Terrorists strike Attican Empire
OOC: Refer to http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2755971&highlight=#2755971
Terrorists, known as AGGE, have struck the Attican Empire's capital. They have struck two banks (both headquarters), and various Attican Empire's Government buildings, with 25 men.
Attican Empire - post damages. Also, please note in the link about, our government had nothing to do with this, and has found out at the same time you did - when the news broke.
Members of the Terror of the World network are now planning a massive terrorist strike against Tyrina, since their terrorists have attacked Attican Empire, an ally of the old Egypstan.
OOC: Tyrana obviously cannot RP, and godmodded while doing that... sooo his terrorist attack is ignored. In the future, note that you cannot state that kind of stuff... you should already know that your terrorists arent going to get in.
OOC: Tyrana obviously cannot RP, and godmodded while doing that... sooo his terrorist attack is ignored. In the future, note that you cannot state that kind of stuff... you should already know that your terrorists arent going to get in.
OOC: Man, you're stupid... anything that hurts you, you ignore... how stupid is that? You can attack others, but if someone attacks you, "oh, no, that's godmodding, so I ignore you!" Get a life! No wonder no one likes you except ppl like Egypstan!
No, you simply cannot RP. If you had actually read an RP, you would know that you can't say 'We attack this!'
You actually have to DESCRIBE how to do it, IE:
'a small group of terrorists, on a transport ship, head for an Attican Harbor'
"The guards watch as the transport ship enters the harbor."
'Among the large numbers of people debarking, the terrorists attempt to sneak in'
"The guards, checking everyones passport, somehow miss the terrorists."
'The terrorists get on the maglev towards Attica city'
'The terrorists arrive, and begin preparing to attack'
'The terrorists plant bombs in several buildings that were not guarded by patrols. They then detonate them.'
"The bombs sheared thru the walls, killing several hundred people in the streets and buildings."
THAT would be proper RP, not just saying you planted bombs, without ever explaining how.
To add to your godmod, you stated that members of MY government, which are under control, are under you, which is godmod. It is I who decide that, not you.
Nano soft
19-02-2004, 05:10
OOC: Tyrana obviously cannot RP, and godmodded while doing that... sooo his terrorist attack is ignored. In the future, note that you cannot state that kind of stuff... you should already know that your terrorists arent going to get in.
OOC: Man, you're stupid... anything that hurts you, you ignore... how stupid is that? You can attack others, but if someone attacks you, "oh, no, that's godmodding, so I ignore you!" Get a life! No wonder no one likes you except ppl like Egypstan!
OOC:Actully maybe you should try learning something about role playing and read the About Godmoding thread because it would really help you.
IC: Now the only thing that will be hurting around here if you keep it up will be your A**.
Attican Attican Attican Empire I know that name, it sounds familiar but I just cant remember. I believe I or one of my puppets was in a conflict with you or something but I just cant remember!
UN Delegate of Corporate Islands
~Nano Soft Corp.
OOC: NM, reread your post.