Declaration of WAR from the Ninjao Warhawkery Department
Whatever you're watching at the moment is suddenly changed to a blue room, with a man dressed in total samurai armor in the camera's view.
"Welcome to this edition of 'Who Wants to be a Smoldering Crater?'. I'm just kidding, folks. As many of you know, I'm the leader of the Dominion of Joshu. And, as most of us know, the region of Ninjao is in the midst of a War on Error. Which is pretty self-explanatory. But, for those of us who aren't paying attention, nations whom we would consider overtly erroneous get a free enrollment in our three-step program. We call it Bend, Tuck, and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!
To be serious, we are forced by our obligations to sane and logical nations everywhere to declare war upon the region of Ceaser Cast-cas-caslte! That's it, Ceaser Caslte! We are declaring war upon them for these reasons: It has been reported that Ceaser Caslte has been secretly plotting/attempting 'region-crashing', which as I understand is a bad thing. Also, we have received information which leads us to believe that Ceaser Caslte has been in the habit of harboring many nameless, anonymous errorist organizations. Yes, errorists. Now, being a civilized people, we give the region of Ceaser Caslte a 24-hour ultimatum to end their erroneous ways, starting by correcting the spelling error in their name. The ultimatum starts right... about... now!" Joshu looks down at his watch, and presses a button that starts a countdown. You can see it on the bottom of your screen. Ha! Made you look!
"It is for those reasons that we, the nations of Ninjao, will go-" he pauses as he struggles to draw his katana from its sheath. "Go! To! WARRRRRRRRR!"
He succeeds in drawing the blade, which finds a new home in the chest of a random flunkie. As everyone in the room has a good laugh at a dying man's expense, the screen begins to
18-02-2004, 21:36
Yes, as my fellow shogun, the shogun of Joshu and Seppuko, both nations in the region of Ninjao, has detailed for the international community, Ninjao will be formally going to war with the region of Caeser Caslte. The decision to begin this phase of the War on Error was brought on by a tip from a former member of the Fortress of Implied Power, Vacagorda. The Fortress is beginning a merger with the Caser Caslte region, both of which I'm led to believe are involved in some seriously dubious activities. As per protocol, the region has been given a 24hr ultimatum to prepare for the invasion. If it were up to me, they would recieve no such ultimatum, you can thank Joshu for that.
-Poor Spelling
-General Idiocy
-Classified reasons brought to my attention by Vacagorda
OOC I am really bored.
19-02-2004, 00:15
LOCATION: Northern Ninjao Common Territory
TIME: 1900 3-20 476NRD (Ninjao Regional Date)
Cold, dry air flowed over the rugged mountains northeast of the Citadel. The Citadel itself could be seen at the top of Mt. Euma, the largest mountain on the continent. An earth-shattering crash broke the silence, followed by the whine of an engine. The rock wall in the side of a nearby mountain began to crumble, then sepatate neatly into two halves. The rock slabs moved forwards and moved on tracks in opposite directions to reveal a large, rectangular opening. The interior was well-lit, contained many people and vehicles. This was the NODC Mobilization Command Post 3, a top-secret military facility from which large-scale military operations were launched.
"Let's go, let's go! Fill up these ships! This is no field trip..." An obviously authority figure was yelling at the countless masses of Ninjaon footsoldiers all dressed in the same green armor suits. Dominating the giant, cavernous room were three giant Albatross-class transport repulsorcraft. The circular vehicles could carry a total of 2500 troops each, however uncomfortably. They were being prepared for launch.
LOCATION: Palladiate's office, SkyCity
The Palladiate, also known as the Shogun of P4lladia, or the Daimyo of SkyCity, had been standing at the giant wall-sized command holopanel all day long, and had long since retired to the more comfortable desk. His eyes were glazed over, the area under them dark. He was still staring at a holodisplay, only now a smaller one.
With a few keystrokes, the Palladiate contacted the Ninjaon Aviation commission, and ordered the movement of 5 N1NJ4 weapons satellites to be moved above the region of Ceaser Caslte. The Palladiate cringed every time he typed the name of that region, always having to go back and correct his mistakes, always initially spelling it the way it should be spelled.
As the people of Ninjao began their treks home from work, the Shogun of Joshu and Seppuko sat in a large, dark room. A long table sat in the center of the room, with the Shogun at the head. Some of the chairs were occupied by men dressed either in traditional samurai armor, or in the metallic-green body armor of the NODC.
"So, the reason we're all here, gentlemen, is to prepare for a war." the Shogun began. "As we all know, we're preparing to obliterate the region of Ceaser Cast-cas-ah, forget it. Anyways, we should begin to prepare our troops for probable retaliatory attacks. While the samurai in each nation have already been placed in Tangerine Alert, thanks to Websterianism, I believe that a small amount of NODC protection may also be necessary."
"But, sir, we've already got the LWECS, which should be more than enough to stop an attack with ICBMs." replied one of the NODC commanders.
"Yes, I am aware of the LWECS's efficiency. However, in the event that troops do make their way onto our shores, we may need more than swords to protect certain areas of Ninjao."
One of the samurai stood up, pressing a small button on the side of the table. A holographic map of Ninjao emanated from the small black projection unit on the table, drawing the attention of all in the room.
"Sir, we believe that the Common Territory could be a very feasible area in which the enemy could mount an invasion. I propose that we increase dragon-mounted patrols throughout the CT."
"With NODC air support, of course." the previous NODC commander interjected.
"Yes, with NODC support. As for our shores, we've had heightened patrols ever since that evangelical attempt at the Citadel, so we've got that covered."
"Well, this is all great news. But we mustn't forget that we've given CC an ultimatum for 24 hours. We won't be sending any troops over until the ultimatum is over. Until then, gentlemen." the Shogun stood, waiting until the men all exited the room (except for the guards, of course). He then withdrew a humongous sake jug, and started a perilous journey to the bottom of the container.
we do not accept!
let me tell you this
to answer your charges against us
there are many region crashing regions, we just did it once! maybe you should goto to war with Farktopia, The greater Krackin empire, the WUF, and so many more.
it is also funny that your region only has 18 members while mine has 55!
please go out and find jobs, it will help you guys out in the future.
19-02-2004, 05:58
Apparently, your region has surrendered, Garrad. Anyway, you are in New Orion right now so it doesn't matter. I am glad my region did not have to get involved.
Holy Libertine Empire of Desudoragon
Job Hunters
28-02-2004, 04:15
garrad has no role in any of this, that nation is my brother's nation and whe I clicked on the link it was already signed in as garrad.
we do not surrender we do not even accept you declaration of war
28-02-2004, 05:58
Yes, thank you, you clarified this many times. Why you bothered to look up and resurrect this old thread is beyond me.
It's over, it's done. Stop hassling me about it.