an isolated room outside of view from just about everyone, deep in the insides of Edenstein palace a watch officer picks up an unusual telephone signal emminating from an unusual place to an unusual source*

Officer: Con, I'm picking up an unusual cellphone transmission, its coming from an unregistered phone and going through tower #13573 Alpha Gamma

*Con looks at a list*

Con: Whats anyone doing out there...... dispatch a few hind-24's out there.. could be that sniper, can you contact Zofia or the Swat team?

Officer: No they are to deep underground

Con: Ok keep me posted

*Two Hind 24 attack helicopters are dispatched to the general location of where the call came from*

*Back in the sewer*

*Zoifa continues walking down the sewer toward the last known place of the sniper, walking down one of the corridors she smells a cigarette burning, and starts walking towards the general smell with her gun drawn*
Henceland Omega
26-02-2004, 19:22
::As Ritsuko wanders through the sewers she suddenly hears a noise behind her. She whips around with her pistol and points it in the direction of the sound. With her other hand she shines her light . She gasps as the light shines on a person, then suddenly relaxes a bit::

Ritsuko: Zofia? Good Lord you scared the hell out of me! What's going on? Do you smell the smoke too?
01-03-2004, 08:16
*outside the Damn wall*

*Two Hind attack helicopters with FLIR sensor suites on a ball turret arrive at the dam area, they start scanning if for an thing out of the ordinary*

*in the tunnel*

Zofia: Hey kiddo, good to see you here, *she looks around* Yeah, I smelled smoke comeing from this direction, *her hud starts beeping and displaying an arrow towards a tunnel*

I'm patched into the sewer schematics... if you came from that direction and I came from this direction and didn't see him, he must be this way *points down tunnel* After you?

*The swat team pans out over the sewer, in 5 teams of 2 searching for the sniper and sealing off any chance of escape*
Henceland Omega
02-03-2004, 06:48
::Ritsuko shakes her head at being called "kiddo", but she really doesn't mind. She motions for Zofia to go first::

Ritsuko: YOu've got the night vision goggles, it'll be easier for you to see what's up ahead. All I have is my Maglite. ::she looks at Zofia's attachement: That's really cool that you can hook that up to your palm pilot! Having just got one of my own, I haven't accessorized mine yet... I'll stay behind and cover for you.
02-03-2004, 07:07
Henceland Omega
08-03-2004, 05:58
OOC: Ok, since it's been a while, and things need to get taken care of, I'll assume he's not responding and I'll finish this. If he posts I'll edit things...

IC: ::Ritsuko and Zofia follow the smell around a corner. Zofia frowns::

Ritsuko: What's going on?

Zofia: From what I can tell, we're going to end up at the dam opening any minute. In fact...

::she turns a corner. Quinn snaps up. He'd almost dozed off waiting for his pickup. He looks up just in time to see Zofia come around the corner. He pulls out his gun and fires randomly in her direction. Zofia and Ritsuko dive to the ground. Quinn jumps up and peers out, holding his gun::

Quinn: Give up! You can't get me!

Zofia: Give up? When we've got you surrounded? Look outside! THe helicoptors should be arriving shortly.

::Quinn turns around and looks out. Ritsuko takes the opportunity to dash past the hole Quinn is in. Quinn quickly turns back around::

Quinn: You almost had me there! Thought you catch me with my back turned long enough to shoot me?

Zofia: I was rather hoping. ::she pulls out her own gun and turns it on him:: Now, are you going to surrender?

Quinn: Of course not! ::He begins to back up as he aims his gun at Zofia. He trembles slightly:: Don't you want to know why I tried to assassinate the Emperor?

Zofia: No. Not really....

Quinn: Well then... who'll be the first to... ::as he speaks, a gun is fired from behind him, hitting him in his firing arm. He drops his weapon, and begins to run::

Zofia: Hey, I wouldn't....

::Quinn runs back to the hole and keeps running, looking over his shoulder as he does so::

Ritsuko: Hey... umm...

::Quinn suddenly looks back around and realizes just too late that he has just stepped outside of the dam, and he falls down to his untimely death with a splash::

Zofia: You know, if it were most other people, I'd be upset that you fired at him while I was on the other side.

Ritsuko: Heh. I had you factored into the shot. And nice negotiating! He was so focused on you he didn't even notice me back there!

Zofia: Well ::she looks out:: the police will find the body. If we hurry we may be able to get back for the reception!