Most dangerus weapon conferance 2 (stupid RP)
we at the last conferance it was determind that the Sharp Pointy stick was the MDW but now there is a more MDW the Finger yes that right the finger
it points and you.
if you find a finger near you RUN
but is there a more MDW then this i ask
Austar Union
16-02-2004, 10:23
Oh Crap! (Sorry bout the pic's size!)
AHHH HARIY MAN that can be more dagerus the the finger can it?
Austar Union
16-02-2004, 10:30
He has a habit of running from everything, and I mean, everything... so, I guess he's pretty harmless...
I smell an inspired thread...
Huzen Hagen
16-02-2004, 11:53
How abut a bath tub with wheels attached and a pointy stick attached to the fornt. One person has an oar to push it along water or land and ram the stick into people. A second person has a sling shot for ranged attacks
16-02-2004, 12:07
OMG!!!!!!!!1111111111 my challenger 2's would never be able to counter those!!!!111112345678910(wow i can count look at me go ma)
I smell an inspired thread...
ya it is from my fist post of this that displayed the deadly spoon i can give you a link if you want.
nope i just found something more dangerus and more scary then ANY THING......ITS......the SPORK thats right the spork half spoon half folk...with this no one can stop me MUHAHAHA *CHOCK*
Wrecked cars have been known to take out major citys during wartime.
Swedish Dominions
16-02-2004, 15:46
This is the latest edition to the Biological Warfare Familly.
She suduce all soldiers, then the infantary can kill them.
Her name is Percilla.
naa spork it can stab you and you can eat ice cream with it :)
SD that just wrong how can you do that, you win the prize for:
Thats Wrong but Most Dagerus Weapon (TWBMDW)